Cruzcartoon – Then it's a good thing Naruto doesn't give up right
BartWLevis – Women in the harem is a surprise, I will tell you that Grayfia, Akeno and Risa will be with him.
Dragonpony022 – Thank you for the idea and I hope you will keep enjoying this story.
Makamihar – You will learn all the answers to all your questions I this chapter.
EddyxMarvoloxRiddle – The same reason in high school dxd that Lucifer's son isn't leading the race, the devils hate the four old Satans and their ways of doing things. They branded anything and anyone related to these first Satan as evil, because they are evil down to their core.
I hope that everyone will enjoy this chapter and hopefully you let me know what you thought.
Ingrid and Naruto had talked for hours that night and he had walked her back to her room even if she did want him to stay longer. She had feeling growing for him even if she did know he may never like her back.
She just hoped that he would find his happiness one day, she would be by his side no matter what. Her loyal wasn't something that she would give up just because he may not like her in that kind of way, she just had known that she did like him that way.
He walked back to his room where he just shook his head because he still wasn't ready to move on. Part of him told him to go sleep with Ingrid and other part was just not ready to even think of doing anything like that.
He did know he had to move on sooner or later, he didn't know if she would come back to him he just hoped. His hope was still there yet it was slowly dying, he didn't know if it would last for long time.
He sat down at his desk to look over the plans that he had made for the Island, these plans were meant to improve the life of everyone on it. He did know that it would take a lot of work to truly make this place into a faction that can be safe from the other three. He didn't want to fight the other factions, he would still fight to the death to keep everyone that lived on this island safe from anyone and everyone.
It had been one hundred years since he first let people come live on his island and since then it had grown into something much larger. He had to build many new homes and many new building, the island was coming together. The faction was growing at a speed he didn't think could happen.
He simply didn't realize just how many people were seeking a safe place for their heads. He did know that he had to keep them all safe and he wasn't going anyone start a war on this very island. This land was a place for peace and not war, that he would do his best to keep the war from coming to these shores.
He started to notice that Mio and the group she come with had stayed the same age only he did know demons and devils can change their looks. He just figured they liked looking like that because the mother looked younger than the daughter which was bit funny in his eyes.
He did Enjoy Maria's older form because in that form she wasn't a loli because she was a full adult with huge breasts and one hell of an ass on her. Too bad she couldn't stay in that form for long time, he was trying to find a way to help her keep her adult form longer than she could of the moment.
"Naruto-sama there is a huge group of people coming to this island by air and we don't know why they are here. We just know the major of the ones are devils that are heading right for your castle at a fast rate." Naruto nodded his head to Zest who had become very close to Naruto over the last hundred years.
Zest and Ingrid have become the closest to him than any other people on this island, these were two he thought about sleeping with. He stopped himself because of Grayfia even so, that battle was a losing side from what he could tell.
It didn't help that the two of them always sneaked into his bed while he was asleep, sometimes he doesn't understand women. If it wasn't the sneaking into his bed, it was the outfits they picked to way just to tease him. He didn't know how much longer he could last before he just snapped and jumped them hard.
He walked out to see just what was going on only he wanted to make sure that no battle would happen on this island. He refused to pull these people that have come here to be safe to be dragged into a battle against these devils that were coming here.
When he stopped he noticed who they were and he smiled. "So they have returned back to me to join me or to fight me? I wonder which one?" He asked himself while his eyes watched Iisabelle land on the ground.
He could see she still wear only a one piece bikini like she did before he was sealed. This one was same color and it still the only thing it had covered was the lower part of her very huge breasts. It had left the rest of her breasts exposed to the world. It also had only covered the front of her lower area not her rear, leaving her ass cheeks exposed to everyone.
He had to admit he wished he could have played with that body all these years ago, it was something he admitted was one hot body she had. He looked at her, he studied her even so she was the person he personally trained.
Nailkaiser on the other hand was wearing whole new outfit, her outfit was something that covered major of her body. She was wearing what looked to be a long red dress that had slit along each leg and good bit of her cleavage showed.
"So, tell me have you come here to kill me?" He asked them, only to earn a slap from both women.
"We would never kill you because you have always been our one and true leader, no one else could ever take your place like that." Nailkaiser told him with hurt voice.
"Yes, no one can ever take your place even if you never did sleep with us like we wanted you to in the past." Iisabelle told him which she just glared at him.
"You were that one that trained us, you were one that led the 17th legion into battle. We are yours to use and no one is allow to use us." Iisabelle added still kept her glare.
"If you want to stay here then you have to understand the rules of this place." He told her then he explained how this island worked. Both women were shocked that he got so many different races and factions to live together in peace.
"The 16th and 18th legions are always here to join you because I took over for the 16th. Nailkaiser took over for the 18th legion." She stated to him.
He looked at the huge group devils and did he know that the devils will notice the lost in the numbers big time. He just hoped they didn't do anything too stupid because of what they had done to join him.
"They see you as what you really are, a hero that saved so many lives. Someone that they look up to, someone they believe in. You are never alone in this world Naruto-kun no matter what, you always have us right behind you." Nailkaiser was the one that said that to him.
"We have a huge problem Naruto-sama! It something we have to do fast before it's too late to save them." Zest came running over to him which he just looked at her.
"Devils are planning to kill the Nekoshou race because a devil Nekoshou went rogue and killed her master." Naruto just made a fist because he couldn't believe his ears.
They claimed to be better than the older devils yet they were going wipe a race out because of that reason? He couldn't believe just how big of an idiot his race can be and he wasn't going to allow that to happen.
"They brand me a monster because I'm the son of Lucifer and my ties to the four old Satans yet they dare do this? They do this and claim they are better than the old leaders? Where are these Nekoshou and I'm going there to stop them." Naruto's eyes showed much angry.
"I'll lead you and is anyone else going come with you?" She asked and the whole three legions just yelled yes at same time. "I'll take that as a yes then. Which that still was very strange and weird all at the same time." She stared blankly back at them.
"Let's go because sooner we get there better chance we can save these lives." He told and she nodded her head.
She was proud to have such a caring master and she didn't know why he was this way. He had lost so much and over the last hundred years yet all he had done was help others. Made this island full of life and it was size of Japan.
He had united many races together under a single flag that was meant safe haven for anyone and everyone. He had done more good for this world than anyone else she had ever met or seen before. She did know he wasn't done yet because he had many more plans in mind to help others out there.
She just hoped that he would find peace one of these days, she could hear the yelling and screaming at night. The nightmares that plagued his mind at night, the dreams that don't seem to ever clear up to let him know the past. She wanted her master to find peace, she just hoped one day he can truly find it.
"We are coming with you as well!" He looked at the first one that spoke which was a female with small light blue hair.
She was wearing a white camisole with a white short skirt. Steel plated leggings with steel gauntlet on her right arm. She also had long dueling gloves on her hands even so her green eyes and feather wings was what he looked at the most. She was one of the few angels that lived on this island with him and her name was Nanael.
His eyes noticed the long blonde hair woman beside her. She was wearing only a white corset that barely covered her breasts but it did cover her stomach. She only had on white panties and nothing covering her legs at all which he had hard time really understanding how she was an angel, archangel at that. Also the twin sister to leader of Heaven.
"Nanael and Michaela you both are coming along? I mean it's not something you have to do at all." They nodded their head and he just shook his head.
"You know I can't order you not to but are you sure you want to do this? You had come to this island in order to avoid having to fight yet now you want to fight?" He asked the both of them because he did care for them.
Even if they were angels he still cared because they had been here for a while and he had a chance to get to know them very well. He watched the both of them nod their heads over to him even if his eyes stared mostly at Michaela's body.
"Lead on Zest-chan and we'll follow after you." He told her and she nodded her head.
A large teleport circle moved under them which he just closed his eyes because he refused to let this happen. He may be the son of one of the four first Satans yet he wasn't evil to let something this sicken take place.
Next thing they realize they were in the middle of both sides with devils getting ready to attack the neko demons. His eyes looked at the devil group which wasn't even half the size of his group which he smirked. Because he trained the 17th legion himself and he had known they won't go down without a fight.
"You have two choices to make, one would be to leave. The other would be to fight us in order to get to these kitty cats." Naruto told the devils in front of him.
"We have our orders to kill them and we won't back down to you!" The leader yelled over at him.
"Then you pick death so be it. I won't feel sorry once your died because you were the one that had picked to seal your own death." Naruto had stated back.
Naruto gave the order to kill them and the battle wasn't long at all, they had them outnumbered and out skilled. When battle was over Naruto walked over to the leader of the race he had given them a chance to come live with them.
The neko race happily accept and Naruto had let them gather up all they needed before teleporting them away to their new home. Naruto didn't enjoy killing his own race, he just can't stop by and do nothing when his race does crimes like that. Crimes against people that did nothing to them, that was something that pissed him off big time.
"These devils were nothing at all, I swear they were just pain weaklings. I can't believe I'm part of this race." Iisabelle stated back to him, she hated easy fights.
"I just wished it didn't have to come to this that's because I don't want keep fighting my own people, this isn't what I want. Why can't they stop doing dumbass things like this, why can't they learn from the past." Naruto just made a first, he was so sick of all this pointless killing.
He hated that he had to kill so many times in the wars, the wars that just pointless. No one wins in a war because you only lose so much. So much life is lost in a single war, so much bloodshed is left behind for years to come.
It had been two days since there and in the underworld the four leaders were in the middle of holding a meeting together. They were trying to come up with plans for the future of their race, even if they were in middle of butting heads with each other.
They noticed the doors opened wide with a devil panting for air, he seemed to be in a big hurry for some odd reason.
"We found out what happened to the devils that were sent to kill the neko race off. They were all killed by Naruto Lucifer and that's not all. He is the leader of a new faction that is made up of everything, even Michael's twin sister, an archangel." The devil solider had told them.
They were shocked to hear the new for many reasons. The first was that Naruto had attacked his own race like that, he had an archangel to back him up. They didn't know what to make of this new report, they just hoped things don't get worse from there.
Before anyone could say anything another devil solider had rushed into the meeting room. "Sir, the 16th, 17th and 18th have turned on us and joined Naruto's faction. It said he made this new faction because of his dead daughter." He reported in.
"Naruto didn't have any daughters that I know of. So why would he claim such a thing when it's all lies?" Sirzechs he said back to them.
"He had a kid, a daughter with Grayfia. This happened back before the war with heaven and Naruto's own brother had been the one to kill his daughter." Mephisto had pointed out to him.
"There is no way in hell that can be true! If that was even true at all then she would have told me long time ago." Sirzechs yelled, bad enough his son was a bastard child.
The two of them never slept together, she had claimed her duties come first. When she didn't have any duties left she claimed she wasn't ready for it, that why he had cheated on her. That was how his son was born and he couldn't believe that she had a daughter with that man.
"You may not like the truth, doesn't make it any less true. They had a daughter today and he was happy with her, he slept with her many times." Mephisto pointed out to him, Serafall just looked away because she had known it was true.
"My lord, report also claimed a woman that fits the look of Grayfia seen with him over the years. Visiting his island time to time, unknown reasons to why." The soldier had reported the last part.
"I'll deal with my wife later, right now we need a plan to deal with this fourth faction of his. We don't know what he's going to do and we do know he's a threat." Sirzechs spit out his words.
"We'll deal with these three legions as well, they have broken their ties with us and if they have any family members still living here? Throw them in jails or kick them the hell out for what their family had done to shame them." Everyone couldn't believe that Sirzechs was the one to say that.
"Have you lost your damn mind?" Mephisto told him. "You can't just do that because it would start civil so damn think before you act." He added at the end.
"Yes, this is why you shouldn't have label that man a villain and a monster. Yes, he's the son of the first Lucifer but he isn't like the rest of his family. That man is looked up as a hero, a damn icon for the devil race." Serafall had told him.
"He's nothing more than a relic of the past, we have to move on from that time. If we have to we will make plans to get rid of him if need be." Sirzechs told her.
"If you mind on too fast then you risk the chance of civil war with our race once more, many would side with him. Many would go against us because of hate that they have for us, add in the fact they can join Naruto's side?" She pointed out to him.
"Anyone that joins Naruto's side is an enemy of this race, nothing will change that. He is the son of Lucifer one of the four old Satan. These four that almost got our race to death because of their greed and selfishness." He argued back, other two leaders agreed with him.
Serafall couldn't believe just how much of a fool that he was being, this wasn't the time to start a war with their own race. She had looked up to Naruto, there was no hiding that. He was someone she called a hero, someone she wanted to be like. He was brave and he cared about all of his people not just the higher ups.
She just hoped that she didn't have to fight him, she didn't know if she could bring herself to fight against her hero. The man she looked up, the person that made her want to help her people so much.
The leaders of devil kept their meeting on even if Sirzechs was angry and wanted to talk to his so called wife. The other members started to worry that he would do something he would regret, that something would also hurt the whole race.
Naruto had just got done helping the Neko settle in their new home, they were very thankful to him for saving their lives. He just wished the devils wouldn't have thought of doing that, it honestly was something that made him give to his stomach. To think his own people for do that to a whole race because of the actions of one person.
He was inside his bedroom, sitting on his bed. He could hear his door opened, his eyes darted over to the door. He could see Grayfia walking inside his room. She wasn't wearing her French maid outfit this time, she was wearing something for bedroom eyes only.
She was wearing what looked to be an orange nightgown that covered just the lower half of her breasts, it went down just passed her ass cheeks. She had on a black pair of laced panties with no bra on her body. Naruto didn't even know what to say, just that he couldn't stop staring at her body, the thing he missed for so many years.
He didn't know why she was here dressed like that, part of him hoped it was that she finally realized she belonged with him. He wasn't going to assume anything till she said something to him, he wanted to know what was going on. He wanted her to come back to him, he honestly needed her in his life.
"I'm sick of fighting my feelings Naruto-kun." She told him right before she kissed him hard on the lips.
"Then prove it to me, show me you mean it." Naruto told her, his eyes glued to her.
She could feel him take off her nightgown, his hands moved to rub her huge breasts. She just let out a moan into his right ear, she moved her mouth to play with his earlobe. She started to bite it before she started to suck on it, she missed this so much. She had missed him so much and she couldn't keep denying herself her true feelings.
"Tell me what you want Grayfia-hime I want to hear you say it. I won't do anything till you do say it to me." Naruto told her, he wanted her to prove it.
"I want you to touch me, to love me. I want you to be the one that I'm with always, forever because I can't stop loving you." She told him, what her heart wanted from him.
"Then stay here and don't go back to him, you know what that means right." She nodded her head before she noticed the queen piece in his hand. She took the piece and Sirzechs piece was kicked out of her and removed to him, she took his queen piece inside of her.
"You are truly back to me Grayfia-hime, I am going punish you tonight. I bet you enjoyed it just as my as I will." He smirked, she just smiled back to him.
She truly was back with the man she loved, the man she had a kid with. The one that had always been there for her, she truly smiled once more. It had been years that she was wearing a fake smile to hide her pain, the pain of losing him.
"How would you like to punish this bad queen of yours?" She teased him, her eyes staring into his blue eyes. "You always did have a fun way to punish me back when I was your maid, mhm you going do that again to me?" She added.
He just smirked to her, his mouth claimed her mouth. His hands moved down to her rear to grab both ass cheeks. He ripped off her black laced panties, he tossed them on the floor while his eyes stared at her naked form.
"We won't be needing that, won't we?" He asked her.
"No, that was just getting in the way and make sure I'm punished to the limited. I know you can make me scream all night." She grinned back to him, her lips against his.
Thank you for reading the chapter.
Grayfia finally left her so called husband that she never had sex with.
How will Sirzechs react to her being out of his reach, on Naruto's island?
How will his son handle if he found out that he is a bastard child?
Konaka's race is safe thanks to Naruto.
What will happen when everything comes to a hard turn?
I wonder who will be in Naruto's harem, feel free to guess and you maybe right.