I'm so excited for season 2 I could scream. Scream if you're with me (and also we should talk about it!). Anyway, enjoy.

Kate came bursting through the motel door, anger radiating from her. Seth followed close behind, equally as pissed. He slammed the door shut behind them and the pair deposited their bags on the nearest bed. When Kate turned to face him Seth's anger only flared.

"I hate you," Kate finally bit out. "I wish I'd never gotten in that car."

"Well, Katie-Cakes, you're not the only one."

Kate practically growled as she gripped her hair tightly. "You're so goddamn infuriating."

"Tut tut," Seth replied sarcastically, shaking his head at Kate. "You shouldn't take the Lord's name in vain. He'll be angry."

"I couldn't care less," Kate spat. "Let him hate me. Right now all I know is I can't stand you."

"Oh really?" Seth asked, baiting her.

Kate looked around the motel in frustration. Eyes landing on Seth's open bag and the contents within it. "Yeah... I'd even take that stake and drive it through my heart just to get away from you."

Seth's eyes also lingered over to the bag. He stepped over to them and picked the stake from his bag. "Go on then," he said, pushing the stake into Kate's hands. "Do it."

Kate didn't say a word, but her grip tightened on the stake in her hands. Without saying anything she held the stake in one hand and headed towards the motel door. Seth did nothing. It took him seconds longer than it should have for his brain to catch up. By the time it did, and his anger had cleared slightly, Kate was already out of the room. Before Seth could even think to react he heard what sounded like a cross between a grunt and growl coming from outside.

Springing into action Seth rushed for the door. He started to squeeze through before the door was even fully open. He looked left and then right. His breathing calmed and his heart started to slow down when he saw her. Kate stood angrily, starting at the wall. The stake was driven into it. Not too deep, but enough to keep it in place. She was watching it, still angry, breathing deeply.

Seth found himself wandering towards her. "Jesus, Princess."

She looked up at him as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her in. He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed slow circles on her back. Kate wrapped her arms around him, and as much as she hated it, she cried, burying her face in his neck. They were like that for a long time before they both pulled away ever so slightly. Seth put his forehead against hers, their heads angled slightly so that their lips were almost touching.

"Don't ever fucking scare me like that again, okay?" Seth breathed out.

He closed his eyes like he was taking it all in, like he was taking her in. And Kate watched him. Just like she always did. With his fingers slowly brushing against hers they pulled away, and then stepped back from each other. Like none of it had happened.

"We need to sleep," Seth said, motioning to the still-open motel room door.

Kate motioned to the stake in the wall. "That might not be such a good idea."

Seth walked over to the stake, gripped it hard, and yanked it out. "We'll leave the second the sun starts to rise, guy probably won't even notice the damage before then."

Without another word the two of them filed back into the motel room, this time with no anger, only exhaustion.