Hey all! Time to escape from the real world again, it's been mad so much for fresh week haha anyway. Thank you for reading my stories, I'm truly chuffed!

Just a quick chapter to get started. Enjoy! :D

Ethan was going for an evening walk on his night off, a chance for him to be a person instead of a doctor but of course that wasn't going to last long...

Ethan heard the sound of tyres screeching and a crash in a close distance, he knew it didn't sound good and he ran towards the sound. He saw a little car turned on its side. Ethan went round to the front of the vehicle and couldn't believe who it was.

"Honey." Ethan's mouth had dropped. Honey looked up at him.

"Ethan! Get me out please!" Honey cried, at least she was conscious.

"Okay I will, but I need you to tell me does anywhere hurt?" Ethan had turned on his doctor mode.

"Everywhere." she whimpered.

"Does you neck or back hurt? Were you knocked out at all?" Honey shook her head sideways.

"Okay..." Ethan said to himself. Ethan looked around his pockets for his phone before calling the ambulance and fire service. After Ethan called them he looked around to see what he could use to get Honey out but he could smell something...petrol. He had to get her out quickly.

"Honey! Cover your eyes!" Ethan shouted. Honey did so.

Ethan kicked the already cracked front screen and it shattered completely and Ethan used his foot to brush off any leftover glass around the edges, so he or Honey wouldn't cut theirselves as she got out.

Within seconds the paramedics arrived as well as the fire service.

Honey crawled out slowly, Ethan grabbed her and held her in a lifeguard hold before walking quickly away from the car that soon exploded with bright orange flames, blowing Ethan off his feet, dropping Honey. Dixie and Iain rushed over to them.

Ethan and Honey rotated their bodies and watched the burning car thinking they would of been dead if they left it a few seconds later.

First chapter done. I really need to think of other things apart from "Hero Ethan" otherwise my stories are just going to get predictable ah! But anyway chapter two will be written and up tonight. Right now got to go clean my car xD