Daredevil threw himself forward onto his feet and assessed the figure in front of him. Listening in, he could hear their heart going a mile a minute- their breath ragged, like they had completed a marathon. Their fists were clenched as if to fight, although it was unlikely that they would succeed at beating him in a fist fight.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Spiderman shouted, as he found his footing.

As the teen rose, Daredevil noticed that the man opposite to him was considerably tall, but not necessarily lanky nor bulky.

"I could ask you the same question," Daredevil quipped back. Spiderman stood with his hands still balled.

Daredevil scoffed, "What are you gonna do kid? Fight me?"

"Hey I'm not a kid-"

"-The hell you are." Daredevil interjected.

"Will you just answer my question?"

Daredevil licked his lips. "Probably the same thing you're doing. I don't get the privilege of running into a lot of people up here."

Spiderman processed the thought and continued, "Why are your eyes covered?"

"Why are your eyes covered?"

"Well they're covered in a way that I can still see out of them", he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

Daredevil tilted his head left and right and nodded at the boy.

"How would you know if I could see through this or not?" Daredevil's rough voice asked back.

"That looks to be either interlock fabric or medium-weight polyester over your eyes," Spider Man snickered. "Your get up? Looks to be custom double-layered Lycra, or maybe even Xtra Life Lycra, for your top. And those pants, are they military-grade fabric? Not to mention, durable, extra-heavy martial arts trainers for your fists and forearms!"

Spiderman laughed at the thought and asked in awe, "You aren't some random, black masked maniac running around, are you? This," he gestured toward the entirety of Daredevil, "this, is all planned out."

Daredevil stood on the damp rooftop, thinking, processing, letting the wind and mild drizzle play as the only intermediate. As if reading his mind, Spiderman replied in time, not missing a beat. "I've done a lot of research, as you can see." He took a step back and opened up his arms, showing off his own enticing uniform.

Daredevil chuckled, letting his lips curl upwards into a subtle smile.

"I'm sure your outfit is top-notch, but, according to your theory, I can't see it."

Spiderman let his arms down in recognition of what was said. "So how do you see then?"

Daredevil rubbed his stubbled chin with his hand, took a breath, and continued, "Weren't you just chasing after someone, kid?"

Spiderman's body froze, immediate to his realization. He rolled his head and groaned, frustrated that he had extra running to do, and even more so disappointed that he had to cut his time short with the man fate had collided him into.

"We will meet again! MY SPIDEY SENSES TELL ME SO!" He laughed.

Daredevil groaned at the thought that, not only that this kid was running around in a homemade rubber suit, but that he had given himself a catch phrase.


Spiderman pointed one last time at the mystery man in black, and ran straight off the roof, surprising him. Daredevil jogged to the edge concerned, only to be greeted by an ecstatic shout and the red-and-blue-clad teenager swinging past him by a thick, semi-translucent web connected to his wrist.

- CH. 1 END