Superior Knight: here we are, ladies and gentlemen.

Deadpool: what took you so long!?

Pinkie: you leave us tortured and leaving us hanging.

Superior Knight: I'm sorry, but I'm getting swamped with studies and a part-time job. But, I'm still committed to my stories. Here's to the response in comments.

To HockyfistDJGOD- good to be back, and here's the 3rd.

To Anonymous Rex- really appreciate the gratitude.

Superior Knight- on with the story.

Chapter 3: Revelation at The Southern Air Temple

Pakola Mountain Range...

North of the icy glaciers and freezing tundra of the Southern Water Tribe land, there was dryer yet still cool environment with the rocky elevated terrain. These were the Pakola Mountains where the Air Nomads dwell and live off of. Flying above the mountains was a single Flying Bison riding with Aang, Katara, and Sokka at the top.

"The mountain range! We're almost there," Aang gleefully said.

"Aang...," Katara, seeing that Aang was still unaware of the state of his people, for the entire world hadn't seen a single airbender after the Fire Nation declared war on the entire world. "You have to be ready for what you might see. Nobody has seen an airbender in a hundred years..."

"You don't understand, Katara, the only way to get to an Air Temple is by a flying bison, and I doubt the Fire Nation has any of those around," Aang replied, still carefree and eager to return to the place of his birth.

"Hey, look," Sokka points ahead.

There in the distance and passing the last mountain peak, they see another mountain, but at the top a spire reaching into the sky like a mountain peak and at the bottom the foundation structure and smaller buildings along the hill. The Southern Air Temple.

"Wow... amazing," Katara said in awe.

"We're home, Appa. We're home," Aang happily declared to the bison, who groaned in response.

Fire Nation Navy Harbor...

On the Southern Islands in the Southern Ocean that was at the center of the Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, and Southern Water Tribe, had become a strategic vantage point for the Fire Imperial Navy. A Navy harbor for supplies from and to the fronts for the Fire Nation's Empire and also a repair station for damaged Fire Navy ships.

Prince Zuko sought out to have his ship repaired quickly as possible so that he may return to tracking down the Avatar and also wanted to keep it secret from any Fire Nation forces, because if the firebenders found out then they would all hunt for the Avatar and take away Zuko's chance to restore his honor by finding the Avatar. However, the commanding officer of this region, Vice-Admiral Zhao, noticing the damage of Prince Zuko's ship and considering Zuko's eagerness to leave immediately with no delay caught his attention. So the Vice-Admiral insisted on Zuko and Iroh staying a little longer for some tea, while he had his own troops question the crew of the Prince's ship. In the meantime, Vice-Admiral Zhao needed to ploy the retired General and banished Prince in his command-tent.

"By year's end, the Earth Kingdom Capital will be under our rule," Zhao finished giving the sit-rep on the war front, as he was looking at the world map with markers of Fire Nation emblem spread through the Earth Kingdom, indicating the occupation and land under Fire Nation rule. The Vice-Admiral turns around to face Zuko was sitting down smoldering, while Iroh sipped his cup of tea. "The Fire Lord will finally claim victory in this war."

Zuko, angrily states, "If my father thinks the rest of the world will follow him willingly, then he is a fool."

Zhao pulls up beside Zuko and smirks, "Two years at sea have done little to temper your tongue. So, how is your search for the Avatar going?"

"We haven't found him yet," Zuko aggressively states.

"Really? Because I have received word from the Imperial Palace, the Fire Lord sensed that you had tapped into your power," Zhao accused.

Zuko glared at Zhao with hostility, while Zhao smugly remained unmoved.

"Or does the Banished Prince not have what it takes to defend himself without calling out to the little divine power he can only mutter," Zhao taunted.

Zuko remained composed externally, but he wanted nothing more than to burn the pompous Vice-Admiral with his firebending. Finally stating clearly, "I haven't found anything."

Zhao finally steps back, as Zuko stands up to leave. "Come on, Uncle. We're leaving."

But just he approached the exit, Zuko was stopped by the guards placing their spears in the way of the exit, as an officer arrives facing toward the Vice-Admiral and saying, "Vice-Admiral Zhao, we've interrogated the crew as you instructed. They claim that the Avatar was in the Prince's custody but that he got away."

Zhao smiles evilly, "Now remind me."

Zuko turns to face the Vice-Admiral, as Zhao approaches him, "How, exactly, was your ship damaged?"

Southern Air Temple...

As Appa was resting at the base of snow-covered stairs that led up toward the Air Temple, Aang was happily giving Katara and Sokka a tour of the grounds. After displaying a game of Air Ball, which ended with Sokka getting knocked off the court, Katara went over to help her brother off the snow. Doing so, Sokka discovers a Fire Nation helmet that was rusted and worn out from the elements. Sokka eager to tell Aang the truth, but Katara covers the helmet up before Aang could see it. Aang, unaware of that Katara was hiding something, moves further along, until;

"Hey guys," Aang calls out.

The siblings catch up to Aang and see him standing in front of a statue of an elderly monk with a mustache and a distinct round necklace sitting in lotus with his fists bumped to each other in front of him. Aang bows toward the statue, while Sokka asks, "Who's that?"

This is Monk Gyatso! The greatest airbender in the world," Aang turns around again toward the siblings while gesturing at the statue. "He taught me everything I know."

Aang then began to recall when he was last here, right after he had been told by the grandmasters of the temple that he was the Avatar. Aang was anxious and distant, while Monk Gyatso shows understanding and compassion to his pupil. Eventually, Aang confessed that he may not be ready, but Gyatso encouraged explaining; "Your questions will be answered when you're old enough to enter the air temple sanctuary. Inside, you will meet someone who will guide you on your journey."

Katara understandingly places a hand on his shoulder says, "You must miss him."

Aang responds downcast, "Yeah." He walks away.

Katara, curious at Aang walking off," Where are you going?"

Aang is walking up some stairs that lead to a corridor behind the statue. He looks back while answering, "The air temple sanctuary. There's someone I'm ready to meet."

Aang enters the hallway. Katara looks questioningly at Sokka, who just shrugs. They both start walking after Aang.

Fire Nation Navy Harbor...

Back in the command tent of the Fire Nation occupied territory of the Earth Kingdom harbor, the two guards inside hold their spears in front of the exit. Zhao pushes the cloths aside that serve as tent doors and enters. Having learned from Zuko and Iroh from their side of their experience with the Avatar, the Vice Admiral went to preparing for the hunt for the Avatar. Zhao looks toward Zuko and Iroh who are sitting in two chairs in the middle of the tent.

"My search party is ready. Once I'm out to sea, my guards will escort you back to your ship and you'll be free to go," Zhao provides the plans.

Zuko angrily looks to Zhao, "Why? Are you worried I'm going to try and stop you?"

Zhao smugly laughs at Zuko, "You? Stop me? Impossible."

Zuko now enraged gets up, "Don't underestimate me, Zhao! I will capture the Avatar before you!"

"Prince Zuko, that's enough," Iroh getting up and sternly telling his nephew.

"You can't compete with me. I have hundreds of warships under my command and you?" Zhao rhetorically asks after proudly declaring his status. "You're just a banished prince. No home, no allies. Your own father doesn't even want you."

"You're wrong! My father has still given me the power of the mystic lightning!" Zuko defends his honor.

"A meager loan with restrictions. If your father really wanted you home, he would have let you return by now, Avatar or no Avatar. But in his eyes, you are a failure and a disgrace to the Fire Nation."

Zuko defensively states, "That's not true."

"You have the scar to prove it," Zhao mocked once more.

With a cry of frustration, Zuko jolts up out of his chair and into Zhao's face. The two stare at each other in anger, with Zuko furiously seethes, "Maybe you'd like one to match!"

Zhao slightly mockingly, "Is that a challenge?"

Zuko confirms with the firebending duel that was only resorted to defending one's honor, "An Agni Kai. At sunset."

"Very well," Zhao accepts, "It's a shame your father won't be here to watch me humiliate you. I guess your uncle will do."

Zhao walks away exiting the tent, while Iroh approached Zuko. The old man was worried for his nephew, "Prince Zuko, have you forgotten what happened last time you dueled a master?"

"I will never forget."

Iroh knew full well that Zuko was mentioning the scar that is burnt on his face, and Iroh was concerned that Zuko may allow his anger to get the better of him in calling down the lightning to give him power. For this was an Agni Kai, and it was a duel of honor. If Zuko were to use his magical might for this fight, it would not only be against the Firelord's rules of using the power but dishonoring himself against an opponent with no equivalent power to match. Zuko knew he needed to defeat Zhao without the magical might of Shazam, for his honor depended on it.

Southern Air Temple...

Inside the corridor. The round symbol of intertwined air currents, the national symbol of the Air Nomads is largely embedded in the floor, surrounded by two square shapes that form some sort of sun together. They reached the entrance of the air temple sanctuary. The door supports a combination of metal colored pipes and three, blue, rolled up, pipes that are similar looking and arranges like the symbol for airbending. The large wooden door is framed by the branches of an old tree standing on the left of it and the hallway is illuminated by sunlight that falls through little, round windows.

Katara, assuming that Aang thinks that there is someone inside, points out, "But Aang, no one could have survived in there for a hundred years."

Aang still hopeful, replies, "It's not impossible. I survived in the iceberg for that long."

Katara, touching her chin with a finger, convinced, "Good point."

Aang looks to Katara excitedly, "Katara, whoever is inside there can help me with this Avatar thing."

"And maybe whoever is inside might have a medley of delicious cured meats!" Sokka eagerly rubs his hands in together. He runs over to the door to push it open but finds it locked fast and too heavy to be forced open, but Sokka keeps pushing until he slides down to the floor. The Water Tribe teen looks at Aang and asks, "I don't suppose you'd have a key would you?"

"The key, Sokka, is airbending," Aang says. The airbender readies himself, as spreads his arms and thrusts them forward, sending an air current into both of the tubes on the door. It begins the process of opening the door, tubes flip open for wind whistling out, and finally, the door cracks open. The light penetrates the room, for there were only shadows inside. The three children enter the sanctuary, and Aang brings his hand beside his mouth and calls out, "Hello? Anyone home?"

There wasn't any light in the room, save for the light coming from the open door illuminating the room. The kids see the chamber is filled with a large number of statues of people, lined up in a circular pattern. They all look around in curiosity, while Sokka was a bit disappointed, "Statues? Where's the meat?"

"Who are all these people?" Katara asks, walking beside Aang looking at each statue. Aang answers, "I'm not sure. But I feel like I know them somehow."

A statue they are about to pass by catches Aang's attention, causing him to point and say, "Look! That one is an airbender."

Katara seeing the airbender statue, the airbender was in traditional garb and was carrying a smooth full-headed helmet that had an arch at the top in his hands, and then Katara pans to her right and then points, "That one is a waterbender."

Katara looks left and right, and pointing out, "They're all in a pattern. Air, water, earth, fire."

"That's the Avatar Cycle," Aang says.

"Of course, they're all Avatars," Katara realizes. "All these people are your past lives, Aang."

"Wow. There are so many," Aang says.

Sokka, however, was skeptical, "Past lives? Katara, you actually believe that stuff?"

"How can you ask that? Did you forget that crazy Black Shazam," Katara replies back. "When the Avatar dies, he's reincarnated into the next nation in the cycle."

Aang stopped looking at a statue of an elderly man in a long robe, carrying in his hand, a lantern. The airbender was in a trance looking into the eyes of the statue, while Katara noticing he had dozed off grabs him by the shoulder and shakes, "Aang. Snap out of it."

"Huh?" Aang snaps out.

Katara looks at the statue Aang was looking at, "Who's that?"

"That's Avatar Roku. The Avatar before me and the bearer of the Starheart Lantern," Aang immediately answers.

Sokka walks up, looking at the statue, "So you were a firebender. No wonder I didn't trust you when we first met."

Katara looks at the base of the statue, and says, "there's no writing. How do you know that?"

"I don't know... I just do," Aang replies, while Sokka looks at Aang irritably, "You couldn't get any weirder."

Suddenly, they hear something, startling the trio. They turn around in the direction of the door and see the light on the floor; a long-eared shadow of another being that is approaching moves over it. Katara and Aang hide behind a statue while Sokka, who is holding his club ready, hides behind a single statue. The shadow is creeping closer.

"Firebender. Nobody make a sound," Sokka whispers to the other two.

Katara irritably says, "You're making a sound!"

Both Aang and Sokka put their finger before their mouths, "Shhhh!"

The shadow was creeping closer, Sokka raises his club prepared to ambush the potential threat, "That firebender won't know what hit him."

Sokka appears from behind the statue, his club to the ready, but lowers it as soon as he sees the animal. Aang and Katara peek from behind their statue as well. It was a flying long-eared lemur, which invoked major reactions from the two boys.

"Lemur!" Aang excitedly cheers.

Sokka drolls hungrily, "Dinner!"

The lemur pricks its ears looking at the two boys, Aang coming out saying, "Don't listen to him. You're going to be my new pet."

"Not if I eat him first," Sokka challenges, eager to sate his hunger.

Sokka lunges forward at the lemur to catch it, but the lemur is spooked at scouries off back into the hall. Sokka and Aang run after the lemur, but with Aang's airbending outruns the Water Tribe teen.

Fire Navy Harbor...

At sunset, in an open courtyard where the Agni Kai duel would take place, Zuko knelt before his uncle, reading himself for Zhao.

"Remember your fire bending basics Zuko. They are your greatest weapon," Iroh gave his word. "And whatever you do, do not give in to your power. its what he wants."

"I refuse to let him win," Zuko said with determination. "And don't worry, I don't need the power of Shazam to bring him down."

Zuko stood up on his feet and turned around to face his opponent, letting his sash fall to the ground. The Prince waited for Zhao to do the same. They stood to face each other with a burning hatred in their eyes.

Zhao confident in his own ability declares, "This will be over quickly."

The gong sounded beginning the duel. They both stood in their fighting stance waiting for one of them to make this first move. Zuko summoned his fire and fired at the Vice-Admiral, but Zhao was as skilled as Zuko was and was able to block it. The duel was tense but Zuko didn't let up.

"Basics Zuko. Break his root," Iroh shouted to Zuko.

Zuko kept his guard up, but he could feel the magical might within him wanting out and strike this mortal down forever. But he couldn't let that power win. He'd be a dead man if he let it take control. Zhao was power and The Prince didn't know if he'd be able to beat him. He was being pushed back further and further into the corner.

"You could end this," Zhao teased, as he threw a blast of fire. "Just say the word and you can end it."

Zuko blocks the flames, "Never."

Zhao then blasted at Zuko and sent him flying and falling on his back. Zuko lifted half of himself up in time to see Zhao land before him. He blasted again to scare the Princes another side. But Zuko flipped over and knocked Zhao over from under his feet. He got back up and kept blasting Zhao back until he was flat on his back. Zuko then stood over Zhao as he lay on the ground in defeat. Zuko looked down at the Vice-Admiral with hate still burning within him. The clouds began to gather and darken the sky, and Zuko felt lighting begin to dance across his skin and through his fists. All that was needed to release this force magical nature was a single word.

Zhao angrily glares at Zuko but can see the conflict in Zuko's eyes. If Zuko were to speak the word for something minuscule, even if it were Agni Kai, unredeemable shame falls upon the Prince. To which Zhao pushes, by yelling, "Do it!"

"No!" Iroh screams out to Zuko.


For a moment everything was silent. The clouds began to disputes and the lighting around Zuko vanished. But the mark on the ground next to Zhao's head was one made of fire.

Zhao: That's it. Your father raised a coward. Even with all that power your still afraid to use it.

Zuko: Next time you get in my way I promise, I won't hold back. Then, you will know the true power of a God.

Zuko turned away and walked towards his ship. Unaware that Zhao launched a fire blast while his back was turned. Fortunately, Iroh was able to stop him before he did any harm to his nephew. With a slight push, Iroh was able to send Zhao back skidding on the ground. Zuko was about to retaliate but his uncle stopped him.

"No Prince Zuko. Do not taint your victory," Iroh tells his nephew while looking back at Zhao. "So this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat. Disgraceful. Even in exile, my nephew is more honorable than you. Thanks again for the tea, it was delicious."

Zuko and Iroh left Zhao lying in the dust as they walked back to the ship. All the time Zuko kept repeating what Iroh had said about him in his mind. And that rush power he got when standing over Zhao.

Zuko, touched by Iroh's statement about his honor, asks, "Did you really mean that Uncle?"

"I did. I told you Jin Sang tea was my favorite," Iroh states with a smile knowing his nephew would get his joke.

Zuko smiled at his Uncles joke. But he kept on looking at his hands, Zhao was right. He had the great power given to his family running through his veins. And yet it angered him that he wasn't allowed to harness this power at his will at any time. Zhao was inferior. Zuko knew he could've killed him, "I could have killed him, Uncle. With a mere thought, I could have killed him..."

Iroh places a hand on his nephew's shoulder in encouraging manner, "But you didn't. By sparing a life it only shows that you are better than Zhao, and it shows that you have restraint and discipline. And that is something that makes a true fire bending master. Even the great Wizard would be proud of."

Southern Air Temple...

Chasing it outside and jumping off the balcony to follow the lemur. The animal erects his ears as Aang touches down on the ground behind him as well and launches forward. The lemur jumps out of the way and escapes as he runs through some ripped drapes, which once formed a tent.

Aang calls out, "Hey! Come back!"

Aang pushes through the decaying curtain of drapes out of the way of the tent's entrance. Happily looks around and calls, "Come on out little lemur! That hungry guy won't bother you anymore."

Aang walks up to another curtain of drapes. Just as the parts through the curtains, he looks in the room but suddenly takes a sharp breath in shock. Skeletons dressed in Fire Nation uniforms lying scattered over the floor. There was on skeleton lying in the snow, surrounded by many more skeletons of Fire Nation soldiers.

"Firebenders...," Aang looked in confusion.

But as he looks toward where the the single skeleton layed in the snow surrounded by Fire Nation soldiers, to his horror and heartbreak, a skeleton remains wearing tattered robes of an Air Nomad monk. The necklace, indicating who it was;

"... Gyatso..."

Sokka enters the tattered tent, "Hey Aang. You found my dinner yet." Sees Aang on his knees, and then all the dead bodies, "... Oh man..."

Sokka approaches Aang, "Aang, ... I am sorry, I-"



"No..., " Aang raspily says, fists clenched tightly. From fear and sorrow, Aang began to feel something else. Anger. Wrath. Vengeance. "No! NO!"

Out from the hut, Sokka was pushed out by a powerful gust of wind, fortunately not hurt. The hut suddenly broke apart, as rising up Aang floated in the air. His tattoos and eyes glowing and flickering between green and white.

While this was happening, Katara was still looking at the statues, stopping and looking at the statue of Avatar Roku, but suddenly the statue's eyes light up in white. Katara gasps in confusion at this and sees all the other statues in order from Roku to previous Avatar until every statue began to light up their eyes. Even the relics they carried in their hands; a lantern glowed green, a helmet glowed yellow, armor glowed red, and trident glowed blue.

This same phenomenon was occurring in all other spiritual temples in all nations, where totems, statues, and sacred flames would shine brightly. The Earth Kingdom shrines, Water Tribe huts, and Fire Nation temples. The keepers and sages of these spiritual places have never seen this happened in their lifetimes before, but they did learn from their previous teachers of what this meant. The Avatar has returned and entered his Avatar State.

Katara runs over, "what happened?!"

Sokka quickly answers, shielding behind cover, "Aang found out firebenders killed his people! Then he turned to this!"

Katara realizes, "that's his Avatar State!"

"Well, he needs to stop before we get blown off this mountain!" Sokka shouts.

In Aang's spirit, Aang was on his knees yet again, on a cliff on a high mountain. Floating behind him, a blue-white spirit appears, swirling behind gently placing a tendril on Aang's shoulder.

"Aang, I am terribly sorry for your loss. But you must calm down," Ravaa understandingly said.


Appearing another spirit in the same shape, but colored green and gray, as it then floats up in front of Aang, but Aang keeps his eyes down toward the ground, "Open your eyes. See what has happened."

Aang, not wanting to open his eyes, but still compelled by anguish, looks and sees beyond the cliff that which he stood, Aang saw all four of the main Four Air Temples in flames. The fire rises, and then it spread into a temple made of ice that melted and the fire spread to a stone temple that began to crumble. The Air Nomad boy suddenly hears faint voices, "Aang... help us..."

The airbender looks down the steep cliff, and he sees people consumed in the fire trying to climb up the mountain. All reaching out to Aang and clawing at the stone, "Help us, Aang! Don't let us die! You have abandoned us!"

Aang shuts his eyes tight, and grasps his head and cowers down in grief and regret. The green spirit changes its shape into a pale muscular man in a green hooded cloak and stands at Aang's side looking down at the boy, "Your people, murdered. Genocide. You ran away and let them die."

The white spirit changes shape into a woman in white gleaming in the light, kneeling beside Aang placing a hand on Aang's shoulder, "You couldn't have known what was going to happen. You were scared."

Spectre sneers at Ravaa's defense, but then continues, "Perhaps you were, but now. You are here. You see what has happened and what is happening as we speak. The World is out of balance. The human sin runs amok, it affects even the spirit world. Redeem yourself for running. Return to your responsibility. Most of all, embrace revenge. Revenge. Revenge! REVENGE!"

Aang hears the words of the Spectre. Shaking and trembling from rage, and ready to open himself to the Spectre.


Aang hears Katara's voice, snapping himself out of the spirit world

Ravaa faces her counterpart, "Spectre, he is just a boy."

Spectre was unmoved, "It matters not, Ravaa. The boy will accept me. He will become an Agent of Vengeance.

Sokka is hunched over his rock, clenching his teeth together. Katara shouts calmly, "Aang! I know you're upset and I know how hard it is to lose the people you love. I went through the same thing when I lost my mom." Aang remains standing tattoos glowing and wind swirling around him; his clothes flutter in the storm. Sokka runs over to his sister, while Katara tries speaking, "Monk Gyatso and the other airbenders may be gone, but you still have a family. Sokka and I! We're your family now!"

Aang's emotionless face as he begins to descend. Sokka and Katara remain standing as they watch him lower himself back to the ground; the winds start to die down and the air sphere that surrounded Aang disappears. Landing on the ground and the wind died down, but the young Avatar's eyes and tattoos are still glowing bluish white. Katara and Sokka pull up next to him, one on each side.

Sokka concurring with his sister, gently says, "Katara and I aren't going to let anything happen to you. Promise."

Katara takesAang's hand. The moment she does, the glowing fades away and Aang's arrow and eyes also stop glowing. Aang slants his eyes with a saddened expression before he collapses from exhaustion in Katara's arms.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault," Katara held onto Aang.

"But you were right. And if the firebenders found this temple, that means they found the other ones, too," Aang says as he closes his eyes. "I really am the last airbender."

Katara hugs Aang tightly, and Sokka places a hand on Aang's shoulder.

Later, inside the sanctuary, Aang's standing in front of Roku's statue again, while Katara pulls up next to Aang.

"Everything's packed. You ready to go?" Katara asks.

Aang replies with a question of his own, "How is Roku supposed to help me if I can't talk to him?"

"Maybe you'll find a way," Katara answers with encouragement.

Taking their way outside, the gang takes a look back at the Southern Air Temple from a distance. Aang is standing next to Appa with the lemur he had been chasing after perched on his arm, who Aang had named Momo.

Aang looks to Momo, "You, me and Appa; we're all that's left of this place. We have to stick together."

Aang looks over to Katara and Sokka who were fiddling with their luggage, and as he was looking at them he had a sudden vision;

The Water Tribe village, but it was under attack by the Fire Imperial Navy forces. The village still had their warrior men fighting bravely against the raiders, and even Sokka was observing the battle through the entire fray eager to help his father give the good fight. In the fray, in the chaos of war, Aang could see the horrors being done to in the Water Tribe village. Village women screaming and carrying their children to safety, while warriors roared with ferocity and pain trying to protect what was theirs. The raiders burning what was in their sights. Soon, all was finished, but the dead remained. Among them, a young Katara crying as her father carried the body of his deceased wife, Kya.

"Your new family has suffered from the horrors of this unjust war."

Aang's eyes widened, as he hears the whisper of that same spirit that he encountered in the Spirit World. He looks around trying to see where it was, but couldn't find it.

"Do not be troubled. I mean no harm to you or the innocent."

Aang was about to speak with his mouth but concerned for his friends to not make them worry even further, tries a different way of communicating. If this spirit was within him, then perhaps it could hear his thoughts, 'Who are you?'

"I am the divine executioner in the name of the Holy Spirit. I am the Spirit of Vengeance. I am the Spectre."

Aang, while having been raised by the monks and already a master at airbending, was still not knowledgeable about the spirits and their identities. However, with his own spirit, Aang could feel the righteous anger of this Spirit of Vengeance boiling inside of him, as he began to think back at what Katara and Sokka had gone through.

"Yes. Embrace your anger. Unleash it. Together, we will stop this war and unleash vengeance to the murderer who sheds the blood of the innocent and on the fool who declares himself absolute ruler over all. Vengeance must be unleashed!"

The airbender's desire for vengeance rising even further, not for himself, but for his friends. His hand making a fist in boiling rage looking back toward the temple that once housed many of his friends, teachers, and family.

"Aang, you coming?" Katara calls out to him, as she carries the last bag.

Aang turning around to face Katara, seeing soothing and compassionate eyes in the waterbender, but behind those eyes was agony and loss.

"Yes. Just giving one last goodbye," Aang says, as he looks back toward the temple.

"Your new family has suffered as well. Do not leave their suffering unanswered."

Aang remains silent to the voice in his head, as he turns around to walk to Appa.

"I am with you, Aang. And I sense your desire for vengeance. Together, we will bring justice to the evil of this world."

In that last split second, in the pupil of Aang's eye, a small blink of green sparked.


Pinkie: it's... it's so... sad seeing Aang being like this...

Deadpool: very OOC.

Superior Knight: that tends to happen when being influenced by the Spirit of Vengeance. That, and being overwhelmed by the grief of losing his people.

Deadpool: hey, what about that loser Zhao, what's his part in this crossover?

Pinkie: is he going to have powers or something.

Superior Knight: we'll see. Now, next chapter, Warriors of Kyoshi.