Kitty: So this will be set in a major AU so let me explain. Nozomi, Eli, Umi, Kotori, Maki, Hanayo, Anju, and Erena will be the ones attending Otonokizaki, which instead of being on the brink of closer is a boarding school for super rich kids, it was Anju's idea to form Muse just because she wanted an excuse to hang out with her friends. Erena and Anju are childhood friends and so are Eli, Umi, and Kotori. Anju, Kotori, and Erena are second years, Nozomi and Hanayo are first years, and finally Eli, Maki, and Umi are third years; the no sempi rule had already been established. Nozomi, Eli, Erena, Maki, and Umi are all part of the student council, Yukiho is Kotori's older sister and Arisa is Eli's, they're both dating and in college, but they probably won't be making any appearances in this story. Umi and Kotori are roommates, Eli and Nozomi are roommates, Hanayo and Maki are roommates, and Anju and Erena are roommates, the rooms include two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room area, a kitchen, and a dinning room. If you don't like, don't read! So Bedtime Stories will be updated on Saturday, and this story will be Wednesday.

Nico: What about me?!

Kitty: You, Honoka, Tsubasa, and Rin will be making appearances towards the end of the story.

Nico: Fine!

I love you Nozomi! Eli thought, her face breaking out in a blush and the blonde hitting her head on the table to try and get rid of the thought. Not like I could ever say that to her face... Eli hit herself again.

"Elichi? What are you doing?" Nozomi asked, Eli's face flushing an even farther color of red.

"N-Nozomi! I'm n-not doing a-anything!" Eli yelled, the younger girl sitting next to her and putting forehead on Eli's.

"Nope, no fever," Nozomi replied cheerfully.

"Nozomi!" Eli's face flushed farther.

"What? I'm just making sure the student council president isn't pushing herself to far, it's my job as your Vice President,"

"T-That doesn't require you to get so close!" Eli pulled away from Nozomi, missing the flash of hurt in Nozomi's eyes.

"Ohh but Elichi all I was doing was making sure you weren't sick, it wasn't like I was trying to make out with you or something, shame on you for even thinking of stealing my first kiss like that, for shame Elichi," Nozomi tried to sound innocent, but the glint in her eyes was anything but.

"N-Nozomi! That was not what I was thinking!" Eli turned away. She always does this, I wish I had the guts to just kiss her already! Those adorable beautiful pink lips, I bet they would taste great, like vanilla with a hint of honey, Eli gushed internally. Wait I bet I sound like a pervert! God she's only a first year but she's so hot! Thank god she's popular enough she got elected as my Vice President! Wait! Uggggg! I'm doing it again! Eli considered hitting her head on the table again, but opted against it seeing as Nozomi was sitting right next to her.

"Hey you two what are you doing?" Umi asked walking into the room. Thank you Umi! Eli mentally yelled.

"We were just about to start working Umi-chan," Nozomi answered, moving her chair back to its proper place across from Umi.

"I'm here!" Maki announced to the room, the seventeen year old setting her bag on her chair next to Umi then sitting in it herself.

"Hey Maki-chan! You didn't forget we have a club meeting after this right?" Nozomi asked mockingly.

"W-Why would I forget! Geez Nozomi you are such a pain!" Maki told her friend, wrapping her scarlet hair around her finger.

"Just making sure Maki-chan,"

"Anyway, does anyone know where Erena is? It's not like her to be late," Eli changed the subject.

"Who knows? Maybe she's getting another confession, you know like how Umi-chan got one last week," Umi's cheeks turned crimson upon the words.

"You got that right, sometimes being popular is a pain in the butt," Erena announced as she walked in.

"Hey Erena-chan!" Nozomi smiled as Erena took her seat next to Nozomi.

"Hello Nozomi, Maki, Eli, Umi," Maki, Eli, and Umi nodding at the greeting.

"Well then, now that everyone's here, let's start the meeting, shall we?" With Nozomi's words the student council meeting started. The last period of the day for the members of the student council was set up specifically for meetings and paperwork, meaning that once their little meeting was over, they all walked to the club room together, which was really just an unused music room.

"Hello Umi-chan, Nozomi-chan, Eli-chan, Maki-chan, and Erena-chan!" Umi's roommate Kotori greeted.

"Hey Kotori-chan! Are Anju-chan and Hanayo-chan here yet?"

"No, they said they were running a little late!" Kotori smiled at Umi as the blue haired girl sat down, Umi's face breaking out in a blush that could rival Maki's hair. I knew it! Umi-chan loves Kotori-chan and Kotori-chan loves Umi-chan! Nozomi thought, her mind quickly trying to come up with a plan to get the two together.

"Nozomi, what are you doing? Aren't you going to sit down?" Maki asked in a condescending tone.

"Ahh! Yeah!" Nozomi took her seat and while her friends broke out in their usual banter her mind was only focused on one thing, getting Umi and Kotori together.

"Umi-chan? Can I borrow some soap?" Kotori asked after they had gone back to their dorms, causally walking into Umi's room in nothing but a towel as she was about to take a shower, she didn't bother to knock, so she didn't know Umi was changing and didn't have a shirt on.

"K-K-K-Kotori!" Umi's cheeks went from the normal pale to strawberry red in three seconds flat.

"Umi-chan! I'm sorry! I should've knocked!" Kotori's cheeks were also a red hue.

"H-H-Here just take it!" Umi tried to hand Kotori her soap, but tripped on the way, pinning her secret crush to the ground. When Umi opened her eyes, she saw the face of a goddess, she blinked a couple times just to see the same amber eyes staring back at her.

"U-Umi-chan?" Kotori asked, Umi quickly combing back from her little mental trip and her red face darkening. She was on top of Kotori. She was on top of Kotori who only had a towel on. She was on top of Kotori while they were both half naked. She was-

"Ahh! S-S-S-Sor-Sorry!" Umi quickly got off Kotori, helping the blushing girl up.

"O-Oh n-no, you-you're fine, I'm going to go now," Kotori ran out of the room and back into her own. The high school second year closed the door of her room and put a hand over she beating heart. T-That really just happened! Kotori mentally screamed, repeating the look of Umi's face close to her's over and over again in her mind.

Kitty: This is my attempt at romance, it took some help from my Nee-chan, but I managed to get it. If you can't tell I've been watching a lot of Ouran lately. Good? Bad? Continue? Stop?