Author's note: Hey sorry that it's been like 2 weeks or so since the last update for all of my stories, been busy with college work and studying for a test that's on the 11th, that and my free time that I use on other things was not put into this as I really needed to relax. Also I HAVE been thinking about plot for all my stories as I'm trying to see how I can put into words what I want to happen. This chapter is shorter, mostly because i'm just putting it out as the party chapter, it will introduce a few things, some fluff, my crappy attempts at comedy if you can notice any, and another fight scene! which isn't too over the top as it just showcases something.
Author's note at the end as well.
Disclaimer:I do not own Naruto or The Book of Life, they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto and Jorge Gutierrez Doug Langdale, respectively.
One hour after La Muerte unfroze time, the door to Naruto's bed opened and out came a very happy La Muerte who had her arm linked around Naruto's. They were both fully dressed and had a pleasant air about them. La Muerte had a slight flush on her face and leaned into her son some more, liking the close contact they were sharing while walking to the party that was now probably finished.
'I can barely keep my self my up from that intense love making' La Muerte thought to herself as she leaned into him more, her legs were weak after getting dominated for a whole two months straight. She had completely given herself over to Naruto.
They just continued walking down the halls to the center of the castle where the party would be, both were silent as they enjoyed each others company as lovers.
Reaching the center of the castle they noticed a lot of festive decorations all over the place, there were skull balloons, strings of festive looking flags that were like a jungle above their heads. Large tables that had all sorts of food over it, off in one of the corners was a churro stand that was currently being raided by a certain Sanchez...
The entire Sanchez family and many of the citizens were there. Many of them were just mingling waiting for Naruto to come so they could start the party, they eventually noticed Naruto and his mother standing in a door way looking at the party when he let out a gasp of surprise at how many people were here. Usually he celebrated his birthday with the Sanchez family and his mother, this time however almost all the citizens in the land of the remembered were there.
Noticing he was there everybody shouted out in happy and proud voices "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NARUTO!"
He was momentarily stunned by the sheer amount of people that said that as their voices made the air vibrate. He quickly recovered and had a smile plastered onto his face as he walked forward while taking his mother with him.
"Thank you for coming everybody, I didn't expect this many people to be here!" the young prince announced to everybody in the area and walked up to the Sanchez family. He noticed the twins were both walking to him with affectionate smiles on their faces, he felt there was something different about them as they got closer and closer to him.
Meeting him halfway from the entire Sanchez family, the twins both kept their loving smiles and looked to La Muerte, there seemed to be a silent conversation going on between them. Just when Naruto was getting a little worried his mother gave him a peck on the cheek and walked off to the rest of the Sanchez family and gave a small giggle when she passed the twins, both of them twitched and he could see the annoyance in their eyes.
'I will never understand women' Naruto was very confused at what just happened and couldn't draw any conclusions as to why his mother and the twins would act this way to each other.
The twins both moved to him quickly and went to either side of him, linking their arms with his and both giving him pecks on his cheeks. "You seem to have a bounce in your step today mi amor, why is that?" They both questioned him in a slightly dangerous tone that made him realize what was going on.
'Oh...They must know that I just lost my virginity and are mad about not getting it... I hope they aren't to mad.' Naruto thought while feeling nervous as their grip around his arms tightened and they pushed themselves up against him more while putting some of his arms in between their breasts.
"We know what you're thinking mi amor... Lets just say that you have to do us with twice as much passion as you did your mother" they both whispered into his ears in a teasing yet serious voice.
Naruto paled and felt his soul leaving his body.
"B-But twice as much then what I did would kill me!" he silently cried to them.
The twins just giggled to themselves as they noticed they just reached the rest of the Sanchez family who all seemed to have gifts ready for him.
The first to step forward with a present was the oldest of the Sanchez family line, Jorge. He carried a long black case over his shoulder that had golden engravings that seemed to be roses and had white skulls on it.
The entire Sanchez family recognized the case and held their breaths as they knew what it contained. The twins noticing it, let go of Naruto and gave him smiles with a wink from both and went over to their family, passing Jorge.
Jorge stood in front of Naruto with a proud smile and removed the case that was on his sword arms shoulder with his good hand and pushed it out to Naruto to take. Naruto grabbed it with both hands and slowly took it from Jorge and when it was in his possession, the old bull fighter spoke.
"That my sobrino (Nephew) is a old Sanchez family case that was given to me by my father, I took it with me to the land of the remembered when I died...Its significance to this family cannot be explained in just words. But if I had to say something then...What it is and contains is the soul of the Sanchez familia." the old skeleton just gave him a reminiscent smile as he stared at the case.
"If it's so important to you and your family... I don't think I can take this" Naruto stated as he tried to give it back, he knew he was not a Sanchez by blood and to be given something that was this important to them... It didn't feel right.
"Nonsense! you are as much familia to me and everybody in this city as you are to us, we love the the prankster prince who is kind to everybody and never thinks of doing things for himself. Everything you do, you do for this city and the people who live in it, this is the love of the Sanchez familia that has watched over you ever since you got here, and it is from the great people that live here as well, people who see you as a brother or a son. We would do anything for you, and we know you would do the same for us, so just accept this gift of love from all of us sobrino."
The entire place went silent as Naruto was shocked by the speech his uncle gave him. Naruto looked around and saw everybody looking at him, all with kind and warm faces, nodding to him to accept it. With trembling hands he brought it back to himself and whispered out in this deadly silent room "Gracias" it was so silent he didn't think anybody had heard him.
Unknown to him though his voice had carried out through the room and everybody had heard him.
"Well hijo, aren't you going to open it?" His mother said in a warm voice.
He nodded with a smile and forced himself not to cry, taking a look at the case he admired the engravings on it and began to open it.
Upon taking the top off, he saw something which gleamed in the light of the room, it was so bright at first that he had to close his eyes and look away for a second.
Looking back to the contents of the case he saw what it was.
"A...A sword" he muttered out under his breath.
"Yes sobrino, but not just any sword... This sword was used in the very first bullfight that the Sanchez family had ever had!, It has defeated countless bulls before It was brought here by me" Jorge informed him with enthusiasm as he announced to everybody what it was.
Naruto took it all in. The sword was the same kind as Jorge's but it looked different, Its blade was black and had the same gold Engravings in it, the handle was black as well but had festive looking skull on it and he could have sworn that the eyeless sockets were staring back at him, watching his every move.
"Wow...This is amazing tío (uncle), does it have a name?" Naruto asked as his eyes gleamed in amazement at the sword.
"Indeed it does, however its cannot be spoken by anybody but the owner. It is yours now so you will have to find out the name for yourself." His uncle gave an amused smirk at seeing the dumbstruck face on his nephew.
"How am I supposed to find out its name when nobody can tell me?" the confused birthday boy asked.
Jorge just smiled at him and walked closer with his prideful stride, he leaned into Naruto's ear as whispered something.
"It feels like the skulls are watching you...doesn't it?" he then leaned back and saw the look of shock on Naruto's face, the boy then looked back down to the sword and felt the staring grow stronger...he shivered a bit.
Jorge then said the same thing that his father had told him when he was given to sword. "When your soul and body can dance with the sword, then and only then, will you know its name."
Naruto had a puzzled look on his face as he stared at the sword...He then reached out to grab the sword and when his hand closed around the handle he felt something.
'I feel cold... yet hot at the same time? and why does it feel like the sword is vibrating a little in my hand' he thought to himself as he tried to figure out what was going on now.
Jorge inwardly smiled to himself as he saw his reaction to holding the sword. 'Looks like the two of them will be great friends'
(An hour into the party)
There was a churro eating contest going on. need more be said?
"Aaaand we have two contestants left!" La Muerte was currently acting as the judge for the contest and had all the guests behind her as everybody watched the intense battle that was going on... many of the women simply sweat dropped at how passionate the men were cheering for their favorites of who would win.
"500 on Naruto to out eat Carmelo!" one of the citizens shouted, lucky for him he witnessed Naruto beating Carmelo before so he knew he would win.
"I will take that bet my friend!" another citizen shouted with many others throwing their bets around. All of the men's wives simply sighed to themselves.
Naruto was currently on his 666th churro while Carmelo was 5 behind, First to 700 wins.
'I CAN'T LOSE AGAIN' Carmelo shouted in his head and went into churro eating overdrive. He began to quickly catch up to Naruto who looked over to Carmelo and began franticly trying to eat faster. It was neck and neck as they were shoving handfuls of churros down their gullets and at least somebody won.
"And we have a winner, Carmelo with 701 churros eaten!" the goddess of death announced in a happy tone, she enjoyed Naruto dejected reaction as he was now on his hands and feet with what she could have sworn was a rain cloud over him, she blinked and then it disappeared.
Carmelo stopped his celebrating and looked to his nephew, he then walked up to him and picked him up with is large hands and placed him on his shoulder and cheered.
"THIS IS THE ONLY MAN I RESPECT" he shouted in his powerful and booming voice. This made Naruto give a small smirk as this titan had a bigger heart than anybody else he had ever met, besides his mother of course.
'Well that was fun' the young prince of death thought to himself as he sat upon the titans shoulder.
Time passed in the party as Naruto just mingled with everybody while he had the case with the sword in it strapped to his back, he got many impressed eyes when people saw him with one of the most precious items in the land of the remembered. This filled Naruto with some confidence to be a big figure like his mother as he was never sure if he could ever replace her with the citizens accepting him. He would never take power unless something happened to his mother but he was always very nervous about what people would think of him if he had his mothers position.
As it started to get later and later, everybody started to wrap up the party and began to leave to their own homes, Everybody except the Sanchez family.
When the last person left that was not apart of the Sanchez family, the rooms happy and pleasent feeling went deathly cold.
'Why does it feel like it just dropped 40 degrees' Naruto thought to himself as he shivered a bit and rubbed his arms for warmth, he did not notice that his mother had vanished and was watching the room from a special spot, said spot was her room and used her powers to display a screen of the room in front of her, as this was her domain she could control anything here.
'Lets see how you deal with your close family attacking you for real hijo' the Queen silently thought to herself.
Naruto currently had his back to the Sanchez family as he was shivering, he WAS eating some food at a table but now he was freezing. "Hey Nina, Scardelita, lets go over to my room so we can warm up" he suggested with a bit of a perverse grin while he turned around.
The second he turned around to face his family he saw a brade inches from his face, for a second he thought this was just the regular training he has always had... but then he noticed the sudden bloodlust and killing intent that was directed at him. Not being used to this feeling he stumbled back in shock and the blade just missed beheading him but not before taking a few strands of his blond hair off his head.
Back flipping away Naruto then looked up and saw the twins coming at him with both of them using duel swords, his eyes bulged out of his head when he saw the way their were coming at him, he then mumbled to himself but loud enough for all to hear. "This isnt normal training is it..."
He received no response, it was as if his words just bounced off them and never reached them.
The twins came up right at his face and began their duo fighting style, moving as if they were both thinking the same thing, their movements all in synch and perfect.
Naruto was slowly backing up while moving his body ever so slightly to dodge the four swords that were currently trying to gut him, the speed at which they were attacking him with kept on increasing until he had to start using his hands to deflect some strikes by hitting away the flat sides of the swords. Distracted by the sheer bloodlust being directed at him from two of the most important women in his life, Naruto didn't notice that he just backed up into a wall until it was too late.
Having no room to maneuver, the twins both swung down on him, four blades coming down to slice him into 4 different strips of Naruto. Thinking fast and remembering back to when he caught the bullets in between his fingers, he went for the same thing but against swords. He went for the swords and was able to get two blades in each hand, for a second Naruto smirked at what he had accomplished and was going to counter attack with his legs as they couldn't use their arms.
'I got them now... SHIT!' as he was about to kick them away the twins let go of their swords and dashed back to get out of his attack range, only by a little bit though. They then quick as ever drew their duel pistols and wasted no time in firing at him with 4 guns. Having no time to at least get two of the swords into his hands grip he tried to dodge and black with bullets with the four swords that were currently in between his fingers still.
"OI!, cool it guys are you trying to kill me!?" Naruto shouted at them in a little heisteria as this wasnt like anything that has happened before, they had really been trying to kill him, he noticed they didn't show any emotion at what they were doing, there was no smiles or grins or banter from the twins, they were dead serious about killing him.
If Naruto could actually pay attention to the little things that the twins were doing under all this pressure, he would have noticed the slight twitch of hesitation in their eyes, it wasn't even their for a second but it flashed for a brief moment before it was erased.
Being so busy with the twins he never noticed the rest of the Sanchez family began to move, and only noticed somebody was behind him when a giant shadow was cast all around him, looking up he saw a large object heading straight for him.
"Oh. Shit. "
A giant dust cloud with rubble going everywhere erupted from the spot he was standing in, a few seconds after the crash you could hear loud sounds of punching going on in the cloud, so powerful that they were producing shockwaves that with each hit, separated a part of the dust cloud.
With that last shockwave a figure came flying out of the cloud and crashed into a wall, splattering it with cracks going in every direction and the figure getting stuck in the wall before falling out and hitting the ground.
Naruto began hacking up blood as he held his stomach, he began trembling in pain and fear, fear that he was going to have to get serious and possibly hurt them. Never before had Naruto intentionally tried to hurt somebody, in training it was always close calls or just light damage that could be shrugged off. He knew what was happening... his mother wanted him to experience a real situation where he might have to take somebody's life or hurt them to make them stop.
"F-Fuck...HAHA -cough- tha-t was a good punch -hack-" he tried to talk as he slowly began to get up on trembling legs as he just took a full on punch from the titan of the Sanchez family. Coughing up more blood between words and having trouble speaking, his vision was blurry, this was just a regular human body that was a lot more sturdy than most humans, he has always had to rely on quick thinking and his agility to get out of sticking situations.
The titan skeleton Carmelo hulked his way out of the cloud and began lumbering toward him, giving the same bloodlust as the others with a lot of killing intent coming off of him. The entire Sanchez family appeared before him, only 20 yards away from him, with his vision blurry and his body swaying a bit, he couldn't tell the subtle expressions they had.
Pain. Regret. . Understanding. And a feeling that said please forgive us.
Naruto let out a breath of air and closed his eyes, in the moment the entire Sanchez family charged at him, they were going to beat him within an inch of his life if he couldn't defend himself. As they were right on top of him, about to take him down the unthinkable happened.
"Stop" It was one word. One word that was whispered out in the most chilling voice they had ever heard, it was dark and commanded authority, promising that if you didn't obey the command that you would be destroyed. This word came out of the young prince's own mouth. But he didn't look like the Naruto they had always saw.
Opening his eyes they saw the eyes of his first stage of power, the man's ojo de muertos (Dead man's eye), how ever that wasnt all... his ears were no longer simple human ears with flesh, on no, they were pointed skeletal fox ears with some orange fur on them, his teeth were more animalistic looking with sharp pointed teeth like that of a certain demon fox.
His robes seemed to be on fire with red, orange and black flames in places, and his hands became skeletal with sharp claws, his feet became skeletal paws with his legs bending and looking like a foxes hind legs, but skeletal, of course you couldn't see this as it was under his robes.
His hair became more wild and looked more like spiky fur. Hew grew a skeletal fox tail that had some orange fur on it in some patches.
All in all... he looked like a dead fox.
They had never seen this form before, how ever Naruto did tell them about it. This was his Señor de la muerte (Lord of death) form, it was his second stage form that did more than just double his combat capabilities, from what Naruto had told them it was like going from a super strong human to a higher being, not godly but definitely something that transcends what he was before.
Naruto hummed to himself "Hmmmm, you all stopped... good. Guess that means I wont blow your bodies apart." stating as if he was going to do what he said.
The Sanchez family could not move for a few moments until they broke through that intimidation and initiated an all out fight with Naruto who looked completely composed as he looked at them with mildly interested eyes.
The twins came in with their duel swords, Carmelo with his giant fists, Jorge with his sword arm and legs, Carmen with bladed fans in each hand, and Luis with his own sword.
Naruto stood his ground and didn't move an inch from the spot he was currently on, he blocked the twins blades with his tail, punched Carmelo's giant hand with his own and sent the titan flying across the room into a wall, he used us clawed hands to counter Jorge's swords and ended up cutting them in half with his claws though if you looked closely you would have seen a shimmer in the air around his hands when he did so. Naruto used his tail and swiped the twins back into Carmelo who was just getting up from the hit, making him fall over again.
Jorge who was standing on one leg got kicked into the three who were still trying to get up and were all knocked down again, giving out groans. Naruto then noticed Carmen coming in very quickly and aimed with deadly swiftness and precision at his vital parts, however Naruto was faster and caught both her hands, squeezing hard enough to make her release the bladed fans, he held her there though as Louis came in and was about to run Naruto through with his sword from the side, he however was kicked by Naruto's right leg and was sent into the group that had just gotten up... again.
Obviously Naruto could hold his own against the strongest "regular" fighters here, an enemy that had supernatural powers would be a different story however...
He never moved an inch from the spot he stood in.
Strangely enough he was still holding Carmen's wrists with an iron like grip. She had dropped the bloodlust persona and was now a little nervous at what Naruto was doing, she didn't know why he just didn't throw he across the room like he did with the twins and the rest of the family. Suddenly he pulled her close, pushing her body up against his. Her whole front was up against his with his knee in between her legs which made her give a moan as he put both his hands on her ass and gave her a deep kiss.
She melted into the kiss and found herself liking this powerful godlike side of him, it turned her on. Luckily for both of them the entire Sanchez family was unconscious at the moment. The twins would have been jealous and the rest of the family doesn't know about Carmen and him yet.
"Impressive... this form is very powerful however... it would not stand up to something like Xibalba or myself at the moment." La Muerte said to herself as she thought about ways to train him to get stronger. She did have a smirk though at the affection he was giving Carmen and how she seemed to be in her own little world as she grinded in his knee seeking pleasure. She then noticed Naruto disappeared with her in a flicker of red, orange and black fire and felt her sons presence along with Carmens appear in his room.
Her smirk grew.
Naruto woke up from a very deep sleep, he remembered back to the party and everything that had happened. He had his eyes closed still as he just layed there thinking about things until he felt a warm and soft body that was ontop of him shift around a little.
'Eh... who did I...OH, I finally had full blown sex with Carmen last night!' he said to himself as he almost forgot what he did, he could still feel that he was inside her fully sheathed.
'This is nice and all but I need to go and do some things... how do I get out without waking her up-' his thoughts were interrupted as he was suddenly dropped into a different rooms bed... with his moth laying down on it reading a book, nude.
"Why must I be tormented with lust..." he sighed to himself as he just wanted to go and train.
His mother let out a small giggle as she never took her eyes off the book. "Dont worry, I can control myself. I just thought it was time to talk to you about things..."
"Hm? what kinds of things" Naruto said as he got under the covers to get warm and scooted over to his mother and slipped his arm around her, slightly pulling her closer to him.
She didn't respond to the contact as she just kept reading. "Well you are 16 now and my promise with you has been fulfilled, you are allowed to do whatever you want now that you are an adult. This means being able to go anywhere without telling anybody, you don't have to tell me a thing unless its about other gods realms. As for the world of the living thats where you can go as you please, you are not like me and Xibalba, you can show yourself without a disguise and can interfere with their daily lives. As long as you do not display your powers, you may do whatever you wish."
"Hmm whatever I want huh? soooo is there anything major going on in the land of the living?"
"Well not at the moment, there's just an old criminal who is very dangerous that is on the loose and a bet that I have with Xibalba going on"
"Oh? and what's the bet"
"It's about two men that are fighting over a girls heart, me and Xibalba bet on which one would get her and if I won he would never mettle in the affairs of mortals ever again, however if I lose then he gains control of the land of the remembered and I get sent to the land of the forgotten.
Naruto hummed to himself and inwardly grew a mischievous smirk, if he could interfere with mortal affairs then... he could inadvertently make the bet between his mother and Xibalba a double loss. His prankster side couldn't let this moment go.
"So whats this girls name madre?" he said offhandedly but was actually digging for info.
"Maria Posada, and she's become quite a beautiful young woman."
'WHAT THE FUCK' he screamed in his head in confusion. 'She's part of that bet, but the Candlemaker said that ... oh, this was going to happen anyway... HA I don't feel bad about making both of them lose now!'
And with knowing that pranking two gods was part of his destiny... Naruto gave no fucks about pissing both of them off, this will be the first time neither of them would win! HA!
Author's note: So what did you think? I'm going to be updating everything a lot more with more words once the 11th of this month passes, I hope you all understand the importance of school work! also if there is anybody thats super into mass effect and you know your shit (I know quite a bit but its been a little while and I might force my self to play through everything again) I invite you to try and help me out with my mass effect story by giving me facts and ideas about the mass effect universe and how I should write the story as there are many ways I could take it. There will be a poll up for that story so check it out!
I am also thinking about getting a betta, been a lot of people suggesting it but I don't know, guess I just feel weird about somebody intentionally messing it up and wasting my time.
As always Constructive criticism is welcomed and encouraged! however flames will be ignored and removed! they don't help me become a better writer.