It's Been A Long Day
It was almost four in the morning when Will arrived back at the family mansion, cursing out not one, but two servants as he made his way from the front gates to his bedroom. It wasn't even that he was drunk, he was just in a really bad mood.
Maybe in the grand scheme of things, he was a little drunk after all. But he had only had two drinks, had pushed away the company of almost eleven women, and had wandered around the streets of the town for probably two hours.
He stripped his clothes, dressing into his nightclothes and threw his dressing gown over his shoulders. Exiting from his room, he stalked to the kitchen, tearing a piece of bread from a loaf on the counter, and pouring himself a glass of milk.
Who was he kidding? This whole, marriage in a year thing was never going to work out. Not that he didn't want it to, but Tessa was a realization that his reputation was going to turn away any potential young lady whose family had a head on their shoulders. Maybe, in the end, he was better off marrying a girl from the taverns. Money wasn't any object; his family was one of the richest in the county. Cecily had enough charm to find herself a good husband, and once his parents were gone, who would there be to tell him what to do, or what his reputation was like?
Everything made sense until he realized that he didn't really want a girl from the taverns. He wanted someone entirely devoted to him, a huge favor to ask from someone who had to put up with his backstory.
But how could he ask for that from someone who he didn't care enough about to have that same loyalty to? There was no one he could think of that he could be entirely faithful to.
No. It would never work out, and even in his confused state of mind, he was positive of that.
"Master William?" a voice said quietly from the doorway. Corianna, one of the newer kitchen servants, and was a girl of about seventeen. She stepped into the kitchen, her shape illuminated by the candle she was holding, a nightgown flowing around her. For once, Will was not distracted by the sight of her thin waist, accentuated by her nightgown.
"I… I'm sorry. I heard someone out here. I didn't know that you were back."
"It's okay, Corianna," he sighed, motioning for her to come in. Out of all the people who worked for them, she was the only one whom he could ever think about relating to.
The only one he ever let his guard down around.
She hesitantly stepped inside, and Will could see that she was remembering the last time they had been in a room together at this time of night. "It's alright. I'm not too drunk this time."
A small smile formed on her lips, and she sat down next to him. "What's with you? Your parents are worried sick about you."
"They have no reason to. I make it home fine everyday," he scowled. "They are overreacting, as always. Did you hear about the deal that my father made me make with him?"
"Cecily told me," she admitted, lowering her eyes to the counter. Her sideswept bangs fell over her forehead. "Was I supposed to not know?"
"No. I don't care. Why should I? I have an entire year," Will said, taking a bite out of the piece of bread. "Did I wake you?"
"No, I was having a hard time sleeping," she replied, looking up but not meeting his eyes. "I suppose I should let you go, though. Especially at this time of night." She got up, giving him a curtsy. "Goodnight, Sir."
Will only nodded, turning away as she left.
"Miss Gray," Jem smiled. He took her hand, raising it to his lips. Kissing her knuckles, he released her hand, silver eyes studying her face. "Good morning. I did not know that you would still be retired. I would have paid you a visit much later."
"That's quite fine. I have been told that I am a late sleeper," she laughed, tucking a curl behind her ear. "It was great seeing you yesterday at the dance. I haven't been to one of those for so long. I've forgotten what fun they can be."
"I haven't missed one for months," came the reply, as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, coughing delicately into it. "Excuse me," he said politely. "A bit of dust, perhaps."
"Are you implying that my house is dusty?" Tessa laughed, biting her tongue when he looked absolutely horrified. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I was kidding."
"May I escort you on a walk and later, a carriage ride around the town?" Jem sputtered, the tips of his pale ears turning red. He looked everywhere, anywhere but at the girl sitting across from him. "Nothing serious, I promise. Your father seems to have the idea that I have ideas to get down on one knee this minute, and ask for your hand in marriage. I mean… Not that I would not be interested, but at this stage in our relationship, it would not be very respectable of me… And… I am just rambling, aren't I?"
"Yes, but I don't mind," Tessa replied, her posture open and friendly. "I would be delighted. Do you want to leave right now?"
"I would, but I have a matter I have to get back to my house for," Jem replied vaguely, rubbing his thin fingers over his opposite wrist. "I will be back at three, to meet you."
"That is fine with me. I will be waiting," she giggled, watching him as he stood and bowed once more. Standing as well, she returned the gesture.
"Until later, my lady," Jem breathed, bowing his head in respect.
Then, before he knew that he was doing, he was out the door and running, Stephen, his escort following behind him. "Master Carstairs!" he called, catching up as Jem slowed. "Is there any reason you have to home in such a hurry?"
"Only my realization and her true beauty," Jem replied, his pace now a brisk walk. "And the fact that once she find out, there is no hope at all. Pity it has to be this way."
"You do not know that at all. If I am allowed to say, she seemed very interested. I do not think that she is one to judge, and certainly not with what you have to offer," Stephen replied, his voice low. "What have I to offer? She has money, family and a title to her name. What does she need from me?" Jem said warily. "What could I give her that she does not already have?"
"Friendship. Partnership," Stephen replied, and Jem had to admit that he had taken a liking to Stephen over the years, him seeming to have his best interests in mind.
As they approached the Carstairs house, Stephen added, "A husband."
"James Carstairs?" Elizabeth squealed, clasping her hands together in front of her. "Has asked to court you? Oh my, what a day. Such a fine young gentleman. And to think that you have not been out for more than a day, that a young man with the likes comes around."
"Mother," Tessa frowned, closing her eyes slowly. "I do not think that this is anything serious. Perhaps he simply had some spare time and wants to be friends."
She could almost hear the reprimanding tone in her mother's voice, before any words were said. It was simply known that they would be there. "Nonsense." And there it was. "You have such little faith in the boy. He has made quite a fuss, already. Do you know that your father wanted you to have a chaperone, but he denied? Such risque circumstances, darling Theresa. I would have disapproved if it was a man like that dreaded William Herondale, but James Carstairs, he's one of the most respectable young men around."
"I wish you would not get so excited about this one meeting. Then, if he is not the one, you will never get over it," she sighed. "And what is wrong with William Herondale? I know you are talking about his reputation in the towns, but he's a perfect gentleman to me."
"His reputation is everything," Elizabeth sighed. "Please do not think that you will get anywhere with him. He simply is not worth your time. I would simply die if you were to marry the sort of him!"
"I thought that choosing a husband would be my choice?" Tessa complained. "I do not know how I feel about Mr. Carstairs yet. I wish that you would not force him to me, and vice versa."
"Oh honey, I would never," she replied, reaching over to replace a curl that had fallen from her daughter's bonnet. "But hurry along. Mr. Carstairs is due here any minute. We can't have you looking like a mess for the likes of him. Eleanna, will you freshen Theresa up for her walk?"
"Of course," Eleanna replied, guiding Tessa up to a mirror, and Elizabeth took it as her cue to leave. When she was out of hearing distance, Eleanna asked, "Miss Gray, may I ask why you seem hesitant about Mr. Carstairs?"
"It's not that. It's just… He doesn't seem too interested. It seems as if he is being forced to court me. And I would hate to take up his time." Tessa replied, straightening her shoulders as Eleanna fiddled with the pins and clips holding her hair in place.
"Is any of this due to an encounter with Mr. William Herondale?" Tessa was sure her face was a look of shock. "Don't worry, Tessa dear," Eleanna laughed. "My room is right below yours. He missed your window a couple times. I won't tell anyone, promise."
Tessa was still silent. Eleanna took it as a signal to keep talking. "If you don't mind me saying, he seems very taken with you. He may be what your mother says, but yesterday, it seemed as if there more to him than meets the eye. Is that what you are thinking about?"
"Ele, you know me so well. I hope you never stop working for us," Tessa said finally, running her teeth over her lower lip. "But Mr. Herondale is simply a wish. I should not believe that I mean more to him than a girl he might meet in the club."
"So I take it that you will give it your best with Mr. Carstairs?" she said, sticking the last pin into Tessa's hair, before placing the bonnet on. "I think that you are overthinking him and underestimating yourself. Any young man would be lucky to lay eyes on you."
"Thanks, Ele," she said halfheartedly. "We'll see how today goes."
A knock resounded through the front hallway, and Eleanna smiled, nudging Tessa in the arm. "Right on time, isn't he?"
I have to say, thank God for summer. Two months of slacking off and doing whatever the heck I want! Expect more updates... Hopefully. I'm working towards an eventual end to this story, and beginnings to many more!
Leave me a review telling me what you like about this story so far!
~Jillessa Heronstairs~