"Hey! Hey Twilight!"
"Yes, Rainbow?" Princess Twilight Sparkle, Ponyville's chief Libarian (both titles were equally important in her book) looked up from her reading at the blue pegasus overhead.
"Remember that time we met A.K. Yearling?" Rainbow Dash flew tight circles amongst the upper shelves of the library. She kept in constant motion, like a shark that would die if it stopped swimming.
"Yes, Rainbow." Twilight closed her book, resigning herself to the fact that she wouldn't get any proper work done as long as Rainbow Dash was around and set to 'enthusiastic.'
"And remember how it turned out she was really secretly Daring Do the whole time?"
"Yes, Rainbow."
"And remember how we helped Daring Do save the day?"
"Yes, Rainbow. I was there."
"And remember how she wrote us into the book? And then she sent us an advanced copy so we could see we were in the book and that was pretty much the best thing that ever happened in the history of ever?"
"Yes, I remember. The novel's official release was a few weeks ago."
"And it was awesome!"
Twilight allowed herself a smile at her friend's enthusiasm. "It was, wasn't it? Though getting the book early kind of took some of the fun out of it- I mean, there's something to be said for standing in line for a midnight release, you know? There's a sense of camaraderie in staying up late with your fellow fans- not to mention the sweet, sweet anticipation, and then that moment when you finally get your hooves on the book, after waiting for hours and hours in line." Twilight gave a wistful sigh. "You know, scientific studies have shown that delayed gratification can make an experience seem sweeter. I can find you the specific journals, if you like."
"Psh," said Rainbow Dash, "waiting is lame! Every second you sit around in some stupid line, waiting for stuff to happen is time you could spend, doing...uh, other stuff. Radder stuff. Like flying." The pegasus flapped her wings and settled into a comfy hover over Twilight's shoulder. "Hey, that's a good idea! Why don't we go flying? Because you have wings now and that's a thing you can do."
"Maybe later?" Twilight offered, smiling ruely.
"Fiiiiine. You're almost as bad as Fluttershy."
"Not everyone was born with wings like you, Rainbow."
"I know! And that's why you're so lucky to get wings. Oh hey, do you think the rest of our friends could do the same thing? Not that fancy-pancy butterfly-wing spell you did on Rarity, but, like, real wings? With feathers? For everyone? How many letters to Princess Celestia do they have to write before they can be as cool as we are? We could start our own stormball team! It would be the best thing ever!"
"That...would be a lot of magic," Twilight said, "More magic than even I can provide. And on top of that, could you even imagine Pinkie Pie with wings?"
Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide at the thought. "Okay, yeah, you've got a point there. That's...kind of terrifying." She shuddered.
"I know, right? I don't even know how she does half the things she does as is."
"Okay, so magic-ing everyone into Princesses so we can start our own stormball team is off the table. But there's got to be something we can do. I'm so boooooooored. Bored bored bored bored."
"You don't say." Twilight deadpanned.
"And I can't even read any more Daring Do novels because I've read them all already! Twice!"
"Well," Twilight said, "There's plenty of other stuff to read." She waved a hoof at the rows and rows of shelves lining the walls of her library home. "I'd be more than happy to make some suggestions. Since you like the Daring Do series so much, I think you'd appreciate some other stories in the same genre. A.K. Yearling got her start in the pulp fiction magazines- that'd be a good place to start. There's Robert E. Hoofward, or maybe H.P. Clopcraft, but he's kind of an acquired taste..."
"Why do they all have weird initials in their names?"
"I...don't really know. Maybe they're just trying to preserve their anonymity?"
"Whatever." Rainbow Dash flew a restless circle through the air. "I'm sure all of those guys are good writers, but... it's just...not the same, you know? I want to read another Daring Do story, and there just aren't any more Daring Do stories."
"Well..." Twilight bit at her lower lip. "There...might be."
"Wait, what?" Rainbow Dash swooped down in front of Twilight and shook her. Hard. "Where? Why didn't you tell me earlier? WHY ARE YOU HOLDING OUT ON ME!?"
"Ack!" Twilight's eyes rattled in her skull. "Calm down, Rainbow Dash! I'm not holding out on you. It's just that...well, the stories I'm talking about aren't exactly...official."
"What's that even mean? Are you talking about stealing first drafts from A.K. Yearling or something? Because I could totally get on board with that. Seriously, I'd be an awesome book-stealer. We could wear cool black outfits and do ALL THE CRIME."
"What? No! There's no crime involved! So long as you don't worry about copyright, at least..."
"What are you talking about?"
"Look, Rainbow...have you ever heard of...fanfiction?"
"Fan fiction? What's that? Books about air conditioners or something? That doesn't sound very...cool."
"I can't believe you just made that joke."
"I know, right? It just came to me!"
Twilight rubbed at the bridge of her nose. "Just wait here, let me show you something." She trotted across the library and up the stairs leading to her bedroom, where she began to rummage around beneath her bed.
"Whoa, Twilight, this isn't gonna get...weird, is it?"
"No!" Twilight huffed. "Honestly, Rainbow, what do you think I've got under here?"
"Do you really want to know?"
"Not really." Twilight said, and pulled out a battered looking shoebox. She lifted the lid off, and presented it to Rainbow Dash.
"Wait, what're these?" Rainbow Dash said, and picked up the first flimsily-bound pamphlet in the box.
"They're called 'zines,'" said Twilight. "They're fan-printed compilations of original Daring Do fiction. They're just not...official."
"What's that mean?"
"They're not written by A.K. Yearling. They're just written by ponies who really like A.K. Yearling. Ponies just like me, for example."
"Wait." Rainbow Dash affixed Twilight with a wary glare. "Are you saying that you wrote a Daring Do story?"
"I've dabbled." Twilight scratched at the back of her neck, embarrassed. "Maybe even more than dabbled. Really, Fanfiction is really just another way to express one's interest in a particular piece of entertainment. Reading it lets you get more of what you like, and writing it gives a sense of...I dunno, ownership?"
"Cool! What's your story about?"
"Stories, actually. Plural. Mostly short form- I like to explore the little, quieter moments here and there- the kind of stuff inbetween books, or even inbetween chapters. Stuff that might not fit in a faster paced novel...it's just kind of fun to explore the setting a little deeper. For example, one of my favorite stories is about Daring Do trying to write a grant proposal for her university..."
Rainbow Dash stared blankly at Twilight.
"It's funnier in context, really." Twilight said.
"I'll have to read it."
"You should! I used to write a lot of Daring Do fanfic. It's just that I've been pretty busy lately, so I haven't been able to write as much as I'd like. I've got a story or two I should finish, but every time I try to sit down and write, some new crisis comes up."
"Waitwaitwaitwait." Rainbow Dash said, affixing the battered stack of 'zines with a reverential look. "You're telling me there's...more Daring Do adventures."
"Oh, tons!"
"Just not written by A.K. Yearling."
"And just...anypony can write them?"
"Well, anypony with enough discipline to sit down in front of a typewriter."
"So you're saying...I could write a Daring Do story?" Rainbow Dash spoke slowly as the mindblowing concept dawned on her.
"If you wanted to, sure!"
"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" Rainbow Dash squealed, and spiraled up towards the ceiling. "This is so cool! This is amazing! Why didn't you tell me about this before? Now I'll never be bored, because now I'm gonna write the best Daring Do story EVER!"
Twilight smiled, feeling her heart warm at such a display of naked enthusiasm. "I'm sorry, Rainbow- if I'd known you'd get this excited, I would've mentioned it earlier."
"Okayokayokay!" Rainbow Dash dived down, and landed on Twilight's writing desk hard enough to rattle its drawers. "Twilight, can I borrow your typewriter? And those zine things? Pleeeeease? I'll bring them back tomorrow. I promise."
"You can borrow them for as long as you like, Rainbow Dash- heck, if you decide to make a hobby out of it, I'll get you a typewriter of your very own."
"Don't worry, Twilight- you know how I'm the fastest and most awesomest at everything. I've got a ton of ideas already! It's going to be the best thing you've ever read, and I'll bring it back first thing tomorrow morning!"
"That's pretty ambitious of you, Rainbow Dash. Anything I can do to help? I've got a few books on the writing process around here somewhere..."
"Don't need 'em!" Rainbow Dash scooped up several 'zines in her front hooves. "All I have to do is talk about how awesome Daring Do is," Rainbow Dash streaked across the library and hoisted Twilight's typewriter upon her shoulder, "then, I just push a bunch of buttons, and before you know it, I'll have the most amazing fanfiction story ever, and then I'll get a trophy!"
"They...don't give trophies for fanfiction, Rainbow."
"Really? Lame. I guess that's for the best, though, because if they did give out trophies, I'd win all of them!"
"You haven't even written anything yet!"
"How hard could it be?"
Twilight raised a hoof. "Actually..."
"Sorry, too excited, not listening!" Rainbow Dash disappeared in a puff of prismatic light and fluttering pages. "See you tomorrow!"