Hello my fellow readers, writers, and people who have been waiting for this story to get done so I can get onto the events of the second season. Well wait no longer after this chapter because that's exactly what I'm going to do so this chapter is the finale of the first season events. For those of you who have been waiting for one of the most important things in this season it's happening finally I'm going to have Harry propose to Alexis.

In this author's note I'm not going to be going into much more detail then that but it will happen eventually in this chapter. At the end of the chapter there will be a different P.O.V but only because that is what will start the jump start of second season events. I think I've said everything that I need to so without further ado let's begin the chapter.




Harry's P.O.V

I woke up with Alexis in my arms which was the position that we got into after another passionate night of lovemaking. I was still surprised that we were still together after all the stupid stuff I did that put my life in danger but I was also glad since after getting over me doing the stupid things the bond I had created with Alexis had grown in strength.

I took a look at her face and saw that she was awake and I said "Well good morning beautiful" and she responded "as well to you." I said "just out of curiosity do you have your bags packed for departure tomorrow." She said "yes why" and I said "Because I have a reservation for two at the best 5 star restaurant for the both of us."

She said "it's not like I don't enjoy the fancy dining and jewelry but you know I've said before that you don't have to spend so much on me." I said "I know I don't but I want to oh and that reminds me I was planning this for Christmas of this year at duel academy. However after thinking a lot last night you, me and Zane since we all possess an Egyptian god card our lives are in danger more than not.

I've pushed my plans up by quite a bit" and I reached into the safe in the wall that holds my collection of cards and grabbed something out of it. I walked over to Alexis's side of the bed and kneeled down and said "will you marry me" and I opened the box I had grabbed and revealed the content to Alexis. A 20-caret diamond ring with 20 smaller diamonds surrounding the base.

Without hesitation Alexis said "yes I will" and I grabbed the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger and during the most passionate kiss we've ever had I got a call on the video function of the monitor on the wall. It was my Father and he said "when you two are done with the kiss you have a visitor here" and I said "okay we'll be down in a few minutes."

After getting dressed and brushing our teeth and all the other necessary things we did in the morning we headed down to the living room where I had a feeling that Father had taken him to wait for us. After opening the door Alexis said "Hey dad what are you doing here" and as she said this she ran over to him and gave him a hug."

He said "well I wanted to meet the young man that stole my little girl's heart" and she turned to me and said "harry this is my father…" and I said "Jayden Rhodes best in the pro leagues also known as major Caius (I know in the anime that Yugi is the best in the pro leagues and Kaiba is second but for the sake of this story Alexis's father is and Yugi and Kaiba only show their skills in the battle city tournaments) it's an honor to meet you."

He said "same to you" and I saw that his eyes to the ring on Alexis's finger and he looked at me and said "I see that you plan to wed my daughter." I said "yeah I asked for her hand in marriage this morning and in retrospect I guess I should have asked you beforehand." He said "well how about this we'll duel and if you win I'll give you my blessing but if you lose then well the wedding is canceled before it could even begin planning."

I looked over to Alexis to see if she agreed to me accepting this challenge and she nodded and I said "very well I accept your terms." I grabbed two duel disks out of a safe on the wall that we had in the living room and we placed them on and activated them and drew our opening hands." He said "since I'm the challenger I shall go first" and he drew his 6th card.

"first I'll set two cards facedown and summon landrobe the land vassal in defense mode and end my turn" and I drew and said "I'll summon one monster in facedown defense mode and place three cards facedown the field and I'll pass it back over to you." He said "Thank you" and he drew and said "I'll sacrifice my landrobe in order to summon granmarg the rock monarch in attack mode.

That activates his special effect which lets me target one facedown card on your side of the field and I can destroy it and I choose the face down in the middle of your back row. Now granmarg attack his facedown monster" and I said "since you attacked aroma jar when it was face down on the field it now has the effect that it can't be destroyed in battle and I gain 500 life points every end phase from here on out."

He said "very well I'll place one card facedown and activate the magic card tenacity of the monarchs which at the cost of revealing one monster with 2400 attack and 1000 defense points I can now add any monarch spell or trap card from my deck to my hand and then I'll end my turn." I drew and said "I activate the magic card dark magic curtain.

At the cost of half my life points I can now special summon a dark magician from my deck in defense mode" and my life points dropped to 2250. "Now I activate the magic card earthquake which switches the positions of all monsters on the field so both my monsters are in attack mode and your monarch is in defense mode. Now dark magician attack granmarg the rock monarch with dark magic attack."

Granmarg was destroyed and I said "now aroma jar attack his life points directly" and his life points dropped to 3500 "now I'll end my turn" and my life points rose to 2750. He drew and said "since you have two spell or trap cards in your back row I can special summon my escher the frost vassal to my field in attack mode.

Now I sacrifice her in order to summon raiza the storm monarch which activates the effect which lets me send one monster on your field back to the top of your deck and I choose dark magician. Now raiza attack aroma jar and while it's not destroyed you still lose life points" and my life points dropped to 850. "I'll end my turn" and my life points rose to 1350.

I drew and said "I'll switch my aroma jar to defense mode and end my turn" and my life points rose further to 1850. He drew and said "you think I didn't see you doing that I activate the magic card the monarchs stormforth which for this turn only if I were to tribute summon a monster I can tribute one of your monsters.

I sacrifice your aroma jar in order to summon zaborg the thunder monarch in attack mode now attack his life points my monsters and finish this duel" and I said "sorry to burst your bubble I activate my trap cards dimensional prison for when zaborg attacks and raigeki break for when raiza attacks." He said "I am surprised I'll end my turn for now."

I drew and said "I'll summon skilled white magician and now I activate pot of greed which lets me draw two cards. Now I activate card of sanctity which lets both of us draw until we hold 6 cards in our hands and then I activate the magic card polymerization which lets me fuse together the dark magician in my hand along with the buster blader in my hand to form dark paladin.

Now I activate the effect of my skilled white magician which lets me send it to the graveyard since it has three spell counters on it." He said "what good would that do you" and I said "Because when he is sent to the graveyard with three spell counters on him I can special summon a buster blader from my hand, deck, or graveyard.

Now dark paladin attack his life points directly" and he said "you triggered my trap card negate attack which stops your attack and ends your battle phase." I said "I'll just set one card facedown and end my turn" and he drew and said "I activate the magic card enemy controller which lets me select one monster on your side of the field and change its battle mode and I choose dark paladin.

Now I activate a card that you and your father are very familiar with pot of greed which as you should know lets me draw two cards. Now I activate the magic card graceful charity which lets me draw three cards so long as I discard two cards. Next I place one card facedown and activate the magic card monster reborn to bring back battle fader in defense mode and I end my turn."

I drew and said "I'll place one card facedown and then I activate the magic card solidarity which as long as I have only one type of monster in the graveyard such as spellcaster monsters then all monsters of that type on my field gain 800 attack points. Now I'll switch dark paladin to attack mode and now buster blader attack his battle fader.

Now dark paladin finish this duel" and when the smoke cleared his life points remained untouched after dark paladin's attack. I said "how do you still have life points" and he said "because of the secondary effect of battle fader you see if he's sent to the graveyard the turn that it happens I don't lose any life points."

I said "I'll just set one card facedown then and end my turn" and he drew and said "I'll summon one monster in facedown defense mode and end my turn." I drew and said "buster blader attack that facedown monster" and his monster was revealed to be level eater and I said "any last requests" and he said "just take care of my little girl" and I nodded and said "Dark paladin attack his life points directly and finish this duel."

Dark paladin took a massive swipe with his sword and his life points dropped to zero and before dark paladin disappeared along with the rest of the holograms he gave me a curt nod.

Chazz's P.O.V

I was walking around the academy island since I didn't have anywhere to go after my brothers disowned me since I couldn't beat that damn Kaiba. After the memory of that was played yet again I just kicked the ground out of frustration while yelling "WHY CAN'T I BEAT HARRY POTTER" and then someone behind me said "because as of right now you don't have the power to."

I turned around and said "who's there" and the person stepped out of the cover of the trees and I saw that they were hiding behind and said "why merely someone who wants to help you." He said "how can you help me with the way you're dressed" and he said "because much like you I was once a troubled kid who had a rival that I couldn't defeat."

I then said "so what can you do that would help me" and he said "I have recently acquired this little trinket from a vacation to Egypt. The person who sold it to me said that if I were to be in any type of duel while holding this trinket that I would win no matter what." He said "how much do you want for it" and his response surprised me more than the time when I first lost to a slifer slacker at the promotion exams.

He said "all that I want from you when I give you this trinket is the total destruction of Harry potter" and without any thought I said "it will be done" and he said "excellent. Now all you have to do is pass the test that this trinket will give you" and I replied "what is this test." He said "all you need to do is hold it and if it lights up then you are the one that is truly destined to have it."

After a moment of hesitance I then grabbed it and it glowed as bright as the sun and this mystery man said "that means the trinket known as the millennium rod has accepted you as its master." I then said "not that I don't appreciate this but could you tell me what your name is" and he said "in a different world from the one you know it's one of the most feared names lord Voldemort."