Disclaimer: I don't own Dan and Or Phil
Hey Pastries!, so I am so sorry for just abandoning you guys like that but here we are at the epic climax! I hope you guys enjoy it.
Dan rode on the black stallion back to the village, with a heavy heart. He wished that he could stay with Phil, but his family needed him there and he was just glad that Phil understood him. He wiped away the tears threatening to fall, hoping that Phil would someday find someone to break the spell...but right now, that person wasn't him. Finally, he saw the village and the great manor with its large fence and...what was the Baron's carriage doing here? He shook his head and after getting off the stallion ran inside and up the steps to Lord Adam's room.
"Dan!" Exclaimed Louise, and the others looked up as Dan immediately rushed over to the old man's side.
" You're here, you're alive..."Said Lord Adam, as Dan took his hand and smiled softly at him, the others looked both happy and confused wondering how Dan managed to get away?
"How did you get away..and why are you dressed so fancy?" Asked Jim, as Dan hugged Lord Adam, who embraced him tightly and ran a hand through his hair when the door opened and immediately, Jim, Jack, and Dean pulled out their swords at the sight of the Baron.
"Put those things away, " He commanded.
"We don't take orders from you." Said Jack, ready to strike, when Dean placed a hand on his arm motioning for him to stop and cool down. The Baron merely rolled his eyes, when he saw Dan who stood up, protectively over Lord Adam, he took note of Dan's very bright and rather fanciful attire. His hand clenched over his sword tightly, as enviousness began to bubble up, whilst he wondered where Dan had really been...and with whom, because it couldn't be possible for some dumb beast to have done this.
" You have yet to answer the questions Dan, where were you and why are you dressed that way?" He asked, the others looked at Dan curiously.
"I was with the Beast." Said Dan, and he smiled at remembering him before looking to his friends. " He's not a monster, not like we thought, he had a temper at first yes but...he's changed, there's good in him. He treated me like a guest, and he gave me a library and...we danced...and...he's gentle, and kind."
" Did you fall in love with him?" Asked Tanya curiously, the others were left even more confused...for as long as they could remember the Beast had been the monster under the bed, a warning parents told children to get them to go to sleep or a warning, the boogieman that roamed the woods. But the way Dan talked, the way his eyes lit up and there was a kind of glow around him, Dan felt his face flush and he smiled softly before looking up at her. The Baron's eyes widened, and a scowl formed on his lips, he was not going to lose Dan to this monster. He was going to find it, slice its head off and then mount it over the fireplace, before taking Dan and forcing him to be his...he didn't care what Dan wanted as long as he belonged to him.
"You fell in love with a monster?" Replied the Baron and Dan glared at him.
"He's not a monster, you are." Said Dan, at which the Baron scoffed and looked at the others.
"Clearly the Beast has done something to him, there is no way that anyone could ever fall in love with a monster. Either you're with me, or against me. Lord Adam, do-"
"I agree with Dan." Said Lord Adam, as he sat up. " You tried to kill me, I asked you to bring back Dan thinking he was in danger and because you were the only one I could turn to...that I can forgive. However, clearly I forgot the kind of man you are, you're a selfish, despicable man who is forever barred from my home."
" Have you people gone mad? I came to save Dan, I am a brave and noble Baron and either you are with me or against me." Said Baron Johan, the others stood and glared he just smirked like the smug snake he was. " Very well then, I will go to the castle and deal with it myself."
He turned and left slamming the door behind him and immediately Dan's eyes widened. If he hurt Phil...he'd never forgive himself. Lord Adam immediately placed his hand on Dan's hand.
"Do you really love him?" Asked Lord Adam. Dan immediately nodded without hesitation, Phil wasn't a Beast or a monster, he was good, kind, gentle, and he had let Dan go even though he needed to break the spell. He was selfless, and loyal, and wonderful. Of course he loved him, there was never and there would never be anyone else. Lord Adam smiled softly, he recognized the look in Dan's brown eyes.
"I once loved someone, and I lost her because I was too much of a coward to fight for her... do not make my mistakes. Go, fight for your love." Said Lord Adam, with a small smile, Dan smiled softly and nodded. "The rest of you, go, help him. I will be fine."
"Thank you." Said Dan hugging the old man, who hugged him back tightly. He, Jack, Dean, Jim, Alfie, Joe, and Casper quickly left in order to help Phil. Meanwhile, the Baron had led his men to the castle, the mob carried pitchforks and torches as they marched. The thick black thunder clouds rolling overhead as the thunder boomed and the mud on their boots. In the castle, Phil stayed by the rose and lamented over Dan...blue eyes looked down at the rose whose petals were falling. Time was running short, and his body was getting weaker and weaker. He didn't have a lot of time left it seemed...still...at least Dan was happy and that was what mattered.
" Phil!, there is an angry mob heading this way!" Exclaimed PJ.
"Just let them come...I'll probably be dead before they arrive anyway." Said Phil, and Chris scoffed.
"I know you're heartbroke right now Phil but-"
"No, look." Said Phil, as he shifted and they both saw the rose...the petals were immediately beginning to fall. There weren't many of them left, the clock and the candelabra looked to each other. Outside the thunder boomed, and the rain began to it as the mob came and threatened to break down the door...The Baron and his men entered the castle, though soon the servants in the castle came forwards and tried to fight back. . In the commotion of the fighting the Baron made his way up the steps his bow and arrow at the ready. He was going to relish killing the beast.
"Phil look out!" Exclaimed PJ, Phil turned and roared as an arrow pierced his shoulder. The Baron immediately rammed into him, and they both crashed through the window onto the roof, Phil just laid there motionless as he groaned. The Baron chuckled, this was much too easy now. He drew his sword, and was ready to decapitate the beast. Phil, groaned when he heard Dan calling for him. The Beast looked, and his blue eyes widened...Dan had come back for him...why? Well what did it matter he came back...he really did. With regained and new found strength. Phil turned and smacked the Baron away. The Baron glowered at him and landed upon a balcony, quickly he picked up his sword and pointed it at the beast as he came down.
" Did you honestly think he loved you, when he had someone like me?" Said the Baron, swinging his sword while Phil dodged. Meanwhile, while the others helped to fend off the mob Dan rushed inside. He had to get there, had to stop this fighting. The Baron kicked the beast hard enough, that Phil fell back and broke the railing of the balcony. The stones crumbled and fell into the depths below, He chuckled as he was preparing to swing his sword downwards. When Phil grabbed him by the throat, and stood upwards. The baron gripped Phil's wrist and whimpered as the beast held him over the dark void.
"Please! Don't! I'll do anything! Anything! Just let me go!" Cried the Baron as Phil held him over the black abyss.
Phil growled as his paw was gripped around the man's throat. He was so close, and yet...a small part of him told him not to...that he wasn't a murderer or a monster...he wasn't some cold hearted beast. His blue eyes looked at the man's filled with terror, dread, and looked almost as if he were going to faint. Phil sighed, and just tossed him to the side.
" Get out." Said Phil, choosing to take mercy on him...he was no beast, and if he did this would only confirm what he though...besides...the adrenaline as running thin anyway. He looked up to the pink rose, and saw there were only three rose petals left. His time in this world was growing short and it was almost time for him to go. He looked up, when he heard footsteps and saw Dan there.
"Phil." He breathed in relief, as tears of joy fell from his cheeks. Phil smiled softly, and slowly stood. Dan smiled at him, when his smile disappeared in an instant. "Phil look out!"
The Beast roared, as a sharp pain ripped through his side, as a blade entered him, He swung his arm back in pain, and the baron screamed as he fell down into the darkness. Dan immediately rushed over, and pulled Phil back onto the balcony and gently laid him down. Phil groaned in pain, as slowly the blood seeped from his wounds. Dan bit his lip and shook his head.
" No...no Phil I...this is all my fault, I...I'm so sorry." Said Dan softly. Had he been faster, had he gotten there sooner...still Phil, gently placed his hand on Dan's cheek.
" You came back...but y'know Dan...at least we're together...for one last time." Said Phil, and Dan sniffed and nodded everything was going to be fine it had to be. They were together now and Phil would be ok. He gently placed his hand over Phil's, resting against it as the tears streamed down his cheek. He sighed, as his heart felt as if it were being torn in two, his eyes widened as slowly Phil's eyelids began to close.
" No...no Phil! Phil please hold on! Please." Pleaded Dan, as Phil's hand went limp. "Please...I love you."
Dan rested against Phil and cried...when something shimmered, he knitted his brow and looked around as beams of light began to fall from the sky. The brunette staggered back, as Phil was being lifted into the air, in a stream of soft golden light and his jaw dropped. Slowly, Phil's body was becoming a human again and his wouldn began to heal...but how...and then he remembered what happened. Slowly, the body descended and Phil groaned as he stood up. Dan stood as well, and looked to the other man standing before him. Meanwhile, Phil chuckled and smiled with jubilation. He looked to his hands and feet and his body, he was pale, and no longer an animal.
"Dan! It's me!" Exclaimed Phil, as he took Dan's hands. Dan smiled softly, as his brown eyes looked into Phil's blue ones.
"It is you." Said Dan wistfully. They smiled at each other, before leaning in and kissing each other. Their true love's kiss was so good and so pure, that it enveloped them in a golden light. The light shot upwards, and the castle was changed. Once a frightening fortress, now was beginning to change as the shadows were gone and things became almost like new. They looked, as PJ, Chris, Dil, and Cat were turned back into humans. The way it was supposed to be. Later that afternoon, a great ball was held.
Lord Adam, was rewarded for what had happened and was now given a new estate (the old Baron's estate) along with his land and servants, meaning Louise, Tanya, Naomi, and Zoe, served in the castle, becoming ladies in waiting, while Jim, Jack, Dean, Alfie, Joe, Caspar, and Marcus all became a part of the royal guard. Dil met a girl named Tabitha in the village, and all was well. Phil was now King Philip and Dan his husband, together they ruled the land with kindness and equality.
And they all lived happily ever after.