Alrighty, my fellow Labyrinth fans. I.L.C here with yet another attempt at this cute little couple we have before us.

This is a good one! I can feel it in my bones.

I am really proud of it, and it shouldn't be a long one. Only a few chapters at most. I hope you like it. I wrote this about a month ago and forgot that I wrote it, but then I found it last night and had a good giggle out of, it and I hope you do, too.

Labyrinth is owned by the Jim Henson Company.


Ah, Prom.

The fantasy fever-dream of every high school girl and boy. The planning is the most frivolous time of year, where the ambiguously-challenged senior committee prepares to make this year's prom "even better than the last". But who can compete with last years ever so original "under the sea" theme, Sarah Williams asks to herself, rolling her eyes at her desk listening to the head cheerleading bimbo plot and plan with the rest of the prom clan.

Ms. Sarah Williams, to be exact. Senior AP English teacher, and due to the lovely accumulating vote of the teaching committee, it is her turn to endure the student council in their endless endeavors at the "best prom yet!".

She is ecstatic.

She tries to ignore the endless rants and rage of the discussion at hand to tries and focus on grading the quiz she popped to her students today, slowly becoming more and more disappointed in her students, but, what else is new? It is the end of the year, and the half-ass students are trying to play catch up with the suck-up's who just have to add that extra page to their 10 page essay on Jane Eyre. Everyone is too focused on more important things like, homecoming this, and prom that, and yearbook this, and Election that. It's the same every year...

Well not entirely... She supposes this year is a little different with 17 year old Toby graduating his senior year of high school. Sarah can hardly fathom how fast time has gone by since he was a baby. She continues to tell herself that she will not believe it until she sees it. And with how intelligent he is, much to her dismay, she will, un-fortunately, see it. Yet, because his brain isn't made of useless meat, and he is smarter than most of the kids his age, along with the lack of hand-eye coordination to that of a football star, Toby doesn't quite "fit in" with this lovely group of neanderthals. In which the case of being the head of the prom committee just makes Sarah love her job even more.

to Toby, having a hot teacher as a sister is was not the ideal advantage he planned on having when he first arrived his freshman year, but he can't complain. She never butt into his business, never used the, many, opportunities she had to embarrass him, and even helped his advancement with his other teachers.

Who could complain about that?

It wasn't until her harsh grading on his fellow school chums that bumped him down the food chain of popularity, which royally sucked. But is wasn't all her fault. The students punished him for Sarah's harshness to actually get work done and in on time. Regardless of the position that she knew she was putting him in, that wasn't the actual reason for being bullied. The main reason was because the kids would try to bribe him to convince Sarah to chill out with her harsh assignments, but Toby refused. Why should he help them when he, himself, is getting the same load?

Thankfully, over time, the kids eased up on him. The closer they came to the end of the year, everyone had become so focused on their own paths in life to care and he was eventually left with ease, even making some good friends along the way. Toby is content with his relationship with his sister, understanding and appreciating that it is much more unique than other kids have with their older siblings (more than he realizes). He would actually go to his sister for some much needed help in every day life.

Sarah knew that she was an attractive woman, especially to the students of her classes. She hoped that Toby hadn't been too embarrassed by such a strange situation he had been in, but he blew it off easily enough. Sarah was hot, and the senior boys know it, too. Although she was endlessly flattered, she paid no real attention to any of them.

Though she can honestly say that she would rather marry Joey Stadler, the class jester and star bumbling quarterback flirt, than with any of the lecherous co-workers that roam the same halls as she.

Why couldn't she just get married already? Better yet? Just pretend to get married so all of these sweaty, testosterone-filled sausage packages would just lay the hell off for five minutes.

"Okay, okay- hold up. How about the "1950's era"?" a brunette suddenly calls out with a hand up.

"What- like... "Grease" or something?" the blonde leader of student council questions judgmentally.

"Y-yeah?" she slowly puts her hand down in an embarrassed blush.

"Uhh... No?" the blonde scoffs. "Talk about half-assed ideas." she shoots the brunette down.

"Well then, how about "Black and White Ball"?" one of the guys said. "Simple and easy."

"Simple and B-or-ing!" the blonde rolls her eyes. "Come on guys, I thought I got the most creative thinkers on the council this year, not some dwindling ass-hats!"

"Hey!" Sarah calls to the rude little bitch. "Watch your mouth." she stared down the blonde.

"Sorry, Ms. S." the blonde sang the rehearsed tune of an apology. "Come on guys!"

"Fire and Ice."





"Cheap as hell."

"Roaring '20's."

"Rather do '50's."


"Say that again!" the blonde points to the, now, scared audience before her. Everyone stay silent. She then shouts. "SAY IT AGAIN!"

"MASquerade?" the redhead shouts in fear.

The blonde ponders for a moment, rising her head above everyone else. She takes her time with the decision, making everyone sweat. Sarah admits that she is good at being in command, though it isn't really so hard to do since all she has to do is bribe boys with her boobs and bribe girls with social acceptance.

Or... Is it social impudence? Sarah can never remember...

"Ms. S, what do you think we should do?" the regal blonde suddenly calls out Sarah just as she was getting in the zone on grading. The whole committee turns their attention to their teacher.

Sarah pauses in her middle of writing a note on an unfortunate student's quiz, and looks up like a deer in headlights.

"What?" Sarah, half interested, asks what the blonde actually wants.

"Masquerade? Or 1950's?" she smiles as Sarah can, literally see the steam coming from the brunette's ears in the back. The blonde crosses her arms in accomplishment, head so high, if she were to tilt it back anymore, it would actually stick right up her own ass.

'Masquerade? Really? Just my luck.'

"Do you really want my opinion on this matter?" Sarah straightens her glasses at the stupid little girl.

"Well, ya. You are in charge, right?" everyone mumbles in agreement, happy to hear Ms. Williams talk, rather than the airhead in front of her. Sighing in agreement, she readies herself, entering teacher-mode.

"If I am to be completely honest, if you want something completely new and original, you need to shift your mindset of past epidemics. On one hand, since you are class off 2003, you can enter the 21st century Millennial approach, dazzling your meek little eyes with the shiny shimmer of metallic fabric and sci-fi themed backdrops, and... unique hairstyles and hair colors that would lead us old people into an epileptic rage, complete with the mind-numbing rage of punk rock and genetically formed boy-bands alike, making us believe that we have stepped into tomorrow's ever thriving futuristic themes, such as "the end of days"..." Sarah paused letting what she had just said sink into their mind-numbing skulls.

She stands at the front of her desk even seeing the blonde sit to think for a moment. It seems that every kid is the room had become drawn to her teaching of such superfluous topics of discussion.

Sarah then continues to her other idea in mind." ...or you could amuse the former. Revert back to the days of old. A fairy-tale theme, to a more simple time where imagination thrived, not on the futuristic fantasies of machines and portable phones, but rather focusing on the stories, fables, and parables as far as ones own bookshelf; a world full whimsical and sickly creatures that both bless and curse those all around, enchanting beings that dazzled today's scholars into ecstasy with stories of love, hate, life, death, Shakespeare, and midsummer days and the moonlight. We can stop reverting back to the re-washing the endlessly colorless themes that have been over used and start a new era with a whole new generation of possibilities. What say you?" she invited the class to discuss their thoughts.

She can hardly wait to hear their discussion.

"Masquerade it is!" the blonde stands at attention for the final vote with the other kids groaning at her final say. "Okay good. Glad that's settled. Meeting adjourned. I forgot that I had a 5 o'clock many petty." she giggles as she prances pretentiously out of the room. "Bye Ms. S!"

'Of course.' The kids slowly follow suit mumbling their goodbyes. Sarah just sighs in contentment. After the kids are all gone she seats herself back at her desk to continue grading. "Why do I work here?"


*That Night*

Eyes closed, lip bitten, gasps inhaled.

She can't open her eyes, though that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?

It's dark, so dark, but so smooth. Her eyes see only darkness, yet her hands feel the sheets. Her fingernails dig deep within the cushion of the bed as she feels the most amazing and breathtaking sensation. She didn't even know she could feel such a way, didn't even know that this was possible. She can feel the tingle of butterflies burst out of her stomach as she reached for the whomever can make her feel such a way, but it is rather impossible since this person doesn't seem to want her to know just who they are just yet, keeping her hands as far from them as possible with rather... difficult contraptions keeping her hands and fingers at bay, enticing the anger and excitement in her, wanting more and more to know just who this person is...

She feels nothing.

No body.

No breath of life...

No one?

It can't be...

But they continue to caress her, kiss her taste her, tease her, travel up her bare tummy, her breasts, her neck...

She can feel the sensation, but doesn't feel the body.

And she is loving it.

She wants to ask...

But she can't...

She hasn't felt this way in a long time.

This feeling of excitement, and longing.

She hasn't felt this desperate for such a wanting since...

She can barely think, let alone breathe.

She can't...


Oh to hell with it!

She doesn'

Who- or whatever this is...

"Just please don't stop..."


Okie dokie. This is just the start of a short and sweet story.

I will see you little polish chickens, soon.