
Warning: Never trust a teleporting snake

Chapter four

"Loki!" Thor's voice boomed around the palace. Thunder could be heard rumbling outside as the once sunny afternoon quickly turned dark. Loki's head shot up from the book he was reading, panic clear in his eyes as he stood up. "Loki, I demand your presence at once!"

With a muttered curse Loki snapped the book shut and took off running in the opposite direction of Thor's voice. He wasn't exactly sure what he'd done yet, but Loki could tell that the aftereffects were not going to be worth it. Not at all.

"Loki!" Thor shouted again as he stormed around the palace halls, searching for his younger brother. So far he'd checked the library, gardens, Loki's room, the kitchens and their mother and Loki was nowhere to be seen. "You cannot hide from me!"

Quietly, Loki rolled his eyes as he snuck around the corner, checking both ways for his older brother. If he 'couldn't hide' from Thor, then what exactly was he doing now? Idiot. Loki quickly rushed down the hallway, keeping his footsteps silent and an open ear for the sounds of his brother. The only thing to do in this situation was to hide from Thor, for if the thunder and lightning raging on outside were anything to go by, Loki knew that Thor was much too angry to be spoken with. No, Thor wanted vengeance for whatever Loki did this time, and Thor would only get said vengeance by pounding into his brother with his fists.

"I have found him!" A sudden voice startled Loki out of thought as he whipped around to see Lady Sif, standing there pointing at him with a look of pure glee. "Thor, he is hiding over here! I have found him!"

Loki gave a gasp of horror as he turned around and ran in the opposite direction, cutting corners, jumping over tables and dodging maids as he went. Thor's loud footsteps could be heard thundering behind him as he ran.

"Pray tell, brother!" Loki shouted over his shoulder as he turned into his wing of the palace. Loki knew that at times like these, the only option was to hide away in his private bed chambers. "What appears to be the dilemma?"

Loki took a moment to glance behind him and nearly stopped from the shock. Thor's once beautiful blonde hair, which had ensnared every lady in Asgard, was now a frightful bright pink. It took the second prince a moment to realize that the prank in which he set up for Lady Sif had gone horribly, horribly wrong.

Loki, knowing his mistake might cost him his life, put on a burst of speed and ran as swiftly as possible to his room. Thinking quickly Loki rushed into his room, slammed the door shut and locked it. Moments later the door shook in its frames as Thor collided with it.

"Loki, you cannot hide away in there forever!" Thor thundered as he banged his fist against the now locked door.

Loki thought back to all the spells he'd learned in the past hundred years since he began his sorcery training. What would be able to help him in his time of need?

"Ligabis!" Loki hissed, enchanting the door with a simple spell, further locking the door in place. Now nothing could get in… yet nothing could get out either.

"You have enchanted the door? What trickery is this, coward?" Thor growled.

"Trickery!?" Loki gave an incredulous gasp. "It is not trickery. It is a life-saving enchantment…"

Loki took a moment to pause and pray that the spell would indeed turn out to be life-saving before continuing.

"And I am not a coward! I simply know when it is wise to stay and fight."

"Then come fight me, brother!"

"... I do not think it would be wise…"

Thor let out a growl as he kicked the door, trying to knock it down. His brother could stay in his room for hours on end with neither food nor drink. He was able to keep himself entertained with a simple spell for days on end. He was also incredibly smart, being able to foresee simple manipulation tricks and twist them to his own needs with ease. It would not be easy to lure Loki out, especially now that he knew just how furious Thor was.

"I swear to you, brother," Thor's voice boomed, a shiver rushing up Loki's spine. "When you walk out these doors I shall kill you!"

Now, most would pale at this threat, hoping against hope that Thor would lose interest and forget about the entire incident. But no, not Loki. Instead, Loki felt himself begin to smile as a spark of hope entered his life.

"When I walk out these doors, you will kill me?" Loki clarified as he listened to Thor pound on the solid doors.

"Yes! Now come out here and fight me like a man!" Thor boomed, oblivious to the loop-hole in his statement.

"No thank you, I'd much rather learn this new spell. Good day," Loki stated as he walked away from the door and further into his room. Thor let out a shout of fury as he grabbed his weapon and began pounding at the entrance, swearing and cursing his brother.

"Videor Porte," Loki hissed and with a pop and teleported away and out of his room, leaving Thor to continue attacking his doors, unknowing that his prize was no longer inside.

*Break line*

Loki strolled through the town, delicately munching on an apple as he looked at all the wonderful shops and commoners. He did not know exactly what he was going to do with his extra time, but he knew it was to be marvelous. After all, it was such a rare occasion in which he found himself able to roam around freely, without worrying if Thor and his friends were right behind him, trying to drag him off on another dangerous adventure that resulted in sever punishing from the All Father. Perhaps another prank? Loki frowned as he finished off the apple and threw it away. No, it was best not to try his luck with pranks again for the next week. After all, this last one had not hit his ended target… Maybe he would venture into the bookshop or royal library? His nose crinkled as he leaned against the wall, tapping his chin. It was tempting… but he preferred doing something more active than book shopping. If not a prank, and not something book-related, then what? Perhaps he could ride his horse or practice some more spells?

"Oh, Prince Loki," A voice interrupted him from his thoughts and he swiftly straightened, eyes widening. "I did not think you would be here."

"Good morning, Lady Lorelei, Lady Amora," Loki frowned at the two sisters, both of which were regarding him with distaste clear in their eyes. Perhaps a prank wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"What brings you into town?" Amora asked coolly, inspecting her finger nails with an air of arrogance.

"No need to ask such idiotic questions, sister. He is obviously hiding from Prince Thor," Lorelei snickered behind her hand and gave a glance to the stormy sky. "What in Asgard have you done this time?"

Loki's frown deepened and crossed his arms, sticking his nose in the air.

"Oh, wouldn't you enjoy knowing," he stated arrogantly. Lorelei's smile fell from her face and she too, crossed her arms.

"I would, yes," Lorelei stated calmly as she took a step forward, staring deeply into the prince's eyes. "I would also like to know where exactly you teleported yourself to last week and why you cannot tell us."

Loki stiffened as he recalled his previous 'spell-blunder'. Never again would he look at the top of the palace the same way, nor would he look Hiemdall in the eye. It would be a secret that he would never share.

"It would be improper to share such a secret with a simple acquaintance," Loki stated with a shrug. Lorelei and Amora gave offended gasps.

"Acquaintances?!' Amora asked in a shrilled voice. "We have known one another for over a century!"

Loki frowned, cocking his head to the side in slight confusion.

"And that is significant to you?"

"I—It…" Amora trailed off. "You…"

"Now, I really must be off. So much to do on such a fine day," Loki gave a short smile and swiftly walked away into the next alleyway, leaving the two sisters steaming with rage.

"Videor Porte!"

*Break line*

"You cannot hide away for all of eternity, brother!" Thor shouted at the door as he gave it another kick. He then waited, pressing his ear up against the door to hear if his brother would give a reply. When he heard nothing, a growl formed in his throat and he kicked the door again. "I shall not leave until you banish your cowardice and fight like a man!"

He pressed his ear back up against the door.

Still nothing.

"Come out!" He growled as he began to relentlessly attack the door. Still, he heard nothing.

*Break line*

Loki tore through the fields of grass, riding his horse, the wonderful fields of grass surrounded Loki, a smile edging its way across his face. Thunder continued to roll across the sky, Thor still furious with his brother. This gave Loki mixed reactions. Obviously, if the lightning and thunder continued, the townsfolk would begin to get anxious. After all, hardly anybody liked a sudden and persistent storm. However, Loki quite liked the thunderstorms. Just listening to the lightening crack in the distance filled him with excitement.

A grin broke out on his face as he raced as fast as he could, staring up into the wonderfully lit sky. He knew none of the lightening would strike at the ground, unless specifically aimed. Thor's lightening was unique, in the sense that instead of striking the ground or something close to it, it simply struck itself up in the clouds. Which was brilliant, if Loki did say so himself. It gave him the opportunity to spend the day how he wished, without fear of getting maimed or worse.

And that was exactly what he planned to do.

*Break line*

"Come out!" Thor thundered as he continued to pound on the door. "Come out! Come out! Come out! Come out! Come out!"

The warriors Three and Lady Sif all watched him from behind the corner.

"Do you think it would be wise to request he accompany us on a quest?" Fandral asked in a whisper. Quickly, three heads spun to look to Hogun, who shook his head.

"It would not be wise," Hogun stated gruffly.

"Agreed," Sif said with a worried glance towards Thor. "Loki has to venture out of his chambers eventually. I believe our next actions should be to avoid Thor until he has this entire mess sorted out. There is nothing we can assist him with."

And with that, The Warriors Three and Lady Sif scurried from the palace and into the town, Thor's fiery shouting following them as they went.

"Come out! Come out! Come out! Come out! Come out!"

*Break line*

"Ahhh," Loki sighed in content as he sunk into the hot spring, sinking down to his nose. "How glorious…"

Loki stretched out his toes as he sunk deeper and deeper into the water, grinning as the bubbles tickled his feet, the steam drifting off beautifully into the air. The thunder was more of a background noise, Loki getting used to it as he relaxed into the hot spring. It was a truly glorious day indeed. And though it was getting dark, and Loki knew he only had an hour or two left of daylight, it would be worth it. Loki, for the first time in a while, was completely and one hundred percent relaxed.

Loki closed his eyes, a content grin on his face. It was days like these that made life truly worth living. The quiet, worrisome days in which he could just sit back, relax and enjoy the quiet peace around him.

*Break line*

Thor narrowed his eyes into dangerous slits, glaring daggers at the door. Five hours Thor had stood there, relentlessly pounding and attacking Loki's door with all his might. With all his strength! Sadly, the door had not budged a single inch and Loki had yet to speak another word to his brother.

"Very well, Brother," Thor panted as he leaned against the wall for support. Long ago his mighty hammer had fallen from his grasp, too heavy for his exhausted arms to carry any longer. "Stay locked away in your chambers weeks for all I care! But I shall prove to everyone in the Courts of Asgard that I have the ability to match your stubbornness tenfold!"

And with that, Thor sat on the floor in front of Loki's room, eyes never leaning the giant doors as he waited in earnest for his brother to leave his chambers.

*Break line*

"It is a glorious day today, is it not?" Loki asked his mother as he walked into the gardens, a smile on his face. His mother glanced up into the still stormy sky a smirk forming on her lips as she turned back to her gardening.

"For you, perhaps. I have a feeling that a certain brother of yours is not fairing as well," she stated as she clipped a leaf from a patch of roses. "Pray tell, Loki, what have you done this time?"

"I do not know," Loki shrugged and he bent down and smelled a golden orchid, hands clasped gently behind his back. "I do not keep track of my brothers every struggle in life. It would be silly."


Sensing that she had caught onto his lies the young prince swiftly looked up and turned towards his mother, mouth parting open as he began to make an excuse to quickly leave her presence. This excuse was quickly cut off, for Frigga was staring right at him with her arms crossed and one elegant eyebrow raised. Her foot tapped gently against the ground as she stared her son down. Loki evenly stared back at her with a small frown. Curse this woman and her ability to sense lies! Why could she not be like a normal mother? One who simply did not care what her children got up to unless it directly bothered her? Like Hogun's mother! Now that was a respectable woman.

"Loki," his mother spoke as he took a subtle step back, eyes darting off into the trees. They were rather beautiful weren't they? And oh, those flowers were simply divine!

"Yes, mother?"

"I believe we must speak with one another."

Loki's stomach dropped as those words. One knew one was cursed when these words were spoken by an authoritative figure. Especially if that authoritative figure was ones mother. His mouth went dry as Frigga sat on the nearby bench, patting the spot next to her and looking expectantly at him.

"Whatever about?" Loki asked with an uneasy smile as he lightly set himself down on the bench. His mother scooted closer, clasping Loki's hands in her own. Fear gripped the prince's heart as he stared deeply into his mother's eyes. What was she going to say? What was she going to do? Whatever it may be Loki was most certainly not prepared. Was it punishment for lying or another uncomfortable discussion about females? Perhaps it was about his pranks. Or… worse, the latest adventure he had with Thor that they thought they'd managed to keep quiet. Perhaps that was just not so? Oh, he knew for certain if it was about their adventure, his punishment would be severe. But maybe it was another uncomfortable discussion about females? That would almost be worse than being executed, Loki was certain. But perhaps not. After all, they'd just had one. His stomach dropped as he thought about the possibilities. She could scold him for lying, tell him it was time to 'man up' and drop sorcery as his trade. Maybe she'd even confine him to his room for lying, or, worse, make him attend every single social party for the next century! He watched his mother worriedly, the uneasy smile falling from his face as she waited, looking into his eyes. What did she want?! Just spit it out woman, spit it out!

"Do you think I have over-trimmed the roses?" She asked, a smirk playing on her lips. He sat there, mouth parting open as he stared at his mother. Quietly he clicked it shut, narrowing his eyes as he yanked his hands from hers, scowling.

"They're beautiful," he spit through clenched teeth as she laughed to herself.

"Be wary when lying to me, Loki. For a mother knows all," Frigga stated as she gracefully stood up and turned back to her gardening. The young prince then decided that his mother's company was not preferable at the moment, and without even as much as a word of goodbye, he muttered the spell.

"Videor Porte!"

*Break line*

Thor leaned against the wall facing Loki's Door. He'd lost track of how long he had been there, waiting for his brother to emerge. Long ago his stomach had begun growling for food. But he would not fail! Thor would sit here for days, maybe even weeks, if he had too! He would not sleep, nor feast until his brother had been served Justice!

Thor felt his eyelids drooping as he slowly loosened his grip on his hammer. Perhaps a few minutes of rest would not harm…

*Break line*

Loki smiled to himself pleasantly as he strolled through the palace halls. His belly full of his favorite food, and a wonderful day under his belt, Loki felt content. Right now, the only thing Loki wanted to do was flop down in his private chambers and sleep the rest of the night away. Yes, a peaceful night in his room was the best thing Loki could think of at the moment.

In fact, it was the only thing Loki was thinking off.

You see, one tends to forget the worries and troubles of the morning when one has had such a marvelous and spectacular afternoon and evening.

That being said, it was no surprise that the fact that Thor was angry with him (and had been for the entire day) slipped his mind. But, not for much longer. For it was at that moment, with Loki sighing in content as he walked around the corner to his chambers, that he tripped over Thor's sleeping form.

Thor jolted awake as Loki landed next to him, sprawled on the floor. For a moment, neither of them said anything. Loki stared up at Thor's frightfully pink hair and Thor glared down at the trickster, fists clenching as Loki gulped fearfully.

"The time has come to face punishment, brother," Thor growled as Loki scrambled to his feet and shot for the door. "There is no escaping me this time!"

"I think the color rather suites you," Loki shot back with confidence as he reached his door. Escaping Thor would be easy. After all, all he had to do was get inside. Loki grabbed the handles and pushed them open with a smirk. Or… tried too. After all, Loki was being rather forgetful lately and had, once again, forgotten a very important detail.

He had locked the doors from the inside.

Loki's confidence drained instantaneously when he remembered and only had time for a short yelp before his brother had grabbed him by the back of his collar and hauled him away.

"I never walked through the doors!" Loki shouted in an attempt to calm Thor. "You swore that when I walked through those doors, you would kill me. But I have not walked through those doors!"

Thor wasn't listening. Figures. Someone like him didn't care to listen to formalities. Thankfully for Loki, his mother (and savoir) had decided to come find out the truth of why Thor was so angry.

"Thor? Loki?" Frigga asked with wide eyes as she stared at the sight of her eldest hauling her youngest down the halls like one would drag a mischievous puppy.

"Mother," Thor growled as he dragged Loki (who was still insisting that Thor had no right to kill him) towards their mother. "Look at what Loki has done to my hair!"

Frigga gave a small tsk as she glanced to a guilty looking Loki and then back up to Thor. Honestly, the mischief these two got up to was going to be the end of her one day.

"Very well. Thor, come here," Frigga motioned for her eldest son to come forward. Quickly, Thor obeyed, dragging Loki behind him. With a swift flick of the wrist and a quietly whispered spell, Thor's hair was magically transformed back to the glorious blonde locks.

"You have fixed it!" Thor exclaimed happily as he dropped Loki who took this as a perfect moment to scramble behind his mother for safety. "Thank you, Mother."

"See? All better," Frigga glanced once again to Loki, frowning as he avoided her eyes. "Loki, do you have anything you wish to say to your brother?"

Loki fell silent, glaring sullenly around the golden walls. Thor's arms were crossed, the rage from just moments before clearly upon his face.

"Loki," Frigga warned. Loki gave an irritated sigh, looking up to meet Thor in the eyes. It was clear he would have to apologize, lest Thor attempt to slay him whilst he slept.

"I apologize, Brother," Loki bit out. "The prank was not intended for you."

Frigga looked to Thor, raising an eyebrow as he said nothing. Finally, with a sigh of his own, Thor let go of his rage. Well, most of it. He would still be sour with Loki for the weeks to come.

"Apology accepted," Thor stated gruffly. It was obvious to Loki that, no, it had not been accepted. Just as obvious as it was to Thor that, no, Loki had not actually wanted to apologize. Nor had he meant it sincerely.

Frigga glanced between her two sons warily, gently folding her arms and they stood their stiffly. Everything would be right again within a week. If not more, she knew something to be wrong and would step in. And as much as she wished they would act civil to one another now rather than later, she had done all she could.

"Very well," she nodded her head. "I suspect a good night rest will help clear both your minds."

"Yes," Loki stated, his once happy mood now sour. "I believe it shall. Goodnight mother, brother."

And with that, Loki straightened his tunic, turned his nose up at Thor, and swiftly walked back down the hall and rammed straight into his door.

Once again he had forgotten the lock.

A/N: Well… yes… it has been a while, hasn't it? Well, I suppose if any of you are still interested in knowing when this will update again, I'm planning on updating more regularly. :) I've missed this story and feel my writing skills have improved since I began it (this chapter, save the last couple paragraphs, were written a while ago. I just found this fic again and decided, eh, I should finish it). Anyway, I plan to update once again soon! :) Reviews are great and so are you!