A/N: Alright guys, here we go! The final installment of the New Perspective series (as far as I know). The time is set three years into the future, so Beca's career has skyrocketed since and we get introduced to a few new characters.

Amelia Levi - Adelaide Kane

April 9th, 2019

Beca really hated her birthday. Sure, it had gotten better over the past few years, with Scott being able to visit whenever he wanted to, and their dad barely talked to her anymore, but that didn't stop the fact that she hated her birthday. Chloe always made plans for the both of them, and Beca hated that part the most, mostly because the money that Chloe was spending on her and her birthday party, they could be putting towards their wedding in the fall.

Chloe had said yes on that day three years ago, and it was the happiest Beca had ever been. They not only celebrated Beca and Ashlynn's wins, but also the engagement between the two girls, and the night went down in history for Beca Mitchell and her friends. She didn't, however, think that it would take this long for the two of them to get married.

They had agreed to get married in October of 2019, because Beca's fame was really starting to take off. Zach was able to fly out to LA as soon as he graduated, Jesse coming with him, and once her first two albums were pushed out she was off on tour for a few months (much to Chloe's dismay, due to her new teaching status at the closest high school she could find). Their lives became busier and busier, and there wasn't any time to spare for a wedding.

Another reason why Beca was so against having a birthday party was because she knew how much extra stress it'd put on her fiance. Chloe had taken to planning the wedding with the help of Belle and Aubrey over the phone, but it wasn't that much help. Ethan had tried his hardest to get the redhead to let him help, but she refused, saying she wanted the feeling of accomplishment. It was something that Beca was afraid would certainly over-stress her girlfriend to the max, but she also knew that if she tried to stop Chloe, the girl would be pissed off at her, and she really didn't want that either.

She was really thankful that Jesse had come out with Zach. She was craving the friendship that they had years before, and on top of that he became the manager of her studio. It gave him a steady job, and it also gave him the chance to mess around with his own musical compositions with the equipment Beca had to work towards his main career choice: scoring movies. The fact that they got to work with artists like Taylor Swift and Paramore was just an added bonus.

On top of the two albums and the tour that she's done, Beca had also managed to record a song with David Guetta, which just so happened to be Beca's favorite song that she's recorded. The song was made by David, but Beca was allowed to tweak it here and there to help put her own voice to it. It was an amazing experience for her, and she still couldn't believe that she had made it to this day.

As she walked through the doors of her studio, she smiled at Zach who tapped away at his desk, more than likely scheduling another gig for her to perform at. She was really proud of how far both he and Jesse had come in their relationship; she had never seen either of her friends happier.

"Hey, Zach. They in the studio already?" She asked, leaning against the threshold of the door as she watched him type away. He was on the phone, but he held up a one-finger gesture while he finished his conversation.

"Yep, they're already recording. Jesse's got him on the first verse- you should be able to head back there shortly after." Zach confirmed, and Beca nodded before moving to head back to the occupied recording booth. "Oh, and Beca?"

The alt girl turned her head, "Happy Birthday." She sighed and nodded a thank you, before she walked back to the booth.

WIthin the few years that Beca had the pleasure of getting to know Ethan, she had managed to talk him into doing an album with her when his most recent movie started to take off. Jesse was working on it too, and he was sly enough to slip one of Ethan's original songs into the movie. People fell in love with his singing voice, and when Beca announced that she was going to be producing the album (as well as appearing on it once or twice), the stats for his movie skyrocketed, and Ethan knew that he just had to do it.

She found the booth with the red recording sign lit up and waited until it went off before she headed inside. She saw Jesse sitting in the chair in front of the massive table and Ethan in the studio, and they seemed to be getting ready to move on when Ethan looked up and saw her.

"Hey, birthday girl!" He said into the mic, waving for her to join her. Beca side-glanced at Jesse, who only shrugged his shoulders at her and got the next part of the track set up. He knew how much Beca wasn't looking forward to her birthday, but he was only hoping that she'd like what Chloe had planned for her. It wasn't anything too major, but it was definitely something that would be a big change for his friend.

"Wanna take it from the second verse or the chorus?" Beca asked into the mic as she put on her headphones. Jesse held up the number two, and Beca nodded, clearing her throat before she started singing into the mic when the music reached her part.

"I thought I saw a sign somewhere between the lines.

Maybe it's me, maybe I only see what I want.

And I still have your letter just got caught between

Someone I just invented, who I really am and who I've become."


Chloe was afraid that the person she was waiting for wasn't going to show up on time. She had been sitting on the platform for almost an hour, and she was starting to fear the worst. Of course the one person she wanted to be there for the small get-together for Beca wasn't going to be there. She wanted this to be special for her fiance, but of course, things never went her way.

That is, until a train pulled into the station, and Chloe saw the girl she had seen in all of the pictures, the person that she had been waiting for: Amelia Levi. Amelia had been Beca's best friend in high school, her only friend that was a girl, but she had moved away when they were supposed to be seniors. It left Beca devastated, and the brunette hadn't seen her friend ever since. Chloe had taken it upon herself to call Amelia at the first chance she got, and when the other girl informed her that she was looking to come to LA she was immediate to contact Maggie about that open roommate slot. Beca had moved out of the two-bedroom apartment when she and Chloe had gotten their own place post-engagement, with sincere apologies and countless times that she'd promise to help pay rent until they found a replacement. Maggie agreed, but when Chloe called her, they all agreed, and Chloe knew that she had found the best birthday present for her fiance.

She walked up to the brunette girl and gave her a hug, not at all feeling awkward about it. She had slowly become friends with the girl thanks to the internet, and she was always a touchy-feely kind of person. She had dubbed it as, "any friend of Beca's is a friend of mine", and from what she could tell, Amelia didn't mind.

"So, how was your flight?" Chloe asked as she pulled away, moving to pull Amelia's luggage behind them.

"It was horrible- I never thought that flying across country would take so long- not to mention make me so tired." Amelia grinned, shaking her head. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun, and Chloe was glad that Beca was going to be out for the day. It would give their friend time to freshen up, before Chloe had plans to take them out. She knew it probably wouldn't be the best decision, but she wanted to treat her girl. And this was the best way she knew how.

"Jetlag will do that to you. Maine, right?"

"Yeah, Maine. It's a lot colder than LA." The brunette joked and slipped into Chloe's car, sleep already wanting to take her smallish form.

"Everywhere is colder than LA. But don't worry- when we get to the apartment you can just crash in the guest room for a few hours until Beca gets home."

Amelia nodded, and took to just glancing out the window every so often between small talk with Chloe. Los Angeles was definitely a new sight for her, but she wasn't complaining. It was sunny, it was nice, it was on the West Coast. She could really get used to living like this.

When they got to the dubbed "Bechloe Apartment", Chloe let them both inside. She could move Amelia's luggage over to Maggie's room later; they had already been sneakily moving boxes and boxes of her stuff into the other girl's room while Beca's been at work. With Chloe's job, it was a little difficult to help her friends move Amelia in, but they had all managed it. Somehow, they managed to do it all without Beca noticing a thing. How they managed that was beyond Chloe, but she didn't dwell.

Chloe showed Amelia the guest room and helped her get situated before she headed into her own room to grab her laptop. She wanted to make sure everything was ready for that night- she had reservations at a fancy restaurant for just her and Beca (while Amelia and their friends got ready), then they'd all go out dancing for a little while. It wasn't going to be a huge gathering, but it was going to be a small group of their friends. It was something that she knew that Beca would need after working so hard for so long, and a part of Chloe was determined to make Beca enjoy her birthday again.

Once she was sure that everything was going to go alright, she took to the couch with a stack of papers in her lap. She loved Beca dearly, but she wasn't about to put aside her job for a nice night. She already planned on not drinking (a lot) due to her having class tomorrow, and she knew that she wouldn't want to be anywhere else. It felt domesticated, but well, Chloe Beale liked just that.


Jesse sat next to Beca in the booth, watching as she replayed tracks and layered them, and doing other things to the songs that he just didn't understand. It amazed him, how easily she could type things into her laptop and change a song in it's entirety. It was just them in the studio now; Ethan having going off to me Dylan somewhere. It was nearing five o'clock, and Jesse had received a text from Chloe at four thirty saying to have Beca back by five thirty. He knew about Chloe's plans; everyone who was going that night knew. He listened intently as Beca fixed Ethan's pitch on a few notes, and upped the overall tempo again. She had changed the tempo at least three times already, and he rolled his eyes at his perfectionist friend. After a few more minutes he stood, and nudged Beca's shoulder.

"Come on, Becs. Let's close up for the day." He suggested, looking over her shoulder. "You've got all day tomorrow to work on this track- the album doesn't have to be out till next month."

"Which is exactly why I need to finish it tonight- we're only on the fifth track. We've got eight more to do." Beca grumbled, shaking her head. "You go on, I'll close up."

Jesse sighed. He knew that Beca was going to be hard to get to leave today. "Beca, it's your birthday. I don't want you spending it locked in the studio."

"Well tough shit because that's exactly where I want to spend it."

"What's got you into a mood all of a sudden?"

"Because I know the reason why you're pushing me to leave tonight is because Chloe has some elaborate plan to get me to go out on my birthday. I'm not stupid, Jesse. I don't want to go." Beca huffed, turning around in her chair. "I don't want to acknowledge the fact that she keeps spending countless amounts of money every year on my birthday when we've got a wedding in the fall that's going to cost a lot more."

Jesse crossed his arms. "Beca, you and I both know that you alone make enough money in a month to pay for that entire wedding."

"That's not the point, Jess." She shook her head and closed down her laptop. "I hate my birthday. I hate that I get older. I hate that I have to spend every single one knowing that my mom isn't going to be here." She swallowed, looking down as she stood. "My birthday was one of the only days of the year where I could forget that she and my dad got a divorce- where I was the only thing that mattered to my mom. When my dad moved to Atlanta, I had to spend it with him and stupid Shelia every year. Do you know how fun a sweet sixteen is when your dad ruins it by dropping the bomb on you that you have to go to his and Shelia's business party?"

Jesse just watched as Beca's resolve started to crumble, leaving her in a wave of emotions.

"It's just held bad memories, okay?"

"What about the last few years?" Jesse asked, stepping towards Beca.

"What about them?"

"Weren't they fun?"

Beca was silent. She wiped her eyes, and nodded. Jesse gave her a goofy smile, and draped an arm around her. "I know you don't like your birthday, but hey, for the sake of your crazy fiance, try and act surprised when she drops the surprise on you, okay?"

Beca chuckled. Of course Jesse knew how to cheer her up. She wrapped an arm around his back and nodded as they closed up the studio. They met up with Zach in the front, and Jesse walked Beca to her car.

"We'll meet up with you guys later, okay?"

Beca nodded at him with a small smile, and gave him one last hug before she got in her car. She was really grateful that she was able to reconnect with him, as more than just business partners. There was only so much that Beca could tell Chloe, or Ethan, or even Maggie. Jesse filled in the missing gap, because Jesse had been there the longest (beating Chloe by like, a day).

When she arrived at the apartment, she walked in and saw the place lined with candles. Of course she should of been expecting this, but it was still a sight to see nonetheless. She followed a small pathway towards her bedroom, and grinned when she saw her fiance standing in the room on the phone, without a doubt talking to her own mother about what was going to happen. She rose an eyebrow and stepped towards her, tapping her shoulder, which only caused Chloe to jump.

"Jesus Christ- mom, I'll talk to you later." Chloe quickly spoke, before she hung up her phone and turned towards Beca.

"I see you went all out again this year." Beca stated, her voice filled with amusement as she placed her hands on Chloe's sides. Chloe was dressed in a form-fitting red dress, something that could be considered both formal and casual. Something that Chloe could always pull off.

"Of course. But this isn't it. Go get dressed- your clothes are in the bathroom, okay?" The redhead explained, giving Beca a few pecks on the lips. Beca tried to deepen the kiss a few times, but when she saw that Chloe wasn't giving in, she pulled back and walked for the bathroom.

When she stepped inside and saw the outfit that Chloe had planned out for her, she was speechless. It was a black dress that matched Chloe's (and it had to at least of been 300 dollars), but there was also what looked to be a small, silver and gold music note necklace. She stepped forward to get a better look at it, and upon picking it up for examination, saw that on the back of it held both of their current initials engraved in a small heart. She smiled at it- of course Chloe really knew how to impress her.

She put on the dress and did her makeup, before she was out of the bathroom and rejoining Chloe in their room. She walked up to her fiance and draped her arms around her neck, her heels fixing the small height advantage that the redhead had on her. She gave her a longful kiss, then rested her heads together.

Chloe looked down between them and saw the necklace, putting a smile on her face. "Do you like it?" She whispered, resting her hands on Beca's sides. She had put a lot of thought into what she actually wanted to give Beca for her birthday, but when she saw that necklace there wasn't anything else she wanted more.

"I love it, Chlo. It's beautiful. Although.. The initials are kind of wrong." She joked, pecking the redhead's lips again. "But seriously, I love it."

Chloe's eyes widened at what Beca said, and her hands flew to the necklace. "What do you mean they're wrong? I said to get BM and CB, those are our initials."

Beca had to laugh at Chloe's reaction. "Relax, babe. I meant that in a few months time, your initials will no longer be CB." She explained, running her hands along Chloe's sides. She loved her fiance to death, but sometimes she was a little over the top.

Chloe had told Beca a few months after the proposal that she wanted to take Beca's last name, instead of hyphenating their names. It was said during a time when Beca was stressed out, but hearing that from Chloe made her feel on top of the world. The DJ had no problem reminding the girl every time she could.

Chloe playfully slapped Beca's arm and took her hand, leading her through the apartment as she started to blow out candles. "Come on, we're going to be late, Birthday Girl." The redhead teased, squeezing the girls hand. She looked down at their joined hands and smiled at the ring on Beca's finger, the one that matched her own. She had saved up for it for Beca, and had gotten it for her as a Christmas gift the year Beca proposed.

"Where are we going?" Beca's eyes widened. "Can't we just stay here? I mean, you already spent so much effort on all these candles and everything."

Chloe shook her head. "Don't worry about the candles. We're going to go out and have a fun time, okay?" The look of sincerity in Chloe's eyes had Beca melting, and all she could do was nod. She was smitten by Chloe Beale, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Song used was "Good to You" by Marianas Trench.