Ambrollins One Shot - Dean's Secret-

Summary: The lockerroom learns something new about Dean Ambrose.

Warnings: homosexuality, a grown man flipping shit

Notes: I actually got this idea while watching Paranormal Activity. I almost died at the idea of it. I also suck at making up story titles and so yeah... x


Dean Ambrose was good at keeping secrets, but sometimes secrets can't always stay a secret. His secret just so happened to come out while the locker-room was filled with superstars.

Backstage at a taping of Monday Night RAW, Dean was standing with his back to the other superstars in the locker room, rolling his wrists with tape. He really didn't want to deal with their shit. Cena was standing behind him talking hushly with Orton while Dolph, Ryback, Rowan, Daniel Bryan, Roman, and Seth Rollins were scattered around the room doing their own thing.

He quietly hummed along to the music that was playing through his earbuds as he looked up from his freshly taped wrists. Then he saw it. Dean's eyes went wide and he let out a loud shriek, he stepped backwards and tripped over something on the floor. Probably one of his bags sitting on the floor. All of the superstars looked over from what they were doing to the Lunatic Fringe. Said person was currently scrabbling across the floor, backing himself away from the opposite side of the lockerroom. Dean now had his back against the wall and he was attempting to press himself further into it. Even though it wasn't possible. "Dean, man, are you okay?" Cena asked, with his usual kind demeanor. Dean just ignored him, his azure blue eyes blazing with fear.

His eyes widened as the object of his attention moved. Seth followed Dean's gaze and found the source of the latter's screams. On the wall was a little brown spider. Seth could already tell that the arachnid was harmless. But it seems to Dean like it wasn't. Then it struck him and the others. Dean most have been afraid of spiders.

Dean kept trying to push himself away from the spider as it crawled from the wall to where it and the floor connected. The dirty blonde was breathing heavily and panting as if he were on the verge of a panic attack. Seth pushed his way through his co-workers and kneeled by his boyfriend. "Dean, baby.. calm down. It's just a spider." Seth whispered, attempting to calm the older man. At this moment, Dean looked away from the hairy creature and looked to the two-toned haired man.

"Just a spider?! It's an evil and vial creature! It's ugly and creepy and crawls over everything!" Dean hissed. Seth wanted to laugh at this. He went to get up and Dean's arms wrapped around him. "No! Don't!" Dean's arms were wrapped tightly around Seth's broad torso, hanging on as if his life depended on it. Seth looked up at John and the United States Champion knew what to do. Cena walked over and crushed the spider under his foot.

"There you go." He said and went back to where he was like nothing ever happened. The other superstars followed in suit, already knowing that Dean was probably going to be embarassed by the spider incident. Seth looked down at Dean. The dirty blonde was blushing and attempting to hide his face in Seth's neck.

"Not going to let you any time soon..?" Seth asked. Dean shook his head and cuddled closer to the younger man. "Didn't think so." Seth whispered the last part.

"Asshole." muttered Dean.