AN: Heya~! I'm back and ready for more! Time to see what happened to our protagonist after the flame crash!

Sorry for the really late update, but I had so much projects piled up… Along with exams coming soon… I'll have really little time to update.

nipunkhan823: Those two? Well, they are interesting, but I'll have to think about it first.

Guest: Hmmm… Well, she is one of my favorites, so sure, I'll add her~!

The Storm Master 567: I'm most definitely still doing this, just have less time than usual to update~!

ELOSHAZZY: Well here it is~! And as for Kuno, she is a personal favorite, so it's a go for her~!

Now on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sekirei, I just own my OCs and plot~!

Chapter 3: The Lonely Snow

*Rence's P.O.V*

"Alright, check his heart rate, STAT!"

"H-Hai! H-His heart rate is… 500%!? H-He shouldn't even be alive at that rate!"

"Don't bother with the details! If you people don't pull him out of this, you won't just have me after you, you got that!?"


Are… W-Where… Am I?

"!? Sahashi-san! He's waking up!"

"Get out of my way then!"

Ugh… I feel like I was hit by a truck…

"His heart rate's dropping back to normal levels! His pulse is now… 80%, and is now stabilizing!"

"Come on, Rence! Wake up!"

Kuh, I feel like something's trying to… Huh, it's gone? All I feel now is…warmth…

"Time to get up, Rence-kun…"

"!? Yume-san!?"

I bolted awake as I heard her familiar voice, a voice I've always found to be calming…



"Yokata… You're really alright…"

W-Was that… K-Kaa-san?

"K-Kaa-san? W-Where am I…?"

"You're safe, that's where… Now then…"


"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" I shout out as I rub my sore head! Why did she suddenly smacked me on the head!? It hurts!


I flinch at her words, trying to process on why she was yelling at me… Then it hit me!

"YUKARI! W-What happened to Yukari!?" By this time, I was already frantic, and worried for my adoptive sister. "T-There was a fire and…and… I was supposed to be dead, wasn't I!?"

"Relax, relax. Yukari's fine, and you're alive thanks to a certain someone."

"Hehe, it was no problem at all, Takami-san."

"Yeah! Yume-sama was so amazing with the way she saved Rece-san, Takami-sensei!"

I looked behind Kaa-san, to see my two, new, roommates in my apartment, and both were, conveniently, Sekirei, with one of the two being my 'partner', in a sense.

"Ah! Musubi! Yume-san!" It's shocking that the two of them were here! But, I didn't miss the look the two of them shared with Kaa-san, something I'll ask about later. "What're the two of you doing here?"

"Well, it was Yume here that saved you."

"Hehe, it was no trouble at all~! All I had to do was kiss you…" Yume-san replied, while going near me, and seductively whispering those last words to me as, I blush, already knowing what she meant...

Does this mean I have another Sekirei in just a span of 24 hours!? I am really starting to think that my luck is going against me with these things…

"Anyway, you're really lucky, Rence. You're being discharged from the hospital today, while most people usually take longer…"

Really, Kaa-san? So I'm free to go this early? I just woke up, and I'm already ready to go… Man, am I one lucky man, I more ways than one.

"Yeah~! Rence-san can go home early~!" That proves my theory that Musubi is bundle of joy, filled to the brim with energy…

You know, maybe Musibi can be nicknamed as the bubbly Sekirei, because her happiness is so damn contagious. The more she smiles and laughs, the more I have the need to do so as well~!

"Well, if that's the case… Better get signing those release forms, Kaa-san~!" I sang the last bit, feeling Musubi's happiness affecting me already~!

"Alright, alright. I'll leave you three lovers alone for now." Kaa-san left the room with a smirk.

Now, the three people left in the room were blushing a bright red at what she said… Seriously, how did she even know!? I try my best to keep things hidden for as long as I can, you know!

"W-Well… Anyway, can any of you tell me what the hell happened during the flaming train incident?" I finally asked after a few more minutes of silence.


"I'll explain it…"

(Flashback) *Yume's P.O.V*

"H-Hey! Where do you think you're-GAH!"

"I'm sorry, but I have no time to talk right now…" Especially since Rence-kun might be in danger…

Still… Why did he suddenly run off like that? All the news said was that there was a fire, he just left once he heard the last name… I think it was… Yukari, Sahashi?!

So that's why! If I remember correctly, he had a sister whose the same age as him under the same name…! So that's why…

"KYAAA! Someone help! That boy just ran in there!"

"No way am I going in there! That fire's too thick! I'm out of here!"

"Hey! Get back here, you coward! You're supposed to be in charge of these things!

"Screw that! I didn't sign up for this!"

These humans… They don't want to help another when it is their job to do so? That makes me a bit angry, but I know that that is how most humans act… At least I know some who act differently from these ones…

But… That woman said something about a boy entering the train? That must be Rence-kun! I need to act fast!

"Please excuse me!"

"Woah, what the!?"

I plow right through these people as I made my way inside the train…


"Oof! What is…?!"

Until a body of a girl hit me, and she looks like that Yukari girl… Don't tell me!? Rence-kun you idiot!

I laid the girl down on the safer part as I rushed towards the door…

"See ya, Yukari, Okaa-san, Yume-san, Karasuba-san, Musubi…"

Only to see Rence-kun almost crushed by a boulder!




Before I even knew what I was doing, I was already in front of him, and kissed him directly on the lips, while the debris that was about to come down on him was destroyed by the light of my winging…

Aahn… The feeling of his lips…is rough… I like it…

'After all this time, you're finally my Ashikabi…' I happily thought to myself as I felt Rence-kun going limp, unconscious from the smoke, I believe… As I broke the kiss, I picked him up and left the burning train, and saw Rence-kun's sister being taken away to a hospital…

But I'm happy… I finally have my destined one by my side… Forever and ever…

(Flashback End) *Rence's P.O.V*

"… And that's all that happened. Yukari-san, I believe, was taken to a hospital not far from here. In fact, she should be let out of there in a day's time."

"Really? That's good…" I sighed in relief as I found out that Yukari's alright. Looks like I worried too much… Now back onto my new Sekirei… "So… You're my new Sekirei, Yume-san?" Nice start, you idiot…

"Technically, yes, but are you…fine with that?" She fidgeted a bit as she said that, and I felt a smile tugging at my lips, with Musubi just jumping in joy behind her. "I-I mean… I am older than you, so I guess that you'd want someone near your age bracket… B-But…"



I quickly kiss her on the lips as her face turned a bright red from my sudden kiss, but I felt her slowly melt into the kiss, enough so that she's kissing me back. Though, I didn't fail to notice the pink wings behind her, which seemed to be a lighter shade of Musubi's own wings…

"You need to be more assertive, you know?" I said as I broke the kiss.

"I-I… Rence-kun… Um, t-that was…" On the inside, I was secretly laughing at how much she's embarrassed right now. "U-Ummm… I-I'm… Ehehe…"

'So cute.' I suddenly though at how bashful she's being right now.

"Haha, so cute… But, you don't need to apologize to me about your winging. Honestly, I'm happy that you're my Sekirei… I mean, I kind of had a huge crush on you ever since I was young…" I felt my face heat up, and hers turned an even darker shade of red, but I wasn't finished just yet. "Besides, you did it to save me, right? I don't think you have to say sorry to me for that. And as I said before, I had a crush on you when I was young. You could say that I'm elated, to hear that you actually reacted to me." And there's that blush again… Sheesh, I am not used to these things, much

"… E-Ehehe… So happy…" What did she just say? Honestly… I can't understand what her words were then…

Though that doesn't mean that things are over for me yet…



"Muuu… No fair! Why is Yume-sama the only one being praised~? I want Rence-san to praise me too~!" I couldn't understand what Musubi just said, as my mind was stuck on a certain feeling on my right arm…

*boing~ boing~*

… Her soft b-breasts are pressing against my back, and I keep hearing a 'boing~' sound as I looked at them…

Okay, Rence! Count pi to resolve everything! 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609433057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548074462379962749…



"N-No way! Rence-kun, please praise me more instead!" Yume joins the fray! And though her b-breasts weren't as 'a-hem' well developed as Musubi's, I can still feel them, and hear that dreaded 'boing~' sound! Continue with pi!

...567351885752724891227938183011949129833673362440656643086021394946395224737190702179860943702770539217176293176752384674818467669405132000568127145263560827785771342757789609173637178721468440901224953430146549585371050792279689258923! GAH! This stupid thing isn't even working at all! And why the hell is it even called 'pi' in the first place!? It makes no sense at all!




"Gah… My…brain feels so light…"

[Noooo! Please keep it together, Rence-kun/san!]

"Is that…the light I see there…?"

[Don't go into the liiiiiiight!]

… And I was out like a light.

(Rence's Subconscious)

Ugh… I never want something like that to happen again…

But, I'm back here again? Though something's different about this place, because another pillar of light was just in front of me, standing near the first one. This one was the same shade as Yume's wings, and now that I think about it, the first one looks like Musubi's wings… Just what is going on here?

[So it would seem that you have come back with another bond. Well done, young one.]

That voice again…

I turned to the right to see 'him'… And just like the last time I was here, he looks like an exact replica of me… Honestly, just who is this guy, and why does he look like me?

"You again, huh… Just, what do you want from me? How do you even know what these pillars of light are, along with the 'bonds' you keep speaking of? Just who are you?"

The 'person' merely shook his head with a sigh as he looked at me.

[What I want from you shall be revealed in time, along with my knowledge of these pillars. But I will say one thing, you have a big role to play if you want the Sekirei race to live peacefully with their respective Ashikabi.] The more I listen, the more questions I have for this guy… [As for who I am… I am Chronos, and I would prefer being referred to as such.]

'So his name's Chronos…? Why… Why does that name sound familiar…' I thought to myself. Now for the last question I have… "Okay, Chronos…-san? Anyway, last question… What are you, exactly?"

For a moment, everything was silent, and I was wondering if I asked something I shouldn't have, but the guy suddenly laughed.

[Haha… Good question. Often times, I wonder that myself… What am I? You'll have to find that out yourself. But I will tell you one thing… 'Time is of the essence'… With that, I bid you adieu, as your Sekirei are waking you up…]

"Hey, wai-" I didn't even finish, as a bright light surrounded the room as I 'woke' up…

(Rence's Apartment)


"Bwah! So cold!" I screamed as I jolted up, awake and freezing from the water being thrown at me!

"Thank God, you're finally awake…"

"Yay~! Rence-san's ok~!"

And beside me were the two culprits for doing this! And Yume's holding bucket, proof that she did it, I tell you! Seriously, why throw water at someone just to wake him up!? Couldn't they have used something else to wake me up!? Damn it, it's cold!

"D-Did y-you r-really h-have t-to u-use c-cold w-water o-on m-me!? S-Seriously!?" I shouted at them with a stutter because of the cold water! "A-Achooooo!" Damn it! I might catch a cold at this rate!"

"But… I read something about this being the fastest way to wake up someone…" Yume replied in a serious manner. That's it! Need to correct her now!



"Wherever you read that, it's dead wrong… Seriously…" I said after I bonked her on the head, I'll fix the other stuff later… Geez, and I thought Musubi was the airheaded one, no disrespect for her, though… "Anyway, what time is it?"

"It's…six in the afternoon." Huh? That late already? Man, and I thought April would give me longer daylight…

"And what day is it today?"

"It's…a Saturday, I think…" Eh… Didn't I have to meet up with somebody this week…? And I think it was a Saturday meeting as well, at exactly six thirty… Ah!

"Damn it! I'm gonna be late!" I shouted as I jumped from the bed, dressed up in my new black jacket-with-a-hood and blue pants combo, wearing my red sneakers as I ran towards the door. "She's so going to kill me if I'm late!" Of all times to to forget an appointment, it had to be hers!


"Sorry! Need to get going before I'm late! See you all later!" I replied as I ran out of the door, closing it before I sped away.

(In a Park Nearby) *Third Person's P.O.V*

Sitting on the bench was a voluptuous woman only wearing a bloodstained lab coat, that was barely hanging onto her body. Her beautiful face was in monotone, giving off an expressionless face as the woman herself looked like she lost all her reason to live.

Then, a hand was offered to her as she looked up to see a raven-black haired boy, with crimson eyes that had worry in them.

"Hey, are you…okay?"

*Rence's P.O.V*

Even though I knew I was going to be late for doing this, but seeing the woman sat there like that, it made me feel… Sad. It's funny, since I never even met this woman in front of me. She just… Reminds me of how depressed I was when I saw my parents die in front of me…

But, why is it so cold in this park, and warm everywhere else? It is spring, right? Not winter? But I guess it is fine. The cold never bothered me anyway.

Back on topic… I offered my hand to the woman, who had short, light brown hair, a voluptuous body, a beautiful face, and…dull and depressed eyes. I only muttered my question, still in awe by her beauty.

"Hey, are you…okay?"

She didn't answer, just stared as I took in her appearance… The only thing she's wearing is a lab coat that barely hung onto her, and nothing else… And the coat itself had bloodstains on them… Now, normally I would be embarrassed by what she was wearing, which is highly indecent, but with the state she's in, I have no such leisure. My mind's already thinking of the many possibilities that might have happened to her.

"I…am broken…" She finally spoke, but…those words… "I…am a scrapped number… Nobody wants me…" She even hugged her legs closer to her chest, and I swore I saw some tears on her expressionless face.

Sigh… I think I have an idea of what happened, but to think somebody would abandon someone else like that…

With that in mind, I sat down next to her, and I noticed the Sekirei crest on her forehead. So… She's a Sekirei as well? Well…it doesn't really matter.

"You know, nobody's really 'broken' or 'unwanted' in the world." I said as the woman looked at me, while I only smiled at her. "In fact, you don't look broken to me at all."

"But…they said that I was broken… That I wasn't going to find my destined one… My Ashikabi…" Now she looked even more depressed than before… "None would…like a 'scrapped number' for a Sekirei…" Well, I was right on that one…

"Huh? Are you sure that your Ashikabi wouldn't like you? Do you…have an idea on what this person looks like?" I asked her, still confused, but for a different reason. Why does she have her Sekirei crest on her forehead? "I mean, what if he accepts you?"

"He… Will reject me…" Huh…? I don't believe it. "I…have not seen him…since he was a…child…"

"Huh? Then… Do you know of his name?"



"… Rence Xavier…"

"Huh!?" I-Isn't that… My… Real Name!? B-But, that's not possible! It's been a long time since I heard my real name…



"Ne~! Akitsu-san~? What do you think of the world~?" I asked the woman who was rubbing my head affectionately, something my seven year mind didn't understand.

"I, think it is a, lonely place." Akitsu-san replied, making me look at her. "I, think that the world shouldn't, continue anymore…"

"But…if the world didn't continue, wouldn't that mean we can't see each other anymore?" I asked with a whine, earning a giggle from the usually expressionless Akitsu-san.

"No. We, would still see, each other… It, is fate…"


(Flashback End)

"N-No way…" I looked at the woman with shocked eyes, while looked at me with confused eyes. I can't believe I met her again…


"A-Akitsu-san… I-It's me, Rence…" She looked onfused, as realization soon dawned on her… I was right… "I'm Rence Xavier…"


AN: And cut! Whew, been a while since I wrote in any of my stories! Again, I am really sorry for the late updates, but I've been busy with school work. So a shout ut to all my readers in any of my stories; I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Another shout out: I'M BACK, YEAH!

Ahem, sorry for that.

Wake's Flock: Musubi, Yume, Kaho, Kusano (17 yrs. Old), Matsu, Yashima, Oriha, Tsukiumi, Kuno, Uzume, Kazehana, Homura (Fem), Shiina (Fem), Akitsu, Yahan, Kochou, Miya, Karasuba, Haihane

Human Lovers: Yukari, Chiho, Mikogami (Fem)

Extra Lovers: Mutsu (Fem)

Last thing; Rence's lovers can still be edited with new ones, but none will be taken out, alright? So please suggest who you want, and I'll think about it~!

Ja ne~!