Hey! This is my first Fan Fic and I hope you all like it! I will update the next chapter once I have finished the one after that and so on.

This is the prologue, so it's super short and only foreshadows future events!

(December 23rd 2015: I noticed quite a few grammar mistakes in the story so i'm going to work on cleaning those up!)

"It's time for you to go."

The tall, large man with long hair glared at the person who had just spoken.

"What! I'm the key to your success, how could you fire me from this project Roger? I've dedicated the past 10 years of my life to this!" he shouted in outrage.

The man now known as Roger, shifted in his office chair and sighed. He knew that his co-worker wouldn't take the news well. He brought his elbows up on the desk and rested his head on his knuckles.

"Your research is very impressive, however the experiments you are conducting are not." Roger said with a frown. The large man snorted and crossed his arms, temper flaring.

"You know very well that my experiments will get us to our objective faster than taking your safe methods."

Another man who was leaning against the wall pushed himself off and rubbed his tattooed face tiredly.

"No, our research would turn illegal if we used human experimentation so recklessly. Even if they volunteered to do such a thing, the pain they would go through is much too cruel." he said as if he's said it a million times before. The large man ground his teeth together in frustration and in anger.

"Idiots! You won't get anywhere without me! This is the biggest mistake of your lives!" Roger slowly stood up and narrowed his eyes.

"What kind of accomplishment would it be if we created something to help people by harming them in the process? I'm sorry but we cannot allow this to go on any further. We can't let you continue to take things into your own hands without discussing with us." He then gestured the man to the door.

He was in a blind rage; he had wasted ten miserable years in this damn company contributing his ideas to make their experiments succeed. Now, they were kicking him out and taking all his results with them. He was about to threaten them then paused as he looked at a framed picture on Rogers desk. There were three boys in the picture. One had black raven hair and freckles. He was scowling at the person who was taking the picture, obviously not wanting to have his photo taken.

The next was a blond boy with a missing tooth and was smiling brightly into the camera with his arms slung around the other boys' shoulders. The third boy appeared to be considerably younger than the others. He had black hair similar to the first boy, and had a large grin that took up most of his face. He also had a scar under his left eye.

His eyes were shadowed as his frown turned into a sick grin.

"You'll regret ever making me leave, my research is the only thing that will make this project succeed and you will realize it in time." He suddenly spun around and stalked out of the office, slamming the door behind him.

Im going to make their life a living hell.

What to expect next chapter; Ace is angry and Thatch is fed up.

Since I finished the next two chapters, the next one will be up fairly soon!