Chapter 6

Jonny was more nervous than he wanted to admit. He owned a few suits, something he never would have imagined when he was younger. Couldn't have imagined even being able to tie a tie. But, no matter how good those suits had seemed when he bought them, none of them had been good enough for tonight. So, he bought a new suit, spending more on that one than he had on all the others. He got his haircut too, and now he was painfully aware that he looked like a nervous schoolboy.

He had a drink before he left home. He didn't drink that much anymore, he liked a clear head, but he needed something to calm his nerves. He knew it was foolish, that this was just another business event, another chance to rub elbows with people who might help further his business, he was getting used to these kinds of things, knew the role to play. He was getting worked up over nothing. He kept repeating that to himself as he sat at his table, watching the door, pretending everything was fine

She was late. She hated being late.

Yesterday she decided she needed a new dress, nothing she had was appropriate, she told herself. After three painful hours of indecisiveness, she came home with three new dresses. She tried each of them on at least four times today, before finally settling on the one she thought projected the most confidence. She wouldn't admit to herself that it was the sexiest one too.

Then there was her hair. Her whole life she had cursed her curls, but over the last few years she had established a tolerant relationship with them. They weren't going anywhere and she wasn't willing to take the time to iron them every day, so she needed to accept and find a way to work with them. All of that tolerance disappeared today when she scorched her scalp three times trying to straighten the mess. She was happy with how it turned out but angry with herself for the effort spent, this night didn't matter!

As she walked into the banquet hall she reminded herself that she could do this. Go in, eat, smile, give her speech, say goodbye to Jonny, and then get her life back.

Jonny physically jerked when Baby walked in. He sat up straighter, holding his breath. No, Baby didn't suit that woman, so confident, so beautiful, this was Francis, the woman he knew she would become. He couldn't take his eyes off her as she slowly started to make her way towards him. Remember, breathe, he told himself.

Dammit, cocktail hour wasn't over! She thought she was late, how did she time this so wrong. Jonny was looking at her, so she had no choice but to go to her table. Wow, he looked sharp! She just needed to ignore that, get a drink for her mouth that was suddenly so dry, and get through this.

"Dance with me?" Jonny asked, breaking the awkward silence between them. She wanted to say no, but there were too many people at their table and it would be rude for her to say no to the person she nominated to be here. She looked out on the dance floor and looked at the couples there, twirling around, chatting, even a few were laughing. It looked like a minefield, innocently disguised, but just waiting to blow up in her face. But, she didn't really have a choice.

Being in his arms felt so good. It was so hard not to let herself sink into them, sink into him. He was such a good dancer. She had missed this. Nothing else mattered as one song blurred into the next and he held her tight, her body following his lead. All she knew was the feel of his arms around her, his heartbeat resonating in her chest, all she could see were his eyes, those beautiful eyes.

"I think they are serving supper," Jonny said, pulling Francis back to the present. Looking around, she could see they were the only ones on the floor and she could smell the food on the tables.

"Oh, yes, we don't want our food to get cold," she said as she quickly turned to the table, hiding her flushed cheeks. As she walked she silently reprimanded herself. What was she thinking? She had a job to do tonight and that was it, get in, get out. Survive the evening unscathed.

Jonny couldn't miss the fact that Francis ignored him throughout the meal. She chatted politely with the senator's wife seated beside her, while she toyed with her food, but pretended not to hear him. He kept trying to catch her eye, but she carefully avoided him. When they called her up to introduce him, she gave an admirable speech, very polite, too polite, like she was talking about a stranger. After that, she called him up, shook his hand, smiled for a picture, then bolted back to the table. He quickly gave the acceptance speech he had rehearsed, hoping he made any sense at all. He had to finish and get back to the table. He could see the signs, Baby was about to run.