As Anakin stood frozen, the Togruta who had carried Amuly into the tent came up behind him. "I wanted to say thank you for protecting Amuly. My name is Aboso, I'm her brother." Anakin looked at him and blinked. "Anakin. My name's Anakin Skywalker. I'm a Jedi Knight." Aboso tilted his head in acknowledgement. "Can you explain what happened with the clone army? I thought they fought for the Republic, they had no reason to attack us." Anakin frowned. "The supreme chancellor is actually a Sith lord. He used the clones to assassinate their Jedi generals all over the universe, and has taken over the Galactic Senate." Aboso's eyes widened. "How have you survived if this is true?" Anakin's hand moved to rest on Ahsoka's lightsabers. "I had left my post, so my clone squadron was under new command."
As Anakin spoke, the flap of the medical tent was lifted, and an older female Togruta stepped outside. The Togruta around the tent immediately swarmed her, and she smiled and said something quietly. The Togruta became even more excited, clapping and chattering to each other, before one of them looked at the doctor and said something. The doctor smiled and lifted the flap, and the others quietly filed into the tent. Aboso smiled and looked at Anakin. "It appears my sister has had her baby." Aboso walked towards the tent, then paused and looked over his shoulder at Anakin. "Aren't you coming?" Anakin looked at him in surprise. "I thought she would want to see only family right now." Aboso shook his head, smiling faintly. "If it weren't for you, she wouldn't be here. She will want you to see her child." Anakin looked at the tent. "All right then."
Anakin followed Aboso as they walked across the clearing and entered the tent. Inside, the Togruta were all gathered around a bed at the far end. Amuly was sitting up in it, with a small bundle in her arms. She smiled as one of the Togruta rested a hand on her shoulder and said something quietly to her. She looked up at the front of the tent, and her eyes lit up when she saw Aboso. "Aboso, come look at your niece!" Aboso hurried over, and Amuly turned slightly so he could see better. Anakin walked over slowly, and stopped at the outskirts of the group. The only part of the newborn that he could see was the tips of her headtails, which were white and blue like her mother's. Amuly grinned tiredly at Aboso. "She's so quiet, she's already asleep."
Amuly looked at the edge of the group and saw Anakin, and she smiled warmly. "Anakin, come here! You should come meet the little one who caused all the trouble." Anakin nodded and came up to the edge of the bed. As Amuly moved to show Anakin her daughter, the baby stretched and opened her eyes, then looked straight at Anakin. Anakin's eyes widened as he saw in front of him a face he thought he would never see again. The baby blinked, then reached out and touched Anakin's hand with her own tiny one and cooed softly. "She likes you." Amuly looked at her child with warm eyes.
"Anakin, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I couldn't, and there was only a chance this would work." The voice is faint and echoey in his head, but it's unmistakably Ahsoka's. "Ahoska…" Anakin's jaw drops slightly, staring at the baby. "I want to ask you for something, Master. I won't remember any of my life for a long time. When you think the time is right, I need you to help me remember everything. I'm going to need someone to train me, so… Would you be my master again, Skyguy?" Anakin smiled, then closed his eyes. "Of course, Ahsoka. I would never refuse." The baby smiles, then closes her eyes and yawns. "Thank you, Master. I won't be able to speak to you again, but no goodbyes this time. We'll meet again, Skyguy."
"Anakin?" Anakin opened his eyes and looked at Amuly. "I was wondering, would you name the baby? She wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for you, so I think you should name her." Anakin looked at Aboso, who nodded. Anakin looked back at the baby, who was now asleep, cuddled into the blanket. "Ahsoka. Her name is Ahsoka Tano." Amuly's eyes widened in surprise, then she looked down at her baby, and smiled. "It feels like it fits. Like it's meant to be her name." At that, the other Togruta pressed around the bed, offering their comments on Ahsoka, how she looked, and what a beautiful Togruta they were sure she would grow up to be. Anakin smiled to himself and moved away from the group, then stepped outside the tent. He looked up at the sky, which was lightening as the dawn approached. He looked down in surprise as his communicator beeped. "Anakin?" The voice was Obi-Wan's, and his hologram flickered into sight. His posture was relaxed but alert, and his face relaxed slightly when he saw Anakin.
"Anakin, I'm glad you're all right." Anakin grinned at him. "As am I for you. What's the situation?" "I've found Padme, and she's fine. We made it to a ship, and we escaped Coruscant." Anakin's eyes lit up. "Padme's all right?" Obi-wan nodded. "Yes, and C-3PO survived as well. What are your coordinates, Anakin? There isn't any reason we can't meet up with you now." "I'll send them to you right now." Anakin punched the numbers into his communicator. "I'm glad you're both safe, Obi-wan." "And I you. We'll be there soon. May the Force be with you." "And also with you." The communication ended, and Anakin grinned and looked up at the sky. Anakin took a giant breath of air, letting it out slowly as he relaxed. His hand rested on Ahsoka's hilts, and he smiled as he watched the stars fade. He stood there as the sky turned pink and the sun rose, with an expression happier then he had worn in a long time.