Early Knowledge

Disclaimer: I just want to say that I do not own the books or their charcters. They belong to the writer, Stephenie Meyer, a fantastic author by the way. I also don't own the text in italics that are book descriptions or the small ending pieces from the book. I used them in the story to add to the excitement the Cullen's had while reading, but I do not own them what so ever. Again those things are owned by Stephenie Meyer, so no copyright infringement is intended. ENJOY!

Edward's POV

Today was one of those really boring days where no one in my family had barely or hardly anything to do. Carlisle was in his office studying for a new cure possibility, Emmet and Jasper were facing one another on Emmet's Xbox, Rosalie and Alice were in the garden, Esme was sitting in the seating area by me reading a book while I sat at my piano bench, looking at the white keys of my piano.

Even though I liked to write my own piano songs, today my mind just wanted to play classics, so I slowly moved my hands to the piano and I began to play Mozart's Piano Sonata 11 in the A major, also known as Andante grazioso. (Great piano song. Very calming and beautiful.) Once I began to move my hands over the keys, I heard Esme, my adoptive mother breathe out in happiness. I also heard her get up and sit next to me on the bench and I smiled at her. "Hi mom, Would you like to learn a part? I could show you?" She smiled and nodded. Smiling, I stopped and took her hand gently in mine, moving her fingers to find the right keys. I began to teach her how to play the song and then moved back to my stop. "I'll signal for you to start." She nodded and then I started to play Mozart Sonata in D major.

She was smiling when she began to play. Good thing that us vampires have amazing memories and don't really need to learn anything over again. When we finished, I hugged her and smiled. "That was great. I really had fun. You should teach me more later." She said, smiling happily. I nodded and placed a kiss on her cheek before turning to move off of the piano bench. I looked up to see everyone there and they too were smiling.

Carlisle was happy and his thoughts were of how well his wife had done when playing with me. "You did very well Esme. I loved it." Esme seemed to be glowing and wrapped her arms around my adoptive father Carlisle and placed a gentle kiss on his lips before looking at me. I felt a very dull pain in my heart when I saw everyone in the family with their significant other. I had never found any women of my speices to be of any interest, even though many still tried to make passes at me, especially one of our close friends in Denali, Tanya.

She had made no secret of her liking towards me and would sometimes try to advance on me, but it would never work or happen to end the way she wished it would. I chuckled to myself at her attempts, but then sighed, looking down at my hands. I couldn't take my eyes away from my ring finger. Of course I wasn't desperate to get married, but I just wished that I had someone... but I knew all too well that I wouldn't find her at all. I don't know why, but I just knew it.

"Edward? Dear, are you alright?" Esme asked, the whole family before me. I nodded and sighed.

"Yes. I'm alright mother... I'm just thinking about thi-" Just then there was a upcoming truck on our driveway... strage? It was a delivery truck. The woman who got off of the truck was a very sweet and very kind human. Her hair was a very dark solid brown and her skin was quite pale. When she reached the front door and knocked, Alice answered the front door.

"Hello." Alice greeted her with her overly sweet voice. The woman smiled.

"Hi. I have a package for the Cullen family." Just then, I heard a soft being placed in Alice's hand.

"Do I not need to sign?" Alice asked, confused.

"No. This delivery will not require a signature." We all looked at each otehr confused, but shrugged. "Have a good day ma'am."

"You too." Just then, Alice walked into the room with the medium sized box, looking at us in a confused manner. "That was strange..." We nodded. "None the less, I wonder what was sent to us. There is no return address..."

"Maybe Aro?" Carlisle wondered. Once and a while the Volturi would sometimes send a message or something to Carlisle, who once used to be a member of their clan.

"I'm not sure." Alice said as she opened it, only to find four books and one envelope. Alice moved the books to reach the envelope at the book and opened it to read out loud. "Dear Cullens, I feel that I must introduce myself. My name is Stephenie and I wrote these books for your family. You see... I am a mortal, but I also have the power that Alice possesses to see to visions. Now, I know about your family and you can trust me to not speak of your secret. Because of what I saw in my long visions were of your future as a whole, I decided to write everything that I saw and heard. The visions were almost like a walk through... I saw and heard everything that is in these books.

These books will be of great importance to you and you will see why when you finish reading them. If I'm being completely honest, you should read these books together as a family. Sorry for the possibly strange delivery, but I felt that if I got that vision, then I was obviously supposed to do something about it. Enjoy the books." Alice looked at the letter and then us strangely. "That's odd." She said, us nodding in agreement.

"But the woman is right, if she got these visions... then she must have been wanted to help us... I wonder what is all in the books. Alice dear, would you read us the names and what the back descriptions say?" Alice nodded without hesitation.

"The first book is called Twilight... and the back says, 'About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him and I didn't know how potent that part might be that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him." Everyone's eyes as well as my own. They looked at me in shock.

"So... is this mainly about Edward then? Finally finding a mate for him?" Emmet wondered, sounding excited. I smiled and rolled my eyes. He walked over to me. "Well, if that's the case, congratulations bro!" We all laughed and Esme looked at Alice again, beggining her to tell her the other books names and their descriptions.

"The second book is called New Moon... and it says, 'I knew we were both in mortal danger. Still, in that instant, I felt well. Whole. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, the blood pulsing hot and fast through my veins again. My lungs filled deep with the sweet scent that came off his skin. It was like there had never been any hole in my chest. I was perfect-not healed, but as if there had never been a wound in the first place." Everyone looked confused, but Alice continued onto the next book. "The third is called Eclipse... it says, 'In the dead silence, all the details suddenly fell into place for me with a burst of intuition. Something Edward didn't want me to know. Something that Jacob wouldn't have kept frm me... It was never going to end, was it?" Emmet chuckled.

"Man, it's never good to lie to your girl!" I sighed and looked at Alice, pleading her to continue. She nodded, getting my message.

"Okay, and the last book is called Breaking Dawn... and it says, 'Don't be afraid," I murmured. "We belong together." I was abruptly overwhelmed by the truth of my own words. This moment was so perfect, so right, there was no way to doubt it. His arms wrapped around me, holding me against him... It felt like every nerve ending in my body was a live wire. "Forever," he agreed.' Evertons wasn't sure how to take it all in.

"Okay, I just need to say this, it is obvious that Eddie finally meets his soulmate in the future. Finally, the prude finds a match." I scowled at him, but chuckled. I guess that made my earlier worries useless. Smiling I looked at my family and they were both smiling and looking curious, so Alice said.

"Let's start them?" She suggested and without any hesitation, we read them all the way through within two days time.


His expression changed, softened and saddened by the subtle ache in my voice. "Bella." His fingers lightly traced the shape of my lips. "I will stay with you. Isn't that enough?"

I smiled under his fingertips. "Enough for now." He frowned at my tenacity. No one was going to surrender tonight. He exhaled, and the sound was practically a growl.

I touched his face. "Look." I said. "I love you more than everything else in the world combined. Isn't that enough?"

"Yes, it is enough." he answered, smiling. "Enough for forever." He leaned down to press his cold lips once more to my throat.

New Moon:

I had some serious problems. My best friend counted me with his enemies. Victoria was still on the loose, putting everyone I love in danger. If I didn't become a vampire soon, the Volturi would kill me. And now it seemed that if I did, the Quileute werewolves would try to do the job themselves, along with trying to kill my future family. I didn't think they had any chance really, but would my best friend get himself killed in the attempt?

Very serious problems. So why did they all suddenly seem insignificant when we broke though the last of the trees and I caught sight of the expression on Charlie's purple face? Edward squeezed me gently, "I'm here." I drew in a deep breath. That was true. Edward was here, with his arm around me. I could face anything as long as that was true. I squared my shoulders and walked forward to meet my fate, with destiny solidly at my side.


If the silence in my head lasted, I would never go back. I wouldn't be the first one to choose this form over the other. Maybe., if I ran far enough away, I would never have to hear again... I pushed my legs faster, letting Jacob Black disappear behind me.

Breaking Dawn:

I pressed my hands to his face again, hefted the shield right out of my mind, and then started in where I'd left off-with the crystal-clear memory of the first night of my new life... lingering on the details.

I laughed breathlessly when his urgent kiss interrupted my efforts again.

"Damn it," he growled, kissing hungrily down the edge of my jaw.

"We have plenty of time to work on it," I reminded him.

"Forever and Forever and Forever," he murmured.

"That sounds exactly right to me." And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect pieve of our forever.

the end

Edward's POV

I could feel their eyes burning into my soul as they looked at me. I couldn't help but have the large smile on my face. Even though I was really happy and I feeling very excited to meet this woman... I was very shocked about some of the events. I was able to conceive a daughter? And my future bride didn't want to give her up as an embyro, despite my pleading to keep her alive... my future wife sounded so beautiful and I honestly was excited to meet her. Even if I had to wait a little longer, I was definitely excited for it. "Wow... who would have thought that Eddie here would have had a daughter?! That he would be one of the first few vampires to ever have a kid with a human?" Emmet said, sounding very shocked. "Well, I do have to say, I am quite excited to meet this girl when she arrives to our town."

I was very curious about when she would. I hoped that her arrival wouldn't be too far away, so I looked over at Alice. "Have you received a vision at all about her arrival?" Alice smiled.

"Actually, I just did. After finishing the books that is." My eyes widened and she smiled. "She should be coming here this coming winter. That's only about a month and a half away." I smiled wider. So it wasn't too much longer after all and I could spend this time being able to overcome my thirst for her blood during this time.

"Oh! I bet that if Eddie here was human, he would be blushing so wildly." Laughter rang around the living room and I smiled.

"I can't wait to meet her." With nods from everyone, I just sat on the couch, thinking about her. From reading the books, I got up and went to the piano and thought about her, closing my eyes. A melody more beautiful that most I had previously played came from the instrument and I smiled to myself. After we had read New Moon, I knew that I couldn't and wouldn't ever abandon her. I wasn't going to leave her and our bond was just going to be stronger. Maybe if we never leave, Charlie will actually like me a bit better. I chuckled quietly to myself... one can hope.

To Be Continued...