I'm sorry, but this is the end
Well...It's been almost 4 months since I last updated this story of mine, and through two weeks of indecisiveness, with a heavy heart I've now decided to officially discontinue 'Remnant Falls No More'.
The stress of my daily life has taken it's toll on me, studies, family and other inter-personal relationships have managed to take it's toll on me. The HKDSE's (The equivalent to the American SAT's and British GCSE's) are one year and a half away, so hence my studies have taken up more time than ever. When the new school year started this September, I knew I was not going to have that much time for writing, but I never thought that I'd lose so much time.
Writing this story has been an absolute joy for me. Through these four months, I've noticed the number of Follows and Favourites slowly increase, to these new readers, I'm sorry that your anticipation has been met with disappointment. As for the readers that have followed this story from the beginning, I'm glad that you've read for so long, and giving your time and energy to read it. I know I'm not the best out there, but I'm surprised as how things have turned out.
Below is a summary of what was to come in this story.
Chapter 20 (First Strike)
Our Father and Daughter duo come aboard an Atleasian ship, three days after the surgery, they are immediately rushed into a briefing on the day's operation: the downfall of the White Fang in Vale.
The meeting is filled with tension between the duo and the general, once he mentions the usage of Atleasean knights on the battlefield.
Before the duo head out the loving father and his daughter have a loving moment in the hanger of the warship. A loving discussing regarding their family, their future, more specifically the future for Cheshire once this war was over.
They depart for the base, supposedly where Adam Taurus is hiding, it's also where Felix/ Jaune believes that Locus is holding up.
The two land on the ground with the main force. With sniper fire pinning down a number of the forces deployed, they manage to triangulate where Locus is and rush into the fray to engage him.
Under such intense pressure, the captain of said Atleasean ships begin deploying more and more knights to assist the army on the ground. The battle of attrition is suddenly turned around, when the White Fang activates the code given to them by a mysterious benefactor, causing every unit to turn against the Atleasean army.
The fight for the father and daughter doesn't go smoothly as well. Despite a numerical advantage, they are slowly beaten, that is until Cheshire fires one last shot, finally draining his Aura, letting her father finally stab Locus in the abdomen, repeatedly.
The general realises the folly of his actions, and immediately orders the shutdown of the all knights, despite the protest of a few officers, the shutdown results in a number of White Fang escaping during the confusion, but the battle is won by the remaining Atleasean forces.
The two assassins share one last conversation together and thus the battle ends.
Chapter 21 (Retaliation)
What remains of the White Fang quickly groups up with the Queen of Remnant, in an act of vengeance and desperation, the plan to raze Beacon to the ground.
With both parties acting out of anger now, the Queen begins summoning the creatures of Grimm to her whim, they appear before her and bow, much to their surprise.
The injured are transported back towards Beacon, as the father and daughter accompany them as well.
Once back at Beacon, Cheshire has a moment with Yang to discuss her next choice of action, and her future, slowly bonding with this new friend.
As for Felix/ Jaune, he watches as his younger self interacts with Blake, causing him to reminisce of his time with his wife. He simply wishes the best for the two.
The alarms suddenly go off, causing the faculty, staff, soldiers and students to rush towards the disturbance.
The few remaining White Fang, spearheaded by the Queen and her Grimm charge towards the school.
A battle quickly unfolds for all parties, as both sides clash on the school grounds, ruining it's pristine beauty.
Soldiers on both sides fall, the Grimm march on under the madness of one woman.
The fight is extremely one-sided, surrounded by the Grimm under her command. The students rush to help, as much of the Atleasean army falls due to losing a large number of their robots earlier and the battle worn soldiers falling like flies.
Cheshire rushes towards the Queen, with rage and ferocity, Engaging in a heated battle with her, the fight is peculiar to the Queen sensing a large amount of rage and ferocity in the warrior.
Calling upon her Grimm to aid in her fight against this crazed woman, Cheshire is pushed down by a Beowulf, only to be saved by her mother and father of this present timeline. Agreeing to help her fight this power-crazed woman, the three engage, with her weakling of a father helping eliminate the Grimm, while the mother and daughter attempt to eliminate the Queen
All three of them of are pushed back under the might of the woman.
However the three's failure had set up the perfect conditions for Jaune/ Felix to flank her.
Only to be outflanked by more Grimm called in by their Queen.
Seeing her father in danger, Cheshire abandons her fellow allies, grabbing a bandolier full of grenades, she rushes forward in a suicide attack, she grabs on the Queen and jumps off the cliffs with her.
All the Grimm immediately seem to lose their momentum as they sense the death of their leader.
The battle then slowly goes in the favour of our heroes, as they push the monsters away.
Chapter 22 (Reconstruction)
The chapter starts with Ozpin, Jaune/Felix and Ironwood discussing the day's events. In the end, both sides agree that world peace has been maintained, for how long remains to be seen. As social issues, discrimination, wealth inequality and world peace have been challenged.
Agreeing to work the general Jaune/felix visits her grave and weeps for her, before setting out to ensure that a kinder world may emerge, a world that his wife and daughter would've enjoyed.
The sight of Jaune relaxing in the sun, as his children run and play, his beautiful Faunus wife cooks for them.
The world has become a kinder place, problems have been reduced thanks to the work of his wife, the disappearance of White Fang members over the years, strong change brought through the Vale incident has raised the awareness of the fight against the Grimm.
Jaune/ Felix however suffers through the death of his daughter and wife, as he continues on fighting.
Now as for the futureā¦
Don't fret, I love RWBY, I love writing and I love this community.
I will continue on writing one-shots and short stories as I have always done.
Who knows, once I have finished all these big exams, I'll probably story writing bigger pieces once again.
This is not the end of me.