A/N I do not own Criminal Minds! Here's the next chapter for you all! I was planning on having it posted a few days ago but my Muse decided to add a few more things to it. Also, I shall be working on my other stories as well, and if there's a particular story you want me to focus on to update next please let me know! So far Lunar Cocoon and Kismet shall be posted next :)

And to all my Guest Reviewers that I can't respond to, thank you all for your kind words!

Please, enjoy!


Chapter VIII: Part III

"You doings it wrongs," Ollie hissed with an air of impatience, just like that of his mother's.

"Am nots," Liam narrowed his gaze over the large bowl of fruit.

"They needs to be in tiny-tiny pieces," squinting between his finger and thumb, Ollie stared down at his brother from his higher spot on the little blue step stool.

Liam dropped the fully peeled banana onto the poorly leaf plucked strawberries and frowned. "But we can't use the knives."

"But it doesn't look like how Dee does its," Ollie huffed, peering over the countertop as he watched the toaster, waiting for the tasty treats to pop.

"Fines," Liam got up from his criss-crossed spot on the tiled floor and stomped his one orange and one neon green sock covered feet towards the utensil drawer. Getting up on his tiptoes and carefully digging around until he pulled out a pink plastic spork. "I fixes it," rushing back to the huge Tupperware bowl to grab the large banana only to drop it on the floor. "Oopsie!" he giggled, picking it up and taking it to the sink. Getting up on the other step stool he quickly rinsed the fruit off, and then yanked on the cutely decorated paper towel roll. Pulling, and then traipsing a whole line of unused napkins around the center island until he had to tug the last one free, just so he could carefully dry off the spoiled fruit.

The sudden burst of the toaster had Ollie beaming with pride. "I didn't burns them!"

"Shh," Liam held the banana to his lips, making a hushing noise. "Don't wakes them ups."

Ignoring his brother, Ollie took the giant tongs and using both hands pinched one of the waffles out of the toaster before dropping it on the paper plate in front of him. A tactic he had learned long ago to avoid burning his fingers.

"Theres!" Liam cheered, happily admiring the poorly smooshed bananas in the bowl. "I cuts thems up."

Ollie peeked over his shoulder, arching one brow exactly like his mother, before releasing a rather dramatic sigh and muttering an unimpressed. "I guess you trieds."

"Oh, waits!" Liam ran back to the other stool and moved it towards a different cupboard. "They needs juice!" unable to reach the heavy glasses that Penelope purposefully kept out of reach, he settled on the clear red and blue handled sippy cups. Jumping down, he untwisted the lids and went to the fridge.

"We don't have oranges," Ollie squinted over his frames, taking in the slight mess of the kitchen, before watching his brother struggle to open the now sticky chrome door.

"How bouts…" Liam huffed tugging on the large handle, he held the heavy door open with his back as he peered into the bright, cool fridge. "Milks?"

"No, Mommy doesn't drink thats," and then his furtive gaze landed on the glass pot across the room. "Oh, she needs her coffees!"

"It helps Mommy get rid of her morning grunkies!" Liam giggled, not really sure what that meant but his Mama was always happier after a cup of the strong-smelling drink.

"I makes the coffees, and you get them some juice!" Ollie nodded in determination, the fact that he was a few minutes older sometimes got to his little head.

Liam glared at his bossy look-alike and thrust the colorful jug of apple juice above his head. "Ugh, I alreadys doing thats!" he huffed.

Ollie, without missing a beat, called back over his shoulder. "'Cos I minded yous!"

Rolling his eyes Liam jutted out his bottom lip and stomped his way towards the cups. Struggling to hold the heavy bottle he ended up splashing most of the sweet juice across his mother's recently mopped floor.

Ollie had already scooted his stool across the room and was now spilling heaping spoonfuls of the coffee grounds all over the place as he tried to get it into the white paper filter. He watched his Mommy do this every morning, so it couldn't be that hard. Pulling a drawer open he got up on his tip-toes and dug around before pulling out the floral measuring cup. He hopped up on the other stool and began filling it up with water, only to spill most of it onto the countertop before dumping the small amount into the top part of the coffee machine. He did that about three more times before getting bored. Quickly closing the lid, he pressed the front button and smiled when it turned green and the machine sputtered to life. "See, it was easys," jumping off his own stool to go back to his plate of warm waffles.

"I gots the juice," Liam held up the cups and shook them proudly in his hands, only to get thirsty and take a large sip out of one.

"Hey that's not for yous!" Ollie clicked his tongue in disapproval.

"Sorry," Liam lowered the sippy cup and placed it on the wooden breakfast tray they had unfolded on the ground.

Ollie carefully put the two plates on the tray and then popped open the maple syrup and generously drizzled the sweet goo all over the waffles. He then stared at the large fruit bowl and plates next to the cups and frowned. "It needs…more."

Liam had his head tilted to his shoulder in contemplation and nodded. "Meats!" he shouted, nearly slipping on the cool tile as he rushed back to the fridge. Looking around for a moment only to giggle when he spotted the bologna. Taking out two thick slabs of meat, he was about to close the door when his eyes landed on the brown bottle hidden in the back. "Mommy loves chocolates!" tucking the bottle beneath his arm he ran towards the tray and plopped the pieces of meat on one plate. "That ones for Dee," and then squatting down he held the bottle of syrup way above the other plate and squeezed. Smothering the tasty treat that always made his milk so delicious all over Penelope's waffles, until it started to spill onto the tray beneath it. Finally capping the bottle, he placed it behind him, leaving a trail of stickiness across the floor.

"Wait," Ollie arched a brow and then gasped. "Her cereals!" opening the white frosted glass door, which Derek had proudly installed for the small walk-in pantry, he took the open box of boring flakes and berries. This was his mother's more expensive cereal. The boys usually got Cheerios, and if they were good they got the box of fruity ones with the funny rabbit on it. He then carefully dumped a small amount into the plastic green bowl Liam had placed on the tray.

Hearing a rattling noise Ollie looked up, squinting his eyes over his frames, only to giggle when he caught Liam adding a plethora of colorful sprinkles across the waffles.

"Good idea, Lee," Ollie nodded, twisting around on his purple socks to see what other goodies he could find.

Seeing the box of Pop-Tarts on a higher shelf, purposefully out of reach, he went to retrieve a stool only to bump into Liam, who was digging around the refrigerator again.

"Mommy's a vegetation," was his simple answer. "She needs her veggies!"

Ollie shrugged and quickly got back to work. Grabbing the blue box, he struggled with the shiny wrapper before deciding to just use his little teeth to tear it open. And once he did, he took the white frosted squares and cracked them both in half, before putting two on each plate.

But of course, they were one of his favorite snacks, and he just couldn't resist. Grabbing the treat, he took a little nibble and his eyes instantly went wide as the sugar coated his tongue and he happily took another, larger bite. He went to put the delicious snack down on the plate only to notice the difference.

It wouldn't be fair if only one Pop-Tart was a little eaten. Giggling, he grabbed Dee's frosted treat and took an almost identical bite out of his. "That's betters!"

Looking over at his brother, who had already added more things to the tray, he nodded. "Okays, I thinks we readys!" Ollie took in all their wok and adjusted his glasses.

"But it needs to be pretty," Liam wiped his sticky hands across his thermal Spider-Man pajama shirt as he inspected the yummy breakfast.

"Flowers!" Ollie gasped. "I be backs."

"We can't go outsides," Liam hissed, being twins he already knew what his brother was thinking, because he had already thought about it, too.

"I be real quicks. And it's for Mommy," Ollie stuck his little button nose in the air with determination. "And I'm older, so I goes!"

Liam frowned at that and was getting ready to protest again only to watch Ollie rush to the front door. Staring wide-eyed as his brother stumbled on his tiptoes to reach the silver bolt. And once it clicked, he twisted the handle and was out the door.

Liam took a few sneaky steps around the kitchen corner and peered down the dark hallway, making sure the adults were still asleep.

Outside, Ollie jumped off the last two steps and ran towards the colorful flowerbed beneath the large bay window. Abruptly slowing when he stepped on the dewy grass, hating the wet feeling seeping through his striped socks.

"Eww!" he scrunched his nose, only to stare at the blooming flowers just a few leaps in front of him, instantly steeling his tiny shoulders and dropping himself some words of encouragement. "You got this Olivers."

Hopping from foot-to-foot until he made it to Penelope's lavishly designed flowerbed. His Mama loved flowers. Loved all the pretty colors and smells. So, he had to pick a really good one. Taking a moment to examine the many different flowers, only for a grin to break across his face when he spotted it. It was a little further up the large bush, but it was perfect. A newly blossomed soft pink rose. His Mama's favorite.

Stretching his arm high above his head only for the flower to remain just out of reach.

"Here, let me help you," a smooth voice whispered from behind him.

Ollie startled and whipped around, thinking he was caught, only to frown in confusion when his bright eyes landed on the man in front of him. "I gots to goes!" he wasn't supposed to be outside by himself, and he definitely wasn't supposed to be talking to strangers.

"What about your flower?" the man gave him a charming smile, nodding his head towards the beautiful rose dangling on the thick vine next to the boy.

"It's for my Mommy," Ollie stared at his feet, fingers nervously plucking the hem of his cotton Power Rangers shirt. Though, Ollie soon found himself peering up at the man in interest. Besides his mommy, he wasn't used to seeing people all dressed up. The dark navy suit was perfectly tailored on the man and Ollie had an inkling to tug on the thin black tie with the shiny gunmetal clip and the matching handkerchief peeking out of his pocket. He felt like telling the man he was too fancy, but his mother always told him to be nice, and then the man interrupted his train of thoughts.

"It's a pretty flower," he knelt down, patting the boy gently on the shoulder before reaching for the vine behind Ollie's head. With a precise twist, he easily snapped the flower off and held it delicately out in the palm of his hand. "For a Mommy that's just as pretty," his smile grew, flashing those perfectly white teeth beneath his darker facial hair.

"My Mama is bootifuls!" Ollie grinned proudly, taking the flower and holding it delicately against his chest. "Do you know hers?"

"Mmmhmm," he nodded, staring at the open front door, giving a quick wave to the nearly identical boy curiously peeking his head out. "Your mom and I go way back."

"You came to visits?" Ollie squinted up at the man. There was something familiar about him, but he couldn't remember ever meeting him. He did like his hair though, it was just like his. A striking strawberry blonde that was slicked back with gel and glistened in the sunshine.

"You could say that," he reached forward, plucking another rose from the vine and slowly twirled it between his fingers. "I'm here to surprise her."

"Ooo!" Ollie giggled excitedly. "My Mama loves those!"

"So, you can keep this a secret, right?" the man rested his elbows on his bent knees, giving the boy a scheming look. "We wouldn't want to ruin her surprise, now would we?"

"Nuh uh!" Ollie nodded sternly and then mimicked zipping his lips. "I'm greats at keeping a secrets!"

"Good boy," the man patted the boys rumpled hair. "You should go back inside now. It's cold out here," straightening back up to his full height. "We wouldn't want your mom to worry."

"Okay!" Ollie agreed, running back towards his front door only to turn around quickly. "Thanks for the helps!" giving a little wave before darting back inside and closing the door. Unable to see the man crumpling the flower into a tight fist before dropping the ruined petals at his feet and smooshing it into the dirt with the heel of his richly polished boot as he swiftly walked away.

"You gonna gets in troubles," Liam sing-songed the minute his brother stepped back inside and locked the door. "Who was that's?"

"It's a secrets!" Ollie shrugged, rushing to put his flower by his mother's plate, only to stare at the colorful Lego's and tiny marshmallows scattered across the tray. "You readys?"

"Yeah!" Liam beamed, now wearing one of Penelope's pretty scarfs around his neck. It was bright yellow with pink polka dots and reminded him of his mother. She only wore these funny neck snakes for special occasions. And this was definitely special! He threw the dangling end around his neck, letting it traipse behind him, then picked up the two sippy cups as he headed down the hallway. "I'll gets the doors."

Ollie picked up the tray, wobbling briefly as he made sure nothing spilled and then slowly followed his twin towards his mother's room. Liam was already standing at the foot of the bed. Giggling when an already wide-awake Briella happily stood up and tried to reach him through the pink mesh of her crib. Ollie made his way inside the room and carefully placed the tray on the plush velvet stool that Penelope used for her vanity when doing her makeup. He then tiptoed his way towards the bed and smiled.

Derek was on his back only wearing his grey sweatpants with his head propped up high on an extra frilly throw pillow. Ollie beamed proudly when he spotted the Scooby-Doo Band-Aid on the gauze they had put over and inside Dee's nose. The huge floral comforter was rumpled mostly on Penelope and pushed down towards her feet. She was laying on her belly, sprawled across the bed like a starfish. One hand tucked under her head the other stretched over Derek's bare chest. His Mama was snoring lightly but not as bad as Derek's heavy breathing.

Getting impatient Ollie climbed up on the bed and started jumping between them "Mommy! Dee! Wake ups!"

Liam clapped his hands loudly not wanting to miss out on the surprise.

"W-What happened!?" Penelope startled awake, smacking Derek in the chin as she rolled over.

"Wassamater?" Derek mumbled, bolting awake only to come face-to-face with a gleeful little boy.

"Ollie," Penelope grumbled, closing her eyes as she yanked the covers over her shoulder and curled into the warm spot behind Derek. "Go back to sleep. Both of you."

"But we mades breakfast!" Liam climbed up on the bed behind his mother. Jumping on the bed a few times before laying across her back and snuggling up against her. "You has to eats it!"

"You made what?" yawning as she snuggled further into the mattress while moving his bony knee away from her hip. "Wait…" peeking one eye open, feeling her son's hot breath hitting her cheek. "All by yourself?"

"Uh huh!" Ollie started hopping across the bed again. "It's over there," he went to go jump off the bed, but Derek's hand shot out and stopped him, keeping his arm out so the excited boy could climb down safely instead. "Hurrys, before it gets cold!"

Derek rubbed his jaw and the tender bruise around his nose before glancing at the tray. Squinting when he tried to make out the dark circles on the plate only to chuckle when he realized it was bologna. "Oh, wow…yeah, that looks great guys," hoping his grin didn't look like a grimace, as he internally wished for a way to get out of eating it. At least some of it. Eyeing the large amount of sticky sweets drizzled all over the plates and bright sprinkles on top and…were those baby carrots and cherry tomatoes rolling around on the tray? He chuckled, that had to be for Penelope. Peeling his gaze away, his heart twisted when he caught the boy's hopeful faces smiling happily back at him. Feeling the sweet gesture wash over his aching body, he threw his arm over Penelope and shook her awake. "Look Baby Girl, they made us breakfast."

"Mama!" Liam huffed, sitting back on his heels to help Derek by shaking her legs. "You gots to wakes up."

"I'm 'wakes," Penelope mumbled from underneath the blanket.

Briella, feeling left out, babbled from the crib as she held her hands high above her head to get picked up by her Daddy.

"Hey, Lady Bug," Derek cooed, getting to his hands and knees as he knelt over the edge of the bed and easily plucked her from the crib. He peppered her face with kisses though she tilted away from him when the itchy gauze touched her skin. Plopping her down in the middle of the suddenly cramped bed – he really needed to take them to his house more, smirking when he thought of his king-sized bed and sturdy headboard.

Whoa, Derek, easy man!

Shaking the train of naughty thoughts away, he took in the scene before him and felt the warmth infuse his old tattered heart as he watched his daughter excitedly crawl her way up the bed towards Penelope's head and reached for the unruly halo of honeyed curls sticking out of the blanket.

"Ba!" she screeched, lifting the edge of the comforter to peak her head inside, bursting into those contagious baby giggles when she spotted Penelope's face. "Agh!"

"Hey, Bug," Penelope gave a small smile, rubbing her eyes before swooping an arm out to hug the little girl, before craning her neck back and giving Liam a sweet peck on the cheek. "Thanks Billy Goat!" lifting her head to spot her other boy. "And you too, Ollie Bear."

"Welcomes Mama," Ollie grinned, plopping down on the bed as he watched Derek get up and bring the tray over.

Penelope slowly turned over and scooted up the bed, sitting with Briella on her lap and Liam tucked securely against her side. Releasing a big yawn as she waited for Derek to place the tray over her legs.

"Here, babe," Derek gently opened her glasses on the nightstand and held them out for her.

She thanked him while quickly putting them on and then gasped when she took in the chaos across her lap. "Oh…my…oh this looks…yummy," her grin was perhaps a little too wide to be reassuring but she gratefully threaded her fingers through Liam's soft curls. "You two did this?"

"Yeps!" Ollie giggled, crawling across his mother's legs to steal a frosted treat.

Liam not wanting to be left out sneakily dipped his finger in the chocolatey goop.

"What time is it?" Penelope craned her neck, looking for her phone.

"Almost noon," Derek shouted from the bathroom, still sounding horribly stuffy. The toilet flushed and after washing his hands he reemerged, tossing her cell phone on the bed before grabbing the remote off the dresser and turning the television on to morning cartoons.

He then plastered himself next to Penelope. Fluffing the pillows behind him as he plopped a strawberry in his mouth.

"Don't forgets the coffees," Ollie spoke quietly, already enthralled with the Disney show on the big screen. He never got cartoons in the morning! He should make his Mama breakfast more often!

Both Derek and Penelope cautiously eyed the tray. Penelope took one of the plastic cups, twisted the lid off and quickly smelled it. She looked back at Derek, shaking her head.

"I'll go check," he chuckled, rumpling Ollie's hair as he jumped up and made his way to the kitchen.

"Hey boys!" he yelled a minute later, and Penelope held a breath, wondering how he would do with the whole disciplining thing. Derek had been spoiling them the last few months, while Penelope remained dutiful in her role as the good and bad cop. Being so used to the challenges of being a single parent, it felt freeing to release the reigns for a bit. "Let's clean this bess up first before we watch cartoons."

Liam was happily scarfing down the other Pop-Tart and greedily chugging down the abandoned sippy cup only to freeze when he heard Derek call for them. He gave his mother a furtive glance beneath those long lashes only for her to nudge him along as she muted the show.

"Heys!" Ollie cried, whipping his head around.

"Go help," Penelope arched a brow, thankful when her son slowly trudged his way off the bed and followed his brother to the kitchen. Kissing the back of Briella's head, enjoying that baby scent, and smiled. "Don't let your terrible-twos be so…terrible, okay?" Briella was nibbling on a tiny piece of banana to really pay attention to the advice but giggled anyway.

"That's my girl," twirling a soft mahogany lock, she then really looked over the tray. Pinching the piece of meat covered in syrup and sprinkles to try and figure out exactly what it was only for the distinct waft of bologna to hit her. And she gagged.

Swooping the tray off her legs, she quickly put a now fussy Briella back in the crib as she ran to the bathroom. Slamming the door shut, she barely made it to the toilet before emptying out her stomach. Wave after wave hit her, bringing her to her knees as she tried not to choke on the bitter acidic chunks burning her throat and nose.

"Oh, God!" she moaned, clutching the porcelain bowl for dear life only for everything that happened in the wee hours of the morning to slam back into her, making her go completely still. And then she burst into tears.

"Penelope!" Derek called suddenly outside the bathroom door, not even bothering to knock as he peeked his head inside, only to rush over when he spotted her hunched over the seat. "What happened? You okay?"

His only answer was her bout of horrible dry-heaves and he quickly gathered her hair, holding it back as she retched once more. "It's okay, Baby, I got you," came his tender reassurance as he dropped down next to her and soothingly rubbed a hand over her back.

"Boys go play in the living room, okay," sensing them watching from somewhere behind him.

"We made Mommy sick?" Ollie sniffled from the doorway.

"No, Baby," Penelope groaned, attempting a smile only to feel the world tilt beneath her. "I'm okay, go play with your brother."

"But Mama," Liam wailed trying to sneak around Derek.

"William," she grunted only to hurl once more, feeling tears sting her eyes as she struggled to catch her breath and ease the bile from cramping her stomach.

"Go," Derek said again, using that tone that brooked no argument and he watched as they slowly shuffled away.

"Damn you, Morgan!" she cursed, plopping down on the cold tile as she yanked a stream of toilet paper off the roll to roughly wipe at her mouth.

"What did I do?" arching a brow, doing his best to hide his small grin as he grabbed the mouthwash in the bottom cabinet and filled the cap. She gratefully took it and splashed it back like a shot of alcohol, gargled, and then spat it all into the toilet bowl.

"You and your…" gasping, as she pointed an accusing finger at him, waving it up and down. "Your gorgeous body. That butter-up-my-biscuits voice of yours," and then she glared at his crotch. "And don't get me started on little Morgan Jr."

Shaking his head as he pulled a scrunchie off the vanity and loosely tied her hair up. "Baby, there is nothing little about me," teasing, putting off that really important thing they were supposed to finally be talking about, for just a tiny bit longer.

"Yeah, I know!" she huffed, giving him a fiery glare that instantly pulled all the blood to his groin. "Your big beautiful dick is why I'm sitting here next to a toilet barfing my brains out!" voice rising as she yanked the blue bottle out of his hand and swigged more of that harsh minty rinse.

Derek gulped, eyes going wide at her outburst. She wasn't one for foul language. Well, she could out dirty talk the best of them. Over the phone, at work, and definitely in bed, but this was…something else. Hell, he wasn't entirely sure she even knew what she had just said…because what she just said implied that she was…

"Baby Girl…" voice low, dark eyes intently watching her every move. "What are you saying."

"I don't need to piss on a stick to know your super sperm got my eggo preggo!" she practically scoffed kicking her legs out in front of her in defeat.

"But…you didn't even take the test," schooling his face to not give anything away as he fought the emotions bubbling up inside. Deciding to sit down adjacent to her instead.

"No, I know my body, Hot Stuff," leaning back against the tub as she closed her eyes and pressed her thumbs into her temple to alleviate the headache that hadn't gone away. "I mean I know I didn't know early yesterday because I wasn't really paying attention since I've been preoccupied with other things…" trailing off as she pursed her lips and peeked one eye open. "And I thought I was just sick with the stomach flu like the kids, but I really know-know now. It all makes sense. I mean look at my tits!" hands flying up to cup her chest through the thin star and moon clustered tank top, fingers gently squeezing her obviously fuller breasts as she narrowed her gaze on the man at fault sitting just a foot away. "And my ankles! Look at them, Derek!" she cried, holding her foot up in front of his face and twisting it around. "Are you looking?" pointing her toes and wiggling them. "You see! They're swollen! Goodness, even my toes look like baby sausages and I couldn't even strap on my favorite heels a few days ago!"

"Baby," he chuckled, grabbing her leg and peppering her pretty foot with kisses. "You're beautiful."

"Oh, cut the crap!" yanking her foot out of his gentle grasp, only to huff in irritation and quickly scramble forwards, getting so close to his face that her breath tickled as it brushed over his bare skin. And then she whispered in his ear like she was telling him a top federal secret. "I haven't shit in three days, Derek! Three. Whole. Days. Hmm, do ya wanna use that brilliant profiling brain of yours to figure out why?"

"So…" not wanting to scare her away. "What exactly are you saying?" leaving the ball in her court. Penelope had been the one after all to insist that he go to the emergency room for his injuries this morning after she kicked his ass with a small Hello Kitty umbrella – definitely not one of his finer moments. And not wanting to be away from her, he had used his badge to speed up the process of getting checked out and the all clear to rush back home. So, no, they didn't really get to talk earlier this morning about anything. Especially about Penelope possibly, maybe, having what could be their future baby girl or baby boy.

That thought had him smiling. And that smile reached his eyes, shining only genuine pride that he could be a father again. He looked up, watching as Penelope furrowed her brows and tilted her head in confusion.

"You're…happy?" said just above a whisper as she started to pull away from him, making him grab her arms and tug her onto his lap.

"Of course, I'm happy," peppering sloppy open-mouthed kisses across her neck and shoulder.

"Oh?" she seemed surprised, fingers playing with the hem of her night shirt. "I-I thought…I thought you were mad."


"Yes, mad. Like mad-mad kinda mad," squinting at him, blowing her loose bangs out of her face.

"Garcia! Are you serious?" he scoffed. Didn't she know him well enough by now? Besides the last few weeks they had slept together almost every night. Had breakfast together. Lunch when they could fit it in. And they always tried for dinner. His mother and daughter adored her. Her sons adored him. They had spent almost every waking minute together and she was going to try and play obtuse? No, not this time.

"See right there, you're yelling!" she frowned, looking almost smug that she had caught him doing something naughty.

"I'm not yelling I'm just confused as to why you're being so…" doing his best to keep the frown from his face, as he tried not to imply that she must be pregnant because this mood swing was something else.

"What, such a bitch?" she laughed though it lacked any mirth – daring him to drop the bomb she had just flung in his hands.

"Nuh uh, Mama, we ain't playing that game," shaking his head. "I'm not even going down that road woman. So, stop that brilliant mind of yours from trying to take us there. And why don't you just tell me why you're so scared to find out?" his voice was soft, yet unwavering.

Some of the tension visibly seeped from her body and her shoulders slumped. "Aren't you?" she squeaked out, immediately fiddling with her hands. "I mean what are you saying? That you're not scared. And that you're not mad," wiggling her fingers in front of her like she could pull out on explanation from the air above. "So, then…what are you?"

Instead he reached a hand up to trace her bottom lip before tilting her chin, so she was forced to look back at him. "No, I'm not scared or mad-mad…" he smiled sweetly at her, trying to reassure her only to internally cringe when he watched her gaze darken.

"Pssh," she snorted, pulling off a piece of clean toilet paper to blow her nose. "Please, Derek. I may not be a Profiler, but I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday and then get backed over it."

Dropping his face to hide his amused smirk. Why was his woman so stubborn? "I never said you were stupid. You're one of the smartest people I know," he shifted her waist and lifted one of her legs, so she was straddling his lap. "I fell in love with your brain, too. Not just your killer looks."

Penelope rolled her eyes and blew her nose again. "Derek, every time I bring up Briella's mom you go all far, far away on me," hands resting on his broad shoulders as she focused on tracing the sharp jut of his collarbone. "And the few times I brought up anything remotely about a baby, you get that weird squinty look in your eyes that makes me think you don't want another cute squishy mini-me. So, what pray tell am I supposed to think?"

He watched her, hating the pain he saw flash behind those bright hazel eyes and the undeniable fear that lingered there. His head dropped back against the wall with a thud and he took a deep breath, though a tiny smirk tugged the corner of his lip. "Did you just say…pray tell?"

"Derek," she admonished, even as a blush warmed her cheeks.

"Vanessa," he coughed, getting his words lodged in the back of his throat.

Penelope went completely still. It was the first time he had ever mentioned the other woman's name. The woman that had disappeared from his life. Yet, seemed to always be lingering around every corner. Always keeping Derek at a distance. It wasn't a huge space, but it was there. And it grew any time their pasts crept up on them and they proceeded to ignore it. Letting that untouched abyss spiral and spiral out beneath their feet until they were sitting on Penelope's bathroom floor with no place else to go but through it.

"Vanessa," Derek tried again, feeling the tension rise in his shoulders and settle in his jaw, but he knew he had to face this, to finally let the woman he loved in or he was going to lose her. Lose this chance to really be a family. "Was just a woman I met at a bar. It was a rough case, and I got drunk. We danced. I followed her home and…" he didn't need to say the rest. "She got pregnant. I found out later, when she was about five months along that she was using drugs. I was pissed and dragged her to a rehabilitation center. She fought it tooth and nail but, she stuck it out," a dark look crossed over his face and Penelope tenderly cupped his face, running her fingers through his trimmed beard – silently calming him.

"Or so I thought…" he took a jagged breath, adjusting the bandage over his nose, hating the rough nasally effect. "I thought it was all gonna be okay and that she had worked out her issues. But we didn't really know each other. And I was always too busy with work to notice the changes," his hands were sliding up-and-down the soft cotton over Penelope's thighs, the motion seeming to ground him. "Though I wanted it to work out. So, I bought us a house, and everything was going great, until she slowly began moving her things to the guest bedroom. I didn't think much of it, I thought we would work past it and grow closer with time but… I don't know, I just…I kept myself busy. Started staying later at work. Even took on more renovation projects. I know I didn't help the situation, probably made it worse. But we just fought all the time. She was just so…angry. I know it wasn't her, it was the drugs, I mean I tried, I really did…but I just couldn't see past it. I think she regretted getting pregnant. Didn't want to be a mother. Hell, Vanessa never even touched the nursery. I put it all together before I even knew the sex of the baby," he growled out, and Penelope could feel the tension rippling under his skin until he went still, and a proud smile broke out on his face. "I just knew it was gonna be a baby girl," he chuckled, and Penelope gently wiped away that stray tear that slipped down his cheek.

"And the cutest little girl she is," Penelope giggled.

"That she is," Derek closed his eyes while reaching his hands around Penelope, absently rubbing his hands over the curve of her hips and the fleshy swell of her ass.

"There's more to the story, isn't there?" Penelope spoke softly, knowingly – trying to coax the rest of that heavy burden off his shoulders.

"Yeah," Derek snorted, slowly opened his eyes and frowned. "I found out she was cheating. Came home and found them on the couch. I mean the conversation never came up, but I figured since we were living together and having a baby it meant something. That we were trying to have a future together. I can't even remember if she made me believe that dream or if I forced myself to think the charade was all true. We broke up after that, but decided she would still stay in the house, at least until the baby was born," he kept staring at the tiled wall behind her head, never straying as he swallowed the words down. "Anyway, she became distant and when she was about seven and a half months along it happened…" he trailed off and remained quiet.

Penelope let the silence infuse the bathroom, giving him time, but when his scowl only grew, and his eyes watered up she gathered him in a warm embrace. "Baby?"

"I was out renovating another house. We had an argument that morning about some bullshit. So, I thought staying away, you know just to let her cool off, would help. But I couldn't see that she needed me. It was her cry for help and I just kept knocking down a living room wall in some run-down house across town. Ignoring it all. That I was living with a woman who was hurting and probably hated me and was carrying my child that she simply wasn't ready for," his jaw clenched and a harsh, biting laugh filled the small space. "Some profiler I am, right?" Penelope was about to speak, give him those sweet words that he didn't deserve, so he shook his head and forged on. "I got the call that her water broke. I dropped everything. Forgot everything that we went through all those months and rushed home only to find her lying on the ground. I thought something was wrong with the baby but then I saw all the pill bottles around her. She had so many different medications and she took almost all of them. Hell, I don't even know how she got so many pills. It was my own damn house and I didn't even know she had them…" his arms wrapped around Penelope's waist, clutching her to him. "I called for an ambulance and started CPR. By the time we got to the hospital it was too late. She had slipped into a coma and they had to do an emergency c-section. She died the same night Briella was born."

"I lived with her for months. And I was too fucking busy with work and not really trying to connect with her to know she needed help and…and…" the front of Penelope's shirt became wet, but she just rocked him gently, endlessly cooing such sweet, sweet things into his ear as he continued. "Briella was so tiny. She fit in the palm of my hand a-and…I almost lost her too."

That was it. The thing that broke the dam and tore a heart-wrenching sob from his shaking body.

"Oh, Sweetie," Penelope cried, sniffling into the crook of his neck – wanting to take away his pain, only to startle when he suddenly pushed her away.

"So, no, Pen..." his graveled voice cracked, making her look down on him. "I'm not mad, or scared because your pregnant. I'm just terrified that I'm going to lose you and our child because I'm not good enough. That I didn't try hard enough. That I didn't pay attention when you needed me most."

"Oh, Angelfish!" she whimpered, pulling him against her bosom and running her hands all over him. "You are everything that I ever dreamed of. And so much more. You made me discover things I never knew I wanted or needed. You love Ollie and Liam like your own. You show me everyday that you love me. So please, don't ever think you're not good enough for me, my beautiful Adonis!"

He kept his head down, tucked safely on her chest. Hunched over with exhaustion and what could only be relief.

"Morgan," she whispered, squeezing the back of his neck – waiting until he finally pulled away and caught her watery eyes. "I love you, you know that, right?"

Derek stared at her, letting the new silence – free of tension and deceit – roll over them. Simply enjoying the moment of having her in his arms. That she was there willingly, happily, and oh-so-lovingly. He smiled, leaning into her soft caresses as she gently wiped away his tears. Her thumbs traced his cheeks and every time they passed his lips, he would sneak a little kiss.

They looked at each other, and then immediately giggled like two teenagers. Smiling, swaying, scooting so close, you couldn't tell their breath apart. She delicately brushed her lips against his forehead, and then his cheeks, and then his chin.

And then, like he'd been dying to do since he jumped on the jet and rushed home early that morning, he brought her closer, inhaling that distinctly sweet scent of cotton candy and sunshine mixed with sensual jasmine, and captured those tantalizing lips with a heated kiss.

"Fuck, I love you," he growled, smiling through kisses as she nodded happily. His tongue darted out, and she eagerly obliged. Letting the warm muscle sweep through her mouth and consume her.

His hands had already sneaked under her shirt, fingers dancing over her smooth skin as he rubbed her sides up-and-down ever so slowly. Knowing it drove her crazy. She hummed into his mouth, trailing her own fingers across his chest, and then teasingly flicked her nails over his nipples in retaliation. They were both masters of this game they had created between them. It was a fun, highly sexual, battle of dominance that neither liked to lose.

He released a grunt of approval, and rolled his groin upwards into her center, letting her feel the bulge straining beneath his sweats. And then letting that little victorious smirk grace his face, when she instantly ground against him. Undulating her flared hips and thrusting her large breasts into his face. Reminding him of the present he had yet to unwrap.

His hands stilled on her waist, firmly holding her in place, before slowly trailing his way towards her chest. Those dark eyes twinkled with mischief and never left her face, as he inched his way closer, until the tips of his fingers touched the bottom swells of soft flesh.

She giggled, and then jutted out her bottom lip in a rather coquettish pout. "You know…it's not fair that you were gone so long…" wiggling against him, only to clench her lower muscles just enough that his painfully erect dick could feel the flutter of her outer lips over the thin material between them. "Leaving me here, all by my lonesome, little self," her voice had grown husky as she playfully nipped at his earlobe.

Without warning he quickly lifted the bottom of her shirt over her breasts and held the fabric in one clenched fist above her shoulder.

Penelope hissed, nipples tightening, pebbling under the cold air and Derek's hungry gaze.

"Oh damn, baby," he croaked out, licking his lips as he bent forward and captured the pretty pink tip in his mouth and suckled. Her tits had always been perfect. Large, pale and perky, heavy in his hands, perfect tits. And now, they were fuller, perkier, and her nipples were a little darker and the size of gumdrops and his mouth was already watering.

"Oh, fuck!" she moaned, pulling back while tugging his head closer at the same time. Not really knowing what she wanted but knowing that it was altogether too much and not enough.

He sucked harder, as his other hand released the pretty fabric and cupped her heavy breast. Squeezing the soft flesh, and then slowly running his thumb over the furled peak.

"Don't," she whined, clutching the back of his neck. "They're too sensitive. Like really, really."

He peered up at her, still greedily sucking her nipple, and fought the urge to squeeze the other sensitive tip. Releasing her tit with a loud, sloppy pop, he pulled back. Then he lifted both of her breasts and pushed them together, only to watch them drop. Again, and again, he raised them, and molded them to his will. Completely, enthralled as they bounced so effortlessly.

"Damn," he smiled. He wanted to carry her back to their room and play with them all day. His dick throbbed at the idea, wanting to desperately slide himself between the large orbs. Let her pretty lips suck him off. And his midday fantasy was getting away from him, until…


They froze, foreheads touching as they panted for air.

Damn. That's right, they had children. Children that apparently had no sense of others personal space. Or timing.

Derek groaned, letting his head thud against the tiled wall behind him as he caught his breath. He felt Penelope gently squeeze the tight muscles of his shoulders, as she let out her own disappointed sigh.

"Aww, my poor baby," she whispered, before peppering his jaw with sweet, little smooches that did nothing to abate the arousal coursing through him.

"We can watches more ca'toons?" Ollie called through the door.

"And 'cos you shuts it offs earlies, Mama, we should gets more times afters." Liam added quickly, with the hopeful reasoning of a toddler.

"Baby, why'd you teach those two little geniuses to talk so well?" Derek spoke calmly, though there was no denying the tiny lace of amusement.

"I swear they came out of the womb talking," Penelope sighed fondly. "Sometimes I swear I have twelve-year-olds and not two-year-olds," slumping in his lap as she squeaked in surprise. "Oh gosh, they're gonna hit the threenager phase soon."

Derek snorted at that and peeked his eyes open, only to see the love of his life's dazzling smile looking adorably bewildered at the thought of her babies growing up and his small chuckle turned into a full belly laugh. Penelope scrunched up her nose at him, but she couldn't help but join in. And when her sons called again, the tangled and rumpled adults slowly separated and got up.

Penelope was about to open the door, when he reached his hand out and stopped her. "Hey."

She turned around, cheeks still flushed, pajamas still crooked, and obviously frustrated that their much needed sexy make up time had been interrupted "Hmm?"

"When you're ready…" lifting her hand, he gave it a lingering kiss and then a gentle squeeze. "We need to talk about what your hiding."

Her cheery face darkened before it fell to the floor to stare at her feet. He watched her take a few steely breaths. Her hand coming to rest over her belly, and then she finally met his concerned gaze. "We will," squeezing his hand back. "I promise."

To be continued…