Disclaimer: I own nothing of the amazing world of Harry Potter. These are all J.K. Rowling's, except the ones you don't recognize and the plot.

James Potter walked down Diagon Alley with his loving parents on either side of him. He could never think about parents not loving their child. Why have one when you won't care for it? As James wondered through Zonko's on his own-his parents had gone to Gringotts-he found a girl who was hiding.

"Are you hiding?" He asked. The girl nodded her head. "But why? Won't your parents miss you?" Her amber eyes darkened.

"I don't care for my parents." She stepped from behind the large case that held some pranks. James was too shocked to move.

"What? So you hate them?"

"No," she shook her head, causing her burgundy waves to shake along in excitement.

"But you-"

"To hate someone, you have to have some sort of feelings for them since hate is an emotion. I don't care about them or for them." She explains and casually picks up an item from the shelf.

"But why?" James could not see -for the life of him- why this girl doesn't love her parents.

"Their views are wrong. They're joining the wrong side and I do not agree." She puts down the prank item and turns to James, her eyes filled with elation. "My grandfather died a few months ago and left me everything. I'm planning on running away." James gasped and the girl smiled at his shock.

"I'll only be on my own for two years, of course. That's when I'll either go to Hogwarts or Beauxbatons." She stopped her browsing and looked out the window and frowned. "There they are now. It was nice meeting you..."

"James Potter," he stuck his hand out.

"Thalia," They shook hands and Thalia shot out of the store. She ran into her father and realization dawned on his face when he noticed what store she came out of.

Her father, whose hair was the same color as his daughter's, put his fingers to his temples as if the very sight of his daughter hurt his head. James followed a crowd of people outside where yelling was louder.

"You are a disgrace to this family-" Thalia's mother shouted. Her hair is in tight, black curls. In the crowd, mothers gasped. But Thalia didn't respond; she just stood there with her arms crossed. She has heard this all before so many times that it no longer affected her.

Thalia watched as her mother drew her hand back, ready to smack her daughter. Thalia readied herself to dodge. She ducked the polished hand and pushed her mother backwards. Just enough to knock the air out of her.

"Why, you insolent child!" Her father howled, grabbing the back of Thalia's shirt. "Apologize to your mother!"

"She's no parent of mine! Neither are you! Now let me go before you're sorry."

Thalia's father looked affronted but still held her in place. She began to kick out her legs when her mother recovered and pulled out a long, slick, black wand. Everybody around gasped, not knowing what was going to happen. And they were too shocked to move. James thought they were pathetic . How could they just stand there and gawk at a helpless girl?

Just as he stepped forward though, his own parents burst through the crowd, wands drawn. "Cru-" Thalia's mother started dumbly but Mrs. Potter stunned her.

"Way to go, Mum!" James cheered.

"Step down, Quint!" Mr. Potter threatened as Mr. Quint turned towards James. He had let go of His daughter who looked ready to kill.

"You little blood-traitor." Quint hissed and pointed his wand at the nine-year old. But before anyone could react, Thalia grabbed her father's wand and broke it over her knee. Wisps of gray mist came from the broken halves.

Mrs. Quint stepped forward, her pointy face bright red, "Young lady, you are hereby disowned from the family!"

Thalia threw down the two halves of the wand and smiled. "It's all I've ever wanted." Her eyes narrowed and spat, "Goodbye, Mother"

The way Thalia said mother made it sound like an insult. Her parents Apparated away and the crowd dispersed. Thalia's tough demeanor faded as she slumped against the cool brick wall of a book store. James was the first to walk up to her. He sat down and took her hand reassuringly. He might have just met her, but there was definitely some sort of protectiveness that James had for the girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Potter looked at each other, having a silent conversation. They walked up to the two small children and smiled; there was no doubt in their minds now. They've made up their decision. Mr. Potter squared down to their level, "Hello sweetie," his voice was gentle and filled with an emotion that has never been directed towards Thalia: love.

Her eyes filled with tears and she stubbornly turned away. How could absolute stranger treat her better than her own parents? The only two people who she's supposed to love and trust without a second thought. These thoughts only made Thalia sob harder. Mr. Potter looked to his son and an understanding passed through them. James threw an arm around Thalia, pulling her in to comfort her. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, she beat him to it.

"Why are you being so nice to me? We only just met."

James was speechless. Why was he being so nice? After a few moments, James came up with an answer. "I guess that's just who I am. It comes naturally. It's the perks of being a Potter." Thalia laughed and wiped the tears from her eyes. She stands up and dusts off her pants.

"Where are you going?" James scrambled to get up

"Probably to the Leaky Cauldron. I just got kicked out of my family, remember?" She gave him a watery smile. Thalia turned but four words from James stopped her in her tracks.

"Come live with me."