The chapter begins with Kitkat sitting in a director's seat across from a long couch where Bunny, Jack, Tooth, Sandy, North, Pitch. (Other characters will come in later.)

"We made it! Finally got this three-year story to its one-hundredth chapter!" Kitkat looked up at you, the reader, as she spoke and smiled at you. Bunny scoffed as he shared an unamused look with Jack and Pitch. "If you have something to say, Kangaroo, then go right ahead."

"Hey, calling him Kangaroo is my bit!" Jack protested.

"No fighting, boys. Now, why don't you tell the viewers what we're doing for this *sniffles* final chapter," Tooth accepted the tissue Kitkat handed to her, because with Tooth and Cupid were around tissues were a must, and blew her nose.

"But you already know. We're showing the bloopers of all the chapters," North replied. Kitkat sent him a glare and he smiled sheepishly.

"That's right, North. Thanks for telling the readers MY announcement. Anyway, I got all of my favorite chapters and compiled a written gag reel for them, along with some behind the scenes bits. Unlike my early chapters, all of this will be in the third person. Enjoy!" Kitkat exclaimed.

"Not those horrible memory chapters, correct?" Pitch asked. Kitkat sighed and shook her head.

"No. Oh, and this will be the longest chapter ever. Probably. Which is why it took me so long to write and why some bloopers are shorter than others. And italics are from the actual chapter while the regular font is for the extra bits I added."

*Chap 9: Family*

"We're all happy?" Jack asked jokingly. Sandy rolled his eyes and shook his head. He made the sign for a family then pointed to Jack, and then at himself. Jack smiled softly.

"Thanks, Sandy. Alright, I guess we should get going then, huh?" He asked. Sandy nodded and made a dream cloud to ride on. He offered Jack a seat, who hesitated, but just for a moment, before hopping on.

Then the cloud disappeared and both Sandy and Jack fell onto the rooftop beneath them. Sandy rolled over as Jack groaned in pain. Bunny and Gaia, the only ones with any medical experience, therefore, they were the on-set medics, ran over to check on the two beings.

"Cut!" Kitkat shouted. "Who's in charge of special effects?"

"Um, you are," Wind pointed out. After a withering glare, she changed her answer. "I'll take care of it. Clouds are kind of my thing."

"No, they aren't-" Bunny slapped a paw over Jack's mouth before he finished talking.

"Shut up. She hadn't had her caffeine yet."

*Chap 10: Art*

Yet there was a simple elegance to it all, a certain charm that made it unique. And at the edge, as with all of Jack's paintings, drawings, and sketches, a blue snowflake was found. It was a different design in each masterpiece the boy created, but a trademark. Jack's signature, if you will.

Meanwhile, before the writing of this chapter, Jack was trying very hard to concentrate on painting with the Burgess kids on set. They were getting ready for their scene in another chapter but had gotten into a certain director's stash of Dr. Pepper's.

"Who got into Kitkat's stash?!" Bunny shouted as he spotted the kids all running around. "Nevermind. I found the culprits."

"Jackjackjackjackjack!" Sophie jumped around the stool Jack precariously sat on as he sighed in annoyance.

"C'mon, ankle biter. Leave the Artist alone," Bunny gathered the blonde in her arms and Tooth came over to shoo the kids away. "Missed a spot, mate."

Bunny narrowly avoided getting hit with a paint can.

*Chap 16: Tuxedo*

"Phil, what are you-get away from me! Help! Crazy yeti is forcing me into a t- OW!"

What happened after that was Phil accidentally shoved Jack a little too hard before he accidentally ripped the tux. North facepalmed while he shooed Jingle away from the set.

"Again? Really, Phil?" Tooth sighed in annoyance. She was in charge of costumes, which meant she had to sew yet another tuxedo for Jack.

"And that ends take 79. Somebody get Tooth indestructible fabric!" Kitkat shouted. Jamie pulled on her sleeve and made her look down from her chair. "Yes?"

"Where do we find that?"

"Use one of North's potions. But no one can let Jack or Jingle get near them!" Bunny shot a look towards the little elf, who had returned to set. He smiled and waved as he ran away.

*Chap 19: Gender-bent AU*

"Did you see the look on her face when the nightmares came after her? Man, Pitch sure is a scaredy cat!" Jackie Frost yelled as she plopped down beside E. Amber Bunny-lynn on the couch.

And fell off and landed face-first onto the floor. The female actresses weren't amazing but they were the only affordable ones with Kitkat's budget. Which was mostly used for Dr. Pepper and a whole lot of kitkats. That's right; Kitkat eats kitkats. She's into candyibalism. Get it? Candyibalism instead of cannibalism?

"Are you alright?" Jack asked. "Besides the bad storytelling and horrible puns, I mean."

"Take five!" Kitkat shouted. "And unless you want to be in a one-shot where you're eaten by a killer whale, Jack, I suggest you be quiet."

"Yes, ma'am."

*Chap 26: Opponents and Reasons*

"Face it, old man. I'm the superior one out of the two of us," Jack stated as he captured North's king. "Checkmate."

It was at that moment that Abby knew she'd messed up. But that darn elf had provoked her. It wasn't her fault.

Jingle should've known better than to wag his hat in the greyhound's face before running. And how could Abby turn down such a challenge? So she chased him. And ended up running onto the set, ignoring Jamie and Sophie's yelling.

She ended up running straight into the chessboard and had to be on a leash for the rest of the day.

*Chap 29: Karaoke!*

All the Guardians stood and applauded, even Bunny who whistled. Tooth begged for an encore, but Jack shook his head.

"I would, but I kind of want to play Mario. Anyone else?"

They played for the rest of the night, laughing and having a good time. This would be a night none of them would forget anytime soon.

"That's a wrap!" Kitkat called. "Somebody get these guys some water."

Jack sighed in content as he drank an ice-cold glass of water one of the yeti's had handed him. He liked singing, but it always made his voice go a little hoarse afterward. Especially since they'd done that chapter seventeen times.

"How'd you get the little fairies to stop fawning over you every time you sang?" Pitch was needed for another chapter but came over when he was done to watch the Karaoke cast.

"Easy. Kitkat told them we were done for the day."

*Family Series (All Parts)*

Papa North

Jack was currently sulking in his room, wanting to go to Burgess and play in the snow. But of course, he wasn't 'allowed'.

'I've looked out for myself for 300 years, but I don't check in ONE night, and I'm grounded like a child,' Jack thought before realizing something.

"Wha' 'bout snow day?!" Sophie started to tear up and Jamie wasn't able to cover her mouth in time. Kitkat rolled her eyes. Having kids on set was always so difficult.

Jack smiled sheepishly before he walked over to the kids and knelt down. "This is just make-believe, Soph. You're still getting that snow day tomorrow."

"Yay!" Sophie exclaimed. Everyone couldn't help themselves from smiling at the little girl. It may have been difficult, but kids sure made things interesting/adorable.

Mama Tooth

"Watch this!" Jack cried as he rode his staff like a surfboard as Wind helped him fly high into the sky before rushing back down to earth, picking him up again at the last second.

And then she accidentally knocked him into a wall.

"I'm so sorry!" Wind cried as she transformed into a human. Bunny ran over to check the boy over. "I don't know what happened."

"He'll be fine. Just needs a few minutes," Bunny stated. Nevertheless, Wind ran off set crying. Scarlett and Ash went to console her while Tooth just shook her head.

"This chapter is far too reckless for my liking."

Uncle Sandy

"Sandy, I never knew you could be so slick," Jack replied, impressed.

'It will be our little secret.'

Jack smiled as he experimented with the water. And then sent a wave of it over to crash down on Kitkat. You had never seen someone run as fast as Jack did, a soaked Kitkat not too far behind.

Brother Bunny

Jack had been having a bad day, for no real reason other than the fact that he was just in a bad mood. He'd yelled at Tooth, slammed the door in North's face, and ignored Sandy altogether. Jack figured it was just his teenage hormones acting up. Again.

"Okay, cut. None of that sounds like me!" Jack exclaimed. It was the fifth take he'd said that and it was starting to get on everyone's nerves.

"Yeah, it does. You do that all the time with me," River replied.

"Everyone does that with you," As soon as she was done talking, Ash squealed and ran behind Bunny when River went to tackle her. The Pooka sighed in resignation. It wasn't the first time she'd used him as a shield from one of the Seasonals.

"Behave!" Gaia shouted. Even Kitkat knew better than to intercept. No one messes with Gaia.

*Chap 35: Clocks (Piano)*

An hour later, all the yetis, fairies, elves, AND Guardians had seen the video and wouldn't shut up about it or leave Jack alone about singing another song.

"I hate you," Jack mouthed before being completely surrounded with no way out thanks to the mini fairies. Phil just chuckled as he replayed the video.

Jack grumbled in annoyance when Kitkat wrapped up the chapter and allowed everyone on set to watch the video again, including two people he'd rather not see it. Pitch, his ex-nemesis, and Scarlett, his girlfriend.

"You're so cute!" Scarlett ignored the blush that graced the Winter Spirit's face. Pitch just laughed and ducked his head to avoid the snowball aimed for his face.

*Kings of Prankdom (All Parts)*

Part 1

Meanwhile, at the other side of the maze made completely out of ice, Jack and Jamie waited. Jamie, being the mortal that he is, had to have Phil and some of the other yetis make him cold-proof clothes so he wouldn't get pneumonia or something.

"Are we going to get in trouble, Jack?"

"Maybe. But it'll be worth it. Don't you think?" Jack smirked his infamous smirk and Jamie couldn't help but grin back. Yep. It was definitely going to be worth it.

"You're brilliant!" River and April's faces were entirely red as they talked to each other near the snack table. "In the chapter, I mean."

"You are too. Or, you will be," April mentally facepalmed at how she sounded. Jamie, luckily, broke the awkward silence by coming over to get April for the next chapter. "See you later."

"Yeah…" River gave her a slight wave and sighed once she was out of earshot. Ash and Scarlett giggled while Jack punched River's arm slightly, giving him a knowing look. "Shut up."

"Maybe now all four Seasonals will be in a relationship," Scarlett commented. River huffed and crossed his arms. Siblings were embarrassing.

Part 2

"April, hello-what is that?" North's eyes widened as he entered the room. April waved before tugging on the rope connected to a large red and yellow colored cannon. A small being, made entirely of snow and ice, shot forwards and landed at Bunny's feet.

(Imagine the tiny snowball monsters from Frozen, Spring Fever but with ice for eyes and small arms with icicles for hands.)

"Oh my goodness!" Tooth exclaimed as all the snowballs came to life, turning into little snowmen minions. And as they got closer, they grew in size, soon reaching a height even taller than Bunny and North.

But the joke was on April as they turned around and started to run after her. "Help!"

"Henry was supposed to control them!" Sambala exclaimed as all eyes turned towards her. Since Jack was in the chapter, the Snow Queen and OMW (Old Man Winter) were in charge of all things Winter including the little snowmen minions. Her husband just raised his arms in an 'I-have-no-clue-what-just-happened' position.

Part 3

"...Uh-oh." April pointed up to show Jack the sleigh. That was getting closer by the second. Filled with angry-looking Guardians of Childhood. "I'm out of here."

"Leaving me here with them? Some friend," Jack teased. April blew a kiss as she turned around and began to walk away before looking over her shoulder.

"I wouldn't mind being a King. After all, I won't be the first girl to be one." ***There once was a girl who became king. Christina of Denmark from 1521-1590. Just look up her name and it should pop up on google.***

"What's with the history lesson?" Monty asked. Yes, the other Burgess kids were there too. They just preferred playing or talking to some of the other members of the cast. Kitkat paused for a moment before she answered.

"My uncle and I had a bet. I'd read this book about Christina that said she was a king. He didn't believe me so I checked said book out for proof. I wrote this right afterward because I was still thinking about the shocked expression on his face."

"You're weird," Jack muttered. Kitkat shrugged. He wasn't wrong.

*Chap 43: Halloween*

"You escaped me."

Jack turned to see a man or at least, he assumed it was a man, dressed in a pitch black robe that covered his face. He held a scythe made of what looked to be the darkest piece of ebony Jack had ever seen in his life, complete with a blade made from the thinnest yet sharpest metal in the world.

"H-hello. Um, who are-" Jack was cut off as the stranger took but one step and was right in front of Jack in an instant, his breath smelling like, well, there wasn't any other way to explain it except that it was like Death itself was the one standing before him. But it couldn't be him….right?

"You escaped me, many years ago. Two-hundred-and-seventy-eight, to be exact. Manny and Gaia forbid me from getting you then. However, I do intend to get you. One day."

Jack and Death looked straight into each other's eyes and burst out into laughter. For the seventh time that day. Jack tried to speak between the laughs. "So...sorry...I can't….can't help……."

Death wasn't much better. He was holding his stomach and avoided eye contact with Jack. "It's hard to… be….to be…"

"Hard to be serious, we know," Kitkat was on her...well, she lost track of how much caffeine she'd had that day. To be fair, when working with mystical beings, the young woman really needed something to appease her. "Just don't look at one other."

"I think we should call it a day," Cupid stated. Kitkat sighed in defeat and nodded in agreement before shouting into the megaphone she now needed to get everyone's attention.

"That's a wrap for the day! Go home and relax or something. I need a nap."

*Uh-oh Jack (All Parts)*

Part 1

Pitch didn't know what to make of the young spirit, passed out on a snowbank near North's, with skin and hair the color of ashes instead of the usual snowy white. Pitch just stood there, at a loss of what to do when Jack stirred out of unconsciousness and opened his eyes. Pitch nearly turned and ran when he saw them.

His eyes which had once been an electric blue, the bluest of all blue, were now black. Not just the iris or the pupil. Any white or blue that had once been there were now replaced with the darkest shade of black known to man and spirits alike.

Cupid was in charge of make-up. Evilfying then de-evilfying Jack had been the hardest job she'd taken in centuries. Mostly because the boy refused to stay still for more than five seconds at a time. She wished Frost would do the transformation scenes but he flat out refused to be on set at the same time as Jack. So for a few minutes, Jack had to pretend to be him.

"It hurts!" Jack whined. Cupid sighed for what seemed to be the millionth time that day. The eyes were the hardest part. She had to put magical eye contacts in his eyes. And for the boy who was born in a time era where eye contacts weren't even invented, Jack wasn't very keen on the idea of something being stuck in his eye. (Jack is from the 1700s and eye contacts weren't invented until the year 1887).

"Just. Hold. Still!" Cupid wished she could've just shoved the darn things into his eyes but it was a delicate procedure and she had a limited supply of the special contacts. The Winter Spirit finally stopped moving long enough for Cupid to finish the job. "And….done."

As Jack walked away toward the set, she mentally prepared herself for when she had to get the contacts out.

Part 2

Manny watched in silence as each Guardian and Pitch set off. He hoped he had done the right thing. Sending a Dark Widow to bite Jack hadn't been a part of the plan, but the fiasco with Easter hadn't gone as planned. Manny wanted the Guardians to learn to get along with Pitch, not fight with him.

This was the last attempt, Manny promised himself. If they still remained enemies, so be it.

"That doesn't go along with chapter 43: Halloween. It says here that Jack's fear brought Pitch back into power," Robin (the Groundhog) was the one in charge of keeping the chapters in order and not contradicting each other. Mostly because he wanted a position where he'd get to annoy everyone else.

"Kitkat says that some one-shots don't go along with other ones," Jack (Headless Horseman aka H.H.) explained. Or tried to, at least. Not that Robin would listen.

"All the other ones do! I'm just saying that- "

"And we're just saying to shut up," Frost stood behind Robin and a dark aura surrounded him like in an anime. Robin turned around slowly and gulped before he nodded and walked away slowly. "Thank you."

Part 3

And Jack couldn't stop him. He tried, oh how he tried. He yelled until his throat was hoarse, but it did nothing. Frost refused to stop, to hand over control of his body to Jack, to even slow down if but for a second.

Jack wanted to let his friends know he was okay, though he wasn't sure he was, and to let them know he was fighting for control.

But Jack was losing that fight. And he felt himself fading, fast, and he wasn't sure how much longer he'd be able to hold on.

Jack was scared. And there was no moon to help him now.

"This is depressing, even for me," Pitch commented. Kitkat groaned. The cast, mostly Pitch and Rumple, were always going on about how depressing some chapters were.

"How long do I have to be here?" Jack asked. He had to stand in a sphere covered with a dark canvas to pretend it was Frost's mind. The Seasonal who loved the outdoors wasn't very fond of being in enclosed spaces.

"Just a little while longer. Only two more chapters to go. If there are no more interruptions," Kitkat shot a glance over to the would-be villains as she spoke. "Maybe we'll get it done sooner."

Part 4

"Hand the berries over then. Be careful not to allow my hand to touch you. I'd hate to turn anyone else into gold," Midas instructed. Bunny walked slowly up the steps to the giant throne, where the small king laid and handed the berries to him. A few seconds later, gold-encased the berries, turning the once edible fruit into what mortals considered a valuable metal.

"Now can we get out of this…...crap..." Bunny whispered. "Line!"

"Seriously? Cut!" Kitkat shouted. Everyone had been forgetting their lines. Midas forgot his speech. Tooth forgot to say dragons were adorable. And Pitch forgot to talk about reuniting Jack with his staff. "What's with you guys? You're normally great at remembering lines. Especially you, Tooth."

"I guess we're all a little nervous because of...him…" Tooth lowered her voice to a whisper and darted her eyes over to Frost, who was glaring at everyone and not saying a word to anyone unless it was an insult.

"Just one more chapter and then we're done. I promise," Kitkat glanced over and winced as Frost turned a crimson apple completely black and took a bite out of it. "One more chapter."

Part 5

"I'm so sorry; I tried to stop Frost but-" Jack was cut off by Tooth practically squeezing him to death. And while Pitch may be evil, even he didn't like the thought of a spirit, no, a child dying (or suffocating).

"Toothiana, I think he needs air. To, I don't know, breathe?"

Unfortunately, his warning came a little too late. Jack's face turned a pale blue as Tooth quickly released him, only for the boy to collapse on the ground.

"Too….tight…" Jack gasped for air as Tooth fluttered around nervously.

"Tooth, we talked about this. You can't suffocate him!" Scarlett ran on set and helped her boyfriend stand up, helping him stay steady.

Tooth ducked her head and apologized for ruining the chapter. Again.

*Chap 52: Cameos*

"I can't believe you did all this!" Scarlett threw her arms around Jack. He chuckled as he glanced at the picnic he had set up by the lake where the two had met. Said picnic had all of the redhead's favorite foods and sodas.

Then the two collapsed onto the ground, rolling over a little until Jack was on top of her.

Apparently, Jingle and his cousin Jangle had wanted some of said food and were on their way to the basket when Scarlett had thrown her arms around Jack. When doing that, Jack had picked her up a little. Right before he tripped over the elves right behind him.

"Keep it PG, guys!" Kitkat smirked as Jack scrambled to get off of Scarlett before helping her up. "Jingle, Jangle, get off the set now unless you want me to throw you off!"

*Chap 55: More of the North Wind*

As he left, Wind felt eyes on her. She looked up to see her beloved Moon.

"I love you!"

Wind smiled and blew a kiss as the sun set, reverting her back to her transparent form. But as she went to blow over towards Europe, she heard a voice.

"I love you too."

"How come I never knew about this?" Jack questioned Wind after the chapter was done. Thanks to a certain Author, she was able to maintain her human form for longer periods of time. She blushed and ducked behind the director's chair.

Kitkat turned and glared at the Winter Spirit. "Leave her alone."

"You have to do a story about it," Scarlett begged. Cupid came over and nodded her head in agreement. "It'd be one of the cutest love stories ever!"

"We'll see. Wind and Manny have to agree to that," Kitkat stated before giving Wind a quick hug.

*Bonding Arc (All Parts)*


"Hey, Tooth, whatcha doing?"

Tooth dropped the memory box she was holding and turned a whole 360 to face whoever was in the room...and that whoever turned out to be none other than Jack Frost. "Uh, I think you dropped this," Jack said as he picked up the luckily nondented memory box that belonged to a redheaded lady with a crown. "Is this Queen Elizabeth?"

"Yes, it is. As a matter of fact, since it was an older time period, she had some missing as she grew older and blackened them as a symbol of her wealth. A horrible thing, if you ask me...sorry!" Tooth blushed as she realized she had started rambling.

"Cut! Take ten. No, twenty," Kitkat rubbed her forehead. Tooth was great, but when it came to teeth she tended to go on about facts instead of saying her lines. If it wasn't the nineteenth time they'd tried to do what should have been a quick chapter, it wouldn't have been so irritating.

More Bonding

So that is why, being the good samaritan that he is, Jack opened the pickle jar and did so with only one joke and a couple chuckles.

That's how it was supposed to go. Except Jack couldn't open the jar. He groaned and tried but the lid would not budge. "Who glued the top this time?"

April had gotten the kids to do some mini pranks here and there. Their favorite one was the one where they glued props shut.

All the kids whistled (except Sophie, who couldn't) and tried their best to look innocent as they pointed fingers at Jingle. Sophie kind of ruined their attempt to blame the poor elf by pointing her finger at Claude and Caleb.

"You're all on Naughty List," North joked as went to go find another jar.

Even More Bonding

"Watch me for one minute. Okay? Okay. Watch." Jack said as he closed his eyes and made it start snowing right where he stood, Jack, being careful not to get any on North or his bed. Now, North had seen Jack making snow. He'd seen him make ice. Heck, he'd seen the boy freeze nightmares in just one blow. But he had NEVER seen Jack do it without his staff. "Old Man Winter said he wanted to 'wean' me off the staff or something like that. Cool, huh?"

"I thought I was going to be evil," OMW said. Robin looked at his clipboard with his notes on everything.

"You're supposed to be."

"Not all of these one-shots and arcs go together!" Kitkat shouted for what, she hoped, would be the last time.

"I never thought I'd say this, but that hope needs to die. This is not going away," Bunny muttered softly enough for Kitkat not to hear. Or so he thought until he was being chased by an angry Author.

Seriously? No More Bonding!

Bunny cocked an eyebrow and Jack smiled as he set his staff down. Something Bunny rarely, if ever, saw happen. Then Jack made the snow swirl into the air before forming a large snowman. Without his staff.

Said snowman turned around and whipped out a supply of snowballs from who knows where and started to pelt them at the Pooka.

"Frost, I'm gonna kill ya!" Bunny shouted as he was chased around. "Oi! Get away!"

"Really, Jack?" Ash scolded the guiltless Spirit before she went to go help Bunny. Then the snowman turned on her.

Soon enough, the snowman was after everyone except the Winter-related beings and Mother Nature.

"I swear on all things under the Moon you better fix this whole set!" Kitkat screamed as she was buried under a pile of snow.

Jack said nothing, choosing to just watch as chaos took over. He knew he was in trouble, but he decided that it was worth it. Everyone needed to loosen up a bit and what better way to do that than by having some fun.

*Masters of Winter (All Parts)*

Part 1

Three hundred years later, Old Man Winter glared at his looking glass as images of the Winter teen appeared. He grabbed his cloak and his crown before looking at the anti-magic chains that held him prisoner...then he grabbed an icicle and stabbed it against the metal, effectively…..

Missing and stabbed himself in the ankle. "Medic…"

Bunny refused to go near him, as did Mother Nature. So Ash, ironically, was the one to go over and make sure he was alright. He was, of course, but his ankle had to be bandaged up.

Sambala walked over and iced it up to help heal the injury faster. "Next time, aim for the chain."

Wind couldn't help but laugh. When OMW looked up at her, she ducked behind Kitkat. Like Bunny, she was getting used to becoming a human shield. If she really was human.

Part 2

"That's sickening. And how dare she think she gets to be happy and in love? If I can't, no Seasonal can. Sorry, Bunnymund, but don't bother leaving the lights on. She won't be coming home anytime soon."

Unfortunately, Sophie took that as a direct command to turn the lights off. Which left everyone in the dark.

"What the heck is going on?" (Bunny)

"Is that you, kid?" (Jack)

"No, it's me." (Tooth)

"How did this happen?" (North)

Sandy's golden light shone a little brighter, helping everyone see. Sophie stuck her hands behind her back and walked away from the light switch. Pitch turned the lights back on and everyone started to walk back to their places.

Jamie went towards his sister and took her to the playroom the kids were supposed to be in when not on set. "Let's go before you get us into more trouble."

Part 3

"We are not. We are exactly where we need to be," River argued. Scarlett cocked an eyebrow.

"Where are we then?" Ash asked. Jack flushed while River just groaned and handed the map to her. "Seriously? Guys, the map is upside down."

The map being turned upside down wasn't planned. River was supposed to act confused about what the squiggly lines meant or something. Instead, he and Jack had somehow gotten it into their heads that the map was supposed to have the compass on the bottom.

That may or may not have Bunny and Sandy's doing. They knew this arc was going to be kind of stressful and wanted to relieve some tension by playing a couple of pranks. Bunny wasn't exactly known for being one to do that kind of stuff but he needed something to keep his mind of what would happen to Ash.

The two of them never expected Kitkat to actually keep that in the story though.

"You know what? I think we'll keep it. Sounds like you guys," Kitkat commented. River and Jack's faces fell as they crossed their arms and looked away in embarrassment.

Part 4

That left Jack. He concentrated and a blast of ice shot out of his staff, making its way across the water until the entire lake was covered in thick, solid ice. He smirked as he looked at the others smugly. Ash frowned, River crossed his arms, and Scarlett rolled her eyes before she mouthed 'good job' to her frost boyfriend.

She and Jack could skate like pros, but Ash and River couldn't. Though normally a good skater, Ash had a hard time as River kept running into her and making her half-pull, half-drag him the entire time.

Since he was considerably taller and wider than her (River's a buffish guy and Ash is short and small), his weight was too much. Ash ended up falling on her back and River crashed into Jack and Scarlett.

"Ow," Scarlett moaned as Ash helped her stand up. River was on top of Jack and neither of them seemed to be getting up any time soon. "That's gonna leave a mark."

"He's too heavy," Ash only said that because River looked to be out of it. But he was apparently still conscious enough to glare at her.

"True but it's funny and we're going to try this again. After these guys wake up, that is. Take ten," Kitkat nudged Jack's foot and the only response was a small groan. "Okay, take twenty."

Part 5

"How could Mom never told us!?" River exclaimed. Jack had the brilliant idea of the four Seasonals using their Winds (North = Jack, South = River, East = Ash, West = Scarlett) to travel to the kingdom no one knew about.

"If you ask that one more time, I swear we will leave you here!" Ash yelled. River gulped before he mimed zipping his lips and throwing away the key. "Thank you."

"Thank you for what? Silencing me, the most entertaining character in this cast?" River always felt so ignored. Jack had his own movie, Ash and Scarlett had their own fanfics with potential sequels, but River had nothing. Nada. Squat. Zero. Only a limited cameo.

"Dude, you are in the presence of the Guardians, Death himself, and Mom. You're not allowed to be full of yourself," Jack replied.

"You forgot about the Author! And cut!" Kitkat was done and they were only half way through the arc. She'd forgotten how crazy the Seasonals could be when they were all together.

Part 6

Scarlett raised an arm, though she knew it wouldn't help. She shut her eyes and waited to feel the force of the snake push her back. But that never happened. She opened her eyes to find that the snake was gone, and a golden shield had surrounded her.

"Thanks," Ash grumbled. Scarlett turned to see that ash (not the person) was covering the other Seasonals. "You just had to disintegrate the snake, didn't you."

"Since when can you do that?" Jack asked. Scarlett shrugged. "We'll deal with that later. But we should go before something else happens."

Everyone waited for a few seconds then turned to look at OMW, who was supposed to say his line off-set and then turn off all of the lights. Instead, he was halfway through a Big Mac.

Sambala smacked him upside the head, which caused him to drop his Big Mac. Abby ran over and started to gobble it up as OMW looked away from his wife.


Part 7

North carefully removed the cork and poured just a drop of the potion onto the boomerang. It then glowed a pale blue similar to Ash's eyes. A small white cloud appeared before it turned into a mirror so that the Guardians (and River) could see what was going on.

"Let us go!" Ash yelled, hands gripping the bars that formed a cage. Said cage was hanging from the ceiling. The image zoomed out, revealing a large cave covered in ice with only two other beings who inhabited it. Sambala, still stone, and an old man who wore an old-fashioned dark blue cloak and a silver. (I have never seen the show, but imagine the Ice King from Adventure Time but with a silver crown with blue crystals.) He stood in front of a mirror made of crystals and ice-like glass.

Which meant he had a good view as he watched the cage fell. Sandy barely managed to send his dreamsand to catch it (with Ash inside) before it could crash into the ground. Bunny and Jack both raced over to help the shaken Spirit of Spring out.

"You okay?" Jack asked as he extended a hand towards her while Bunny held the cage long enough for her to get out. She nearly tripped as she grabbed Jack's hand but managed to stay upright. She leaned against Bunny as she breathed quietly for a second or two.

"Why me?" Ash moaned. "How did that even happen?"

"Looks like someone forgot to tighten the bolts holding the chain," Pitch announced as he used his and to "float" up to the wall after he inspected the cage itself.

All eyes turned towards the North, who was in charge of mechanics, who then looked a Phil who then looked at a random yeti who we'll call…...Steve. Steve just took off running once all of the attention was on him.

Part 8

"It's nothing personal, kids. But Manny has to pay. And what better way to do that than hurt his beloved Guardians?" OMW looked at their angry yet confused faces. Then he looked at the one he had set his eyes on ages ago. "Time for hope to die."

As the knife sunk into the poor Seasonal's flesh, nothing happened.

The fake knife that was supposed to look like it had actually stabbed Ash did nothing. It just scraped her skin before the blade started to bend. Ash cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

"I don't think this is the right prop," OMW handed the prop over to Kitkat, who then examined as she flipped it around in her hands.

"No kidding. Where's the actual one?" Kitkat asked. Everyone started to look around the prop table, the snack table, the table holding scripts, and every other table in the joint. "Pitch, can you help Jack make another one?"

Both the guys in question groaned. This was the fifth time someone had replaced the prop with another one. Sandy felt a little guilty, but not too much. Neither did Bunny.

Part 9

This time it was Gaia's turn to look confused. Until realization dawned on her. "The knife worked on you, not Ash. It may have reversed Manny's spell, but now you're both bound to this mountain."

"No. No, please. Sambala, I wanted to have you back. And it was Manny's fault! His Guardians should pay!"

"Alright, fine. How much you want?" Jack asked as him and River got their wallets out and started to pull out some cash. "$20? $30? $40?"

"Come on, we almost had it!" Ash thought the bit was kind of funny, but she still wanted this arc to be over with. Scarlett let herself laugh little before she tried to act seriously.

"That's so going in the gag reel," Tooth stated. Kitkat didn't think that was particularly funny but there wasn't much else to put in for that chapter.

Part 10

If seeing her get stabbed had taught the Pooka anything, it was the same lesson he had learned eons ago. You have to act in the moment. You can't wait, because you might not make it in time.

So when he made his way to her, he did what he'd told the group he would do while Ash was in the infirmary. He grabbed her hand and knelt down on one knee, a black velvet box in his other hand (paw?)

"And that's a wrap!" Kitkat jumped down from her chair. She was so glad the Masters of Winter arc was finally over with.

"Why do you have to leave them on a cliffhanger?" Robin was getting tired of how all over the place Kitkat seemed to be for pretty much the whole fanfic.

"So I can have an excuse to do a sequel starring Ash and Scarlett. I don't know if I'll ever do it since I have two other fanfics I'm going to publish and write after this," Kitkat replied. Not for the promo or anything. She definitely doesn't want you to check out her other stories. And it is definitely not reverse psychology.

*Chap 76: Please Not the Groundhog*

The scene opens to show a small city with a certain Easter Bunny running around, sniffing the air and turning his ears back and forth as though he were searching for something. Or someone. He stands up quickly before taking off with a determined look on his face, indicating that he has found his target.

As he runs through the city, he is careful not to take the main roads in case a child believer spots him. Though he loved the little anklebiters, he had a mission and could not afford to be distracted. No matter what.

Bunny ran through the Bradford Woods of Pennsylvania, doggidly avoiding small animals and other obstacles as he made his way toward the target. Said target was well aware of the approaching Pooka as well as his intentions.

Or he was supposed to be. Instead, he was fast asleep on top of a bunch of kitkat wrappers in his underground home. Nobody had the guts to tell Kitkat about it….so they woke Robin up and shoved him towards the Author, wrappers stuck to his fur. That way, he could be the one to break the news to her.

"Hello, Robin," Kitkat smiled sweetly at the annoying groundhog who bothered her every five seconds about being "on task" and getting rid of "plot holes". Once this chapter was over…...well, he was going to get it. "Please get ready for your chapter."

"Yes, ma'am."

If there is a lesson to be learned here, it is that nobody should come between me (the person writing this final chapter) and my kitkats (and Dr. Peppers). At least not while I'm trying to write.

*Chap 78: Nerves of Steel*

Later, when she got tired and decided to rest on the nice grass, she didn't understand the words coming out of either of the strange individual's mouths. Abby didn't know what blackmail was. Was it paper that the terrible bell-ringer brought, but black instead of white? (Bell-ringer = mailman). What was revenge? Was it a new kind of treat?

Jack was true to his word and gave Abby a bunch of bunny-shaped treats. She devoured into them, occasionally looking up at the bunny who had stayed a little ways away from her ever since she sat down.

And that is how Abby taught the bunny not to mess with her. And how Jack got blackmail material against Bunny.

And that was also the last time a chapter was ever done with Abby as the main character. It was so difficult trying to get the dog actress to do what she was supposed to do.

Jamie tried everything. Threatening to make her sleep outside, bribing her with doggie treats, and even rubbing her belly. But Abby refused to chase Bunny until she got her nap. So after waiting a good forty-five minutes, Kitkat finally got to see Abby chase Bunny and give Jack blackmail material.

To make things more realistic, which was hard with the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus on set, Ash wasn't allowed to watch so Jack could actually blackmail the Pooka.

*Chap 79: This is Halloween*

As Jack led the kids away to finish trick-or-treating, he turned back and glared at the darkness. "You should know by now you won't win."

"You haven't won yet, Frost."

"I love the irony. Pitch says that Jack hasn't won yet, but he does since Pitch stops being evil after the next chapter," Guest star Jack (Skellington) stated once Kitkat was done with the Author Notes.

"I know, but I loved the request I got. Besides, everything worked out. For the most part," Kitkat nodded over to Rumple, who was busy complaining to the only constant 'villain' in the story: Joy, the former Spirit of Summer.

"All I'm saying is, she makes every other villain turn good and leaves us to be evil alone."

"Let's just say there's a reason he gets stuck in the Dream Realm," Kitkat whispered to Jack (Skellington).

*Chap 80: Love from a Distance*

Because unbeknownst to her, Pitch had been paying attention too. He saw how she didn't get involved, instead, she decided to remain neutral. Something Pitch was glad of as she seemed like a worthy opponent with that state-of-art golden bow and arrows. He noticed the intelligence in her eyes, the grace with which she holds herself, and how beautiful she was.

Unfortunately, the one thing that escaped Cupid's observing eyes was the looks of yearning that Pitch would flash her or the way he lingered whenever he spotted Cupid watching him. (Not in a stalker-y way. She would be flying and would stop whenever she spotted the Boogeyman).

Which sometimes caused her to end up falling through the air and crashing through tree limbs if she stopped too early.

"I don't get paid enough for this," Cupid groaned as Pitch went to help her up.

"All of this stuff actually happened though. You're just re-enacting it. And with all the damage you guys cost, it's a wonder that I'm the one not getting paid," Kitkat retorted. Jack raised his hand, not wanting to interrupt without permission. "Yes, Jack?"

"You mean getting paid enough?"

"No. I don't get paid for this. No fanfiction writer does on this website." Kitkat said before the following message flashed across the screen. To every writer on this website, thank you for taking the time to write all of your incredible stories.

*Baby Jack Frost (Both Parts)*

Part 1

"What are you trying to say, Jackie?" Scarlett cooed. He was so cute with his messy white hair and big eyes and that small smile that Scarlett couldn't help but treat him like the baby he currently was. He wrinkled his nose a little before giving it one last shot.


"Aww!" For the umpteenth time, Tooth and her fairies all awed at the little Jack. Everyone did actually, though some of the 'tough' guys tried to act all macho and pretend they didn't think he was adorable.

"Okay, I'm keeping this but only because he's so cute!" Kitkat squealed as Scarlett let her hold Jack. "Why can't he always be like this? Quiet and cute?"

"Because he's destined to annoy us all to death. No offense, Death," Bunny wasn't quite sure why Death was still on set. Kitkat said it was because he wanted to simply watch the rest of the story. But to be on the safe side, nobody let Jack get near him. Especially in his baby or toddler form.

Part 2

Jack spent the rest of the day unfreezing everything and listening to the Guardians talk about how cute he was. They weren't going to let him forget this for a long time.

As he did that, Phil held baby Jingle as he waited for North to feed him the potion. A baby elf could lead to a lot of trouble. Like the sleigh getting painted blue. Phil had no clue how he was going to explain that to North but he knew the Russian wouldn't take it very well.

"My sleigh!" North yelled as he saw what had happened to the sleigh. He hadn't expected them to actually paint it, just mention it in passing. "How….why?"

"How? A lot of blue paint and brushes. Why? We couldn't say that sleigh had been painted blue unless it actually had," Jack leaned against the sleigh, unaware of the fact that it was still wet. "I kind of like the color."

"Good," Kitkat pulled him off of the sleigh before handing him a mirror. "Because the back of your hoodie is now that exact shade of blue."

"Dam- I mean, dang it!" Jack had nearly slipped, forgetting that Jingle was still in the room. And Kitkat had a strict rule of no cursing if there was an elf or child in the room. "I do look good in this color though."

Scarlett rolled her eyes as Jack tried to angle the mirror better so he could see what he looked like. Surprisingly, he could be a little vain sometimes.

*Kidnapped (All Parts)*

Part 1

'I guess I'll have to do this myself,' Rumple thought grumpily as he leaped on Jack's bed. He placed a hand on the Winter Spirit's shoulder and snapped his fingers. If anyone had been there, they would have seen a puff of black and red smoke surround the two beings before they vanished.

And appeared on the edge of the set, not quite making it out in time.

"Come on, guys. We need ya completely gone by the time the smoke clears out," Bunny was tired of them wasting all of his colorful smoke bombs. Jack rolled his eyes.

"As if you could- " Jack was cut off by Bunny throwing an egg bomb, green smoke surrounding him before he vanished completely. " better. Where'd he go?"

"No clue. You should take some notes," Ash stated as she made the flower that popped up, after Bunny opened and closed a tunnel beneath him, grow downwards so no one would know how Bunny disappeared.

Part 2

The TV turned on suddenly. Rumple appeared on the screen. He smiled and waved eagerly. "Hello, Jack. You might be wondering what happened or where you are. The answer is simple; I don't lose.

"I went to the Pole and while everyone was sleeping, I transported you here. I forgot your staff and I'd probably get caught if I tried to retrieve it. As the King of contracts, I hold absolute veto power over all of my deals. I did not appreciate your 'father'," Rumple made quotation marks with his hands and rolled his eyes. "Trying to outsmart me. So I used said veto power to make things right.

"Don't worry; I don't plan on doing anything to you. I supplied some entertainment in your room so you should have everything you need until I need you. You're in a safe and secure location. Though I wouldn't bother to try and figure out where.

"Not even Mother Nature herself knows where you are right now."

After that, the TV turned off. Jack sighed in irritation. He was still kind of tired and couldn't really think of a way out of the situation he was in. Which meant he had to wait for his family to come and save him.

Then the TV turned back on and started to replay the video. Ash, who was in charge of all things technical, looked around to see who had taken the remote.

"Who stole it this time?" Kitkat sighed. This was the last time she did an arc that lasted more than two chapters. Every time she did, a million things went wrong compared to one or two missed lines in all of the other one-shots or two-shots.

Part 3

The Boogeyman felt a shiver run up his spine and he ate dinner with Cupid, his girlfriend. Read Chapter 80: Love from a Distance if this makes no sense.

"What's the matter?" Cupid asked when she saw Pitch's confused look on his face. He took a moment to respond.

"For some reason, I get the feeling I have to do something unpleasant soon."

"That's a wrap! Nice work guys. Especially you, Pitch. Great job on being cryptic," Kitkat knew Pitch hated having his alone time with Cupid interrupted, which is why it was so hard to get him to do the Kidnapped chapters. Praising him seemed to put him in a good mood.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem to put anyone else in a good mood.

"How come he gets the praise? I was pretty ominous early," Rumple complained. Whenever one would-be bad guy was in happy, the other would act like a total grump. Kitkat just couldn't win.

"You can't win? I just got kidnapped by a dwarf! A freaking dwarf!" Jack exclaimed. Yep. Just couldn't win.

Part 4

"This is it?" Sandy asked aka pointed at the opening of the extinct volcano known as Edinburgh Peak. (Used Wikipedia for my information.) Pitch nodded and gestured for the others to go first. After a few seconds of hesitation, Cupid walked over and jumped into the volcano, quickly followed by the others.

Bunny was the last to jump. His tunnels were one thing, but it looked like a long way down.

'How do I always get roped into these things?' Bunny thought before he closed his eyes and jumped.

Into a raging river of volcanic lava, burning alongside his friends and Pitch. He felt the scalding hot molten lava quickly seeping into his skin, tearing the flesh from his body, swallowing his screams.

Just kidding. Jack decided to freeze over the volcano so that Bunny would fall onto the freezing cold ice face-first.

"Jackson Michael Overlander Frost now is not the time for pranks!" Kitkat screamed in frustration. She just wanted to get this arc over with. The characters were impossible to work with sometimes.

"Didn't you just try to pull a lame one with that lava bit?"

"...shut up."

Part 5

While Jack was figuring things out, the Guardians plus Cupid plus Pitch had problems of their own to deal with. Only about a million monsters had appeared (okay, probably not that many), most likely due to Rumple dreaming them up. But we'll get to him later.

Anyway, each Guardian managed to defeat them by splitting up and fighting said monsters on their own.

For safety reasons, Ash had to make the monsters with CGI. The monsters were each created based on the Guardians (and allies) who were fighting them. Kitkat is horrible at describing fight scenes so she simply just talked about what each monster was/did and talked about them fighting.

"You're getting lazy," Jack was happy he didn't have to fight anything but he'd thought that he'd at least get read about his friends and their adventure.

"I have no response except for this: I'm finished!" Kitkat threw her megaphone into the air, jumped down from her chair, and walked out of the studio. She was done with arcs.

*Chap 91: ROTG the Movie*

Jack was surprised at how accurate the movie actually was. Probably thanks to the Author. After they finished watching the movie, the Guardians may or may not have written several….unsavory letters to a certain Boogeyman.

Besides that, the only effect the movie had on the five beings was that they were all a little nicer, a little more understanding and sensitive to their favorite teenager.

"I just don't understand why we had to watch the movie."

"Because! I wanted them to know what happened when you dropped Sophie off. Don't you agree that the Guardians were a lot more understanding?" Kitkat asked.

"Yeah, but no one wanted this chapter except for you," Jack replied. He wasn't wrong.

*Chap 92: Reacting to Gender-bent AU's*

"I'm not quite sure who this author is but she has the strangest ideas," Jack commented. He'd gone back to the wonderful world of Fanfiction and had found something called AU's, which apparently meant Alternate Universe. One idea that seemed to be fairly popular was gender-bent stories.

"What makes you say that?" Jamie asked. Jack had decided to read fanfics while at his young friend's house, mostly so he could decipher strange author lingo for the Winter Spirit. Like AU's, AN (author's note), time skips, etc.

"Listen to this. 'Jackie Frost yelled as she plopped down beside E. Amber Bunny-Lynn on the couch.' What kind of a name is Bunny-Lynn?"

"Oh, you're reading that one-shot. Yeah, that's not a really good one. I feel like the girl who wrote that wasn't used to writing gender-bents. You should read some stories from this community called Jacqueline Frost," Jamie suggested.

"You got a problem with my writing?" Kitkat didn't want to glare at Jamie since he's a kid, so she just focused her attention on Jack. Said Winter Spirit backed away slowly before he ran off, followed closely by an Author who didn't really want to move while writing. "Get back here, Frost!"

"You wrote that line!"

"Did not!"

It was, in fact, Rumple who had changed the line. Sure, his part for the story was practically over, but he wanted to pull a prank or two. Making Jack and Jamie openly insult Kitkat's work was one of his favorite pranks yet.

*Santa Stalker (Both Parts)*

Part 1

"I tried the doorbell and knocked. No one seems to be home," Tooth whispered when she spoke despite having just said that no one was home.

"Why don't we split up then? Check out the areas around the house and, if we need to, the inside of the house," North suggested.

And that's when everything went wrong.

"Why does everything have to be so dramatic with you?"

"Because you guys made the fatal mistake of splitting up! Everyone in any horror movie knows better than to split up! It's the worst cliché ever! So everything going wrong isn't that far of a stretch," Kitkat huffed. Jack acted like that wasn't how things actually went down. But at least he wasn't as bad as that Raquelle woman. She even gave Death the creeps.

Part 2

The next morning, police came by thanks to an anonymous phone call to Raquelle Watson's house. She was handcuffed to the stair's railings with a poster board set upright by her. No one in Burgess except for a few children ever knew the whole story behind the mysterious crime committed, not even the woman in custody (thanks to a little memory wipe courtesy of Tooth). Raquelle ended up confessing without any recollection just to get jail time over with.

The sign read the following: 'Wanted for harassment and kidnapping'. It was the only thing North could write without mentioning his identity. If he'd done that, no one would have taken it seriously.

"No, you cannot stay on set. You were brought it just to tell the story of North's stalker," Kitkat patiently explained to the insane woman. Tears welled up in her eyes as security (Hiccup Haddock and his dragons) took her away.

"I love him!"

Even Pitch felt sympathetic towards North and gave him a pat on the back. Cupid winced. She hadn't meant to make Raquelle fall in love with North. She'd been aiming for someone else who shall not be named. No, not Voldemort.

But even she couldn't undo the effects the arrow that had pierced Raquelle's heart all those years ago. Darn mortals. No offense to any mortals reading this story.

*Chap 98: Jack Gets Drunk - Short*


Bunny got the "brilliant" idea to challenge Jack to the same kind of competition. Now, as stated in the last chapter, Jack didn't like the idea of drinking.

But Bunny knew how to get Jack to do what he wanted. Simply question whether or not he was man enough or was he too scared to participate.

Hence the reason why Bunny was tipsy.

Kitkat did not let anyone get drunk on set, especially not the Guardians. So Jack just drank a bunch of apple juice in little shot glasses. As did Bunny and North. It was a little harder to convince the Leprechaun not to drink.

But when he was on the receiving end of a death glare from Mother Nature, Pitch Black, Rumplestiltskin, and the Author, he was inclined to do as he was told.

"How am I going to fake throwing up?" Jack asked. No one really had an answer except for April Fools. She'd done plenty of throw up pranks to know how to stage one. Which kind of scared everyone. Except for River. Love really is blind.

By this point, every character from this fanfiction was on the couch. Probably the longest couch that ever existed. They all were watching, even the ones who claimed were bored earlier.

"We did not say that," Rumple huffed. Though it came out more like a whine. "Hey!"

"I think you've gotten a little power hungry," Robin commented. The bolder beings nodded their heads and murmured their agreement.

"She's doing her best to tell our stories," Wind stated, blushing when all the attention was turned towards her. "Um, I mean…."

"I agree. After all, she included a variety of members in the cast," Scarlett added. Ash, who sat beside her, gestured to everyone in the room for emphasis. "Like Ash and me. We're from two different stories but she still had us in here."

"Proof that she lets any and all riff-raff in here," Death wilted under the glares sent to him by Bunny and Jack.

"ANYWAY, this story is almost over. Some chapters were...not my best work and I hated reading them over. But what's done is done. Like this story. Say your goodbyes, spirits, immortals, mortals, humans, and etc.!"

"Goodbye, reader!" Everyone shouted. (There are way too many characters to list each and every one of them.

"Now a final message from Jack before I finish this story. It's been fun. Hope you guys enjoyed this last chapter," Kitkat waves before all of the lights dramatically dim and a spotlight focuses on Jack.

"You're far too dramatic," Pitch muttered. Kitkat rolls her eyes, though no one can see her, and shouts toward the general vicinity that Pitch's voice came from.

"I'm a writer. Being dramatic is part of the job!"

Jack turned to look at you, the readers before he spoke for what would be the last time. At least in this story. "So you guys want to know something? Sure, I've said this before. But I still think it's an amazing piece of advice so I'm gonna say it again. My name is Jack Frost, and I'm a Guardian. How do I know that? Because the Moon told me so. So when the Moon tells you something... believe it!"

The End….or is it?

- Kitkat Out!