HalfafanD: Danny gets hurt after a fight with Spectra and Bertrand and passes out. Meanwhile a woman named Eve is driving by and witnesses the fight. Good thing she's a doctor and calls the hospital. How will Danny get out of this when he wakes up?
Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom… or any songs from Avalon.
"Man was work tiring today. I think I'll take a nice long bath when I get home." An exhausted voiced murmured as she continued to drive.
The soft hum of the car along with the car's speakers playing Alive by Avalon in low volume once again consumed the silence on the ride home from another day at work.
Finally coming up to a four way, the light turned red. The woman slowed her car to a stop before hitting the side of her driving wheel in frustration.
"No, don't do this to me! I'm only three blocks away!"
The song ended before switching to Wonder Why from one of Avalon's older albums; but it was soon ignored as an explosion obscured any other sound. The woman's green eyes widened as she quickly shut off her music and moved to get a better look.
In the sky flew the ghost that everyone in town knew: Danny Phantom. There were two other ghosts there, a pitch black glowing green ghost with red eyes and a short green blob who also had red eyes.
Battles like these were nothing new in Amity Park. They happened almost everyday. Two ghosts she saw fighting Phantom the most often was either this robot ghost or a blue ghost wearing overalls. However now that she was able to see one this close unlike all the other times she ever witnessed a ghost fight, Phantom didn't look to good. He looked beaten, worn, tired.
The green blob fired a green ray at Phantom who flew upward to dodge it; he then made a u-turn down before flying back up from under the blob ghost and delivering a punch that sent it flying.
From what it seemed, Phantom had the upper hand. But that thought in her head and Danny's quickly diminished as the black female ghost got close and floated just behind him. Neither of them had seen her coming and the woman even forgot that that ghost was there in the first place.
She couldn't hear anything due to them being a ways away and her being inside her car and couldn't see what that ghost was doing to him; but seeing Phantom's face was all she needed to tell that the ghost was experiencing excruciating pain. The poor by was screaming bloody murder that was terrifyingly mute to her ears.
She had heard the local ghost hunting Fentons spout out their ghost facts like how they couldn't feel pain or emotions; but she never believed in it. It wasn't true from the way she believed life. No, the Fentons are wrong, this ghost can feel pain.
It felt like hours before the ghost woman seemed to no longer enjoy the poor boy's torture any longer and simply dropped him. Once his body vanished behind a building as he fell, she immediately panicked. Looking up to see the light was finally green, the woman floured it.
It took about a minute before she was able to figure out where Phantom landed; a small ally between two red brick buildings. She reached behind the passenger seat and pulled out a hospital issued first aid kid. It wasn't much compared to what she was used to on the job, but it was definitely more that what a typical school nurse had. She also unplugged her phone from her car charger and aux cord and exited the silver Kia.
The strawberry blond walked with precise speed like she always did in the halls of the hospital before getting to the ghost boy's side. She paused, frozen as this was the first time she'd ever seen a ghost this close, let alone Phantom.
The dark emerald eyed woman shook her head; now was not the time to be stunned, this was just… another day at the office, yes. This was her job; helping people.
She knelt down beside the white haired kid to observe the problem. Now she understood why he screamed. Blood and ectoplasm was smeared all over his right just below his chest but still above the stomach. The wound also appeared to still be in his side, almost like a diagonal stab. She knew the ghost approached him from behind so the fact that she can see a wound while he was facing her meant that whatever that he was stabbed with went all the way through. It was also apparent that he had a long cut bleeding lightly down the left side of his face.
He also seemed to be out at the moment, but his breathing seemed raspy and wheezy. She whipped out her iPhone and activated Siri with one hand while the other opened her kit.
"Call 911." She commanded to the phone.
The phone beeped. "Calling, 911." She brought her phone to be held by the crook of her neck while her hands remained free and began to cut Phantom's jumpsuit to have more access to the wound as she waited for someone to pick up.
A click was heard, "911 what's your emergency?" A woman replied.
"This is Doctor Eve Waterland from South Mercy Hospital. I have a fourteen year old, severely wounded in the side between stomach and chest and bleeding heavily. I can take care of him without help from paramedics but I need an ambulance to get him to the hospital."
"Ok, I'll alert them immediately. Please hang on for a second."
Eve began working on cleaning the wound but the second the cloth touched the gash, the ghostly hero tensed as he let out a short scream. He reached his hand toward the stab wound. Eve grabbed his hand immediately. She couldn't have him freaking out.
"Hey, it's ok. It's fine. Can you tell me your name?" That was usually what she started out with all of her patience. Before becoming a doctor, Eve was a paramedic; and she knew as much as the next guy that it was best to change the subject to prevent the patient from panicking.
"…D-da-d-Danny…" The boy managed to utter out.
"Hi Danny; I'm Eve. We're going to get you out of here alright? You're going to be just fine."
She reached to stop the bleeding again but Danny grabbed her hand. "…N-no…"
She held a sad but stern look. A look she was all too used to now. A look to show that even though she understood what they were going through right now, she had a job to do.
"Danny, you're bleeding very heavily. Ghost or not that's not good. I need to stop the bleeding and apply pressure. It might hurt a lot but it has to be done. I need you to be strong."
Danny remained silent.
"Can you do that for me?"
A light nod was her answer.
"Good." She then grabbed a clean towel and held it up to his mouth. "Bite down on this. It'll help you to deal with the pain better." Not exactly, it was a method for people to either prevent them from biting their tongue or not to scream while dealing with immense pain.
The ghost teen complied and she began to clean the wound. Muffled screams could be heard. She took a glance at Phantom for a split second and saw that he had his eyes shut tight with tears rolling down.
"You're doing great Danny. Stay strong, I'm almost done." And she wasn't lying; she learned to work fast.
"An ambulance is on their way. What's your location?" She almost forgot about the woman on the other end. It took her a second to answer.
"I'm in an alley way between two red brick buildings on Fifth Avenue." That was the best she could give. With Phantom being her main concern, she wasn't really paying much attention to her location; all she remembered was the street she turned on before finding the alley way Danny landed in.
She noticed Danny looking at her with mild confusion in his still pained expression. She quickly mouthed '911' and 'hospital' so he'd understand. At that he began to squirm and panic slightly.
A silence was held on the other end before the woman came back on; probably because she was telling the ambulance where to go. "They'll be there shortly Dr. Waterland."
"Thank you." And with that she hung up. There was no need to stay on the phone any longer; everything was taken care of and Danny was her main priority.
She put a hand to his chest while the other removed the towel.
"…Y-you can't t-take… me to t-the… h-h-hospital…."
"I had to, I'm sorry. But I'm a certified doctor and used to be a certified paramedic; I can help you. The problem is this isn't going to hold." She gestured to the clogged up gash. "I got an ambulance with only a driver, and I'll be sure to be by your side the whole time so nothing happens."
Danny still didn't seem to like it, but he didn't say anything either. She knew she got her point across.
About another minute passed with only Danny's wheezed breathing and pained gasps being heard. Eve hated that she couldn't do anything else for him until the ambulance got here; but she was proud at how brave Phantom was. He didn't panic for anything other than the pain and the fact that he was going to the hospital, for a reason she didn't really know why yet. He didn't react to all the blood and ectoplasm all over him.
Come to think of it, even though she noticed it before, now that she wasn't fully focused on keeping the boy alive, her mind began to wonder about that. This boy bled both ectoplasm and blood. She knew ectoplasm was what ghosts were made of, so why was the blood there. Was it possible he was more than a ghost? It would explain his breathing and the heartbeat she felt from putting her hand on his chest those few times. Could Phantom somehow still be alive?
The faint sounds of sirens interrupted Eve's train of thought. Was it just her or did it feel like it took longer than she remembered it always being because she was now the one having to wait?
Soon the ambulance pulled up backward beside her car, back facing the alley. She ran up to it and opened the doors.
The driver turned around in his seat to look at her as she pulled out the gurney. "How's it lookin'?"
"Better, but I only managed to stop the blood though. Wait here." She rolled the gurney after raising it toward where Phantom laid. Good, he hadn't moved. "Alright Danny; I'm going to lift you up and lie you down onto the gurney. Think you can handle it?"
Danny gave a smirk. "…Are you…k-kidding? I've…d-d-dealt with…worse..."
"Well, that tells me you're feeling better already." Though it was a scary thought to think that he's been injured this badly before. She leaned down and moved her arms underneath his back and under his legs. "Ok ready? One, two, three."
Eve grunted lightly from having to use her knees to lift up the ghost boy before placing him lightly onto the gurney and strapping him in. She actually didn't have much trouble lifting him; he was light as a feather. Is that a ghost thing, or a weight thing? She'd find out later.
Eve rolled the gurney back to the ambulance; pausing only to reach into her pocket to grab her keys and lock her car. She had forgotten to in her rush to help Phantom.
The strawberry blond lifted the gurney holding Danny inside the ambulance before climbing in herself and shutting the door. "Step on it, Espo."
"Again with that nickname." The Hispanic muttered in minor annoyance and hit the gas peddle, driving the ambulance to the hospital, sirens wailing.
Now with all these supplies, Eve could help lessen the pain. She reached for mask and set it on the kid's mouth and nose and securing the strap around his head.
"W-wait…what are…you doing?" Phantom asked a little frightened.
Eve smiled reassuringly. "Relax, I'm just giving you some anesthesia to help with the pain and help you breathe better. You probably suffered more damage than just that stab wound; probably internally from that fall you took. You'll have to be treated when we get there."
"N-no…please!" What was this kid's problem with hospitals? Did he have some phobia or something?
"Relax kid; it's just like taking an extra long dreamless nap. You won't feel a thing. I speak from experience." She couldn't believe Esposito mentioned that incident himself.
It was an accident really; it was career day and apparently she and Esposito got picked to talk to the kids and show off their ambulance back when she was still a paramedic. Apparently before the last of the kids left, they messed with the anesthetic container and it began releasing the gas. While Eve had gone to escort the kids back to class, Esposito was to stay and close up the ambulance to get back to work. He hadn't noticed he was smelling the gas or even that it was leaking in the first place and by the time Eve opened the door, he was out cold.
The other paramedics would've never let him live it down, so Eve reported they were off the clock for lunch until her partner woke up. When he did, he made her swear to never tell anyone. The fact that he was mentioning it now told her that he cared more about reassuring the kid than his own embarrassment. If only he knew who this kid was.
Danny let out a small smile in amusement. His chest and side hurt so he figured laughing was a bad idea. He relaxed and Eve activated the gas.
Danny couldn't really smell anything. But after about a minute he began to feel rather drowsy. His eyelids drooped. But a part of him worried what would happen while he was out so he fought the urge to sleep.
"Danny, you'll be fine. I promised I won't leave your side. I'll be right beside you when you wake up."
Danny still was unsure, but this woman, who he identified now as Eve, helped him so far; why would she turn on him now?
Eve watched as he took a deep long breathe of the gas and exhaled slowly before repeating. He was speeding up the gas's effects, even if only by a little. He soon stopped and just breathed normally through his nose due to his obvious exhaustion now.
His eyes closed on their own accord as he listened to the sirens. But they began to fade into muffled silence and then, he knew no more.
HalfafanD: I thought I'd end it here. Good chapter. Aren't you glad that I'm back? I'm so sorry I haven't been on all that often uploading; school's just taking a big chunk of me and making me all mentally exhausted. And for my OC; Eve is a character that I've come up with. If you noticed, this story was in my poll once and her name was Jamie instead of Eve. Well, I changed it. Jamie was this dirty blond I came up with at the top of my head who was a nurse and it was more a character I created from inspiration from nurse joy. Joy, Jamie, similar isn't it? Eve was created with inspiration taken from the Librarians, my mom (herself), and How to Train Your Dragon (Hiccup). So please review, no flames.