Morning Light
Author's note: A friend of mine challenged me to write a more "naughty" story. Now such writing is really not my thing and so many fan fiction writers of such products frankly just appear to basically have their characters "go at it" like amphetamine fueled bunnies with little or no meaningful rational or story. If I want erotic fiction, or porn stories, there are frankly better sites than most Fan Fiction stories (although some of the Emma/Jean stories I've bumped into have been intriguing from a story writing and character interaction perspective).
Having said that, I have to say that I've found that the various works by the author alcimines to be both well written and very entertaining. They touch upon the naughty (sometimes quite a bit more than touch) but are not excessively graphic so I decided to give it a try.
This is a follow up to the 4am coffee story I wrote some time ago. The story takes place a few days after the 4am coffee story. Again we find Illyana and Emma together late one night. I guess a story code is needed: FF.
Why Illyana and Emma? Well Emma has broken up with Scott and she's been mostly trapped in the new X-Base so I think she has her frustrations. Why Illyana? Well I mostly write Illyana stories. Sexually I suspect Illyana is Bi with a tendency towards the female while Emma is also Bi with strong preference for the male.
I decided to get a bit extra naught and added an extra section 7/18/15 and did some extra enhancements and proof reading.
Oh, and my use of mourning instead of morning is deliberate.
Part 1: Mourning light
"Mmmmm" Emma shifted amongst the silky sheets, the morning light gently coaxing her awake. Emma felt delightfully achy in all the right spots and utterly relaxed in all the others. Her morning frustrations of the last few months quite resolved. She hated waking in a cold and empty bed and this bed was neither.
Emma found her head lying on somebody's stomach, apparently she had end up using it as a pillow at one point while she slept slept. She shifted her head slightly upon the firm and yet so soft pillow and gave forth another satisfied "Mmmm", similar to a contented cat's purr. She lazily thought to herself, "Scott's letting himself go a bit. Usually all I feel is his abs. This is nicer, softer, more...". Her eyes snapped open and found themselves staring at a belly button and a distinctly none male crotch "feminine".
Trimmed, not shaven, blond. And very very naked.
"Oh shit" Emma thought as she fully recollected the nights activities. She carefully turned her head and body over and found herself staring up a torso that had breasts. Said torsos owner's head being framed by said breasts.
Illyana's head.
Who apparently was still asleep, and snoring (yes she snores). Her head tilted to the side on a pillow.
"She really can be a devil when she wants to" Emma thought as she remembered some of the things they had done to each other, the remembrances causing parts of Emma to clench up in remembered spasms of pleasure.
Emma slowly rolled back over so that she was lying down on the mattress (yes it was a very big bed), her head still supported by Illyana's belly, and staring at the ceiling (glad to see we didn't blow the roof off) while mumbling a brief statement of both disbelieve and awe.
"Damn, the dial really does go way past 11".
Part 2: Precursor, or what came before mourning light
Emma awoke from yet another frustrating dream. "Damn I was almost there" she mumbled while opening one bleary eye to glance at the clock. 2:03am shined the red numbers with a glow that Emma just knew was both smug and happy. "You just watch it Mr. Clock. I am an unhappy and frustrated woman, which might just make me a clock thrower if you piss me off enough". The clock rebutted this threat by cheerfully announcing 2:04am with the still so annoying red numbers.
Emma closed her eyes and willed herself back to sleep, after what had to be hours she again glanced at the clock. 2:07am was announced with the same annoying red glow.
"What the hell woke me up?" Emma wondered as she got out of bed and grabbed a robe. She did a quick mental scan with her damaged but recovering telepathy. "Can't sense anything out of the norm, but now I'm wide awake". Emma walked over to her drink cabinet only to find that the Armagnac bottle was gone. "Crap, forgot I gave it to Erik. Hmm, there's another one in the kitchen".
Emma left her room, walked down the stairs, and went to the kitchen. "I see Illyanas not up for once. I swear that girl almost never sleeps". Emma punched in the security code to unlock the door to the secure adult food pantry (Adult meaning instructors but mostly Emma).
"Ha, take that student swine. Leave the caviar and finer things to the ones who appreciate it" she chuckled to herself as she remembered catching Golden Balls actually mixing several cans of caviar and sour cream together as a nacho dip. "And no raiding the liquor cabinet, this stuff costs more then you made in a month working at Sam's club". She had had words with Hijack about him commanding the pantry open. "If there is a next time I'll adjust your mind so you can't get it up unless adult diapers are involved". (Yes the threat had worked).
She grabbed the Armagnac bottle and closed the pantry, then located an appropriate glass. She wandered out of the kitchen and decided to take a detour to the living room (the X-Base, or X-Bunker as Emma liked to describe it, had a very large living room). The lights were off, but the reflected kitchen glow provided sufficient light for Emma to locate a chair. Emma sat down and poured a generous dollop into her glass, and then put the bottle on the coffee table.
She relaxed back into the chair and sipped her drink. Well, tried to relax. She ended up quite startled and managed to spill half of her drink on herself as Illyana suddenly magic'd a light sphere into existence and inquired. "Still walking the halls in frustration I see".
"Damn it Illyana! Don't do that. I hate it when you hide your mind like that"! Emma hissed as she put down her glass and wiped her hands to on her robe.
"Sorry" Illyana said with a laugh (no she was not sorry), "Couldn't resist. Loved doing that to Bets back in Utopia. Gotta keep those ninjas on their toes, psychic or otherwise. Never could fool Wolverine or Laura though, they never over relied on just one sense".
Illyana was sitting on the other side of the living room. She was wearing a blood red silk robe and was barefooted. The robe had a yellow Tweety Bird on the left breast. Tweedy Bird was dressed in a dominatrix outfit and was slapping a riding crop in her hand. There was a word bubble over Tweety Bird that said (You've been a bad bad Puddy Tat). The back of the robe said Puddy Tat Patrol in gothic yellow silk letters (Emma never did see the back of the robe that night).
"Where on earth did you get that robe? It's... oddly appropriate on you".
"San Francisco China town back when we were all at Utopia. I saw it in a shop window as I walked past and decided to get it".
"Not your usual attire".
"Naa. Just woke up a few minutes ago and threw something on. Decided to come down to the living room".
"Wait a second, how on earth do you still have your stuff from Utopia?"
Illyana just raised one eye brow and smirked in reply.
"Ahh of course, teleporter and sorceress. Convenient".
That's what must have woken me up Emma surmised. Illyana must have made some noise. But why was Illyana shielding her mind so hard? This was not a late night ninja prank, although frankly the mindset of someone who likes to startle ninjas as a joke does take some getting used to. The fact that the ninjas all found her to be scary, and had kept complaining to Scott, should also be taken into consideration as well when evaluating Illyana.
"Bad dreams"? Emma inquired with actual concern.
"Not as such. It was nice to not have a distasteful dream for once".
"Good. What kind of dream if I may ask".
"Um, nothing in particular". Illyana actually blushed a bit and Emma could swear she could actually hear Illyana's mental shields clamping down harder.
"Oh, one of those kind of dreams" Emma purred. Now she knew why Illyana had been shielding so hard. Time for a little payback for Illyana's remorseless and infantile mocking of Emma those few nights ago. "Tsk tsk, Illyana. I guess I'm not the only frustrated one".
Illyana scowled at Emma, but then she frowned and her expression changed to a more speculative and contemplative expression. "No I suppose you're not".
Emma missed Illyana's change of expression while she pressed home her attack. If she had to be frustrated then at least she could get in some primetime bitchyness. "Tell me dear, does the dial really go past eleven like you said or was that just bragging".
Illyana looked Emma in the eye "Yes, way way past if I want it to".
Emma chuckled as she took a sip of her remaining Armagnac. "Words are not deeds my dear. Although I must say the statement sounds so... intriguing. You really must show me sometime". Emma chuckled to herself. At this point Jean, Ororo, Kitty, and a host of other X-Woman would all be scandalized, flustered and inevitably flee. Emma awaited Illyana's response with anticipation, confident that she would triumphant in this little contest of scandalous behavior (after all, she had always won before whenever she played).
Illyana's response was different than the rest and not per the script in Emma's mind.
Emma's smile of anticipated triumph faltered at Illyana's mater of fact statement.
Illyana stood up from the chair and started walking over to Emma. Emma put down her glass and hastily stood up, just as Illyana arrived and they now stood robe to robe. Height wise Illyana was just a few inches shorter than Emma. Illyana draped her arms over Emma's shoulders and crossed them behind her neck. She then bent Emma's head slightly down.
"Illyana what are you do..." Emma started to inquire in a bit of a panic, her statement silenced by Illyana.
"Hush" Illyana whispered as she softly kissed Emma on the lips. It was a light but long kiss, sweet and soft. Hinting at things to come.
After the kiss Illyana drew her head back and silently looked Emma in the eye.
Emma knew when it was time to fold. "You win. I'll back off" she softly breathed. Convinced that Illyana was simply calling her bluff. Damn that was a good kiss.
Illyana just looked at Emma and then kissed her again with that incredible kiss while slowly untying the front of Emma's robe. Emma was naked beneath the robe.
After the interminable kiss finally ended Emma whispered "We can't".
Illyana ignored Emma and now untied her own robe as well, Emma was not surprised to find Illyana naked beneath it. Their breasts were now pressing against each other.
Illyana kissed her again.
Emma felt her arms go around Illyana's hips. After the third kiss Emma uttered another denial "This will never work".
Illyana whispered back as she began to suck and tease Emma's nipples, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from Emma. "No. It won't. But maybe for a night we can help each other get rid of a whole bunch of frustrations".
Emma groaned. "If you can't love the one you love".
Illyana finished "Love the one you're with".