
I'm moving Billeah's Reverse Falls story into their own series. I've been working out the characters and this section will be updates as I add more to it. Feel free to pull from this, as I'm pulling from fan art and head cannons of various sources. Since we're talking budding romances and some darker themes. I'm upping the ages to 14 and making the twins a little older as well. (IT's MY AU! SHUT UP!)

Pacifica Northwest (14): Slightly chubby, scrunchie wearing klutz. She's hyperactive, overly excitable and sickeningly optimistic. She refuses to see the bad in anyone and has an adventuring spirit. She loves pranks, jokes, and trying to brighten up anyone's day. If someone is sad or blue around her, she will take it as a personal challenge to try to cheer them up. She is a hopeless romantic and believes in love at first sight. Is interested in the weird and paranormal and will actively help anyone (Gideon, Dipper, or Mabel) in looking or hunting for whatever. She does want to learn more, but is frustrated by the guarded nature of her magically inclined friends.
Her dad owns Northwest Ford Dealerships in Portland. Her mom is a real estate agent. They are upper-middle class, but don't flaunt the money they have. Smart saving and penny pinching is valued in the Northwest's homes and Mom and daughter would prefer to go out and fabric shop and make new cloths than buy something trendy. Even though her parents are busy with work, they try to make time for her and give her a loving home.

Gideon Gleeful (15): Gideon is more of a shut in. He is born and bred in Gravity Falls. He found the journal last summer and has been trying to learn its secrets for over a year before Pacifica came to visit. He's not that big of a risk taker and the knowledge of the denizens that lie in the woods terrifies him. Deep down he has had a crush on Mabel for years, but after learning of her unstable nature (from personal experience), the thought of being the object of her desires triggers a flight response.

Buddy Gleeful (40's): Buddy is a widower. His wife was the glue that bound the family together. Once she passed, he became more reserved and carefree with childrearing. He's more focused on the Shack that was once his hobby and is trying to turn it into his lively hood.
He loves his son very much, but he wishes Gideon would get out of the house more. He often encourages any of the crazy ideas Pacifica spouts off and will easily overlook the duo sneaking into the shack at odd hours of the night. (Kids will be kids!)

Dipper Pines (15): Dipper is cool and calculating. His intelligence is off the charts and he has a very hard time dealing with his emotions. He understands enough how to fake them around people and can be seen dropping himself into 'roles' he has developed for on stage, and as coping mechanisms with other people. If he is smiling and carrying on like he's having a good time, it's a good chance he's not and just being placated.
The one person he lets his guard down around is his sister, whom he loves and trusts implicitly. Their relationship can seem like a love/hate relationship, but each one knows the others strengths and weaknesses intimately and are more than willing to push each other to the edge, just so they can relish the attention.

Mabel Pine (15): Mabel Pines is the other side of the coin to Dipper. As Dipper is intelligence, Mable is raw emotion. With her brother's help, she's able to move about around people without outbursts. Anything she feels is amplified, being love, anger, hate, fear. She will never stop to think before she says something and often times will start things just to see how they play out.
One thing she loves is to watch others experience the emotions she feels. Often times, she will gleefully destroy marriages just to relish in the couple's pain. She would kidnap people she desires and hold them against their will until Dipper tells her to let them go.
Both she and her brother research the dark arts and blood magic to further their powers and abilities. The more power they get, the greater their lust for it.

Pacifica stared out of the greyhound bus as it pulled into Gravity Falls. The bus ride from her parent's humble home in Portland was long and boring. She didn't understand why she had to go see her cousin and Uncle Bud, but always optimistic, she was looking forward to spending the summer with her cousin. She never got to see him often and really enjoyed hanging out with him, even though he was a constant bundle of nerves. It just made him more endearing.

Pacifica grabbed her bags, hefted them out of the bus, and let out a squeal as she slammed into Gideon, her chubby faced cousin. He fell on the ground, stammering. As he helped him up and he quickly put away a large book which seemed to have fallen out of his blue puffy vest. She dropped her bags and embraced him the way she would any plushy his size… as hard as she could.

"Heya, Paz." he squeaked as she squeezed the air out of him. "Good to … see you."

"Heya Paz! You've sure grown!" Uncle Buddy said and gave her a hug. "How's your mom and dad?"

"They're doing well. Dad's got another car lot, so he's not home as much as he wants to be, but he's really trying. Mom sold another home too! They're going to be going on that vacation they always talked about. I didn't want to be a third wheel. They worked hard, and need some alone time."

She knew her parents worked hard at their jobs, and never held it against them when they came home late. They really tried to show it by spending as much time with her as they could but at fourteen she was getting older and didn't need as much attention as she used to. When they asked her to visit Buddy and Gideon for the summer, she jumped at the chance to show her parents she's independent and responsible.

Buddy Gleeful loaded her bags in the trunk of his car and opened the door for her. She gave him a curtsy with her oversized sweater and got in next to her cousin. As they drove through town, Pacifica stared wide eyed at the quaintness of Gravity Falls and its inhabitants.

As they drove past a bookstore something… or someone... caught her eye.

A brown haired boy in a turquoise suit and cape was flipping through a book. A girl who was the spitting image of him leaned back against the brick wall, looking bored as could be. The boy's brown eyes casually skimmed the pages then tossed the book behind him, it landing haphazardly on top of the book cart. He selected another book and proceeded to flip through it like the first one.

As Buddy drove by the two of them, the boy looked up from his book and locked eyes with her. She felt frozen in time as she stared at his brown eyes. There was a flash of some turquoise glow as his eyes narrowed They looked like the eyes of a predator who had seen its next meal. Her heart was beating out of her chest. She quickly hid under the seat and covered her head.

"What was that?" She harshly whispered, trying not to hyperventilate.

"What was what?" Gideon asked, not looking up from his dusty old book that fell out of his jacket. She knew this book was going to be a big problem for her summer vacation fun. Last time they hung out, the boy was obsessed with Pokémon cards and wouldn't shut up about them. She made a vow to ensure the boy has lasting summer memories outside of a dumb book.

"Those two kids… around our age in the turquoise?" She explained, sitting back up and looking behind her. They had turned a corner when she hid, so they were out of sight.

"Oh...the Pines Twins… They're local celebrities and the direct competitors to my Dad's Mystery Shack. They do a show three times a week for tourists and do mind games and such. They're complete crazy psychos." Gideon explained.

"Oh." she said. Crazy psycho was a harsh thing to call a pair of fifteen year olds. He was probably bullied by them or teased. Gideon was always a softie, but she's sure she could turn him around to them. They looked… interesting.

"Don't get any weird ideas. I know how much you like making friends, but they're the worst kind to make. Stay away from them." Gideon said, reading her mind. Pacifica shrugged with a giggle.

"Okay." She said and left it at that. Gideon rolled his eyes; She knew he knew her better than that.


After getting settled into the attic where Gideon slept. She looked at her handy work of various boy band posters and streamers that really said "PAZ" to her. The attic still looked dank and ugly.

"We need more…" She said, more to herself as she rubbed her chin.

"More what?" Gideon asked as he lay in his bed.

"More… this!" She said and motioned to the clashing pink, red and purple that was strewn about her side of the room. "There's not enough color…"

"Whatever… Remember, whatever you put up, you're going to have to take down when you leave." Gideon said.

"I must go to the craft store." She said definitively, slamming her fist into her palm. Gideon rolled his eyes and rolled out of bed.

"I'll go get the golf cart. I know if I say no you'll just drag me anyway." He grumbled. "Dad!"

Pacifica changed while Gideon hunted for his father. Bud was swell, but his parenting style tended to be more 'hands off' and let life teach you lessons sort of thing. She remembered Gideon's mom before she passed away. She was sweet and kind, always calm. Buddy really needed her around here, even if he never really showed it.

She ran to the front of the Mystery shack, waving to Buddy who was at the counter… He really should hire someone to work there.

Pacifica put in her ear buds and blasted her iPod's "super awesome mix" playlist as Gideon drove her to the craft store.


Pacifica loved her oversized neon llama shirt that fell over her shoulder and had a neon pink scrunchie in her hair. She walked up and down the craft store aisle, her flip-flops echoed in her ear over her iPod playing Babba's Disco Girl.

She danced to the music, and dodged people as she threw glitter, glue sticks and packs of paper into her basket. During a very impressive maneuver she was sliding backwards shaking her booty when it slammed into something.

Her basket and half the shelf next to her came crashing down around her. In her efforts to dodge/catch everything, her flip-flop folded on itself and she tumbled onto the object that interrupted her epic booty shake.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She cried out as she opened her eyes a pair of brown eyes glowered at her. She noticed the pair of eyes had a Big Dipper birthmark above them, and a scowling face below them. A vague sense of familiarity tickled her brain.

"Are you finished?" said the boy under her. She looked down and saw she had fully tackled the man and was completely straddling him. She could feel her face turn bright red as he stared at her with a look of cool indifference and mild annoyance.

"HA!" cackled someone above her. "Look at that, brother, and you deny girls ever fall for you."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Pacifica stammered and rolled herself off the boy. To her horror his turquoise suit was now covered in pale pink glitter. She helped him up and tried to brush off as much as she could, but only managed to spread the offending sparkles over more of his outfit.

"We have… a show in fifteen minutes," the boy growled. "How am I supposed to get this fairy vomit off me?"

"Oh you know we'll manage dear brother." she said and extended her hand to Pacifica. She took it and was helped to her feet when the strange young woman grabbed Pacifica by the chin and turned her head to face the taller brown haired girl. "I think I may have found a new playmate… what's your name, dear?"

Pacifica tried to give her the biggest smile she could, but her fingers were like iron, and inhibited the cute brace filled smile she worked on in the mirror.

"I'm Pacifica Northwest!" She said through squished cheeks and extended her hand. "I'm visiting for the summer. Gideon's my cousin!"

They may be odd, but it's always polite to offer a hand in friendship. Mabel looked down at the extended hand and raised an eyebrow, as if unsure what it meant or what to do with the greeting. Pacifica just let it drop to her side and continued to smile through her squished cheeks.

"I think she's trying to establish contact with you, dear sister. You know what they say, if you feed them, they never go away." The boy said as he gathered his few items from the floor and continued to fret over the glitter on him.

"Well, we can't be rude to a new member of our community," she cooed. A flyer appeared from a puff of smoke in her hand after a dramatic finger snap. She shoved it down Pacifica's shirt while still holding her chin. Mabel's hand caressed her cheek and she gave her an almost seductive smile. "I'm Mabel… and the stick in the mud is my brother Dipper. Come by and see our show. I'm sure you'll find it… revealing"

Pacifica gave a tiny nod and tried to pull out of Mabel's grip. She leaned close to her face and stared her in the eyes. Pacifica didn't know why she was acting so weird, but she was just going to go with it… not much else she could do. Her face was starting to hurt, as Mabel's grip was shoving her gums into her braces. With her free hand, she plucked a strand of hair from her head and let her go.

"This is your retribution for or all the trouble you caused…" she explained, indicating the strand of hair. Her brother rolled his eyes and looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Okay, I'll stop by and bring my cousin! I'm sure he'd love to come!" Pacifica said, rubbing her cheeks. "He's really into the weird stuff like monsters and stuff. He couldn't shut up about this book he found all night and I was like I need to sleep, you can talk about fire flowers later!" Pacifica rambled on.

The twins glanced at each other; they seemed to speak volumes between the two. Pacifica felt a cold chill running up her spine. Did she say something wrong?

"Yes… bring Gideon." Dipper said. His impartial and annoyed behavior instantly changed. He walked forward with swagger and touched Pacifica's cheek. Her heart almost skipped a beat at his electrifying touch. He leant down and stared into her soul, giving her a half smile that just made her knees jello. "I look forward to seeing you again… Pacifica"

With that, the twins took their leave. Pacifica's heart felt like it was going to beat out of her ribcage. She slid to the ground and sat in the middle of the chaos she wrought trying to figure out what just happened and waiting for her heart to stop beating in her ears.

"Pacifica!" Gideon shouted from down the aisle. His arms were filled with twine, a telescope, bottles and jars, and other various containers. "Oh my god, are you okay? I thought you got lost or ran off somewhere!"

"Umm… yeah… I tripped." She said. She clutched her chest and felt the paper inside her shirt. Her heart was still beating like a rabbit. "We're not doing anything tomorrow are we?

"No… not that I know of." Gideon said. "Here, let me put this in your basket, and I'll help you clean this up.


"So what are we doing?" Pacifica whispered. Gideon shoved the journal he was obsessing over in her nose and opened a marked page.

"We're going after pixies. Their dust can levitate. It mentioned how to harvest it from them, but it's rather… I'd rather not do it because it's going to hurt them." Gideon said and fidgeted with his fingers.

"So?" Pacifica asked.

"Well, they get the dust from their wings, so if we trap one in a bottle and shake it up some, the dust should fall down and gather up on the sticky tape on the bottom." Gideon said proudly.

"What if they stand on the tape and get stuck?" Pacifica pointed out.

"They're strong enough to pull themselves up. The tape is really weak." Gideon explained and set out the various jars on the fallen log. He secured sliced mushrooms on twine and hung them inside the jars.

"Pixies love these." He explained. "They'll see them and try to get them, so they'll have to go in the jar to get them. Once they exert themselves lifting the mushrooms out, we'll get the dust that falls off their wings!"

"Sounds like a plan!" Pacifica said and taped a string on one of the jars. She gingerly tied the mushroom to the other end and carefully lowered it into the jar. "So… what's next?"

Gideon opened the journal and poured over the contents.

"Let's see… full moon: check. Mushrooms: Check. I guess all we have to do is…"

"Shh!" Pacifica interrupted and slammed her hand against Gideon's talking face. She saw a twinkle in the trees. She yanked her muffled and protesting cousin into the bushes and peeked out.

One by one, tiny blue lights moved down from the trees. She watched in awe as they orbited the jars, bumping into the sides where the mushrooms were. One by one they moved inside. The blue lights grew brighter as they tried to move the mushrooms. She was impressed by their determination, as they were about the same size as the fungi.

"I'm going to get closer." Pacifica whispered.

"Just… be careful." Gideon stammered. "It doesn't say how they act around humans."

Pacifica gave him a wink and slowly moved out of the bushes. The blue lights halted their movements as she revealed herself. She knelt down and put her hands up.

"Hey… I'm not going to hurt you. I just came to say hi." She whispered. "You're all pretty pixies!"

Slowly the hungry pixies went back to eating the mushrooms and trying to lift them out of the jars. She carefully approached one and saw blue glowing sparkles on the tape he left.

A few pixies flew out of the jar and circled her. She held out her hand and one lit on her palm. It looked like a tiny human! She was naked, but was smooth all over, like a doll. Her wings were that of a dragonfly, and had long purple hair to match her blue skin. She walked across her hand, looking down at the lines and angles of her palm. The other pixies seemed to be interested in them as well and giggled at her.

All the pixies paused and stared into the darkness ahead of her. Without any indication as to why, they all fled into the trees.

"Huh…" Gideon said as he emerged from his hiding spot. "Something must have spooked them."

He moved to the jars and closed the lids.

"I wonder what." Pacifica said, following his lead. Once all the lids were secured, they loaded them into the cloth bags they brought with them.

"I dunno, there's lots of spooky things in the woods." Gideon whimpered. "Thanks for coming out with me."

"Of course! Let's do this every day!"

"Or… every week?" Gideon bargained.

"Every three days?" Pacifica countered and started down the path to the Shack.

"We'll see." Gideon chuckled and followed along behind her.


Dipper looked down at his hand, a pixie lay helpless. One wing crumpled beyond repair. She looked mournfully up at the trees her sisters fled to.

"Oh, poor thing." Cooed Mabel. "Did your little wing get snapped?"

"I need this one alive… don't kill it this time. It's convenient to have a supply of pixie dust at my disposal… one less thing to traipse through these godless woods for."

"Oh, your no fun." Mable said and pouted.

"Oh, I'm not?" Dipper said and held out a freezer bag. There were six more unharmed inside. Mabel's eyes lit up. "You say I never get you anything."

"You're such a tease, my brother." Mabel said and kissed his cheek. "I shall make sure they last when I play with them… What is it?"

Mabel's coy look fell to one of worry.

"It's just… what was her name? Pacifica?" Dipper trailed off lost in thought. "They came to her… I've never seen them do that."

"Thinking of the blond trollop?" Mabel chuckled. "I thought you had no interest in her… or any other."

"I don't." He said. "I just find it odd a newcomer to town would be able to walk up to a pack of feasting pixies and leave unscathed."

"Oh, you're just mad they bit you last time." Mabel said, wrapping her arms around him from behind and rubbing his chest.

"Whatever…lets go before your toys suffocate." Dipper said and headed off.

"You are thinking of her aren't you?" Mabel said with a pouty face. "My dear brother… infatuated by someone…"

"Just stop it." Dipper said dryly.

Mabel continued to taunt Dipper as they headed back to their home that overlooked Gravity Falls.