Glitz Shimmers- District 1 Male- 18

"Let the Ninety Ninth Hunger Games begin!" A loud voice reverberates across the seemingly peaceful arena. The intensity of the gong that followed vibrated my chest uncomfortably. I place my hand on my chest in a futile attempt to stop it. I was never a fan of loud noises like many of the Neanderthal Careers who would sit for hours listening to the deafening roars of rock or hip-hop. I was a refined soul. The few minutes of free time I had in a day was devoted to listening to the rhythmic coo of classic or jazz.

When the buzzing in my chest subdued I step off of my plate gently and take a look around. I can see that the other tributes are already fighting at the Cornucopia. My fellow Careers were scrambling around like primitive creature, hoping to get as many kills as possible. The fools. Any person with half of a brain should know that you must first find the perfect weapon to make the perfect kills. Anyone could stab a knife into a Twelve's back, but it took talent to kill someone and make the audience love it.

I saunter forward, stepping over knives and axes in search of something more refined. Of course the Cornucopia wouldn't contain my perfect weapon, but I knew that. I would have to wait for my generous sponsors to supply me with such a weapon. Nevertheless, you could rarely find a weapon more refined than a sword. The sword was the representation of nobility, refinement and talent.

After ignoring a look of contempt for my soon-to-be-dead ally, Shine, I walk up to an inner wall in the Cornucopia. Scrolls line the far wall, their browning edges curled up like dead leaves. I gripped one and slipped it into a fold of my cloak. Knowledge was always power and that is why I would be the one to obtain the fruit of the knowledge between good and evil. Was I concerned that someone was trying to get a hold of it? No. These tributes were fools and they wouldn't waste their precious time trying to obtain something that could save their lives.

I let out a silent snort as I walk up to the left wall of the Cornucopia. A long, thin blade hung on a sliver peg protruding from the silver walls. The warm light reflecting off of the sword's surface contradicted with a drawn-out wail that signaled the first death of the bloodbath. I allow a small grin emerge on my lips as I grab the stainless-steel hilt.

I step back out onto the soft grass just in time to see dear Alexia decapitate the girl from Five. She didn't even scream, how disappointing. It was always more fun when they tried to avoid the inevitable. I let out an irritated sigh and step over the head, which had by this point rolled over to my feet. Shine's wide eyes stared blankly into the endless blue sky, her mouth opened in a wail of despair and agony. If only I had a camera.

Alexia gives me a little wave and a wink. Her locks of golden hair were still perfect; she didn't even have a speck of blood on her. She struts up to me and leans up to my cheek and gives it a quick peck. Her full lips press against my sharp cheek bones and her hand strokes the small of my back. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. If she was going to seduce anyone it should be Argon. He would have taken her somewhere private in a heartbeat. Me, I didn't even blush. Alexia seems to notice this and gives a fake pout by allowing her lip to quiver. I roll my eyes far up into my skull and walk off.

My eyes scan the battlefield, looking for a tribute by their lonesome. I took a moment to appreciate the chaos of the bloodbath in the fullest. Children ran in every direction, screaming. Some were brave enough to fight for supplies, others were not and others were dead. At the moment, I counted three bloody corpses, each rotting in their own filth.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot something I didn't expect to see. A tribute was actually climbing up the smooth, immaculate surface of the Cornucopia. With each step, she grabbed onto one of the many vines snaking up the golden walls. Her foot slipped once and her head suddenly turned to the side. I let out a small chuckle. It was Ruth Cargo- the blind girl from District Six.

It really shouldn't have surprised me. Once she heard about the healing properties of the Fruit of Life, she would have realized that she had a chance at winning this thing. She shouldn't have been so stupid.

For the first time since the Games began, I break into a dead sprint. It takes me precisely three seconds to reach the Cornucopia walls. Like a deer, I nimbly leap up three feet and grab onto a thick vine. My body hits the metal surface and the wind is knocked out of me for a brief moment. I let out a groan and pull my sword back, ready to stab.

To my utter surprise, Ruth looks down with a wild look in her eyes. Her blank eyes stare directly into my own. She snarls and lets go of the vines she was holding onto. She drops onto me, suddenly brandishing a thin blade. We tumble onto the ground. I struggle to fight my disorientation when I hear a sound. I whip my sword up and it crashes into Ruth's.

She whips it back and pivots on her foot, sending her short send hurtling towards my neck. I block it with ease and send her reeling back with a simple flick of my hand. I was slightly impressed. I didn't expect any tribute to have such skill, nevertheless a blind girl from Six.

She attacks again with an animalistic rage over and over. She swings at my feet, at my neck and at my torso. I block each strike with minimal effort. Suddenly, her blade and my blade are locked, inches above my eye. With surprising power, she pushes forward and slides her blade down quickly. The tip of her sword cuts through my thumb, slicing off half of my fingernail. I let out a string of vulgar phrases. Within several seconds, I am giving Panem a lesson in the choice vocabulary of District One.

A low growl escapes my lips; I am done playing. With lighting speed that only comes from years of training, I slip underneath her next attack and silently move behind her. I cease all noise whatsoever. My breathing becomes minimal. My silence throws Ruth off. She whirls her head back and forth attempting to hear me. I give a cruel smile and thrust my sword into her back and out her upper stomach.

Her mouth opens in a silent scream. She stands still for a few seconds and then falls forward on her face. I pull my sword out with a sickening squish. I raise my weapon to finish the deed when a strong body tackles me to the floor.

A strong punch hits me in my left shoulder, wrenching it out of its socket. Another blow forces my face into the ground of Eden. I thrash my legs and send my assailant flying backwards. Within seconds I am on my feet again, staring into the angry eyes of Emlen.

"Aww, did you lose your precious district partner?" I sneer. "You should keep your attention in one place. You can't protect her and Zoe!"

"You make me sick," he growled. "You can kill a sweet, disabled girl and then lecture me!" He begins to wave a short serrated knife in the air. "If I were your father, I'd shove this knife so far up you rear that you would taste it!"

That was the wrong thing to say. Memories flash through my mind faster than Emlen could blink again. Memories of blinding pain lashing across my back and calloused fists crashing into my jaw. Nights, huddled in the far reaches of my closet, hoping in vain that he wouldn't find me. Years of not speaking, hoping to go by unnoticed. A man who should have been there for me, that beat me until age eight, when the Academy decided that I was to be inducted into training.

My calm domineer transformed into rage. Cruelty flows through my veins and my mind concocts a plan that would make Emlen feel the pain that he just drew out of me.

"She isn't dead yet Emlen," I say calmly. "You could still save her" I take a slow look behind me and grin. I turn back towards Emlen and wink.

"Emlen, you have always been a little sketchy. You are trying to ally with Ruth and Zoe. I'm going to have to break it to you. You can only save one of them."

"What are you talking about?" Emlen stuttered. His eyes narrowed and he readjusts his stance over his bleeding district partner. She coughs weakly and a small trickle of blood dribbles down her chin.

I point behind me where Zoe was beating Chelsea to a pulp on the ground. "You see Emlen," I begin. "I need Chelsea for a spectacular finish to the bloodbath and your ally Zoe is about to kill her. Right now, I am going to walk over there and kill her. You have two options." I raise my fingers up and count on them as I talk. "You can either run to save your little pet and hope that you can escape before I kill you or you can try to save your little district partner. Your choice."

Emlen looks at me in horror. He looks at the dying girl on the ground who will probably bleed out within the hour and then he looks at his promising ally who was currently beating Chelsea into a pulp. I would have to save Chelsea either way. She was needed for my grand finale.

Emlen looks at me. His chest was heaving up and down. I turn slowly and begin to walk very leisurely towards the two girls. For several long seconds, he doesn't move. I decide to speed up my pace, sending Emlen into hysteria.

I hear him sprint towards me, abandoning Ruth. At precisely the right time, I spin around and lock my sword against his knife. My bright blue eyes meet with his dark brown ones.

He kicks towards my lower stomach and I am forced back. I dodge several slashes and stabs before maneuvering my way around him. I have successfully positioned myself between Emlen and Ruth. I grin.

I had always believed that psychological battles were just as important as physical ones. I had seen dozens of Hunger Games and in most of them, the tributes that knew how to mentally manipulate other people always seemed to last longer than the mindless brutes.

I took pleasure in knowing that I was being featured back in the Academy right now. The trainers were undoubtedly telling the younger trainees that I was a superior tribute. I would be a model victor once these Games were over.

"Well, Emlen," I say.

He gives me a look of disgust and raises his weapon once more. I was impressed. I would have thought that he would have run by now. All of a sudden, a small hand grips Emlen's shoulder and pulls him back. Before I know it, Emlen and Zoe are both sprinting towards the lush, green trees of the garden. Emlen gives one last longing glance back towards Ruth before, ripping his hand of Zoe's grip and sprinting alongside her.

I take a moment to watch as they disappear into the tree line. I give a sigh and turn around to finish off what I had started. I turn around swiftly and see something odd.

Ruth's body was gone.

Paisley Sparks- District 8 Female- 18

It was a butterfly! It was totally gorgeous. The brilliant red and gold of the butterfly's wings contrasted perfectly with the emerald green blades of grass. I wanted to go over and see if it would land on my finger, but Glitz would be mad if I got distracted. He told me on the last day of training, that if I wanted to stay in the alliance, I should listen to everything he said, and he told me that I should put all of the supplies I a big pile. I had seen Careers do that before, but never during the bloodbath.

I shrug my shoulders. Glitz was smart. I'm sure that he would explain his logic later. Shine had given me some dirty looks, but that was before Alexia decapitated her. Hey look, it was a butterfly!

If it wasn't for the icky blood, I could almost enjoy the scenery. We were in some sort of garden. I could see small patches of red, blue and purple flowers to my left that were swarmed with tiny little bunnies and more butterflies. I could spend hours exploring the flowers, fruit trees and other possibilities. Unfortunately, I would have no worry about stupid things like, how much blood is in my body and what weapons I was good at.

I give a humph of irritation as a place a burlap sack of beans onto a small crate filled of who knows what. I go to reach for another bag, when an ear piercing shriek tears through the air. I jump slightly and then stand there for another few seconds as my adrenaline goes down. I kept telling myself that this would be the hardest part. After this, Glitz could help me and then we could win together.

"Would you do me a favor and step away from the pile please?" A voice interrupts my thoughts.

I turn around and see the small boy from Three standing out there, holding an odd cylindrical object. He was shorter than I remember, standing at about 4 feet 8 inches. They sure did grow them short in District Three.

"Hey sweetie!" I say sweetly. I kneel down and give him a little wave. "How about you hit a growth spurt and then maybe I'll kiss you."

His cheeks flush almost immediately. It was so cute! I just wanted to pinch his chubby little cheeks.

"What!" he sputters. He attempts to say something else, but an inaudible babble escapes his chapped, pink lips. He shakes his head fiercely. "No!"

He shakes the metal cylinder in his hand and points it at my face. "If you don't get out of my way right now, I will fire this gun at you!"

I furrow my perfectly shaped eyebrows as I look at the weird "gun" in his hand. "Gun?" I snicker prettily. "Everyone knows that guns have never been in the Games! That would be crazy!"

He pauses for a moment and thinks about what I just said. After a second, he looks back at me and narrows his eyes. "It isn't a normal gun. It is an energy gun." He shakes it up and down and a sloshing noise is emitted loudly. "It's plasma…energy," he says.

My eyes widen in far and I quickly back up. "Please," I squeal. I put my hands in the air and back up even further.

"Move out of my way," he demands as he waves his 'gun' at me. He walks around me and I walk around him like we are animals facing off before ripping each other to shreds. The only difference was that I was unarmed.

My mind races, trying to find a way to stop Neo from stealing our supplies. I had already moved most of the weapons to the center pile. Suddenly, I notice a sharp, leather whip leaning against a wooden crate. That was it. I would have to dive to get it, but then I would get dirt on my cloak. This was such a dilemma.

I contemplate letting him go because he could only carry a few backpacks. He was only twelve for pity's sake! In the end, I decide to try and stop him because that is what Glitz would want me to do.

Without a second thought, I dive forward and thrust my arms forward, grasping for the black handle. My body collides with Neo's legs and sends him tumbling to the ground. He lets out a grunt as he is sent sprawling.

I grab onto the handle of the whip and blindly swing it behind me. By sheer luck alone, the coiled leather unravels and smacks against Neo's forehead. A long line of blood immediately appears and droplets of blood immediately begins to drip down his face. He cries out and quickly scrambles to his feet. Before I can strike again, he hoists up a backpack and runs away. Right before he ducks under the outstretched arm of the Butcher from Ten, I see a label on his metal cylinder. I doesn't say 'Gun.' It says, 'Soup.'

"Hey!" I exclaim as he disappears from sight. I place my hands on my hips and let out a low growl. That was rude! I can't believe that he would lie to me! The nerve of some people!

I needed to give myself a few minutes to calm down so I decided to go and explore the flower field. It takes about a minute to walk over there, but it was totally worth it. There were thousands of flowers swaying in the gentle breeze. I sit down, cross legged and pick a small red flower. Thin, golden lines streak the petals. I place it behind my ear and smile. At least I could look pretty. Hey look, a purple flower!

Chelsea Halliday- District 7 Female- 16

Zoe's knee crashes into my nose and I immediately feel a stream of blood flow out of my nose. I cry out as my body hits the ground. My head whiplashes against the floor, causing yet another bruise on my tattered body.

It was becoming blatantly obvious that Zoe was physically stronger. Her time in the tesserae fields had hardened her in a way that I could never have withstood. Even though I lived in district Seven, I had never been much of a lumberjack. I had spent more time in my mother's small pawn shop, gliding around, practicing my dance routines. I am now regretting, not enlisting in a lumber crew. I could have easily spent a few days a week in the redwood forests, harvesting wood from the enormous giants.

I did have one advantage over Zoe though. My years of dance and gymnastics had given me agility and speed that came from years of practice. So far, I have tried to rely on my strength in my fight against the girl from Nine. What I needed to do, was use my nimble body.

I narrow my eyes as Zoe raises a knife. As she brings it down, I roll to the side and slam my leg against her knee. She cries out and drops her knife as I quickly make my way to my feet.

I take a deep breath, close my eyes and begin my dance. I dart forward, scooping up the fallen knife. I go into a graceful leap, my right leg stretched out towards her face. She is forced to turn her face, or risk a broken nose. My foot crashes into her cheek and I send her sprawling. I twirl on my toes and slash out my knife, cutting her upper arm before she even hits the ground.

I allow myself a small smile, as I level my knife towards her. As my mother always said, "hard work pays off." I may not be a celebrity dancer in the Capitol, but I was alive, and that was much more valuable.

"Witch!" Zoe spits and she roughly wipes her bloody face with the sleeve of her cloak. "You're going to regret that!"

I give her a seductive smile and jut out my lip a little bit. "Is the little girl going to throw a fit? You might need a permanent time out!"

She snarls and charges forward, lowering her head like a bull. I charge forward as well, slashing my knife wildly. My knife slides across her shoulder. It would have gone much further in if she had stop like I had anticipated. Her pain tolerance was much higher than I thought. She continues to barrel forward.

Her head collides with my stomach, knocking all of the air out of me. My mouth opens and closes like a fish, trying to suck in as much oxygen as I could. Nothing comes. Zoe's fists slam into my stomach over and over until before I know it, I am lying on the ground defenseless. I can't suck in any oxygen and suddenly, I realize it is because her hands are around my throat.

She continues to strangle me with one hand, and pummel me with the other hand. For the first time I realize that I am going to lose the Hunger Games. My eyes begin to glaze over and black dots begin to cover my vision. I can't even fight any more. On T.V. death seemed so fast, but in real life it was long. It was painful. The burning in my lungs was spreading throughout my chest. I was becoming cold…so cold. This was worse than anything I could have imagined.

Just when I think that my life is over, a loud masculine voice screams in rage. Zoe's expression suddenly changes. "Emlen?" she mutters.

Her hand releases my throat. I gasp, as oxygen suddenly flows through my lungs again. I wheeze and heave trying to get as much air in my body as I could. I can't concentrate on anything other than breathing. I attempt to prop myself onto my arms, but my head immediately begins to spin. I collapse on my face again, left to the mercy of my own bodily functions. My body wouldn't let me do anything, but wheeze.

I manage to muster the energy to turn my head. I see Zoe race past Glitz and grab onto her ally. It was the boy from Six…I think. I didn't even know any more. I don't think I even cared.

I close my eyes and try to focus on my breathing. In. Out. In. Out.

I feel a strong hand grip my shoulder. I gasp, initially thinking that some outlier was about to kill me. My eyes snap open and I see a pair of unfeeling blue eyes staring back down at me. I close my eyes again.

"Hey Glitz," I mutter. "Have you ever been strangled?"

"Yes," he snaps. I immediately feel like there is a backstory somewhere. I quickly drop the subject.

"Um, well thank you," I stutter.

His icy blue eyes look straight through me. Unfeeling. Cold. A shiver goes down through my spine. I quickly walk past him, trying to get away from him as fast as I can from this emotionless being who probably viewed me as a necklace. Pretty to touch and pretty to hold, but once you don't need it anymore, you throw it away.

Butcher Samuelsa- District 10 Male- 15

I stand at the wide mouth of the Cornucopia wielding a large knife, warding off any potential attackers. Beverley was stalking back and forth, like a feline predator, snarling at me and flinging knives from her infinite supply. I had driven her back several times with my own knives. While mine weren't nearly as accurate, they were good enough to keep her at bay.

"Thread!" I call behind me. "Hurry up with the supplies!" I briefly look behind me and see my ally pilling on backpack after backpack onto his large, broad shoulders. One of the benefits of having a genetically enhanced tribute was that he could carry all of the supplies for me. And when I mean supplies, I mean supplies. Thread had five large backpacks hoisted on his shoulders.

"Coming!" he shouted as he grabbed his metal pole that he always carried. He scooped it up and scurried over next to me. I noticed that all of his backpacks were hanging off of his left shoulder. I give a small grin of pride. Butcher, with his odd tendencies, was very similar to me and that made it easy for me to know how to influence him and eventually, kill him.

I look over, "Are you ready?" He nods quickly and we both turn the ring of pedestals. I duck as another knife whizzes past my head and I charge forward.

As if I was tethered to the back of the Cornucopia, my body is jerked back by a indescribably force. I tumble to the ground as Cerulean lunges towards my throat, with her teeth bared. She tumbles over my head and crashes into a wooden rack of old scrolls. I look over and see that Thread had pulled me back right before I would have been tackled. I shoot him a grateful glance.

"Come on!" he shouts as he shoves me forward…a little too hard. I go tumbling to the ground, my face being forced into the soft dirt right outside of the metal Cornucopia floors.

With my mind racing, I scramble to my feet. I see feet scrambling around and I immediately realize that the only people left at the Cornucopia are the Careers. I rush forward knocking over Alexia from District Two.

I try to get to my feet again, but a hand grabs onto my ankle, causing me to fall over again. I feel a knife enter my calf, immediately causing a stream of blood to squirt onto the floor. I let out a loud scream and flip over onto my back, kicking.

I turn to look back towards my attackers just in time to see Glitz shove a sword through my ally's chest. A sickening crunch sounds as Thread looks down. The light in his eyes begins to fade and I know that he knows that he is going to die. Glitz lifts his foot up and shoves it into Thread's chest, pulling his body from the murderous blade.

And just like that, Thread Simmers, the boy with superhuman strength, who understood my obsessive tendencies and shared my quirks was dead.

I let out a wail of despair as Thread's body thuds onto the ground like a sack of flour. I kick out, catching Alexia in her cheek. I am on my feet in seconds, my knife raised in front of me.

My leg throbs painfully and blood is still flowing out of my leg at a consistent rate. I grimace, trying to keep my leg from collapsing beneath me.

In my pain, I almost fail to notice something. The pack has surrounded me.

I whip my head back and forth, trying to find a way out. There was none.

"Let's make this one special," coos Alexia, a fresh bruise blossoming on her sharp cheekbone

"I call dibs," sneers Beverley from One. "I want to make him pretty."

In the back of my mind it registers that I had fallen to the worst fate that The Hunger Games could give you. The Careers had all the time in the world to do with me what they wish and I highly doubt that they would make my death quick.

Fear courses through my veins as the Careers laugh around me. They were going to kill me. They weren't just going to kill me. They were going to kill me slowly, to entertain the fetishes of the sick men and women of the Capitol. I try to back up, but I am shoved forward by Brontus. I fall to my hands and knees, looking down at the dirt, trying not to let my tears fall.

A soft hand grips my chin delicately and lifts it up. I see the snakelike eyes of Alexia Loard staring into my eyes. She juts out her lip like a child and raises a small knife. I recoil and close my eyes shut, preparing for the agony that was sure to follow.

"Hey!" interrupts Beverley. "You already killed Shine! I haven't killed anybody yet! I get to kill him!"

Alexia looked over and snarls, "Just because a half-wit Career like you couldn't catch any prey, doesn't mean, I can't enjoy mine!"

I shake in fear. They considered me prey…to be hunted down and killed. They were arguing over me like left over steak. What they didn't realize is that when I get scared, I got smart.

"Half-wit!" screams Beverley.

I take my chance. I whip my head forward right into Alexia's pretty nose. I hear a satisfying crunch as her nose twists at an odd angle. I barrel past her and escape the circle of Careers. My feet pound against the soft, lush grass as I race past the pedestals. Just several yards short of the tree line, my body is thrown to the ground by an animalistic force.

Before I can even stand, indescribable pain attacks my nerves. Blinding hot pain courses through my body as knives are stabbed into my body again and again. I barely register than I'm not breathing.

I can't move.

I can't breathe.

My back has been torn open when the weight on my back lifts. My vision begins to go black. Seconds before my mind goes dark forever, I see the retreating form of a savage animal retreating into the forest.

It was the girl from Four.

Cerulean Crest.

Diana James- District 11 Female- 16

I stumble through the serene forest, sobbing as I drag my dying ally with me. I think she stopped running several minutes ago because she feels heavier and heavier by the second. My body screams at me to stop, but my mind is telling me to keep going. If I left Ruth to die here alone, I would never forgive myself.

All of a sudden, my arms go limp and I collapse next the girl from Six. My body spasms as tears flow down my face. I bury my face in Ruth's shirt, smearing blood on my cheek. I don't even try to wipe it off.

When I saw the wretched boy from One stab her, I didn't want to believe that it was over. I wanted to believe that I could save her from a dark and bleak future. I wipe my eyes with my sleeve and take a deep breath. I know what I need to do.

I look at Ruth's calm face, lying pale on a patch of soft grass. If you ignored the gaping wound in her stomach, she could almost look like she was asleep. I get on my knees and brush a strand of her brown hair out of her face.

"Ruth," I whisper. "Sweetie, wake up." Another tear drops off of my cheek onto her eyelid.

Her eyes flutter and a low moan escapes her lips. "Diana? Are you there?"

I hold back a sob. "I'm here sweetie." I pull her into a hug. "I'm here."

"It hurts Diana." She lets out another sob and squeezes my hand, hard.

"I know it does, sweetie," I whisper. I begin to hum a song my mother taught me years ago and as I do I think. We were in such an unsuspecting and beautiful arena and already relationships were broken, lives were destroyed and hope was lost. Even right now, we were in the midst of a beautiful forest. Heavy, ripe peaches were weighing down the delicate branches and colorful butterflies were floating around like wisps of silk. If you arrived here without a clue, you would think that you were dropped off in a paradise. But it wasn't a paradise. It was a hell hole. I continue my song.

I allow my words to be heard be heard by Ruth and hopefully allow the meaning to sink in. "…I once was lost, but now I'm found. I was blind, but now I see." I let my voice die out like a small flame and take another deep breath.

"Can he really make me see again," Ruth whispers. "Can Jesus make me see?"

I look down and see Ruth's blank eyes stair off into the distance. "He can do anything sweetie." I caress her cheek again and wipe a tear off with my finger.

Ruth's breathing seems to slow a little. "I think I want to know him a little bit better," she whispers.

I freeze for a second and let her words sink in. "If you want, I can make sure that you meet him soon. Would you like that, sweetie?"

She nods weakly.

"Repeat after me then. Jesus, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins…"

As I say each line, I give her a few seconds to quietly repeat after me. "I know that I am a sinner an I want you to come into my heart and forgive me of my sins. In Jesus' name, amen."

"Amen," she whispers.

I give a small smile and allow a small sob to escape my throat. "If you meant that, then you will see Jesus in a few minutes." I realize what I just said and my face crunches up in misery.

"I meant it," she whispers. She waits a few seconds and then a serious expression takes over her face. "Diana?" she asks.

"Yes, sweetie," I whisper. I think I know what she is about to say, but I don't want to allow myself to think it.

"Can you make it a little faster please. It hurts so much." I sob out loud. I don't even try to hold back my tears. I pull her into a tight hug and sob into her shoulder. "Please," she whispers.

I lay her back down and brush her blood-stained hair out of her face for the last time. I pull a knife out of my dark cloak. "Are you sure," I whisper.

She nods weakly and takes a deep breath. I sniffle and raise my knife.

"I'll see you soon, sweetie."

I bring my knife down.

When Ruth's body finally relaxes, I curl into a small ball and I sob.

Oh no, the Garden of Eden was not a paradise.

And just like Eve, I was not going to escape it.

So that just happened. I hope y'all are pleased with the bloodbath. I'm sorry about the late update, but I had to study and take the SAT. Hopefully that won't happen again. So…leave a review because when you review, it makes me want to write more.

Who was the most surprising death?

Who was the most surprising killer?

Who would you save if you could?

Hopefully, I see y'all during the reviews.

Tribute List:


Beverley Quicksilver

Glitz Shimmers


Alexia Loard

Brontus Loard


Ciera Levin

Neo Platinum


Cerulean Crest

Argon Kane


Shine Blone (23rd)(betrayed and decapitated by Alexia during the bloodbath)

Alexander Hall


Ruth Cargo (19th)(stabbed by Glitz in the stomach and was killed out of mercy by Diana shortly after the bloodbath)

Emlen Senerson


Chelsea Halliday

Karter Whalen


Paisley Sparks

Thread Simmers (21st)(stabbed in the chest with a sword by Glitz during the bloodbath)


Zoe Lowlands

Basrin Chambers


Tawni Malley

Butcher Samuelsa (20th)(stabbed many times with knives by Cerulean during the bloodbath)


Diana James

Botany Elder (22nd)(viciously slashed with a knife by Brontus during the bloodbath)


Malia Crosswire

Coal Char (24th)(impaled with a spear by Argon during the bloodbath)
