Author's Note: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist. Written during Royai Week 2015 Day 3 Prompt: "Understanding."

"Why did you join the military, Riza?"

The Ishvalan War was a horror he wish she didn't have to see. Soldiers huddled together, not minding each other's sweat and grime. Bullets rained down upon their makeshift shelter, making her already soft answer barely perceptible.

"To protect you."

Another barrage of gunfire filled the silence following her answer. Roy had no time to ponder it as he rushed outside to raze the area.

"Why are you still in the military?"

In the train station, it wasn't the sound of war the muted her words, but the sounds of everyday life. A mother calling her children, a couple reuniting after a long journey, these were much softer and sweeter. But her answer was the same, nonetheless.

"To protect you."

The sound of a whistle, short and relatively nice compared to their previous accommodations, broke the silence. This time, Roy had the luxury of contemplating the answer as they parted ways.

"Why are you still here, Lieutenant Hawkeye?"

They were in the office, even though it was well past time to leave. Riza supposed she could have taken it as to why she was in the office, and told the colonel to do his paperwork. However, she knew what he meant.

"To protect you."

No sounds appeared to stop the unfolding silence, and neither made any attempts. After a minute of wondering, Roy shook his his head and returned to his work, thinking that figuring the reason behind her answer was futile.

"Riza … You're really here to protect me?"

His unseeing eyes tried to find hers, while the sounds of rubble being cleared began to fill the air. These were the sounds of hope for Amestris, even in their full volume. These were sounds he was glad she got to hear.

"Of course, Roy."

No outside noises breached the silence, but rather it was one of them who spoke in a hushed and grateful tone, while tears gathered in both pairs of eyes.

"I understand."