HELLO EVERONE!! THEO IS BACK! For now at least…

When one takes a long, long, VERY LONG break from something like this, that person tends to forget there are others out there waiting patiently (Or impatiently) for the story to continue. I have been receiving many requests to update my stories, wondering why I have been gone for so long. I can offer no excuse for this delay. I guess I wasn't really motivated until recently. But if you have noticed, there are many other Fictions on this site that have not been updated recently, some that haven't been updated even LONGER than mine. I can only ask that you be patient. We writers have other things going on in our lives too, though I can't really say that for myself.

Disclaimer: I do not own Magic or its original characters. I only own Themis, other made up characters as well as the idea of this story. There, I said it; can we get on to the story yet? I'm sure many of you are dying to know what happens.

WARNING: This chapter has the normal stuff that you need to be warned about. Violence, Bad Language and other Adult situations are present. You should know the drill by now. If not, then why haven't you been paying attention? J/k.


Chapter 50 – To Each His Own

As Themis rested in the cot that was supplied to him, a Daru cleric stood at the head of the bed and kept his hands against Themis' temples. Once the migraine had become almost unbearable, Themis asked the Daru for their medical aid, and because he was to be treated as a guest to the Order, the Daru did not refuse. The cleric's hands tingled Themis' skin as the magic that flowed through the Darus fingers were channeled into Themis' head. The tingle of the magic fought with the pounding of the persistent migraine, but still, Themis felt miserable. Though Themis tried to get the sleep that he did not get last night, the presence of the cleric made it too uncomfortable for him. All he could do was lie down, keep his eyes closed and let the Daru do his work and hopefully drift to sleep and wake up to a migraine free head.


Izan had trouble sleeping as the tree he resides proved to be uncomfortable indeed. He has shifted and turned while at the same time, trying not to fall off. Though he excelled at illusion magic, it did little to alter the texture of the rough and unpleasant bark upon which he reclined. Though he could not sleep well in the tree, he will not sleep on the ground of the swamp. While in a tree, there was a less chance of him sinking into the soft dirt of the marshes as he slept. Constant thoughts of Themis' humiliation and death plagued Izan's mind, but he did not take comfort in them. His newest plan required him to wait, and though he loathed admitting it, he didn't have much of a choice.


Narkgul along with his mouse Nesbit aimlessly toured the Daru camp. The make shift huts around him were nothing more than large fabrics pulled over tent poles. Simple, but effective for their purpose. Though it may ponder any who may be curious, Narkgul had no mind to wonder about such things. He was worried about his human friend Themis, but being a Goblin, he had neither the skills nor the know-how to assist the clerics. Narkgul thought it best to look around the camp and perhaps find anything that may be of interest to him. Namely food.


Zyerne waited outside the hut in which Themis rested. Her mind was constantly pondering about all the events that have taken place in the short amount of time since she and Themis had met. Though she longed to be at his side even now, she did not want to disturb the cleric that was currently visiting him. But she was curious. With her gemstone, she had access to the healing magic of White Mana and she knew he was well aware of this. Why not have asked her for treatment? She may not be a cleric, but she has tended to his wounds before. Why was now different? She sighed heavily as she watched the Daru pass in front of her as she sat near the huts door flap, waiting.


Braids was in a somber mood today as she stood on the balcony outside the master chamber of her mansion. Allowing the fumes of the swamps mix with the toxins of her breath, she too waited. One who is familiar with her might think it strange to see this energetic, insane woman standing still, yet that is what she did. The Off-Lander will be coming soon, and she needed to plan. Something this serious had to be taken serious, the event that she is planning had to be one of great importance and she will rue the day should it go awry. She decided that she will meet again with her construct oracle and have it see the days ahead. Of course she will get the answer to who will win in the Pits, but the match between the Off-Lander and whatever she choose to send against him was on the foremost of her twisted, black mind.


Zyerne had nearly fallen asleep with her face pressed against her knees as she hugged her legs to her chest. Rest was something they all needed, and she had intended to get as much as possible until Themis' ailments were cured. She would have continued her slumber had her ears not twitched at the sound of several pairs of feet approaching. When she looked up, she discovered three Daru humans heading towards the hut. Zyerne knew instantly that they were not clerics or medics. Their armor and the weapons they bore suggested they were warriors. Their purpose of approaching Themis' hut was currently unclear, but their expressions did not bore well for Zyerne.

"Excuse me."

Zyerne told them when she quickly blocked them for entering the hut.

"Can I help you?"

"Stand aside ma'am."

Said the Daru in front, a human male in his late forties and has a grey beard. Though his face had the wrinkles of an old man, he bore the armor of a soldier, which made his figure intimidating. The two behind him wore lighter armor, and perhaps were squires or apprentices. Both were younger than their leader, and appeared eager for what ever duties their leader had for them.

"Our business is with the human summoner."

"What business?"

Zyerne asked defiantly as she crossed her arms, clearly expressing her distrust in the man.

"If it involves my Lord Themis, then it involves me as well."

"It does not M'Lady. Now stand aside."

As he stepped up to push her aside, Zyerne instead stood her ground, her nose nearly touching his, the anger clearly swelling in her yellow eyes.

"Lord Themis is currently unable to receive visitors at this time. You may give me your message and I will pass it on to him."

The human Daru was slightly taken aback by Zyerne's resistance. His face clearly exposed his desire to attack the woman, but the order for their safety has been given by the Warchief, and he would not disobey. But that order only referred to their physical treatment, there was no order against verbal assaults

"You've got a sharp tongue there, Lass. I don't like to repeat myself, but I will for your sake. I am here for the Summoner, not you. Now make way, feline whore."

Still, Zyerne did not budge. Even the insult did not seem to move her. She had a feeling that whatever these three had to say to Themis, would only upset him, and she did not relish the thought of her Lord being disturbed in his current condition. Out of the corner of her eye, Zyerne saw Tasan approach towards them, carrying a mixture bowl in one hand. From what she could see, several herbs were being carried in the bowl as Tasan came to the feuding ones, Zyerne was internally relieved.

"Commander Xaer. Is there a problem?"

Tasan asked the older soldier. Commander Xaer glanced at Tasan with a hardened look, only to return his hardened gaze back to Zyerne.

"This woman denies me to see the Summoner."

He growled, spittle started dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"And with good reason."

The head cleric agreed calmly, nodding his head. At once, Commander Xaer turned to Tasan with utter confusion written clearly across his seasoned face.

"The Summoner, Themis, is currently ill and it is against my orders that he should receive visitors now."

Immediately Xaer became enraged, his voice nearly bellowing to the tone of the Cloudscrappers roars.

"We have to gain his loyalty!"

Xaer explained.

"With his powers, we can finally end this resistance against Cabal! After what we've seen, only a Planeswalker would have a chance in defeating him, and I doubt that there are any in Cabal!"

Tasan shook his head sadly, like a disappointed father. Though Tasan and Xaer were roughly around the same age, their maturity was decades apart. Between the two, Zyerne agreed with Tasan more than she did Xaer.

"Summoning the giant last night put a lot of strain on Themis. He must be treated properly unless you want him to succumb to Plague Fever."

There was a silent pause from Xaer as his eyes reflected disbelieve then surprise.

"If he does contract Plague Fever, then you know as well as I that he wouldn't last long."

Xaer grumbled under his breath. Daring no risk of spreading the illness, Xaer and his companions turned away and walked off, saying nothing more to Tasan or to Zyerne. After a moment, Zyerne turned to Tasan with concern to the words she heard Tasan say to Xaer. Though she knew nothing of illnesses, this 'Plague Fever' sounded dangerous.

"Themis is dying?!"

She asked Tasan, her voice rising to that of a hysterical, frightened woman's. Tasan blinked when he looked back at her and saw the fear in her eyes. Tasan smiled for a moment, then began to chuckle.

"No, no. Themis is not dying. He just has a severe headache. Nothing to worry about, and something I am quite trained in dealing with."

Zyerne was utterly confused as well as anyone else would be. She pointed in the direction Xaer took when he left.

"But you said…"

"I lied."

He told her. Now she was more confused than ever. Tasan, the man who had the same face as Themis' father, gave her a gentle smile.

"I told Xaer that Themis would get Plague Fever to conciliate him. Xaer is often a stubborn man, and when he wants something, he'll try to bully his way to get it. I told him that lie to get him to stop harassing you and to avoid Themis."

"But I thought clerics weren't supposed to do such things."

Zyerne admitted, to which Tasan gave her modest shrug.

"I have taken an oath to do no harm. But just because I can't fight, it doesn't mean that I don't know how to deal with a hostile situation."

Without another word, Tasan took his supplies and entered Themis' hut, leaving Zyerne to remain outside. She had to consider her earlier hostilities towards him in a different light now. Despite that she had her doubts; she was beginning to approve of this cleric.


Themis continued to lay prone in the cot. He had draped an arm over his eyes to keep as much light away as possible. The problem with migraines is that one becomes vulnerable to the senses of light, sound and smell. Themis is no exception. Though the cleric at his bedside did what he could, it didn't seem to be helping at all. The light hurt his eyes, and the argument he recently heard from outside only empowered the constant throbbing behind Themis' eyes. When Themis heard someone enter, he knew it had to be Tasan, but he wasn't sure if he could handle seeing his Fathers face now.

"Any better?"

Tasan asked. Themis only grunted. The need to speak was not yet required.

"I see. Reon, I can take over for now."

"Yes sir."

Said the second cleric. He removed his hands from Themis' temples and departed. When Reon had removed his hands, Themis felt the magic from the cleric's fingers dissipate and the full power of the migraine resurfaced. Themis' immediately winced at the throbbing, and quickly curled up in a vain attempt to endure the pain. Without preamble, Tasan immediately began mixing his ingredience into the mixing bowl.

"I've seen this condition many times among our battle fatigued soldiers. It's not uncommon and I am well known in how to treat it."

He told Themis, who only groaned back.

"I don't fucking care! Just leave me alone!"

Themis snapped, the sensitivity of his senses making him irritable. He immediately regretted speaking as his stomach began to feel queasy.

"Themis; I know what I'm doing. Here."

He dipped his hand into the bowl, grabbed a pinch of the powder he was mixing, and brought it close to Themis' face.

"Sniff lightly. It's strong."

Themis kept his arm draped over his eyes, but he obeyed. He inhaled through his nose gently, and immediately, he smelled an overpowering bitter aroma that made him react. Rather quickly, Themis jerked to his feet.

"What the hell was that?!"

He screamed, only to feel the dizzy rush of getting up too fast. Combined with his migraine, Themis couldn't stop himself, he bent over and vomited. At this display, Tasan smiled. In his experience, those with migraines often felt better after throwing up. The symptoms of the migraine become more tolerable for those afflicted.

Once Themis had finished expelling the contents of his stomach, he tried to stand erect, but the pounding in his head prevented a full stand. However, though he also felt queasy, the migraine was now easier to handle. When Tasan took hold under Themis' arm, he limped his way back to the cot and sat down.

"Gingerweed mixed with Baloo Root, Sandalwood, and Palu Spring Flowers."

Tasan answered Themis.

"I will mix it with water and ask you to drink it."

Themis groaned.

"It tastes much better than it smells. Trust me."

Again, Themis groaned.

"Couldn't you have let that grumpy guy to see me instead?"

"Xaer? You heard us?"

"How couldn't I? After he called Zyerne a whore, I nearly jumped from this bed to beat the shit out of him."

Tasan chuckled and the sound angered Themis.

"Your aliments are too potent to let you stand straight let alone go against the Commander. After you drink this,"

He handed Themis an animal skin of water that he had prepared with his medicines

"And get some rest; you should be able to resume your quest tomorrow."

Themis said nothing, but took the offered skin. With mild hesitation, Themis drank and to his surprise, Tasan was correct. Though he could taste the bitterness of the powder, the water had deluded it, making it less sour than he thought it would be. Themis swallowed more for good measure and reclined back into the cot, his body aching for rest. Once Themis reclined, Tasan took back the water skin, and applied a cold damp cloth over Themis' eyes. It was somewhat disturbing for Themis at this moment. He always knew his father to be a drunken abusive bastard, yet here, Tasan, the man who had the same face as Themis' Father, tended to Themis like a concerned and caring Father. Themis shed a tear which was quickly absorbed into the cloth over his eyes.

'It's strange. For a moment, I wished Tasan was my Father.'

I agree. At home, Dad would NEVER show this much compassion. It is weird to see someone who looks like him act this way.

'We've been gone for over a month now. Do you think he's worried about us?'

Who can say? You and I both know Dad is not one to change easily. It took us several years to convince him to even CONCIDER to stop drinking. You remember what happened then…

'Yeah…SHE came into our lives…'

And the rest just fell into chaos. Try not to think about it. Go to sleep.

'Sure… Doctor's orders…'

And shortly later, Themis drifted to sleep, the pounding of his head no longer bothering him.


An archer on one of the northern watch towers stood vigilant. Though he was sure there would be no attack from the swamps so soon after the Cloudscrapper had been unleashed upon their minions, he was not about to shrink his duties. The landscape ahead of him had been torn apart like a child opening a wrapped present. The watchman stared at the devastation; the black soil slick with underground water turned it to mud, much like that of the swamps. But, unlike the swamps, the land was dug up; rocks and remains of plant life had been effortlessly tossed aside. Nothing could be down there.

At least that's what the archer watchman had believed. However, that belief was crushed when his keen eyes spotted movement near the boarder of the grasslands and the new wasteland. Squinting, he tried to focus his vision to see the figure clearly. He noticed right away that it was not an undead zombie. This figure was small, almost goblin size, and its body was not rotted. Instead, the archer could swear the creatures body shone in the sun light like polished metal.


The archer called. Moments later, a Daru soldier, a Captain by rank, scaled the ladders to the towers platform and stood beside the archer.


The archer pointed towards the figure in the distance as it carefully navigated its way across the barren battlefield.

"What do you make of that?"

The archer asked. The Captain saw the creature, and he too was baffled to what it was. He had never seen anything like it before. He knew it was a construct, but that alone was the extent of his knowledge.

"Such a strange thing. I don't know what to make of it."

The archer readied his bow and arrow, and aimed towards the construct.

"Shall I stop it? It's heading for Cabal."

"It could be a Cabal spy."

The Captain decided. He gave his order to the archer watchman.

"It cannot be allowed to inform its masters that we have a Summoner among us. Otherwise they will siege us. Kill it."

The moment the words were spoken, the archer released his arrow.


The Myr Coretapper made its way through the deep chasms that the Cloudscrapper had made earlier. Though it was still under orders to observe Themis, it was unable to enter the Daru camp undetected. Even with its small size, the humans and near humans of the encampment could still detect the Myr in such open ground. Myr were constructs meant for spying and gathering information covertly, which meant they were stalking creatures, and the plains were too open. The Coretapper decided that it should best wait in the swamps under the cover of its twisted trees and slimy vines. It did not believe it could be seen as it carefully stalked its way across the barren field.

When it turned its head to see how far it had gone from the camp, it should consider itself lucky that it saw the archer staring at it moments before the human had let his arrow fly. Had the Coretapper not known of this, the attack may have succeeded. The Coretapper quickly bolted into a run towards the swamp before the arrow struck the ground where it stood a mere second before. More arrows soon followed after the first, but the Myr did not stop to see them. It recognized it was under attack and its survival dictated over it logic. It had jumped to one side, then it rebound to the other, keeping its movements sporadic so that it would be harder to hit. It did not stop to see how many more arrows followed afterwards, but it did not care so long as none had successfully hit it. It jumped over a mound of sod that was left in the new trench, and compacted its size to further conceal its body behind the barrier. Once it was certain that the archer had paused long enough to reload his weapon, the Coretapper took off running, directly toward the swamp. With a few graceless bounds, it had crossed the boarder into the darkness that the twisted trees provided, and finally well out of range for the archers to target it, leaving behind the Daru outpost, its occupants and a path of arrows embedded in the blackened mud.



And so it seems everyone is congregating to one location, the swamps and the Cabal that lies beyond. Hopefully our heroes will make it in time for the party… This zombie writer hopes so.

Again, I apologize for the very long awaited update. 50 chapters… didn't think this story would go on this long did you?

Until Next Time
