I hugged Glenn and tried not to cry. He smelt of blood and sweat but under that was all Glenn and I couldn't have been happier. I felt Glenn pet the back of my hair before pulling away and giving me a quick once over as I did the same to him. He looked good a little pale but for the most part he looked healthy not at all like how he looked when we were in cell block A together.

"How did you get out?" he asked before whipping at His eyes. "Last I heard you were shot."

"Shot? I was never shot,I just passed out after being forced to run from A to the front entrance" I answered before looking over his shoulder and seeing a group had formed.

My hand automatically went to my gun completely not trusting these people.

"Who are they?" I asked Glenn not taking my eyes off the group of strangers.

Glenn turned before looking back at me.

"I just met the two men and the woman dressed in the shorts." he said "The girl with the short hair is Tara. She's my friend"

I nodded and looked at the people again.

"I'm Eva." I said giving a small wave.

"I'm Abraham." the man with the red beard and hair said stepping forward. "This is Eugene and Rosita."

"Hi" I said back.

"I was just leaving them" Glenn said looking back.

"Where we headed?" I asked hiking up my pack.

"Back to the bus. Tara knows how to get there." he said looking at the woman with dark hair.

"She's dead you know" Abraham said suddenly. I looked over at him and gave him a confused look.

Glenn shut his eyes and started walking ignoring what Abraham was saying. It didn't take long for me to realize he was talking about Maggie. The more the man talked the more upset Glenn was getting and eventually he stopped and put his pack and gun down. I took a step back because I recognized the look in his face. And I knew he was getting ready to knock the man flat on his ass. After it happened he started walking again but I kept my head turned watching the man and not trusting to turn my back on him yet. Good thing I was to because he yelled something before attempting to charge at Glenn. I pulled my gun and without a second that held Abraham at gun point he stopped and I saw his friend Rosita lift her gun aiming it at me.

"Don't you want to become part of something bigger!?" Abraham yelled whipping at the blood on his face. I looked over at Glenn and saw him roll his eyes

"He thinks Eugene has a cure" he said shaking his head "Wants us to help him get to Washington D.C."

"We can stop this all" Abraham said walking forward.

"We need to find our family" I said before walking off with Glenn.

"Help! HELP!" we all turned and looked and saw Eugene grabbing a automatic and firing at the walkers coming out of corn stalks.

"Shit" I said before running with everyone else and grabbing a gun from the truck and firing on the walkers.

After taking all the walkers out we saw their truck leaking gas and oil from the bottom and spilling onto the road. As Abraham crawled under to fix it I looked over at Glenn who shrugged before handing his gun over.

"I hope you guys making it to Washington" he said before walking off. I handed mine over and followed after him.

"So I marked off every turn we took" Tara said showing me her arm.

"That'll lead us back to the bus?" I asked

"Yup" she said making me nod.

As we continued to walk I looked back and saw the others had started to follow us.

. . .

An: so I decided to start writing this story again. I dont know why haha this was super short so I'm sorry i'm hoping the next one will be longer.