Notes from previous chapters apply. We've run to the end of the story. To all of you who have read and commented and favorited it - Thank you for joining me on this journey! May the stars shine upon your path. :)

Chapter 9

The next morning the men were allowed to go on their way with a strong warning to leave the Eagles alone. Glorfindel escorted them down to the bottom of the butte and saw them on their way, watching until they were naught but specks before returning to join his own merry band of travelers. He caught sight of the colt, gamboling alongside the twins horses and shook his head. "We never did find his herd."

"I suspect he has adopted his own ...herd." Celeborn smiled as the colt trotted between Tuilinneth and Bregedúr, proud as any charger of old. "He is a Mearas, you know."

"I did notice." Glorfindel smirked at the teasing of an old friend. "Is it right to lead him so far from his own kind?"

Celeborn smiled. "Some make their own rules, don't they? Pull off something that has never been done by any other."

"If you are referring to me, I'll have you know I pulled nothing over the eyes of the Powers."

A chuckle and Celeborn nodded. "You'll have to tell Galadriel just how you did it someday. It is one thing that annoys her endlessly."

A smile and a shrug of shoulder, Glorfindel looked away. "Perhaps."

Celebrían grinned at Elrond. "Go catch up to the boys. I'll be fine." She reined in her horse, waiting for Haldir who rode just ahead of the other guardsmen. "You've been very quiet, Haldir."

A smile was followed by a bow, one pale golden braid falling over his shoulder. "I am always quiet, Lady."

"True." Celebrían grinned at her old friend. "Unless one gets you waxing on about Lothlórien. Then you are positively verbose!"

Haldir smiled, for it was true. "Where else can one find trees so intoxicating?"

Silvan Elves. Celebrían loved their simple love of life and the beauty of nature. "There are Silvan Elves in Imladris as well, you know."

He inclined his head. "I am pleased to know that, Lady."

"You should come visit. Get out of the mists. The sun can be quite as intoxicating, you know."

Haldir just smiled. "It is good to have you home, Lady Celebrían. The Golden Woods ring with the laughter of you and your children."

Home. Celebrían looked to where Elrond rode, now with a son on either side of him, the Mearas colt scampering around them. "Home is in the people you love, Haldir. Not a place." She turned to meet his gaze. "That, you carry always with you."


Haldir snickered as Celebrían rolled her eyes. "What is wrong, Elrohir?"

"I still haven't seen any dwarves!" With a ferocious scowl, Elrohir plopped back in his saddle and stuck his tongue out at something Elladan said.

Glorfindel laughed and circled Alfirin back to ride next to Celebrían. "That will have to be remedied, you know. Your son will never give up."

"He is tenacious," she sighed. "But the negotiations were completed. I'm certain Adar and Naneth will not want to see another dwarf for quite some time." Eyes narrowing, Celebrían looked at Glorfindel. "You didn't suggest anything, did you?" Ignoring the muffled laugh from Haldir.

"Me? Of course not. Milady, you wound me!"

Celebrían snorted as Glorfindel grasped his chest as if hurt. "I might if you keep dropping suggestions in those boys ears."

Laughing, Glorfindel shook his head. "Truly. I did no such thing."

"Don't believe him." Haldir's eyes were full of mirth. "I heard him telling tales of Eregion and Moria before they left on this trip."

A scoff and Glorfindel waved it off. "They wanted to know the history of the mines and where the mithril came from. What was I to tell them? That it grew on the Mallyrn as you so poetically spout?"

Celebrían giggled as Haldir glared. "The Mallyrn do turn silver and gold, as you know!"

"But mithril?"

"Poetic license."

"Utter rubbish."

"Boys." Celebrían held up a hand to stop the bickering that could and would go on and on. One would hardly think the two warriors were friends. "Elladan and Elrohir."

"Take them to the mines." Haldir made a face, horrified by the idea of even wanting to enter a dark mine full of smelly dwarves. "Show Elrohir that it is not so wonderful as he dreams."

"He is actually quite practical after all is said and done," Glorfindel pointed out. "He just likes to imagine...quite a lot."

Celebrían smiled and nodded. "Perhaps we can arrange to have them see the Dimrill Dale and Mirrormere. They are magnificent."

Glorfindel nodded. "As are the halls of the Dwarves."

Haldir sighed long and loud. "I fail to see the appeal," he complained.

"To the Dwarves, their halls are what Mallyrn are to you." Celebrían had been through Khazad-dûm once before, when she and her mother had fled Ost-in-edhil. She had been awed at the size and beauty of the dwarven halls. "I'll ask Naneth if she can arrange it." The sly smile was for Glorfindel. "You can take them."

A smile and Glorfindel nodded. "If you are afraid to go, of course."

"Oh!" She smacked his arm as he laughed. "Insufferable lout."

"So I have been told before." Eyes dancing, Glorfindel nudged Alfirin to a trot to re-join Celeborn.

"Sounds as if you have another adventure ahead of you," Haldir said with a laugh.

Watching her sons laugh as they rode with their father, Celebrían nodded. "Every single day, Haldir. And I would not have it any other way."

The End (for now?)