I seriously have no explanation, just that Karma is little shit and Nagisa should have reported him.

Alarm clock rang loudly, waking up young man from his slumber. Pale slim hand reached out from under the covers to hit snooze button, he could afford sleeping in today as only classes he had were in afternoon. After the offending object was finally turned off, at least temporary, he rolled on his back with sole wish of going back to sleep.

Sadly the moment he felt weight pressing down on his chest, he knew that he won't get any more sleep. Strangest thing about this situation was that normally it would be pets to wake up their owners in similar fashion, however in this case when boy tiredly opened his eyes image that greeted him wasn't of his pet, simply because he didn't own one, what he saw was a boy resting on top of him. He was grinning and staring down at other, his golden eyes shone bright with amusement.

Now before anything this was absolutely not the way it looked. Everything had completely reasonable explanation, or so he believed.

It all started when one, Nagisa Shiota, decided to help younger boy who looked utterly lost in big city, not to say his clothes were absolutely ridiculous, cosplay of some game character he guessed. For one Boy was indeed lost, but he also said that he was running away, perhaps that should have been code red alarm to get away for Nagisa but he was to freaking kind for his own good. He directed boy to train station but suggested him to talk it out with his family. Surely Nagisa himself didn't have greatest family relationship but even he worked it out, more or less.

The boy smiled disturbingly sweetly and asked to walk him there, as he was, apparently, terrible with directions and would just get lost again. Nagisa at time wasn't really at rush so he agreed to help out, in hindsight it should have been SECOND warning for Nagisa to run, RUN and never look back. But joke was on him because he went with boy whose name he didn't even know yet.

There was no third warning, boy simply dragged him in empty alley and started to mumble things under his breath in different langue or just too fast for Nagisa to understand.

"… For I'm Akabane Karma." Is how he finished before kissing Nagisa.

It was just too sudden for Nagisa to react properly as kiss was just simple press of lips and as fast as it started just as fast it had ended.

Boy just grinned showing of his sharp teeth. "From now on you belong to me Nagisa Shiota." He proclaimed proudly as if he completed some great job.

Nagisa's mood was ruined his face from surprise fell flat, before he smiled kindly startling Karma slightly. Kick in groin was truly unexpected for younger just as remark that followed. "Pervert." That was when Nagisa fled the scene.

Normally similar stories would have ended just like that. Nagisa left boy in alley to never meet him again, really he had no energy to deal with disgusting people like that.

He continued with his day just like that, by time Nagisa went home he had actually even forgotten unpleasant occurrence.

But the OCCURANCE itself seemed to have not forgotten Nagisa.

When he came back home Nagisa fumbled with his keys little before unlocking door to his cheap apartment moving straight to kitchen to put down his groceries. Well that what he should have done but the moment he entered living room he froze dropping plastic bag with groceries right there on the floor. Brief though passed his mind that thankfully there were no eggs in his shopping list.

But that was not even main problem here now!

Young adult actually slapped his cheeks, hard.

It stung, a lot.

And yet he could not believe his eyes, in middle of room on couch sat same boy from the morning. Same pervert that kissed him in alley, sure he wore normal clothes now, but red hair and mischievous look on his face were dead giveaway.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" Nagisa could not help but shout at the trespasser.

"You left window open of course, didn't I-" He just smiled tilting his head little in what suppose to be cute manner, but other had none of it.

"It's a freaking 4th floor! And are these my clothes?" With few wide steps Nagisa closed in on teen towering on him. Truthfully the only reason he could lean over other like that because teen was sitting.

"Well if you would have listened to me back in morning I would have explained that-"

"I don't want to listen as I don't care get out before I called police!" He cut short Karmas rambling again. Really how dare he barge in his home like this after what he did! Just who did he think he was!

Karma's smile fell. He breathed out tiredly and stood up gaining height over older boy, grabbing him by his collar to get their faces only inches apart. All cheerful air from him was changed with dark threatening aura.

"Now listen brat, I'm a demon you know, you should be honored that I chose you to connect me with middle realm." He grinned again showing two rows of razor sharp pointy teeth. His voice was low and aggressive.

"Honored? How about you get the fuck out and honor someone else with your presence." Nagisa hid his fear well under nonchalant look, letting himself out from others grip. Honestly only reason he got out because Karma himself released other, he looked almost excited really.

But Nagisa gave up he just gave up. After week that is. Because it was when he finally got his mind around that Karma really did not lie to him about being demon. If floating around all the time didn't prove him already the very next day.

And now month later this is how they lived. Karma now, though, owned his own clothes because Nagisa's were too small for him.

So really it wasn't what one would think about this situation. Nagisa actually even started to think of demon as overgrown human'ish pet. And so he treated other like one.

He reached out for small spray bottle on his nightstand. "Karma-kun, get off." He warned with sleepy voice.

But demon just put his head on Nagisa's chest and closed his eyes to pretend that he is sleeping. Even if he already explained that demons do not need sleep at all. Karma was really like annoying pet that did whatever he wanted so Nagisa punished his misbehaving pet.

H e sprayed demon with water from small bottle. Now, the water in bottle was no ordinary, it was holy water from local shrine, he even had small Rosario around the bottle so Karma wouldn't snatch it away like he did with first 2 spray bottles.

Demon jumped off from the boy's chest, he had that scandalized look on his face like he was betrayed, but he did that every morning. "I thought you wanted to sleep some more, Nagisa-kun." He sounded truthfully confused, but Nagisa knew better by now, red head was teasing him.

"Heavy." Was only response he gave to other before turning on his side and trying to sleep again.

"Nagisa-kun, if this is how you go when you won't get to sleep anymore!" Demon said in sugary voice before grabbing one of Nagisa's legs from undercover and dragging him out.

With small thud Nagisa hit the floor, it did hurt little bit, but he had worse. Simply sprawling of on carpet Nagisa stayed there for few minutes. Hoping that sleep would take him away even if it wasn't really good place to sleep, but of course how could one ever sleep with demon hovering only inches above him. So Nagisa simply got up.

He didn't get to sleep, much like every other day, because the little bastard that made it his task to ruin Nagisa's life wouldn't let him.

Aside from disrupting his slumber Karma also happened to have no regards to personal space. Like, at all. He was just like a cat when it came to affection. When he decided he wanted physical contact he will get it no matter what. Heck even in public.

He had no care in world mostly because others didn't see him, except Nagisa so it would seem. Karma half heartedly explained it was because of contract, but when questioned further he ran away.

It was just month of them living together but somehow Nagisa had already grown accustomed to annoying presence of supernatural creature. Even now as he was making himself tea and couple sandwiches for breakfast other had his hands around Nagisa's neck and even had nerve to keep his head on top of shorter boys'.

At least he was floating and didn't weight down other.

"So, Nagisa-kun what are we doing today?" Karma moved away from other, when Nagisa sprayed holy water again, though other would feign that he simply got bored of it because older boy didn't react properly.

That meant jumping little or getting flustered.

While it was true that he got used to in indoors, in public he still reacted to it the way Karma wanted, much to Nagisa's dismay.

"You, stay home. I, will go to my classes, understood?" Nagisa knew it was futile, from the way Karma's tall swung back and forth playfully and that grin, he knew, oh he knew other will follow him out. He always does, without doubt.

But that is what Nagisa's life came to be, from quite average university student to still average university student just with a demon always trailing behind.

What a joy.

Comedy? i'm sorry but I'm not familiar with that person...