Hello to the few of you who may still be around or care for this story. It's been quite a while since I last updated this fic, as you can see, and I have some news about that.

For the past few months, I have been rewriting this fic on and off whenever the whim arose, and I've gotten a few chapters done. The thing is... it's different in quite a few ways. I started writing this fic when I was a very young and inexperienced writer, and to be honest, there are still a lot of things I've yet to learn. To put it frankly, this fic is written in such a bad way that I am honestly embarrassed about it. Of course, I understand that it shows my writing progress from where I was to where I am now, but I wish this was something I could erase, haha. No worries though, this embarrassing piece of fiction will be here for those of you who still enjoy it and prefer this plot to the one I'm currently writing.

A big difference between the two is that it's no longer the canon pair with Bella and Edward. Let's be honest, Bella was completely OOC in this story, to the point of changing who Bella really is. So, to fix that, I went the cliché route and made the main character Bella's older sister. The pairings will be Edward/OC and Bella/Jacob in this new version. That's the only thing that has been changed currently, but you can bet that there will be more to come. If you're not liking that, then that's completely fine, I understand. You came here for one plot and to have it change can throw you off, so I don't blame you if you don't want to read the new version... or you're just not into Twilight anymore (because really, this fandom has been dying for a while, from what I've seen.)

So, to conclude all this writing into one little bit:

- I am no longer writing THIS VERSION of HIM

- I am currently rewriting this story, but it's at my leisure and I won't give myself a certain updating schedule

- The new pairings are Edward/OC and Bella/Jacob

- The new version will be posted soon and I will post chapters whenever I finish them

That's all I have to say, and I hope that all three or so of you who still care have a great day! See ya again soon.