A/N: VERY AU, LOL. This is set in the Buffy Verse, using characters from Glee, Facts of Life and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Charmed as well as from BTVS, so listed as a Buffy/Misc Tv Shows crossover. Starting at Season Two of BTVS, as the only real differences in Season One are the absence of Angel and the addition of Tara. I was never sure if Joyce Summers just worked at that art gallery or actually owned it. A lot of Buffy fanfic writers assume she owns it and I am going that route. I have given Joyce two partners in the gallery. Liz Hart and Micheal Lewis. Parings wil lbecome obvious as the story goes along.

A/N2: Rated M for language, violence, femslash, teen sex, polyamory and possible spanking between at least semi consenting teenagers. If any of these things offend you, please don't read.

A/N3: Acknowledgements go out to Eden Studios for their Buffy The Vampire Slayer roleplaying game. For a long time, this was my roleplaying groups favorite game and we had a lot of fun at it. Their first supplement for the game, The Slayers Handbook used a character Quality called The Totem Warrior, which became the basis for the Primal situation we will see in this story. Thanks guys!

A/N4:Doing something a little different and not including my usual OC in this one. *Chants to myself* You CAN do it. You CAN do it. LOL

Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Glee, The Facts of Life, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Charmed or any of that stuff, all are owned by their respective creators and studios.. I make no money off of this. OC's are entirely mine.

Charmed And Spirited

By DaBillmann


Flashback: Romania 1898.

Darla stood with a wicked smile on her face as she watched the young gypsy girl sneak out of her family house. Naughty naughty, she thought. Well, she was sure Angelus would make sure the girl was punished before he killed her. She started forward to take the girl, but she felt a hand on her arm.

She turned to see Drusilla, with that look on her face she always got after one of her visions. "You REALLY don't want to do that," Dru told her.

Darla started to argue but after the look on Dru's face, realized, no. She really didn''t.

July. Sunnydale California. Just after midnight.

The black sedan roared past the "Welcome to Sunnydale" sign, music blasting.

"Sunnydale?" asked the bleached blond vampire at the steering wheel, a sneer in his voice. "Why the bloody hell did he want us to come HERE?"

The waif thin girl sitting next to him looked out at the stars dreamily. "The Slayer has killed the Master," she answered. "I think he has some sort of plan for revenge."

The other vampire scoffed. "Revenge?" he asked. "Angelus never gave two shits about the Master."

"But Darla did, Spike," she answered back.

Spike just shook his head. It was clear to him that Angelus and Darla didn't love each other the way he and Drusilla did. "Well, we'll find out soon, Pet," he said, reaching over and stroking her jet black hair. He wasn't crazy about coming here. Darla was ok, and actually, so was Angelus when he wasn't flirting with Dru. But, Angelus and Dru could be a... chaotic combination. Not that he minded a little chaos, but, it could get Dru hurt.

"There it is!" said Dru excitedly pointing to the "abandoned" mansion. As Spike stopepd the car, she hopepd out and ran inside.

"Dru," said Spike, climbing out after. Wait for me." He followed her inside to find Darla waiting for them.

"Hello Drusilla, hello Spike," she said, and evil smile on her face. Spike looked and admired her. Petite, blond, beautiful, and evil as the day was long. He liked that in a girl.

"'ello Darla," he said with a smirk. "How's tricks?"

Darla smirked back. "I'm glad you're both here. The four of us together again? The Slayer won't know what hit her!"

"Yes," came a voice from another room, and a tall, dark haired vampire entered the room.

"Daddy!" squealed Dru as she ran into Angelus' arms. She always considered the four of them a family, and Angelus was her sire. He scooped her up into his arms.

"Hi Princess," he said. He sometimes played into her family fantasies. Spike and Darla just rolled their eyes. "Spike," Angelus said. "It's been a long time."

"Yeah," said Spike. "And much as I hate to break up the tearful reunion, why'd you call us here?"

"Patient as always," smirked Angelus. "Well, y'see, Spike, this Slayer is something special. She stopped the Harvest. She killed the Master. Now, I don't really miss him." He shrugged apologetically at Darla's glare. "But, I think a Slayer who can do that, deserves something special."

Spike chuckled. "And I assume by something special, you don't mean flowers and candlelight."

Angelus laughed. "No, nothing like that." He led the others into the sitting room and plopped down in an armchair. "I want to make her life a living hell. This Slayer is different. She has friends. They help her as best they can. One has been REALLY helpful."

"The blonde," sneered Darla. "She's a witch, and a good one too."

"Right," said Angelus. "She has more than any Slayer before her has so...

"We're going to take it away from her. These friends. And we're not just going to kill them. Oh no no. We're going to turn them. We're going to make the Slayer fight them. And if she kills them, well, the pain of doing that will just make her weaker. Then, when she's lost everything..."

"We kill her," said Spike with a feral grin. "I like it. I like it a lot."

"I knew you would," said Darla. She liked it too. The chaos it would bring, and it would avenge the Master.

Dru suddenly looked spaced out as she stood and walked to a window, looking up at the starless sky. "The Coyote!," she said.

"Coyote?" asked Angelus as they all got up and walked over to her. Drusilla was obviously having one of her visions.

"The Wolf," she said, almost swooning.

Spike came forward and steadied her. "Are you allright, Pet," he asked worriedly.

"The Puma!" Dru practically howled. "The Raven! The Lynx! The Eagle! The Bear! Some are here! Some coming! She's not alone!" She fainted dead away. Spike caught her and picked her up in his arms.

"Lie her down on the couch," orderd Angelus, his brow furrowing. "What the fuck was THAT all about?"


One week later

Xander Harris sighed. The Bronze was hopping. The band, Dingos Ate My Baby, was fairly good, and he and Willow were talking and dancing. But, he was bored. He missed Buffy who was spending the summer with her Dad in LA.

Plus, Cordelia-Breath-Of-Vile-Air was here, and she'd already made his life miserable. Cordy had not been quite as bad, at least to Willow and Tara, since the Masters aborted attempt to open the Hellmouth, but she was still a ROYAL bitch to him. And when the band took a break, she'd spirited Wil away. Seems Cordy had a thing for the bands lead singer, Devon, who was hanging out with the guitar player, a short guy with reddish hair, and Cordy had needed a wing girl. Tara had been unable to make it tonight, so, Xander was sitting here by himself.

That's it. I'm outta here, he thought to himself when the four started dancing. He stood, caught Willows eye, and gave her a wave. He walked out of the Bronze, into the night air.

As he walked home, he swore someone was watching him. Suddenly, a beautiful blonde girl stepped out from behind some trees.

"All by yourself?" she asked in a husky voice.

"Yeah," he said. "You?" His heart started beating faster. The girl reminded him just a little bit of Buffy, like the two might try out for the same part in a play or something.

"Yeah," she said , stepping up really close to him. "The night can be dangerous. Walk a girl home?"

Xander got a big, stupid grin on his face. "Sure," he said trying to act all manly. "I'll keep you safe."

"I'm sure you will," she said, looping her arm through his as they walked down the dark, deserted street.


A short time later, the band had stopped playing, and Willow needed to head home. She looked at Oz, the guitar player Cordy had introduced her to.

"I had fun," she said.

"Me too," he answered. "My van is outside. Can I give you a ride?"

Willow hesitated. She didn't really know Oz that well, and was sure her parents wouldn't approve, but, she felt safe with Oz. "Sure," she said, as they walked out to his van, chatting.

Though there were a few cars, but no people in the lot. Willow felt a creepy sensation, as two people stepped out of one of the cars. Willow didn't have Buffy's Slayer senses but could somehow tell what they were.


"Look at this, Pet," said the male, with the bleach blonde hair. "We got us a little bonus!"

The dark haired female vampire gave Oz a look. "Spike," she said. "We need this one too!"

"Oz," whispered Willow. "Run!"

Before they could, the two vampires were upon them. The girl holding Willow, the guy holding Oz. "I thought you were just a snack, boy," he said to Oz. "But it looks like you get the same treatment as Red here."

Willow screamed as they were dragged into the car, and "Spike" drove off.


Angelus watched as Cordelia said goodnight to the rather...stupid looking boy she had walked out of the Bronze with. The boy left and Cordy walked to her car. As she was unlocking the door, he made his move.



Angelus was sulking.

Darla sighed. He was such a child when his plans didn't work perfectly! They had captured three of the Slayers friends plus a bonus, but the witch had not been as easy to catch off guard, and between the aborted attempt to take her, and the disappearances of the others, now she and the Watcher were on guard. Plus, they had made NO headway in understanding the meaning of Dru's little outburst right after she and Spike had arrived.

On the other hand, the four they had taken and turned seemed to be working out well. Despite being young they all had a special viciousness and willingness to learn at the hands of their more eperienced mentors. The boy Xander in particular. Spike had taken him under his wing, and Xander was eating up everything Spike had to teach him.

"What's with Captain Broody?" came a voice from behind her. Darla turned to see Cordelia standing there looking all sexy and adorable. Darla smiled. Cordy was her favorite of their new progeny.

"Oh, he's just upset because the witch and the Watcher keep eluding us," answered Darla.

The sexy dark haired newly risen stepped closer to Darla and softly ran her fingernails down Darla's cheek. "I bet we can make him forget about it," she whispered huskily. "At least for a moment or two."

Darla smiled and grabbed Cordy by the hair, pulled her closer, and kissed her deeply, making the girl moan. Hearing the girls moan, Angelus turned in time to see the two girls slide to the floor. He got a lecherous smile on his face and did indeed forget his troubles for a time.


A/N5: For the record. Darla sired Xander. Angelus sired Cordelia. Drusilla sired Oz and Spike sired Willow. Probably doesn't make a lot of impact on the story itself, but, I figured at least some of you would want to know. My rwisted mind also finds it amusing that Xander and Angel, who never got along, are now kinda like "brothers".

A/N6: I already have three stories going, I know, but this idea was burning to get out. Apologies in advance if updates come slowly.