A/N Hello, I really struggled with the ending, nothing I wrote felt right, so I hope its ok. Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck with me on this little journey!

Lord Madoc's fortress was a maze of corridors and empty rooms. Even with Gwaine half carrying him, Merlin was struggling to keep going. His back felt like it was on fire and his chest and stomach ached, making it hard to breath. He wanted to sink to the floor and sleep for days but that was not an option. They needed to get back to Camelot and Arthur. He forced himself to take another unsteady step.

The sound of running feet behind them forced them into a narrow room where they waited for the guards to pass. Gwaine was worried, the whole fortress would know of their escape now and there were guards everywhere, they could not hide forever. Merlin's condition had not escaped Gwaine's notice either. The servant was pale and shaking, his eyes closed in pain. "Hang in there Merlin," he said, trying to sound encouraging, "just a little longer."

After the running feet had gone, they continued through the fortress until they came to a door that led to a courtyard filled with guards and an open gate. A couple of horses stood placidly a few meters away from the door. If they could reach the horses without being seen they might be able get to the gate and freedom. Gwaine explained this to Merlin, who nodded, "I'm ready." He did not look ready.

They emerged from hiding and stumbled as quickly as they could towards the horses. Halfway there someone spotted them and gave a shout.

Gwaine doubled his pace and Merlin, unable to keep up, tripped and fell. In seconds they were surrounded, Gwaine tightened his grip on his sword. He would not go down without a fight, and with that thought in his mind, he swung at the nearest man.

The sound of clashing swords permeated Merlin's fuzzy brain. He blinked trying to clear his head and saw Gwaine block an opponent's blow. There was a dark stain on the knight's shirtsleeve.

Merlin raised his hand and that small movement made his vision blur and his stomach roll. Gwaine cried out in pain and Merlin, though he did not remember closing them, opened his eyes and saw Gwaine on his knees, one hand pressed to his side. A man armed with an axe and an evil smile approached.

The man was stopped by a familiar voice, "Wait, I want a word with him." Lord Madoc came forward and the man with the axe stepped aside, looking disappointed. "Very good sir knight, you have fought well but you cannot win this. Surrender now or I will have no choice but to kill you, slowly."


All eyes turned to Merlin.

"What did you say?"

"I said enough." Merlin pushed himself to his knees.

"Do you think you can stop me?" Lord Madoc sneered, "There is nothing you can do. You are nothing, a worthless worm."

Merlin stood up his injuries forgotten.

"You're wrong. I'm more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

Blue eyes flashed gold and Lord Madoc and his guards flew backwards.

Pulling Gwaine with him Merlin ran for the horses. They were mounted and almost through the gate when Madoc yelled at his men to stop them. Merlin pulled up his mount and turned. He was angry.

He was furious.

He was burning but this time it was not from his injuries. The warlock raised his hand above his head and black clouds filled the sky. He brought his hand down and with it came all the anger and pain and anguish and loyalty that was inside his heart. The lightning smote the fortress bringing down stones and rubble into the courtyard and shaking the very ground they stood on.


A wall of fire burst into life trapping the guards between the crumbling fortress and the gateway. Through the flames Merlin locked eyes with Madoc. "Do not ever harm my friends or Camelot again," he said. His voice was clear and his eyes were cold and dangerous, like shards of broken glass, he did not offer a threat, he did not have to. Lord Madoc cowered. The knight and the warlock rode out of the fortress and were not followed.

Arthur and his knights had returned to the site of the ambush and after a few hours of searching they had found a faint trail and followed it into Lot's kingdom. "Do you think King Lot is behind this?" Elyan asked.

"Unlikely," Leon answered for the king. "Lot is no friend of Camelot but I doubt he would risk war like this."

They continued on, ever watchful of bandits or Lot's men. The hours dragged on till Percival stopped and raised his hand. "What is it?" Arthur whispered.

"I heard something. Over there." He said nodding his head to the left. They dismounted and made their silent way through the trees.

Two horses were standing in a small clearing. Arthur could see someone moving but he was obscured by the horses. Arthur shifted to get a better view and the sound alerted the other man, who turned with a raised sword.


Relief washed over both men's faces.

"Arthur, what took you so long?" The knight look ready to fall over, his face was pale and his hand was pressed to his side over a blood stained shirt.

"You're injured." Arthur step towards him to help but Gwaine waved him away.

"I'll be fine, it's just a scratch. Merlin needs help." Arthur didn't need to be told twice. The servant was lying on the ground in the middle of the clearing, eyes closed and shaking imperceptibly. "He passed out a few minutes ago," Gwaine explained, "fell of his horse. We need to get him to Gaius."

At Arthur's insistence Gwaine drank some water, while Elyan bandaged his wounds. Percival wrapped Merlin in a cloak and lifted him onto Arthur's horse.

They rode through the night and reached Camelot just as the sun was beginning to rise above the horizon. In no time at all Merlin, who had not woken since they found him, was lying on the bed in Gaius's chambers and the old physician was worriedly looking over his ward. He thought of Merlin as his son and it broke his heart to see him hurt. To Gaius, Merlin was still just a boy trying to find his place in a world that hated his kind. Gaius forced his emotions down and concentrated on the task at hand, Merlin needed a physician right now not a guardian.

"Percival, would you fetch me some water? Elyan, help me get his shirt off."

The tattered shirt was pulled away, revealing dark bruises on Merlin's chest and stomach. Merlin shivered at the sudden cold but did not wake.

"He was beaten, and then whipped. I think some of the wounds might be infected." Gwaine said, his voice flat and emotionless but his eyes were full of pain and guilt.

"I need room to work." Gaius said, "I will keep you informed of any changes." He looked pointedly at Arthur answering the unspoken question. Arthur nodded and left reluctantly. The rest of the knights left too leaving only Gwaine. Gaius insisted he sit still until he could look at his wounds properly.

The day crept by, Gwen told Arthur to be patient and rest but it was impossible. Agravaine was unconcerned about Merlin's welfare and ask if Arthur would be attending the council meeting, Arthur's reply was less than polite. Gwaine refused to leave Merlin's side, even after Gaius had treated the knight's wounds and told him to rest. Merlin had a fever which rose steadily as the hours pasted and his sleep was restless, Arthur joined Gwaine and Gaius in their vigil. Slowly Gwaine succumbed to his exhaustion and slept, while outside the sun sank beneath the horizon.

The blanket was itchy, he tried to push it away but his movements were weak and uncoordinated. Someone moved the offending object for him. Merlin dragged his eyelids open and blinked up at the King of Camelot.

"Well, you took your time, Gaius said you would wake up hours ago. Here drink this, he left to get some herbs from the lower town and said you would be thirsty when you woke up. How are you feeling?"

"I've been better," Merlin answered groggily, his head was full of cotton and the rest of his body ached dully. He looked around the room, Arthur was sitting by his bed, Gwaine was sprawled out and snoring softly in the corner. Arthur followed Merlin's gaze to the knight.

"Gwaine told me what happened. He said you saved his life."

"He did?" Merlin shifted nervously, wondering what, exactly, Gwaine had said.

"Where on earth did you learn how to pick locks? And Gwaine said you fought of the guards, but I've only ever seen you hiding behind trees when there's a fight."

A smile spread over Merlin's face, as he chided himself for ever doubting Gwaine. Not only had the knight kept his secret safe but he had given Merlin the credit for the escape. It was a strange feeling and not one Merlin was used to.

Arthur watched his manservant, his too-loyal-for-his-own-good manservant, smiling stupidly at his blanket. "I was also informed that you never once betrayed Camelot, not even when…" Arthur paused; he did not want to think about what had been done to Merlin, he guessed Merlin did not want to think of it either. "Thank you," he said finally, "you are a brave and loyal servant." He blurted it out as if it would choke him unless he spoke quickly.

Merlin looked up at the king, Arthur had been pacing back and forth across the room as he talked and was avoiding Merlin's gaze. At Arthur's final words Merlin felt a glow of pride, not just for himself but also for the great King that Arthur was becoming and Merlin knew he would serve his king as long as he had breath in his body.

"Aw, princess, I never knew you cared."

Startled Arthur glared at Gwaine and told him to shut up, then mumbled something about a council meeting and left quickly. Gwaine stretched carefully. "You should have seen his face when I told him you broke us out." He laughed. Merlin grinned and leaned back into his pillow. Gwaine probably wanted to talk but he was tired, tired and happy. He would talk with Gwaine later and tell him what having magic was really like and how he dreamed of the day when his kind would be welcomed in Camelot. The warlock closed his eyes, he would say thank you when he woke up.