Hi everyone, This is Darkangelwitch. This is my first HTTYD story. I'm going to try and make it entertaining, hopefully you'll like it. And as I wrote this will be the cast of the first movie watching the second, mainly because I love time traveling fics and I might take a shot at that when I'm finished with this one. This is my first fic of this kind so I might not be as funny as anyone else, please review and tell me what you this might contain some spilling mistakes.

Where was it said that Hiccup and Snotlout are cousins because I missed that and I had no idea. please answer and review.

Gothi has decided that Hiccup would be the one to kill the Monsterus Nightmare, Astrid was pissed, Stoick was proud of his son for his achievement, and Hiccup was panicking on the inside, yet tried to keep a brave face for his father, as badly as he did, and Stoick not noticing as usual.

"Heh. Oh, yeah! Yes! I can't wait. I am so.." Hiccup said, but before he could finish that sentence, a blue light filled the visions of all of the people of Berk. The next second they found themselves, in a big room filled with weird looking chairs, and in front of them a big screen.

"Where are we? What is this?" Asked Stoick before everyone could panic. Everyone heard my giggling."SHOW YOURSELF!"

Then I suddenly appeared in front of them. "Hi." I said and waved at them. Everyone looked at me shocked and backed off a step or two, Stoick on the other hand took charge.

"Sorceress, what is the meaning of this?" He yelled pointing his huge hammer at me. I smirked at him with my hands on my hips, then addressed the crowd.

"People of Berk, my name is Darkangelwitch, I have kidnapp- I mean brought you here, to show you the future. One of you has changed Berk and your world for the better, I have brought you here, to give you a more open minded view on the changes that will happen in five years.

Everyone looked confused, but shrugged and accepted it.

"Good, now there are other guests that I will bring here, no fights are allowed, am I making my self clear?" I asked them, everyone nodded and agreed. I smiled at them, then snapped my fingers, and my new guests appeared, every Viking who had a close weapon grabbed it, and headed straight for the Dragons.

"Hold it." I yelled and raised my hand, and the Vikings froze, some of the Vikings have jumped, so they were frozen in the air. The Dragon breathed in to fire at their enemy before I stopped them.

"Uh uh uh, no, not allowed." I told them, and glared, then took every weapon that the Vikings had with another snap of my fingures, along with the firebreath of the Dragons. I think that the Monsterus Nightmare pouted at me. I just glared at him as I crossed my arms, and he hang his head ashamed.

"Good dragon." I said, then said to the Vikings.

"Listen up people and listen well, both Vikings and Dragons are my guests here, you are not allowed to fight. Now remember I have the power, and if this rule is broken, there will be major consequences, am I making my self clear?"

Everyone nodded. "Any questions?"

"Yeah I do, how long are we staying here?" Asked Hiccup.

"Shut up Useless, do you want the witch to destroy us all?" Snotlout yelled at Hiccup, an punched his arm. That's when Toothless appeared in front of Snotlout growling at him in anger.

"Hey y-you said no fighting." He said trying not to wet himself.

"Night Fury." Gobber yelled, in surprise and fear.

"And no hurting or bulling Hiccup, that goes for everyone in here. You especially Snotlout, if you do then I won't stop Toothless from ripping your arm off, clear?" I told him, while glaring.

He looked at me with wet eyes, then nodded his head in breakneck speed. "Good, everyone find your seats. We shall begin the movie."

"What's a movie?" Hiccup asked.

"Well sweetheart, a movie is a moving pictures that can be seen on a screen. It's a bit hard to explain, I'd prefer if you just watched and enjoyed what you will see." Hiccup nodded, and went to find his seat.

"Oh an Hiccup, don't be afraid to comment on anything, ok?" He nodded with a small smile on his lips.

Everyone chose a seat, Dragons an Vikings split on two places in the room, except Toothless who fallowed Hiccup to his seat. He looked at me worriedly, and I winked giving him a smile.

"Where is that beast going?" Stoick asked, anger and worry clear, mostly anger.

"Don't worry Toothless would never hurt Hiccup, unless he was mind rapped by an Alpha, and we are not going there right now, just enjoy the movie."

I started the movie.

Hiccup: (V.O.) This... is Berk. The best kept secret this side of, well, anywhere. Granted, it may not look like much, but this wet heap of rock packs more than a few surprises.

Everyone was surprised to hear Hiccup's voice, they definitely did not expect that.

On a cluster of sheep, hiding nervously between buildings as shadows of passing dragons race by. The group moves as one, receding into a shadowy alley, pushing one sheep out into the light. It's suddenly snatched and carried into the air!

The watching Vikings were angry at that, these monsters still raided them even after five years where was the change that the Witch had promised them.

The dragons on the other hand saw something different in the way that they were flying, something precise, not wiled, and not fueled with fear. But how? What is the Queen trying to do?

Hiccup: (V.O.) Life here is amazing, just not for the faint of heart. You see, where most folks enjoy hobbies like whittling or needlepoint,

Snutlout laughed. "Only Useless would call these things hobbies." Toothless growled in his face again.

"Yo. What did I say about bulling Hiccup." I yelled from somewhere he couldn't see.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." He yelled and Toothless backed off, satisfied...For now.

we Berkians prefer... a little something we like to call-

WHOOSH, WHOOSH, WHOOSH! A wash of vibrant colors blurs by. Dragons Barrel past at a dizzying speed. Their riders swipe, kick, and roll into one another while they weave neck in neck between the houses, docks, and revamped structures of Berk.


I stopped the movie to give everyone time to absorb in what Hiccup's voice over just informed them, and what they actually saw on the screen. Everyone's jaw including the dragon's was on the floor.

"What in the name of Thor is the meaning of this?"

"Oh hold it in Stoic, at least until the next few seconds then you can curse your way to Valhalla if you want to." Surprisingly he took my advice, and continued watching.

Fishlegs: WHOOOOOOO!

"Hey that's me!" Said Fishlegs amazed.

"We can see that, Fishface." Said Snotlout.

"What? No protecting me?" He asked.

"Sorry, but you don't get bullied as much as Hiccup, so I'm not interfering with that."

Fishlegs, now 20 and even larger, rides his Gronkle, Meatlug, who carries the sheep in her claws, until Snotlout, also 20, but every bit as juvenile, and his Monstrous Nightmare, Hookfang, side-check them steal their sheep.

Snotlout: HO-HO! I'm sorry, Fishlegs! Did you want that?

"Hoho yeah I'm awesome. Snutlout, Snutlout Oi. Oi. Oi."Said Snutlout then started flexing his muscles.

Both Astrid and Hiccup ruled their eyes, Astrid in disgust on her face and Hiccup with an exasperate face.

Fishlegs glares at Snotlout.

Fishlegs: Snotlout! That was mine!

"It is." Said Fishlegs

Snotlout falls back toward Ruffnut and Tuffnut, who lag on their Hideous Zippleback, Barf and Belch.

"Hey look at us." Said Tuffnut.

"We look awesome, imagine the chaos we could make with that dragon." Said Tuffnut a wide menaicle smile on his face.

Hiccup started at the two with a raised eyebrow, and scouted away with Toothless on his seat away from the the group, and by extension the Twins.

Snotlout: Here ya go, babe.

With a chivalrous grin, Snotlout tosses the sheep to Ruffnut. She snatches it with a sneer and a grumble.

Everyone's jaw dropped at that, Snutlout was hitting on Ruffnut? How? He had always hit on Astrid.

Ruff was disgusted by that, while Astrid just wanted to jump up and down with joy that Snutlout finally, finally stopped hitting on her.

"Yes, yes finally." She yelled, and the other teens looked at her weirdly, so she just blushed and hid her face between her hands

Snotlout: Did I tell you that you look amazing today? 'Cause you do.

Ruffnut: (Disgusted) Ugh. Come on, Barf. It's starting to stink around here.

Barf starts to peel off, spewing gas. Tuffnut mocks Snotlout with a mugging grin.

Tuffnut: Nope. Still hates you. Let's blow this place, Belch! Alright!

Belch ignites the gas, sparking a flashy explosion, and leaving Snotlout behind in the smoke. As they rush past the main bleachers, Ruffnut drops her sheep into one of five baskets suspended over a chasm at the lap crossing. Each backboard bears an image of its corresponding dragon. The Barf/Belch basket filled to the brim with sheep. Presiding over the game, Stoick turns to the frenzied crowd.

Stoick: Ha-ha! That's nine for the Twins! Astrid lags with three! Fishlegs and Snotlout trail with NONE!

"Yes." Yelled Tuff jumping up.

"We're Awesome." Said Tuff, also jumping up and ramming her head with her twin.

Astrid frouned, she was always competitive about everything, and she didn't like to lose, but she did nothing and continued glaring at the twins.

Hiccup was just confused along with every Viking and that Stoick the Vast himself, was into that racing, while the one who was watching the movie was fuming, you could almost see smok coming out of his ears.

Stoick eyes an empty basket at the far end, its backboard painted with an image of Toothless.

Stoick: And Hiccup is... nowhere to be found. Hmmm.

Gobber: Scared him off with the big talk, didn't ya, Stoick?

"He probably knew that he would lose anyway." Said Snotlout proudly.

WHACK! Snotlout, still smoldering from the blast, gets clipped from behind. Astrid, rolls in, astride Stormfly, spirited and competitive as ever, and beautiful despite herself.

Astrid: What are you doing, Snotlout?! They're going to win now!

Snotlout: She's my princess! Whatever she wants, she gets!

"I swear Astrid, I have no idea where that came from, you know you are my princess." Said Snotlout, trying to 'reassure' her. Astrid gritted her teeth staring at him.

"Miss Witch lady." She called.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Am I aloud to at least hit him?"

"Would you like a mace?" I replied.

"Yes, and thank you." The next thirty seconds was Astrid beating Snotlout, while he was crying for mercy. With Ruff and Tuff cheering her on, me just watching amused, and Hiccup and Fishlegs trying to stay out of it.

Astrid: Ruffnut?! Didn't she try to bury you alive?!

Snotlout: Only for a few hours!

That got Hiccup to laugh hysterically, along with most of the Vikings in the room.

Hiccup: (V.O.) Now, dragons used to be a bit of a problem here, but that was five years ago. Now, they've all moved in. And, really, why wouldn't they?

"Oh I don't know, the hundreds of Vikings that want them dead." Said Hiccup in a deadpan voice, which was what everyone was thinking.

The racers chase each other through a sprawling hangar and into a vast cave, teeming with colorfully painted dragon stables. They exit through the far side and circle back through the village, blasting past many of its dragon-friendly additions.

"Wow this place really changed." Hiccup exclaimed in surprise, everyone nodded.

Hiccup: (V.O.) We have custom stables... all-you-can-eat feeding stations... a full service dragon wash. Even top-of-the-line fire prevention, if I do say so myself.

In the village, a baby Gronkle sneezes, accidentally setting one of the Viking houses aflame. Astrid peels away from the other dragon racers, and yanks open a spout on the overhead network of aqueducts, dousing the flames with a surge of water. Back to Stoick, amused as he watches the racers round the island, searching for sheep. He turns to Gobber and nods.

Stoick: It's time, Gobber.

"Time for wha?"Gobber asked.

"I don't know just watch the moving pictures." Said Stoick, somewhat calmer than before for some reason.

Gobber: Righty-ho! (Aloud, to the crowd) Last lap!

A horn sounds. The racers all turn to each other, excited.

Astrid: The Black Sheep! Come on, Stormfly! We can still win this thing!

"Yes, go." Astrid cheered.

Ruffnut: Come on, Barf!

Tuffnut: Let's go!

Fishlegs: Go, Meatlug!

Gobber loads the Black Sheep onto a catapult.

Astrid: Whooo-hooo!

Tuffnut: Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Gobber: (To the Black Sheep) This is your big moment. Have a nice flight!

He pulls the trigger, launching the Black Sheep into the air. Astrid spots it and steers Stormfly into a steep climb toward it.

Astrid: Up, up, up, up, up, up!

In a flash, Fishlegs and Meatlug fly in and nab the sheep.

Astrid: NO!


Fishlegs: YES! Good job, Meatlug!

[Fishlegs tosses his captured prize to Ruffnut.]

Fishlegs: Here ya go, darling! Mine's worth ten!

Ruffnut: Yeah! The Black Sheep!

Astrid: (To Snotlout) You guys are fighting for Ruffnut?!

Ruffnut: I'm totally winning!

Fishlegs: We're winning together!

She rams Barf into Meatlug, sending Fishlegs into an uncontrolled spin. He slams into Snotlout, sending their dragons tumbling head over tail. The crowd goes wild.

"Seriesly, what is up with you guys?" Yelled Ruffnut at Snotlout and Fishlegs.

"I'm gussing you Vikings don't have any idea of the word 'no' do ya?" I asked

Snotlout: Oh, no!

Ruffnut: Whoo-hoo! NO ONE CAN STOP ME NOW!

Tuffnut: Except for me! We're attached, genius! Quit trying-

[He grabs at the sheep. Ruffnut fights back, inciting a tug-of-war.]

Ruffnut: Hey!

Tuffnut: -to steal all my glory!

Astrid and Stormfly fly toward them. Astrid stands on Stormfly's back surfer-girl style.

Stoick: Get 'em, Astrid!

Everyone looked at Stoick, shocked at the favoritism that he got for the girl, having no idea why he would, being chef meant that he had to be passive about all the participants in the race, so why wasn't he, even Stoick was surprised, and had no idea why. The Vikings and the dragons were amazed at the race, engrossed in it. Cheering for the riders that they picked, or the dragons who were the same type as them.

Tuffnut: It's MY glory!

Ruffnut: Always ruining EVERYTHING!


Everyone ruled their eyes at the twin's antics, when will they ever stop?

Astrid leaps off of Stormfly, runs up Belch's spindly neck, and plucks the Black Sheep from the Twins' hands.

Astrid: Gotcha! Ha-ha!

She tumbles through the air onto Stormfly, sticking a perfect landing, the Black Sheep in hand.

Tuffnut: Whoa!

Ruffnut: Astrid!

Stoick: Well played! Ha, ha, ha! (To the crowd) That's my future daughter-in-law!

I froze the movie.

EVERY. SINGLE. VIKING. was frozen, with their jaws all the way down hitting the ground.

"Huh?" Was the only response from Hiccup, before I started giggling, and all Valhalla brook lose in the room.

"That's impossible, Astrid is mine, mine you hear, there is no way that she would go for Fishbones over here, there's just no way" Yelled Snotlout, grabbing Hiccup by his tunic, with his hand ready to punch him. Toothless was growling that someone was hurting his human, and was ready to pounce on Snotlout, before I stopped him.

"Snotlout. Enough. What did I say about hurting Hiccup?"

"But, but." He said.

"Shut up, let Hiccup go, sit down, and watch the movie." He did as was told.

Glancing at Astrid, I saw her face red, with her eyes wide, still shocked at what she just heard.

Even some of the Vikings did not believe what they were hearing, thinking maybe Stoic is getting on in age, and out of his mind at this point.

Fishlegs: Whoo-hoo!

Back to Astrid on Stormfly, eyeing the fast-approaching finish line, unaware as Fishlegs suddenly rams Meatlug into Stormfly, sending Astrid off-course. She recovers and sees Snotlout flying headlong toward her, war hammer cocked, aiming at Astrid.

Snotlout: Uh, excuse me!

Astrid: Stormfly!

Snotlout hurls his hammer. Astrid ducks and rolls Stormfly out of the way. The hammer catches Fishlegs in the face with a CLANG. The crowd collectively winces.

Crowd: Oh!

Along with this crowd.

"That must've hurt." Said Hiccup in sympathy.

Astrid and Stormfly recover from their roll, loop over the water, and they blast past the finish line, dunking the Black Sheep into their basket! ASTRID WINS!

Stoick: That's thirteen! Astrid takes the game!

"YES!" Astrid yelled in triumph at winning the race, along with the ones who cheered for her, and the Dragon's who cheered for Stormfly.

The crowd comes unhinged. Astrid flies over the crowd, basking in her victory.

Astrid: Yeah! Ooh-ooh!

Hiccup: (V.O.) Yep. Berk is pretty much perfect. All of my hard work has paid off.

"Hard work? What hard work, what did he actually do?" Asked Snotlout, somewhat enraged at what's been happening through those few minutes of the movie.

"You'll find out, not now, but you will." I said to him and everyone in the room.

And it's a good thing, too, because with Vikings on the backs of dragons, the world just got a whole lot bigger.

I stopped the movie again. "Ok guys we will take a break for a while, any last comment before leaving the room for now?" No one said anything.

"Stoick?" I called.

"Just how? What on earth made me, made Berk change this much?" I smiled at him.

"You'll find out, soon, you are going to see the man who had changed everything, that made it possible for Dragons and Vikings to be together, and work together." I said then continued dramatically.

"He is known by many names, duped by many outside of Berk as the Dragon Conqueror ." A name that gave every Viking in the room a chill down their spines, it indicates power, and commands respect from those who hear it.

"Like I said," I continued normally. "many names, I just thought Dragon Conqueror was the coolest. Anyway come on, there's a feast waiting for you in the other room."