Hey guys! Sorry for the long update, college has been really busy lately, BUT its almost christmas and that means time off for me to bring you some more chapters! Hopefully you all have been enjoying the story so far, and if you all want something or have an idea for a new chap, please feel free to let me know! Anyway, please remember to review and follow if you enjoy or just wanna critique, all is welcome! Enjoy!
"Girl. Let me be your man!~ Take my hand, Babe!~"
As the spot light went on, he struck the pose, the one that irradiated both confidence and focus. He was in full entertainment mode and nothing else around him mattered.
As the song banged on, he spun and danced all while retaining the mic in his hands perfectly, singing the lyrics with precision without letting any breaths of fatigue interrupt. His hair was done up perfectly in two long ponytails that trailed along his sides, the kimono, a mix of oranges and whites with a tint of black accentuating his figure.
"Girl! How'd you get so fine! Blows my mind, babe!"
"Lets have a good time! ~"
With an insanely cute and seductive wink into the audience, He truly began to show off…. at least he felt he was.
The karaoke room that they were in was dark, a feature that the owner was proud of. It would 'help give a participant the feeling of truly being their own youthful star!' as the posters outside mentioned in bulk. To it's credit it was actually a very well maintained and well equipped place. The singer would stand at the front of the room where one of the walls had a brick wall with curtains on the side to imitate a stage, there were a set of small stage lights and speakers around it with a mic stand as well. On the other side of the room was a booth that wrapped around the perimeter of the room with a table in the center for the party.
Hinata smiled as she watched Naruto dance and shimmy to the song that was playing, a foreign song that she found while procrastinating on the Internet. He really was getting into the spirit of the song, even going so far as using a kimono to mimic the one worn by the singer of the song. He was adorable as he bounced around the stage.
"Now is the time and place…blast off to space!" he sang into the mic as he flashed a side ways victory sign at Hinata, a small feint blush on his face.
Hinata took a sip of her drink, complimentary shots that the establishment provided to help loosen up the patrons so they wouldn't be afraid to sing. Despite them though, she would still rather not share her vocals. At the table with her were three other individuals; Haku, Ino, and Sakura.
"So, are you up next or can we go?" Ino nudged Hinata's shoulder, as Naruto's song was about to come to a climax.
"Oh, right…" Hinata said before a small laugh, having gotten completely lost in Naruto's singing. She reached over to grab the small chart to show who was up next from off the table.
"It looks like…Ino's on deck, followed by Sakura or Haku. You all fine with that?" She asked to the group.
"I'm fine if Haku goes first." Sakura replied, like Hinata, she'd rather not show off her vocals.
"That was so fun!" Naruto practically sang out as the group was leaving the building.
He had changed out of the singing kimono and back into his dark jeans and orange winter jacket. It was winter in Konoha, the snow was falling, the air was cold and to him at least, it was the perfect time to spend with those he cared about. With the holiday just a few days away, Naruto had made it his mission to celebrate with his friends in some shape or form each day leading up to it. Which is how the group had ended up at a karaoke bar.
"You weren't half bad Sakura, I'm a little surprised to be honest." Ino said a little teasingly. "Who knew our forehead queen had pipes~"
This drew a light blush from Sakura, brushing off the forehead comment as usual.
"I'm not that great. Besides, someone has to show you how it's done." She replied cooly.
It wasn't long before it came time for Sakura to part from the group, it was late in the night and while the two couples could walk together to the same place, sakura had to go on her own.
"Kay guys, I'll catch you later." She waved off to them before walking away as if suddenly remembering something and with haste. This wasn't hidden from the eyes of Hinata Hyuuga or Ino Yamanaka…since a few months ago Sakura had been acting strange. Having always little time to meet up and talk with them, or just be around at all. She said it was from the hospital over working her…but they both could tell something was up.
"Hey...Naru? You wouldn't mind heading back to the apartment without us would you?" Hinata asked her boyfriend. He looked up at her, having been leaning and hugging her arm as they walked.
"Why, i-is something wrong?" he asked, a little concerned.
"Oh no no no, its just that me and Ino have some last minute shopping to do and well…it'd ruin the surprise for you if you came with us~" she said a little playfully.
She glanced at ino who nodded in agreement. "Yeah…Haku, you wouldn't mind going with him do you?" she asked her boyfriend.
Fortunately both of them knew what was going on and understood the message, Naruto quickly grabbing Haku by the arm and running off into the distance, no doubt to go actual holiday shopping for her girlfriend and was dragging him along to buy something for Ino.
This drew a small chuckle from Hinata as they ran off. "God he's such a spaz…" she said endearingly.
Both women sighed as the started to turn back and tail Sakura.
Sakura sighed as she walked on by herself.
As she walked the dark and empty streets of Konoha, she couldn't help but look up at the sky. She couldn't help but think of him…each year its been the same.
"I'm sorry,…" she mumbled out as she looked at the stars as she walked down the sidewalk. She knew that Hinata and Ino were tailing them. They weren't exactly the best at being discreet. Not wanting any intrusions, she walked faster, turning a left down an ally that was away from where she needed to go. She could hear the whispers from both of them.
"C'mon, hurry up, we're going to lose her…." Ino said as the both started to hustle to catch up.
She pulled another left down a street that was more crowded, being sure to blend into the crowed as best she could. It didn't take long to lose them. This was child's play to her. Once she was sure that they had lost her, having now been tailing them, she returned to her previous path to the more abandoned area of the city.
Hinata sighed; a little frustrated at how unfortunate and lack luster their attempt to follow Sakura had ended up.
"You think she knew we were following her." Ino piped up, a little sarcastically.
"Yeah…she definitely did…whatever she's up to…she wants to keep it hidden." She sighed in defeat. "Hopefully she'll come to us when the times right…"
As they both walked on, they decided to change the subject of their conversation to something a bit more brighter.
"So any plans for the holiday?" Ino piped up, trying to take their minds off of their concerns.
"Well…honestly was Just going to do what me and Naru always do." Hinata said with a small smile.
"Watch Christmas specials in bed?"
"Watch Christmas specials in bed WITH breakfast~" she said with a smile. "How bout you, going to do anything with the family?"
"Ugh…don't remind me…since me and Haku started going out it's been just constant messages from mom about how I need to 'bring my man to meet the family' and all that junk…" She replied in a slightly sarcastic tone. "I'm honestly looking forward to when we're done with family and can spend it together…" she said with a small smile.
"Just try to keep it down when your under the mistletoe?" Hinata says with a smirk.
After having been walking for who knows how long, she honestly had stopped thinking and had been looking back up at the sky again as her feet were automaticly moving to where she had walked at this point a thousand times.
She sighed again as she noticed a small star shoot past the sky. She wished to herself that he was happy…and that he would forgive what she was about to do.
Looking down, she turned her attention to an abandoned building, it was a simple two story complex, the bottom floor used to be a music shop, now rundown and long out of business, the large bay window that would let customers peak in was broken and ransacked, the inside charred and full of old burnt racks and stands. The place was a vandalized during the riots over the war with Sunagakura a few years ago, the owners of the shop being from Suna.
Looking around to both sides to see if anyone was around, Sakura went into the abandoned building, cautious of any sudden intruders. Once inside, she went to were the counter would have been. She went behind, and cleared away a rack that had fallen over to reveal a secret hatch. This was her secret…this was what had her venturing off after shifts at the Hospital.
Opening it and pulling out a faded pink cloth mask with a blue diamond on the forehead she set it to the side as she pulled out the olive drab vest and steel platted gloves.
This was what she had hidden from her friends and others…she was what the news outlets were talking about…she was the masked vigilante.
To be continued…