Chapter 14

Draco snuggled into a warm body. Merlin, he loved touching people. Period. Here he was, spooning this delicate skin. He was a happy man. His equally happy hands roamed over a toned stomach with one lingering on a curvy hip. So soft. He couldn't help it, a hand delved slightly lower, slightly skimming an equally soft area. She shivered in his embrace before turning toward him. Her eyes droopily scattered around his face, he smirked.

"Good morning, love", he said before lurching for a kiss. Delicate lips crashed with his before he grabbed her hips and swung her body onto his lower torso. Leaning on his firm chest, their tongues entangled in a loving twist. Draco's hands trailed down the knobs of her spine until he opted to keep his firm grasp on her curves. She began grinding against his abdomen and he groaned in pleasure. In bliss. In torture. But she pulled away and Draco's eyes zeroed in on her breasts. Her very perky breasts.

"Now it's a good morning", she finally retorted to his earlier greeting. Good morning indeed.

"We could make it a very good morning, love", he suggested with a raised brow, lips twisted in a smirk and hands trailing over the apex of her thighs.

"Draco", she sighed, which was an action begging for Draco to stare at her tits. Which he did but she didn't pick up on it. "You promised", she whispered.

"What?", confusion flooded his voice.

"You promised", she said firmer, "you promised we'd find Scorpius. Where is he?" The sunshine that had previously been streaming into the room, was immediately sucked out of the room and a dullness replaced it. Whose room was this? "You've let him down", she continued, as did the suction of all the brightness. "You've let us down", he was being stabbed. Tiny tiny pricks but so many of them. Millions. Everywhere. Anywhere. Prick after prick pierced his body, his internal organs, his heart. "You're toxic, Draco Malfoy", and he was sure, before the world went astonishing black, the words please forgive me Hermione lingered in the air. But the air was gone. Everything was gone.


He woke with a gasp. A lung straining gasp. So the dreams were continuing, great. It'd been three days since Draco left the hospital, since he abandoned the search for his son. Days had melted away and Draco remained a brick in a swamp.

He recalled his dream with a grimace. How many times had such dreams been conjured for him? Too many. But did they do anything to motivate him? Absolutely not. He did not exist here. He had no problems here. He was free here in a state of non-existence.


Draco had at last fallen into a fitful slumber. Finally. But the fates were not on his side as he was wrenched from his sleep by a an abrupt flash of sunlight. He groaned into his pillow.

"Leave me alone", he grumbled to whoever his invader may be.

"No, Draco", Blaise, thank Merlin, he couldn't have coped with Pansy right then, "I've been with Hermione and we've-"

"You've been with Hermione", he interrupted, interest piqued. Though his hand was gripped to the duvet and the duvet over his face. The sunlight burned his eyes.

"Yes, we've got a lead on Scorpius' location. She adamant we not tell you… But, mate, you're a bloody mess. You have to get your act together. Are you listening?!", he finished with a exasperated sigh and annoyed lift of his arms.

Draco was listening. He just had nothing to say. Nada. Rien. Nicht.

"Why are you speaking German?", Blaise asked. Had he? Must have slipped out. "You aren't very thankful. Or happy", Blaise decided to conclude. Falsely conclude.

He was up quicker than Theo on a Saturday evening, "Don't you dare accuse me of such things, Zabini", Draco's fingers were digging into his thighs in restraint.

"Zabini? Really?", Blaise gave him the utmost condescending look which caused Draco's tightly tied anger to unravel. How dare he.

"Yes. Tell me what you came to inform me about, or leave.", please don't leave. But someone must have been angry at him, because did just that.

"I'm not one of your cronies anymore, Malfoy," he sneered in disgust which made Draco feel like filth, not respected. "I'm doing you a favour here. So if you have the audacity to give me ultimatums, you can go fuck yourself", Blaise made for the door, walking way too sassily.

"Wait", Draco said almost comprehensively, "don't leave. Please. I'm… Sorry", and he dropped his arms abruptly as if the polite words had drained him of energy, as if he couldn't bare to have them up over him face and lingering in the air anymore.

"Apology accepted", Blaise registered with a nod, "but please shower and try and look presentable, I have a guest for you in the gardens. I've had Drizzle make up some tea so don't feel the need to rush ", not only was the sarcasm dripping from his words but he then upped and left, the cheeky bastard. Draco sighed. Oh, how he wished he could sleep again. Alas, it was not meant to be for he did as instructed.

He'd showered, shaved and dresses in approximately 30 minutes. World record if ever saw one. Logically, there was only one person the mystery guest was. Thought he daren't even think about her in the fear of jinxing the situation and have her leave. He didn't want that nor did he like the way he's left thinks at the hospital. He almost sure now was the time they were to put their differences and qualms in the past.

With this positive outlook, Draco bound down the stairs with a particular jolly spring in his step. A smile was even creeping it's way onto his face. It was her. He just knew it. With the garden his destination, Draco weaved his way through the rooms which ranged from very modern to a more antique state. He quite liked it.

He opened the glass door but his face dropped when he saw who was sat in the wicket chair. Not her, that's who. Actually the person sat there was completely unexpected and made him sneer unconsciously.

"Potter", he stated. He really wanted to polite but he didn't see it possible as of right now. Disappointment oozed from every syllable and every words. Potter must have also heard because he visibly cringed at the hearing of his hostile name.

"Malfoy. I'm here as an Auror in regards to the missing status of Scorpius Granger", he looked uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. This brought bounds of joy to Draco for some unexplainable reason. He was so fulfilled with joy he nearly missed something but his keen ears never miss much. Scorpius Granger. It sounded… Wrong. His lips once again pulled into a twist of disgust. But wait? How did Potter know of this 'status'. So he asked so, to be answered with, "Miss Granger filed a missing people's report three days ago". Draco resisted the urge to let his draw drop. He couldn't have Potter see him as weak now, could he.

"She did? I bet the press loved that", he muttered as he looked at the ground, lost in thought.

"The press are forbidden to publish anything in regards to the Scorpius situation", Potter answered curtly. He had no idea why he looked nonchalant considering he's one of his Best friend's son.

"Clever", he commended with a nod of the head. "But the question is, Potter, why are you so bothered?", he seemed to have been caught off guard as he reeled back in shock. His face rising with a tint of pink.

"Hermione was one of my best friends and I probably wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for her. That's why and she doesn't deserve any of this.", Harry leaned on his elbows on the glass, outdoor table as if daring Draco to say something condescending. He wasn't, but Potter didn't know that. He internally smirked, making sure he seemed indifferent on the outside.

"Understandable. But you must have some anger at the thought of me, your enemy, shagging your princess", now he smirked. Draco felt a pride that had been absent for some time. Winding up Potter and making his face flush this crimson was oh so satisfying.

Blaise chose this moment to but in, "woah, no arguing! We're here for Hermione and Scorpius so, please, put your differences aside momentarily", Blaise then walked out of the glass doors and toward the round table where Narcissa used to frequently have tea. Merlin, he missed his mother. She may not be his favourite person right now, but she was always going to be his mother. He'd have to pen her a letter later.

"I'm sorry, Blaise, but if he isn't going to act mature, I'm leaving. I love Hermione, but we can do this without him.", he looked at Draco with a wrinkled nose, "Besides, that's what Hermione actually wanted", he the pointedly looked at Blaise.

"I know but Draco has a right to know. He is Scorpius' father after all", Blaise released a sigh as he took a seat near Potter, then he gestured at an empty seat and Draco took the hint.

"So? What's the update?", Draco asked, elbows on the table. "Do I need to do anything?", he asked as he would do anything right then for his son

"No magic can locate him", Potter said and Draco felt himself getting mad and his temper rising.

"They why are you here?!", he snapped.

"But", Potter emphasised, "we've used muggle technology and tracked his phone", wow, Draco was impressed. How hadn't Hermione thought of that? "It was Hermione's idea", well then, "She came running to my place in the middle of the night and I was very shocked", he chuckled at the thought whilst an unknown feeling simmered in Draco. Was he… Jealous? Pfftttt of course not. Malfoy's don't get jealous. "Anyways she said we had to track his phone there and then and we did", good, " He's in Scotland, we don't know why or exactly where, but some Aurors, myself and Blaise included, are going to investigate.", Draco cut in.

"I'm coming", to which the two Aurors around the table rolled their eyes.

"Told you", Blaise said. Of course he'd want to go. He loved his friend at that moment, "that's why we're here. We cleared it with the boss. You're free to come", Draco's insides felt like an expanding balloon that had reached full capacity. How long had he left until it popped?

"Go get ready, Malfoy", Potter instructed. Who was he to do such things?

"Okay", he answered despite his conflicting thoughts, "I'll be 10 minutes", he stood up and looked at the men at the table with gratitude and as he said his next words his thankfulness was evident, "Thank you. Seriously. I really want to prove my worth", and he turned on his heel, and walked to the doorway before turning back, "Drizzle can fix you some food if you fancy it", an olive branch, decided Draco, was needed.

"I appreciate it, Malfoy", and just like that, Harry took the branch and was eating all its content. Draco turned before smiling to himself. He felt lighter. He couldn't wait to find Scorpius. Then he'd maybe, finally be the free balloon. But he couldn't be his weak side, it was time to play with old and forgotten toys.

He made his way to his bathroom and looked at the mirror, "Goodbye Draco", he slicked his hair back with some gel, "Hello Malfoy", and he smirked at his reflection.