AN: So here's the long awaited, requested, part 2 of Running Back to Baker Street. This is basically the story, told from Sherlock's POV.

It took so long to write this because Sherlock is a complex character and I wanted to do him as much justice as I could. I just hope that I did so without changing the character too much

Those who have read the first part of the story will probably notice that some changes have been made to script from the first part. This was due to me wanting a different look and eyes to the story. So I hope you enjoy.

I am working on several things at once, including a new story that is almost done. So I hope you enjoy this update and let me know what you think

Running Back to Baker Street- Sherlock POV

Six…six months without her

Where are you Bella?

It's been six long months since Bella disappeared. Mycroft has been using his contacts to try and find her, but she has literally disappeared off the face of the planet. He told me yesterday that he had one last avenue to check, but he'd leave it until he'd exhausted all other routes.

Meanwhile, I sat in my chair, staring at the wall and twirling a capped syringe between my fingers. Thus far, John and Mrs. Hudson had kept me from slipping, making sure I kept the cap on. Not that it mattered since Bella had taken care of it a long time ago.


This case is so damn complicated! I need to relax!

I sat on the couch, pulling my kit out from under it. I had to hide it there so Bella wouldn't find it

After injecting the small amount of drug into my body, I leaned back and tried to let my mind relax. Just as I felt the drug start its work, I heard Bella's voice from the door as she asked, "Why do you do this to yourself Sherlock?" Wincing at the fact I'd been caught, I opened my eyes and said, "I need more perspective for the case."

She sighed and said, "This isn't the way to do it and you know it. Sherlock, I don't want you to lose that brilliant mind of yours. It's one of the things I like about you." I smiled and said, "I know. It's just…difficult." She sighed again and said, "Well actually, it isn't. You've been giving yourself saline injections for about a month now." At my look of surprise, she shrugged and said, "Found it all and swapped it with John's help." I stared at her in awe before seizing her mouth in a gentle kiss.

*End Flashback*

Bella brought life to the house, ever since the day I met her…


After hitting another dead end, John and I had decided to take a walk to try and clear our heads. We had just turned the corner when I felt someone bump into me. The person began to fall, so I grabbed their wrist to keep them from falling over. As she stood firmer and pulled away, she said, "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." "Obviously. Are you lost?"

She looked up, revealing the most beautiful pair of brown eyes I'd ever seen. She laughed and said," Actually, no. My destination is just down the road. I was trying to get my camera when I ran into you."

I smirked and said, "Then let me welcome you to London, seeing as you are a tourist." She smiled and asked, "What gave me away?" John laughed behind me as I said, "Well, you have the GPS set on your phone, obviously because you were irritated with the map. The large bag you have has enough space for personal items, a camera and a few small souvenirs but not much else. Not to mention that you seem a bit ruffled. No doubt from dealing with the map in the first place and also from wondering why you didn't get a cab or a tour guide."

She looked at me in awe as she said, "Wow, I'm impressed Mr…" "Holmes. Sherlock Holmes." I turned and said, "This is my associate, Dr. John Watson." She shook John's hand, introducing herself as Bella Swan before turning back to me and saying, "It's very nice to meet you both. So tell me Mr. Holmes, is Westminster Abbey worth the fuss?"

I smiled and asked, "Why don't I show you and let you form your own opinion?" John stepped forward, no doubt to remind me about the case, but I said, "We'll get back to the case Watson, but for now we go to church." Holding out my arm, the two of us escorted Bella to Westminster and a few of her other destinations.

*End Flashback*

We all became friends after that, Bella spending a majority of her time with us. Bella even helped on a few of our cases.

As time passed, my feelings for Bella grew. Yet I held back from telling her. There were times I would catch her staring out the window, rubbing the strange bit on her wrist. I never asked about it, sensing it was something she couldn't tell me. Still, I didn't want to lose her.

So, towards the end of her vacation, I asked her to move in and finish her schooling in London. John was fine with it, having spent more time with his mysterious new girlfriend than at Baker Street. So Bella moved into 221B and we slowly started our lives together.

I'll never forget the day she was taken…

*End Flashback*

Bella had gone to the citizenship office to file her paperwork, leaving John and I to our own devices. We had just finished a case and none of the others interested me.

So in other words…I was bored


I had just started some tea when John ran into the flat shouting, 'SHERLOCK!" When he saw me, he asked, "Do you still have the tracker software on Bella's phone?" Nodding, I said, "Of course I do, why?" He fiddled with the computer for a few moments before he said, "Bella called after she left the citizenship office. We were talking when she screamed. I heard some shuffling around before the phone went dead."

He brought up the tracker program and was typing in her number when I said, "Do a last know location search. If her phone was destroyed, you won't be able to find a current location." He nodded and did the search. According to the software, Bella had just been a few blocks away when her phone went dead. I dialed Lestrade and told him what was going on. He said he'd meet us there with Forensics in 10 minutes.

As John and I left, I called the one person I thought I'd never call for help. When he answered, all I said was, "Mycroft, I need your help."

*End Flashback*

Six months later and Bella was still missing

Lestrade's forensic team had recovered a few things, but none of it made sense. The prints that were found on Bella's phone belonged to a dead 17-year-old while the van had been rented by a dead girl that had died while committed to a mental hospital. It made no sense at all. At least until Mycroft was told.

He told us, John and myself, that now he could contact his last possible avenue and that he would get back to me as soon as he heard back. John practically had to drag me back to Baker Street.

*A week later*

Mycroft had summoned us, saying that he'd found something. He was on the phone when we arrived and had just hung up when John received a text from an unknown number.

Dial this number in two minutes if you want to get Bella home


Taking the chance, John dialed while Mycroft signaled for me to be quiet in case it was a trap or hoax

"Hello?" John said, "Bella? Thank Christ, where are you?" "I don't know John. How's Sherlock?" John gave me a brief glance before saying, "Not good, he needs you. He's been going mad and searching for you like crazy. What happened?" Bella started spouting off something about masked kidnappers, but for some reason I knew she was lying. Not intentionally, but because she was trying to protect us.

John asked, "Can you escape?" There was a long pause, which made me fear the worst, but then she said, "Yes I can John." John looked at Mycroft, who nodded prompting John to say, "Okay, I'll arrange a pickup with Mycroft at Heathrow. Since your kidnapping, he's the only one besides myself and Mrs. Hudson that's been able to keep Sherlock from going off the deep end."

She said something else that I didn't catch and then John hung up. He turned to me and said, "She told me to tell you that she loves you and that she'll contact us again when she's a safe distance away." Mycroft stood and said, "I'll get everything set up and have a team waiting at Heathrow."

I nodded, yet I didn't believe anything that was happening. Until I saw her and held her in my arms, I wouldn't believe anything

*Two days later*

According to John, Bella was safely away and landing on a private airstrip at Heathrow. Still in doubt over how easy this had been resolved, I practically had to be dragged to the airport by John.

Sitting in the back of Mycroft's car, I waited for the plane to land. John was standing outside with Mycroft, supposedly keeping an eye out for the plane and any possible threats to us. Lestrade was also there, talking with who I assumed was the pilot or someone else airport related. I merely sat there, waiting to see if wither my dreams, or worst nightmares, came true.

Suddenly, a private jet appeared on the horizon, a black streak across the rising dawn. It set down gently, stopping a few yards from the car. I saw a few of Lestrade's men slowly emerge as the hatch door opened. A large, russet skinned man emerged first, holding his hands up and grasping a passport. Hopes dashed, I kept my eyes down and tried to keep from reaching for the syringe in my pocket.

A sharp knock on the hood forced my eyes up. John merely pointed towards the plane. Looking, I saw Bella emerging from the plane, a large duffle on her shoulder. She looked around, sighed in what was obviously disappointment and slowly made her way to the car. Taking a deep breath, I scrambled out of the car.

When Bella saw me get out, she dropped the bag and ran towards me. Jumping into my arms, she wrapped herself tight around me and I could feel her body shaking with tears as we embraced. Not wasting any more time, I pulled her face to mine and kissed her, hard.

Releasing her, I whispered," I love you Bella Swan." She bit her lip as she whispered, "I love you too Sherlock." She wrapped herself around me again and I carried her back to the car and back to Baker Street.

*Six months later*

The first few months after Bella returned were the hardest. She suffered the most horrific nightmares that had Mrs. Hudson and myself wondering just what in the hell happened. It took almost until Christmas just to get her outside the flat. As for what did happen, Bella didn't say a word. When asked, all she would say was, "It's not safe."

It wasn't until our meeting with Mycroft and Lestrade that she finally told us everything. We were waiting to speak with Mycroft when Bella got a text. I could see her relax completely as she read it before putting her phone away and taking my hand in hers. When she saw the look on my face, all she said was, "It's safe now."

Once again, Lestrade asked her what happened. This time, she told us everything. Meeting the Cullens, all the dangers they'd put her in, their abandonment, the abduction and ending her story with who helped her get away and how they were able to do it. Mycroft asked, "Why keep it a secret Isabella?" She held up her phone and said, "One of the newborns that Jasper saved, Peter, has an odd gift. He'd tell you that he doesn't have one, just that he 'knows' shit. He told me that it was safe to tell you. But just you four can know. No one else." Bella then looked at me, as if waiting for my reaction

I merely pulled her close and whispered, "This changes nothing Bella. I love you."

After that, we all went our separate ways

*Two days later*

Bella had dragged me shopping as we had to get a gift for John and Molly's baby shower

That's right, John and Molly

The two had begun dating not long before Bella entered our lives and had tied the knot not long after her return. In fact, their wedding had been the first time since Bella had stepped out of 221B since her return. I will never forget the look on John's face, or mine, when Bella walked Molly down the aisle.

Now we were looking for a baby gift. Which wasn't easy since neither John or Molly would reveal the gender. After going to several shops, Bella and I finally decided to just get the crib and bedding John and Molly asked for and be done with it. We had just walked out of the shop when Bella grabbed my arm roughly, pulling me to her as she froze on the sidewalk. I followed her line of sight to the three individuals standing on the other side of the road.

Their appearance, or more importantly their eyes, alerted me to the fact that they were the immortals Bella had educated us about. The slight fear in her eyes, coupled with the grip she had on my arm, told me that these three were those who had taken her all those months ago.

Discreetly pulling out my phone, I sent a code to Mycroft, alerting him to their presence and asking where to lead them. Gently taking Bella's hand, I began leading her down the road to a deserted part of town. I wanted to lead them away from the public and out of the corner of my eye, I saw the three immortals begin to follow us.

Reaching the start of an alley, I led Bella down it just as Mycroft sent a reply code, telling me that someone was on their way. Who it was, he didn't say. I just pulled Bella closer and continued down the alley.

Just as we reached the dead end, I briefly caught sight of someone on a roof, just as the boy yelled, "Isabella, get your ass over here now! How dare you leave me for this man!?" Bella shouted back, "Like you left me for some bullshit reason? Grow up Edward! I've moved on, just as you expected me to."

I moved in front of Bella, appearing to shield her from the immortals. The one called Edward sneered as he asked, "You think you can protect her Human? I will snap you like a twig, but not before I make you watch me take her like the animal she is."

A voice from behind him said, "No you won't Cullen." The boy and the two females whipped around at the voice, but were unable to fight due to one pinning the boy to the wall while another produced a thick, dark fog that surrounded the females and caused them to collapse. The one pinning the boy to the wall said, "Marcus, they are subdued."

An older gentleman stepped out of the shadows and I knew that he was immortal. Not by his red eyes, but by the power that seemed to radiate from his person. He briefly glanced at the three as he said, "Pity, I was hoping they'd put up more of a fight." He came over to Bella and myself saying, "Be at peace. You are safe now."

He then stared at us for the longest time and just when Bella was about to speak, he said, "I have seen quite a few Soul Bonds in my time Isabella Swan and I can say with all honesty, the Bond between you and this young man is the brightest one I have seen in quite a long time." He turned to me and said, "Marcus Volturi. I am one of the three who rule the vampire world. I was in a meeting with your brother when he got your message and I decided to handle this problem myself."

He turned to one of the immortals standing guard and said, "Start a pyre." One was soon started and quickly brightened the alley. Marcus' gaze turned cold as he faced the boy and said, "Edward Masen, for your crimes against humanity and attempts to keep this young lady from her true Soul Mate, you are hereby sentenced to Death." Denetri, you may proceed." I pulled Bella close to me as the one called Demetri pulled the boy from the wall, ripped him apart piece by piece and threw every single bit in the fire.

Marcus then turned to the two females, who were still being consumed by the fog, and said, "Alice Brandon and Esme Platt, you have been found guilty of the same crimes and shall suffer the same fate. Your Mating Bonds were false and have been severed with no problems in regards to the two men you kept Bound to you falsely. Alec, dispose of them." After the two females had been burnt to a crisp along with the boy, the fire was doused and the ashes scattered.

Marcus turned back to us and said, "Normally, having knowledge of our world would result in you both, as well as your family, either being turned or being killed. However, I have no desire to extinguish the bright light you share. You and your family are officially under the protection of the Volturi for eternity. Live and love in peace." He then vanished before our eyes, followed by Alec and Demetri.

I turned to Bella and asked, "Was that it?" She giggled and said, "I know. I was expecting something much more dramatic." I smiled and quickly led her back to the main part of town. As we headed back to Baker Street, I turned to Bella and said, "I want to meet your father." "Why? He already knows about you and approves." Taking a deep breath, I said, "Because I want to give you this and I don't think I should until I meet him in person."

I opened the ring box to reveal the amethyst engagement ring I had picked out for her. She gazed at it for the longest time before she looked up at me and said, "I'll book a flight as soon as we get back home."


Bella and I flew to Forks, Washington about a week later. I did get her father's permission, as well as his thanks for saving Bella. He later told me that he was well aware of the world he was living in and was happy that his daughter was with a nice, HUMAN guy. I proposed on one knee, knowing it would make Bella happy. Neither one of us wanted to wait, so about 6 months later, Bella and I married in front of Westminster Abbey.

After we married, Bella and I did a brief honeymoon in Ireland before returning to London and starting the rest of our lives together. A few years later, Bella gave birth to our first child, a boy we named Alistair. John took a photo of me holding Alistair for the first time and I still can't get over the look of awe on my face as I held him in my arms.

As far as the immortal world went, the four that brought Bella back to me visited often and spoiled Alistair rotten. Carlisle, the former leader of the Cullen coven, also visited, swearing to keep an eye on our family himself for as long as he was in existence.

Bella and I lived every day to the fullest, never forgetting how close we came to never having the future we now have.