Okidokie! So I have decided to have some fun for once and create a warrior cat name generator. Yay!
For the Prefix: Pick the first letter of your first na
me. Look at the prefix next to it. This is half of your warrior cat name.
For the Suffix: Pick the last letter of you last name. Look at the suffix next to it. This is the other half of your warrior cat name.
A. Ash
B. Black
C. Cloud
D. Dark/Dove
E. Eagle/Echo
F. Flame
G. Golden
H. Hazel
I. Ice
J. Jay
K. Kestrel
L. Lion/Leopard
M. Moss
N. Night
O. Oak
P. Pine
Q. Quick
R. Rain
S. Snow
T. Tiger
U. Sun
V. Vixen
W. White
X. Dust
Y. Yellow
Z. Maple
A. Claw/Song
B. Heart
C. Leap
D. Cloud
E. Blaze
F. Pool
G. Nose
H. Light/Fang
I. Tail
J. Foot
K. Fur
L. Pelt
M. Kit
N. Wing
O. Leg
P. Star
Q. Pool
R. Flower/Thorn
S. Leaf
T. Shade
U. Whisker
V. Storm
W. Paw
X. Strike
Y. Stripe
Z. Breeze
I got Cloudlight! Post your warrior cat name in the reviews!