Sabine reached out and gripped Ezra's shoulder a little tighter. Ezra knew enough to crouch back down, hiding behind shipping crates. A squad of Stormtroopers marched by, their boots beating out a rhythmic cadence. Looking over his shoulder, he smiled a tight smile, then raised an eyebrow in question. Sabine nodded once, and together they moved through the shadows, searching for a way off planet.
Outside the spaceport, Mos Eisley was bustling as usual. Illegal deals, smuggling deals, and other transactions were taking place. A lithe figure in a black hood and cloak moved among the crowd, barely there. A wisp of a form, moving between people and objects as smoothly as water flowing. A gust of wind blew back the hood, revealing long red hair, green eyes, and a childish face. Only the eyes looked older. She checked her information again, trying to get her bearings. Lord Vader received intelligence that two operatives of a rebel cell where spotted disembarking from a freighter here in Mos Eisley. Their freighter had been confiscated, and she had been called in to take them alive.
Smiling to herself, the girl thought of the look of satisfaction her master, Emperor Palpatine would have on his face once she succeeded where Vader failed. Glory would be hers, and hers alone. Shaking her head to clear the daydreaming, she began to focus on the Force, to look for her targets.
Unknown to the female imperial agent, her targets where in a cantina, sharing some food and trying to not stick out. Sabine had her helmet off, and both were wearing hooded cloaks to allow them to mingle better. "How did they find us?" Ezra asked, his voice low and hushed. "Not sure, maybe surveillance of the hanger. Regardless, they did find us, and we are stranded with no way to get a message to the Ghost or get off world." Ezra nodded absently, nibbling on his nerf steak. "They will come find us, soon enough. Kanan will sense our trouble and come looking." Sabine smiled sadly at Ezra. So young, yet so much faith in his master. Her smile became troubled as she realized how much he had changed, and how scarred he seemed. She reached her hand across the table and squeezed his briefly. Ezra blushed and smiled back, causing a bit of a genuine smile on Sabine's face. He was always so nervous around her.
Ezra's head shot up, and he began looking around. Sabine dropped her hand to her side and cautiously scanned the crowd. She wasn't sure what he sensed, but she had worked with Jedi enough to know their senses were beyond even hers. "I feel, a presence, in the Force. It's getting closer, almost like they are searching for us. Sabine, we need to go, now." Fear quaked under his voice, and Sabine knew what he was thinking. "Is it him?" She asked. There was no need to identify who she meant, as the memories of that battle were still fresh in his mind. He shook his head violently. They rose as one, covered their heads with their cloaks, and began to move towards the back of the cantina. Staggering in to Sabine, Ezra gasped in shock.
Moving faster, trusting the Force, the young girl moved towards the cantina. She sensed her target strongly know. Strange how Vader did not inform her of the Force sensitivity of one of her targets. Frowning she thought it must be his way of attempting to make her fail. She nodded to the stormtroopers who were with her to watch the front while she sprinted towards the back. They had sensed her and were on the move. A sudden presence overwhelmed her, and a piece of the cantina exploded from the side of the building, hitting her in the side of the head. As she fell to the ground, unconscious, she glimpsed a figure ahead, hand extended, tall, wearing ragged brown robes.
Sabine dragged the half conscious Ezra out the back door. Jerking awake Ezra grabbed her and pulled her back just inside the cantina. "We can't go that way. I feel, somebody strong. Somebody new." Looking over her shoulder Sabine saw the Stormtroopers enter the cantina. "We don't have much choice Ezra." Primal a detonator and replacing her helmet, she grabbed Ezra by the shoulder and ran through the back of the door. A shadowy figure moved in the corner of her eye and she flung the detonator at him. In shock she watched as the detonator froze, then shot straight up, exploding in a fiery ball.
"Don't worry, I'm here to help. But you must leave with me quickly, the Stormtroopers will be coming." Ezra looked at him, then smiled at Sabine. "I trust him Sabine, he feels like Kanan, but…well, more" he whispered to her. Together they sprinted after the figure to a land speeder, jumped in, and held on as he turned the speeder to the edge of town and accelerated quickly.
Without a word, they sped across the dune sea, nothing visible but an occasional moisture farm and random Jawa camps. Finally they arrived at a small hut on a rise, overlooking the dune sea. Stepping out of the speeder the stranger turned to them and lowered his hood. "Welcome to my home. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi."
In Mos Eisley, the girl stood up on legs that quivered. Fighting to keep the vomit down she spied the Stormtroopers emerging from the rear of the cantina. One came over to help her up, but she shook his hand off. Eyes blazing with fire, she looked out over the dune sea. "Find me a speeder, and find out who that was. Now!"