Misaki wasn't very fond of the boys in her school and being Student Council President wasn't easy when most of the school's population was predominantly boys. But amongst these amateur boys was one boy that infuriated her beyond belief. Takumi Usui.

"That arrogant stalker! How dare he?" Misaki continued to rant as she brushed her black hair and pulled on her Seika High uniform. She had to hurry up or else she'd be late. "I'm leaving. Bye!" Misaki yelled to her mom and younger sister before shutting the door behind her.

"Hey Prez!" The object of her morning's continuous ranting was standing in front of her house. She frowned at him and glared at him with her golden eyes. He looked back at her with his kind green eyes as he brushed a perfect hand through his perfect honey blonde hair.

"What are you doing here, pervert?" The two were technically a couple, or at least Usui thought they were. Misaki still had a bit trouble wrapping her head around that specific detail.

"I'm waiting for my beautiful girlfriend so we can walk to school together." Usui said, smiling. Misaki's heart melted at his smile but she didn't let it show past her frown as she walked past Usui and headed towards the school. Usui fell into step right beside her and continued chatting.

"So Prez, are you trying out for Juliet's part in the school play?"

"What? No. I don't have time for that. Besides, the student council will be too busy assisting the drama club in organizing the play to actually participate." Misaki said, suddenly remember she had to approve the order for the costumes that was put in yesterday. She had way too much to do that her head hurt.

"Oh really? I guess I'll be kissing another Juliet then..." Usui looked up at the clear blue sky, trying to look as innocent as he could. Misaki stopped walking for a second, the thought of Usui kissing another girl flitting through her mind. A weird, annoying feeling ran through her body but she couldn't exactly place it. In the end she looked at Usui who was waiting to see her reaction and shrugged before turning to cross the road.

Usui arched an eyebrow but said nothing as he continued to follow Misaki. He knew better than to push the Prez to do anything but that didn't mean he would give up. After all, Usui was playing Romeo and the only Juliet for him was Misaki. Whether she liked it or not. Usui smiled to himself as he watched Misaki.

Her black hair, cut into layers, swayed as she walked. Her slender frame was covered by the green Seika High uniform jacket she wore, her pleated skirt barely covering her long silken legs before being engulfed by the long socks she wore. He didn't feel ashamed at all to view Misaki in such a way, after all, he loved her and his intentions for her were completely pure. That didn't mean he wasn't a guy and he didn't have needs.

When they arrived at school, Misaki abandoned Usui and headed towards homeroom early to speak with the rest of the student council. As the day continued on, Misaki started hearing whispers of Usui landing the role of Romeo and how every girl in the school was lining up outside the school auditorium to try and land the role of Juliet. Each time she heard Usui's name, an angry jolt ran through her body but she ignored it.

"So what if the perverted alien is Romeo? So what if he kisses another girl? I don't care." Even as Misaki said it, she knew she was kidding herself. Of course she cared...but...that meant that she was jealous...and that she...NO! She wouldn't think about it.

"Hey Prez, we still need to put in the order form for the costumes but the idiots at the drama club missed Juliet's size!" The Vice President said, reviewing the form.

"Figures, they haven't casted the role yet so they don't know. They should have someone finalized by this afternoon. Auditions are going on now. Give me the paper, I'll go." Misaki could have easily sent any one of her minions but she had this nagging feeling in her stomach and she needed to see Usui. She knew he would be at the auditorium helping the girls as they auditioned for the part of Juliet.

"Okay Prez." Yukimura said as he handed the slip to Misaki. She headed out towards the auditorium and once she got close, she saw a huge line of girls, shamelessly confessing their love for Usui despite her standing right there. She knew it shouldn't bother her but it did irk her that they would do such a thing in front of her. Didn't they know Usui liked her?

"Sssshh! It's the president, rumor has it she's Usui's girl." One of the girl's said.

"Oh yeah? What does he see in her? She's like completely flat chested!" A girl with a big bust said. When Misaki's eyes met the girl's, the girl snorted and looked away from her.

"Usui is so dreamy...he kissed my palm when I was auditioning. I thought I would die." Misaki's ears perked at those words and an everlasting frown settled on her face. What the hell, Usui? You're kissing them now?

"Oh that's nothing, he's doing that to every girl who's auditioning." Another girl said and that fueled Misaki's anger even more. By the time she passed the gate of rumors and entered the back door of the auditorium that led directly to the back of the stage, her anger was visible on her face as her fingers formed a fist and grasped the slip in a ball in her hand.

"Oh hey Misaki!" One of the crew member's from the drama club called out as she entered. "You're right on time. We are about to finish up auditions."

"Where's the club leader?" Misaki said, slightly crossed. The crew member picked up on her slightly annoyed tone and carefully crafted her answer.

"He's out there with Usui. They are debating on which girl to cast as Juliet." Misaki nodded and followed the direction she was pointed in until she found herself at the edge of the stage that opened up to the actual audience. She could see Usui kneeling on one knee as he looked up at yet another girl, kissing her hand.
"Perverted alien! How dare he?"

"Can we have the next girl please?" A voice called just as Misaki stormed the stage. The spotlight fell directly on her, paralyzing her in place. Usui's eyes sparkled as he took in Misaki's form on the stage and walked over to her.
"I knew you'd come, Prez." Without a word, he knelt on his knee and just as he'd done to the other girls, placed a kiss on her hand.
"U-Usui!" Now that Misaki was actually on the stage, she had no idea what to say to him. She hated this. Whenever Usui touched her, she forgot everything.

"Alright Prez! All the best! Start!" A voice called from the audience seated and Misaki stared at them. She didn't know what she was expected to do.

"Hey director, I'm going to switch up the scene a little bit. I'm going to start with the kiss first!" Usui said, smirking the entire time as the words registered in Misaki's mind.

"Wait...kiss?" Usui claimed Misaki's lips in his before she could say anything else. She heard the collective gasps coming from the audience as Usui continued to kiss her. She felt her knees go weak and she almost fell but strong arms slid around her waist, holding her in place. As if instinctively, her arms came up and hooked around his neck as if urging Usui to kiss her deeper. She forgot why she had come here in the first place and the anger she had harbored toward the boy just moments ago. The kiss deepened as Usui pulled her closer to him, pushing his body against hers. Misaki was lost deep in the kiss and was disappointed when Usui finally pulled away, a slight blush on his face, his lips plump and red from their kiss, and smirk settling on his face.

The entire auditorium had gone silent as Misaki returned to Earth and turned to look at the audience. Everyone was gawking at them. There weren't many but the few remaining girls for the audition and the drama club members and even a teacher were all seated there, looking at the teenage couple that had just shared a heated kiss.

"Wow...Misaki! Usui! That was awesome!" The director said excitedly. "The chemistry you two share will be perfect! Misaki, so will you do it? Will you play Juliet?" Hopeful eyes looked at her and she took a few steps back as Usui relinquished his hold on Misaki.
She was quiet for a long time as she contemplated the issue in her mind. Should she? No of course not. She had way too much to do as it was and she was NOT interested in becoming some alien's love interest only to have to end up dying!
"NO!" Misaki said and ran for the door. She didn't know what she was so afraid of but her heart was pounding hard and she had to get out of there.
"Prez! Wait!" The director almost ran after her, but Usui stopped him.

"Stop. I'll go." Usui said as he calmly walked towards the exit Misaki had disappeared past.

"Usui..." The director said, confused as he watched Usui disappear past the exit too.

A few minutes later, Misaki found herself grabbing her shoes and heading out towards the school exit. She could finish the rest of her student council and school work later, for now she needed to get away and clear her head. Something had happened to her when Usui had kissed her and she was scared of this whole new experience. It was as if her newfound jealousy had given way to a new feeling inside her and she had no idea how to deal with it. She had thought it was hard enough to control her heart the few times Usui had kissed her before but this was completely out of control.

She was already well away from the school when she looked behind her to see a familiar pair of green eyes following her. Of course he would follow her. "Usui! What are you doing here?"

"I think the Prez should be in trouble for cutting class. I was getting evidence." Usui smirked as he held up a small camcorder. Misaki looked at it and then at him and shook her head.

"Leave me alone, Usui." Misaki's heart rate had already gone up at the sight of him as she remembered the kiss they just shared. She turned her face away from him as a light blush spread across her cheeks.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Usui said as they continued to walk.

"Yes." Misaki said adamantly. With him around, she couldn't think straight. Stupid Usui. She hadn't even noticed the direction she was headed toward or that the sky had grown precariously darker with each step she took. It was too late for her to realize anything as a giant drop of rain fell from the sky and splattered right onto her nose. She stopped and turned to look at the darkened sky and frowned. Great, just her luck. She hand't even brought an umbrella that day.

"It's about to rain. Come on Prez." Usui said, suddenly tugging on her hand.

"What? Where?" Usui continued tugging on her arm and like an idiot, she just followed him. Soon she found herself standing in front of Usui's apartment complex. The rain had already started coming down and they were almost soaked through as they ran into the complex and rode the elevator up to Usui's apartment.

As Usui opened the door and let her into the apartment, a flash of lightning lit up the sky outside as a pair of yellow eyes darted out from under the couch and towards Misaki. Misaki jumped in fright and clutched Usui's arm but he just knelt down and picked up the cat in his arm, petting it to calm it down as he sat the keys on the little table by the door.

"Come this way. I'll give you a towel to dry off." Misaki had only been in Usui's apartment once before and it looked as barren as it did last time.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked as she eyed Usui.

"Why do you think? It was about to pour and we were literally a block from my place. It's the only logical place to come to." Usui said as he loosened his tie and started to unbutton his shirt.

"U-Usui! What are you doing?" Misaki said as she noticed what Usui was doing.

"What do you mean, what are you doing? I'm taking my clothes off. I'm soaked. I suggest you should do the same too." Usui said, with a hint of mischief.

Misaki frowned at him and turned away, clutching her towel to her chest. "No way!"

"Are you sure? You'll catch a cold." Usui was quietly creeping up towards Misaki's back.

"No. I'm fine." Misaki said, unaware that Usui was right behind her.

"I can help you if you want." He whispered the words in her ears and she jumped a mile high as she turned on the spot. Her foot got caught on the rug as she spun and she reached out to hold onto anything she could before she went tumbling to the floor. A weight landed on top of her and a moment later, her eyes opened to an equally bewildered pair of green eyes. "Usui! Get off of me!" She meant to say it more powerfully but it barely came out as a squeak.

A sly smile spread across Usui's lips as he lay there on top of Misaki. He might as well torture her for a bit while he had the chance, but he would have to do it quick. Even he had limits and he could already feel the beginnings of an arousal starting in his pants.

"Misaki..." He leaned in close to Misaki and whispered her name, slightly brushing his lips against her ear before pulling back. Her eyes were wide as saucers as she looked at him and held her breath. "I..." He continued to taunt her, making her hang on his every word as the moments ticked by and she remained pinned underneath his body.

Both were aware of each other's body connected like this. Misaki was aware of Usui's soft hands that had her small ones pinned down and his rock hard abs pushing against her chest. Usui could feel Misaki's small breasts pushing past her bra and school shirt, barely brushing against his unbuttoned shirt. He wanted to touch them and it ached that he couldn't. Just the thought of them in his hand caused the growing ache in pants to grow just the slightest bit, but unknown to him, Misaki could feel it as it grew and pushed up against her thigh.

Usui continued to tease her with single syllables but the spell was broken as another clap of thunder echoed from the sky outside and the cat screeched loudly rushing towards the couple. He lost his concentration for a second and Misaki took advantage of the moment and pushed Usui off of her and rolled away. She stood up just in time as Usui looked up at her. He didn't seem to mind at all that she had escaped his grasps.

"Lace...how nice." Usui said, smirking at the splendid view he received of Misaki's panties from his angle. Misaki realized what Usui was talking about and immediately blushed and backed away. "What's wrong Misaki?" Usui said in a teasing tone as he propped himself up on one hand, still looking up at the girl.

"You are infuriating, you pervert!" Misaki said as she backed away from him even more.

"I'm simply complimenting your choice of wardrobe, how is that infuriating?" Usui maintained a calm demeanor as he watched the girl he loved stammer for a comeback.

"I-you-ugh I'm leaving." Misaki knew it had been a mistake to allow Usui to lead her from the very beginning but somehow the hold he had on her arm that time had felt so good that she hadn't pulled away.

"There's a storm outside. You'll get stuck in the rain." Usui said, slowly standing up.

"It doesn't matter. I can't stay here with you." Misaki turned to walk towards the door.
"Why is that?" Usui said, a bit more serious now.

"What do you mean why? You're a pervert. Just like the other guys." Misaki said as she struggled to put on one boot. Her mind was not working right now. Being trapped under Usui, feeling his body pressed against her own, the kiss from earlier, the teasing of his voice, all of it was getting to her.

"Are you sure that's why?" Usui noticed that Misaki was more flustered than she usually was. He had seen the look of lust and jealousy in her eyes. He knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her, but this was Misaki. She would die before she admitted it.

"Of course it is." Misaki bent down to pull her boot on. Just then, Usui grabbed her from behind and pinned her, body and all, against the wall. There was no room for her to move and no amount of squirming she did helped. "Usui, what the hell, get off of me!"

"Not until you admit what I know you're thinking. Answer my questions honestly and I will allow you to leave." Usui said as he gently, but firmly held Misaki in place, his breath hot on her wet neck.
"What are you talking about? Let me go? Say what honestly?" Misaki's struggling did not help and finally, she gave up.

"Much better. Now then, isn't it true that you were jealous earlier when I was kissing other girls hands?" He saw the rage and jealousy in her eyes which was why he had kissed her in the first place. He wanted her to know that she was the only girl he would ever kiss like that. He wanted her to know that no other girl mattered. She was quiet now. Misaki repeated the question over and over in her mind. Was she jealous? "Misaki, were you?" He probed her again. He needed an answer. He needed her to express to herself what he saw in her eyes.

"Yes." She breathed the answer, almost inaudible but he had heard. A small smile spread across his lips as he asked his next one.
"Okay then, do you know why?"

To his surprise, Misaki did not hesitate to answer this time. "Yes, I know why. Because no matter how much I hate to admit it, you are special to me. You're MY alien pervert and I don't like it when MY alien pervert holds another girl's hands and kisses her. I don't care even if it's all just in a play. You're MY alien pervert."

Usui loved it each time she used his given nickname and he loved each time she said MY. Knowing that she felt like that about him was enough. He stepped back slowly and gave Misaki room to turn around. However, she continued to face the wall, embarrassed at her sudden, weird confession. Of course she was jealous of the other girls. Usui had always been hers, right from the beginning!

"Misaki..." There was a tender, lovingness in the way Usui called her name and slowly, Misaki turned around. Her face was a crimson red and she didn't meet his eyes but she at least turned around. "I have one last question."

Misaki's mouth fell open. She couldn't believe that even after such a confession, Usui had the nerve to ask her another question.

"I love you. Do you love me?" She stared at him as he stood there in the dim light of his apartment, hands in his pocket, his chest half bare, his clothes still damp from the rain. He had basically gotten a confession out of her just moments ago but no, that wasn't enough for him. He had to actually ask the big question.

Well, two could play at that game. Misaki suddenly smirked at him, which surprised Usui. "I'll answer that question if you answer mine. Tell me Usui, how's the aching in your pants right now?" Usui was prepared for any kind of question from Misaki, but a sexual question was completely uncalled for.

Misaki loved the shocked impression on his face. She had triumphed indeed. Even Usui had his limits. "It's okay. Don't answer. That just means I won't have to either." Misaki started walking towards the couch to pick up her bag when suddenly Usui grabbed her hand and pinned her against the wall again. This time, Usui did not hold back. He pressed his entire body up against Misaki, the bulge in his pants evidently pushing against her abdomen.

"You tell me Misaki." His breath was heavy, his voice hoarse as he spoke. Misaki couldn't believe what he was doing.

"Usui..." She whispered his name, afraid all of a sudden of this animalistic behavior.

"Don't. You just unleashed a monster. It's your fault for asking." Usui said and then, he leaned in to devour his prey.