Chapter 35: Type Tridoron Epilogue

-Two weeks after the whole Type Tridoron incident-

Adagio slowly opened her eyes. First, she was splashed by a bright white light. She looked around. She saw Aria and Sonata by her side. She then heard someone walking in and saw Doctor.

"Well, nice to know that you've woken up." He said.

Adagio didn't say anything. She just lay down. She sighed.

"Where are we?" Adagio asked.

"You're at the Shift's mansion." Doctor replied. "At its med-bay, specifically."

"Last I remember, we were at a warehouse of some kind." Adagio stated.

"Yeah." Doctor said. "We busted you out. Took some dirt, but it was worth it."

Adagio couldn't believe it. After everything the Dazzling had made the Shift Cars and the Mane 7 go through, Adagio didn't think anyone would look after them.

"Well, it looks like your vitals have been stabilized." Doctor said. "You should be properly healed in two days."

Doctor, with that said, left the room. Adagio sighed again. She turned, and then saw a card from Max Flare. She picked it up, and read it silently.

Hey, Adagio…

So, if you're reading this, it probably means that you're awake.

Okay, first off, this may sound weird to you, but I'll say it anyway.

I love you… from the moment I saw you without that accursed amulet of yours.

You have a chance now. You can either live on the streets as you were, or you can stay at my place for a little while. I'll help you get an apartment, settle in, and stuff. Call me when you have decided. My number will be in one your recovery gifts.

Adagio finished, but she was bawling her eyes out. Tears were rolling out of her eyes and down her cheek. She put it back down, and went to sleep.

-Meanwhile, in another warehouse-

Spider, Cobra, and Bat were in sitting in a roundtable with 6 others who look exactly like them.

"Well, we were a few chosen ones who have evolved thanks to the energy we have gained, thanks to our friends the Dazzlings." Cobra announced.

"Now we have been revealed, we must have new aliases." Bat said.

"You can either go by your number, or you can choose a name." Spider commented.

And one by one, they announced their new names.

Spider: Heart

Cobra: Freeze

Bat: Brain

Fourth one: 004

Fifth one: Lupin

Sixth one: 006

Seventh one: Sword

Eighth one: Tornado

Ninth one: Medic

"Thank you for joining us my friends." Cobra concluded.

And with that, they all stood up and left, planning future plans, telling their brethren the news, and waiting for the next day to reincarnate themselves back into the world.