A.N.: Written for my good friends Selena and Bert-Wrighty on their birthdays! Better late than never!

Thanks to Eltas for reading this over for me

Disclaimer: Bioware and EA own all

Selena Trevelyan of house Trevelyan, Inquisitor of the inquisition, and heir to nothing glanced out at the many buildings scattered throughout Skyhold. She needed a vacation, a nice break away from the constant insanity that her new life entailed—if just to catch up on sleep! She was the inquisitor, true, but surely the world would not go to the void if the Inquisitor let loose for a day or two and relaxed? She was safe in Skyhold. What trouble could harass her there?

After all, she had spent the last few months risking life and limb to save the world; surely she earned some sort of vacation?

She had just arrived from Crestwood after dealing with a troublesome, idiotic fool of a mayor who thought it would be a wonderful idea to flood an entire village and drown the darkspawn as well as the refugees. Then again, Trevelyan had to admit to herself, she might have done the same. Pinching her lips together, she quickened her pace to the training grounds. There were better things to do than dwell on Gregory Dedrick. Currently, the "better things to do" muttered quietly in the courtyard ahead.

Cassandra stood off in the distance, attacking the training dummy as if it were Corypheus himself. There was something primal—sensual about the way she assaulted the inanimate, poorly constructed replacement of some poor soul. How long would this one last before the warrior's brutal assault grinded it to dust? Selena sighed deeply. She would need to ensure that more training dummies were constructed.

Every muscle in Cassandra's toned body tightened and flexed. Those eyes burned with conviction while violence flickered in her expression. Maker knew, Selena had no idea what was going on behind those eyes.

Cassandra angry at the world seemed an everyday occurrence.

Selena allowed herself a moment to stare, appreciating the way Cassandra's muscles flexed and strained and the power in her limbs as she twisted and turned. Thump. Oh, the power of those arms as the wooden sword nearly beheaded the practice dummy. Thump. Even though Cassandra was batshit crazy, she was still a fine specimen of a woman to gape at. Selena glanced around for a corner to sit and gawk at the frustrated warrior, grunting in unison with each swing.

Maker, it's hot in here!

Suddenly, a delicate hand tapped Selena's shoulder. Cheeks flaming, Selena took a jerky step back.

She had been so busy gazing at Cassandra that Josephine's sudden appearance startled her. To make matters worse, she couldn't just ignore the woman as those hands were… insistent. The inquisitor was tired. Exhausted even. The desire to listen to another one of Josephine's endless inclinations provided no amount of joy.

Maker, that woman never seems to run out of them!

Josephine Montilyet was the ambassador and chief diplomat of the Inquisition, and apparently a mage as well; that woman had the uncanny ability to materialize out of nowhere when there was an opportunity to damper Selena's day. The diplomat always dressed in that deep blue and gold… gown; a polished, heavy gold chain hung on the top of her breasts—which Selena couldn't help but notice as those mounds were directly underneath said chain! The diplomat was all ruffles and silks—everything Selena was not. Dark hair graced by midnight, olive skin, and delicate features; one could say the ambassador was quite beautiful. If one didn't mind being annoyed all day! Selena thought. In addition, the diplomat was incredibly upbeat which added another piece of evidence to Josephine being a frightening otherworldly creature because who was ever that happy?

Maybe the Antivan was related to Vivian? They both enjoyed tormenting Selena, after all.

"Lady Inquisitor, may I have a moment of your time?" Trevelyan really hated that title, or any title to be honest, but the Antivan woman carried a certain fondness for it, or just enjoyed the effect of watching Selena squirm. A sigh. Resigned, the silent motion of Selena's head agreed with the other woman's request. The dark lashes gracing Josephine's cheeks flew up, but her lips curved upward. "I am sorry I have caught you at an inopportune time. Your fondness of Cassandra's 'anger management' sessions is well known."

Selena snapped her mouth shut, astonished by the other woman's candor.

Fondness? She was just acknowledging the power in the dark haired warrior. That's all! There wasn't any fondness! She also enjoyed staring at those muscles as they... oh Maker, Cassandra was stretching! The warrior extended her arms, a small moan escaping her lips as her muscles loosened. Goosebumps shot down Selena's skin as she stared unhindered over taunt muscles as they contracted while the woman stretched.

A throat clearing jerked her from her reverie.

"I wasn't really... well, what I mean... you see, the thing is... I like to watch everyone's progress because..." Selena stammered, sweat pooling at her brow. "because it is important to know everyone's strengths."

That sounded like a good enough explanation! An explanation even Leliana could be proud of.


Best not to go there!

"Of course, Lady Inquisitor." Josephine's reply was polite, quick and said with a meaningful smile. "As you say." The diplomat planted a finger under her chin, lips pursed in thought. Selena knew she was done for. Every movement that woman executed was deliberate and chosen for maximum effectiveness. "I have noticed, Lady Inquisitor, that we need more cohesiveness. We must strengthen our ties to each other in order to present a more united front." The diplomat, as always, maintained a posture of perfect calm that Selena had to admit she admired. But, right now, exhaustion slumped her shoulders and she put on her best surliest look. Josephine could take her perfect calm and united front opinions and shove them up her arse! I just wanted to relax! Selena thought. It was, after all, late in the afternoon. Josephine inclined her head, narrowing her eyes "I suggest that your companions and advisers take every opportunity to be seen together with you whenever possible. A party of a nice dinner would do wonders for your," Josephine said, wrinkling her nose as if some nefarious odor filled the air, "reputation."

A nice party. A quiet dinner. Selena winced—nope, that would not be pleasant at all!

"Um, yes, Josephine, I agree. Maybe tomorrow. I'll see to it..."

Maybe never!

Josephine beamed, pleased with the way the conversation turned out, not noticing the other woman's hesitation. "I am sure you will be satisfied, Lady Inquisitor! Tonight… Yes, tonight would be best as everyone is accounted for." Wait tonight? Squeezing her eyes shut, Selena rubbed her temple which Josephine did not notice due to scribbling notes on that parchment she trudged around. Josephine grinned like a five-year-old peering at the gifts on her name day. "Dinner will be a most auspicious occasion! Our people will see us together, and morale will improve. This, I can promise you!"

Sweet Andraste, she can't mean tonight.

With her lips compressed, Selena cringed. She had hoped to enjoy her blankets in the relative comfort of her bed while spending a nice, peaceful evening of fantasizing about Leliana and maybe Cassandra! Nope, she definitely was not in the mood for the "always be positive" diplomat.

Images of choking Josephine filled her with glee. Just a little pressure. A tiny amount, not really life threatening.

Alas, Leliana would kill her; Josephine was her best friend, after all.

"What?" Selena asked as panic fringed her voice. "Tonight?"

Josephine's lips pressed tightly, and she glanced at Selena as if the Inquisitor committed some grievous transgression such as dancing nude around Skyhold with nothing but her boots while singing some horrible song provided by Sera. The diplomat closed her eyes and relaxed her shoulders. "Worry not, Lady Inquisitor, I shall make all the arrangements." She strode towards Cassandra, parchment in hand. "Cassandra, might I have a moment of time?"

Selena froze. She scrunched her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side. Did she just agree to this? Tonight? The air left her lungs—this was not what she hoped the night would bring. Josephine. She always managed to get her way.

Selena's her lips flattened together. "Damnation," she muttered under her breath.

Suddenly, a flash of humor crossed her face. There was a bright side to the upcoming monotonous evening. The image of Leliana danced in her head. Leliana would be in attendance as well—after all, the spymaster could never refuse Josephine. It seemed no one could. Selena would enjoy gazing upon the auburn haired woman—when she could see those lovely strands through that accursed hood of hers. Those deep blue eyes that intrigued her. Yes, she would just need to be sure to sit across from Leliana to get a better view. She can't let the night go to waste!

Oh well, just a night at dinner. With 'friends.' What could possibly go wrong?