Present Day: June 7th 2015 - Castiel
Castiel rolls out of bed at seven o'clock on the dot. He's supposed to be excited today. He was supposed to spend the night unable to sleep because he couldn't wait for today to get here. Instead he feels like he's either going to puke or faint. He's going to meet Sam at the airport with the Impala, they're going to get some coffee together, and then… Well, then what's supposed to happen is Dean's flight comes in and Dean meets them at the bottom of the escalators.
Castiel attaches his prosthetic and dresses for the day in a haze. He doesn't think he slept at all last night. Instead he laid there trying to stop himself from imagining the worst case scenario. Logically, he knows what he's walking himself and Sam into. But he can't, he just can't accept what his gut is telling him. He hesitates at his nightstand and then grabs the small box sitting there. He'd rather have it than not have it.
He's out the door in 20 minutes. The Impala is kept in a garage unit under lock and key so it can be kept safe from vandalism and bad weather while Dean is away. Castiel lifts the door and carefully removes the tarp that keeps Baby from getting dusty. Dean told Castiel that he can drive her whenever he wants, but Castiel would feel terrible if something happened to her while he was behind the wheel, so he only takes her out for those highway drives that Dean insists upon and Castiel has come to greatly enjoy.
Castiel swallows thickly as he slides a hand over the hood. What's going to happen to Baby? Sam will probably get her. Considering Castiel is about to let Sam walk into that airport expecting his brother to be there Sam will probably never want to see Castiel again. That means this is his last ride with Baby, the place he always feels closest to Dean; his car, his cassettes, and that forever permeating scent of leather and saltwater.
Castiel slides into the driver seat and the Impala rumbles to life. The familiar feel of her engine calms him in the way nothing else has. Castiel carefully eases the Impala out of the narrow garage and then puts her in park so he can jog over to pull the garage closed again. He's always nervous leaving her running while he's not in there, just in case someone tries to steal her. He would definitely win that fight, but he's afraid he may kill them if they try and take Baby away from Dean.
Or, well, Sam.
Castiel sits quietly with his coffee warming his hands, but he can't bring himself to drink it. He's sure if anything touches his stomach he's going to barf.
"Euck. This coffee is terrible," Sam complains after a tentative sip from his own cup. "You look awful dude. Are you okay?"
Castiel dredges up what could be considered a half smile in certain lighting and shrugs.
"I didn't sleep well," he says quietly, leaving off the reason why. Sam will see soon enough. And then he'll take his grief and anger out on Castiel for not telling him and then Castiel will be well and truly alone. And he'll deserve it too.
Sam hums knowingly. "Yeah, I'm pretty excited too. I'm ready for him to be home for good, you know?"
Castiel's eyes well up and he quickly looks down at his drink to cover the reaction to Sam's innocent words. One way or another Dean really will be home for good.
"Hey, it's okay," Sam says soothingly across from him. The kind words only make Castiel feel worse. He is truly going to miss Sam's friendship. "Cas, whatever's got you acting all weird, it's going to be fine, okay? Dean'll be here soon and he's going to be ecstatic to see you. Just like always. You'll see."
Castiel latches onto Sam's words like a lifeline. Sam is incredibly intelligent and he's rarely wrong. And really it doesn't take much to send Castiel right back into the default state of denial that's been the only thing getting him through these past few weeks. That and keeping his phone firmly off on the days he could get away with it.
Castiel shifts uncomfortably under Sam's concerned stare and the movement reminds him of the box sitting like a hot branding iron against his thigh. He pulls it out and hesitates before sliding it across the table to Sam.
"Why Cas, I didn't know you felt that way about me," Sam teases with a smirk.
Castiel levels an unimpressed look at the smiling man.
"Just hold onto it for me," Cas says. "Please," he adds as an afterthought.
"Sure," Sam agrees easily as he slips it into his jacket pocket. "But I thought you were going to wait until later."
"That's the plan. I just wanted to have it with me… just in case."
Sam nods knowingly, although he couldn't possibly know Castiel's true thoughts.
"We should head over there. They should have landed by now," Sam says, glancing at his watch. Castiel feels faint. He throws away his untouched coffee and follows after Sam in a fog. He feels oddly light, like he's not really here and he's watching this all happen to someone else. He wishes this were happening to someone else. He can't even bring himself to feel guilty for the selfish thought. He just really wishes this wasn't happening. Not to him. Not Dean.
It's only minutes later that the soldiers start appearing on the escalator. Cas recognizes Dean's team members. Meg steps off the escalator first, making a beeline for a brown haired girl that Castiel knows to be her sister Ruby. They slap each other's shoulders and immediately leave for baggage claim with large smiles moving around whispered words. Next is a woman named Dorothy who replaced Garth some years ago after the man got married and started having children. Dorothy is bombarded by a red blur, her girlfriend Charlie whom Castiel spends much of his time with at the military spouse meetings. She reminds him of Dean.
Then there's Jo and Ash who jog over to greet Ellen. Jo is the main reason Dean hasn't retired before now. He made Ellen a promise to look out for her daughter and he's held that up for the past fifteen years. Now that Jo is finally ready to retire from Active status, Dean can as well. The Harvelles and Ash don't loiter, probably because they're in charge of supplying food for the family picnic this afternoon and need to prepare. Castiel avoids looking at them. If he sees a single look of pity or confusion from them about why he and Sam are here he may just lose it in the middle of the airport.
The escalator soon stands empty of camouflage and Castiel's breaths start coming in short gasps. Dean's not coming. He's really not coming. Oh God. He knew… he knew that this was most likely what would happen, but that doesn't stop him from being absolutely crushed as the last little flicker of hope that he'd kept close and well protected for these past weeks flickers out and dies. Oh God.
"Cas, you're kind of freaking me out," Sam says beside him. Sam still doesn't know. He hasn't figured it out. Castiel can't tell him. He can't be the one to shatter Sam's entire world.
"Look man, Dean's coming okay? He probably got held up helping someone or something. It's happened before."
Castiel shakes his head and has to work his throat before the words he needs to say will come out.
"Sam, you don't understand," Castiel tries to growl, but it comes out faint and scared and hardly more than a whisper.
"What don't I understand, Castiel?" Sam asks, suddenly sharp and harsh as he draws himself up to his full intimidating height. Castiel tries to swallow but his throat is dry and if he opens his mouth he's sure he's going to vomit. Then Sam's attention flicks back to the escalator as two more soldiers appear. Sam's shoulders relax and a grin spreads over his face, because it's Dean and Benny, Dean's best friend and fellow soldier.
Dean's still in his fatigues and combat boots. His face lights up when he sees Castiel and Sam and he hurries down the moving steps, leaving Benny to find his wife. The thin ropes that have been holding Castiel together the past few weeks snap spectacularly at the sight of Dean standing there, whole and unharmed and smiling. He rushes forward and something on his face catches Dean's attention because his smile immediately falters.
"Cas, what-?"
Castiel slams into Dean hard enough to make him stumble back a step, but Dean wraps his arms around him just how he needs him to while Castiel buries his face in Dean's shoulder. The fabric rapidly advances past damp and well into wet as great quaking sobs shake free from Castiel's chest and his trembling hands fist into the back of Dean's uniform.
"I guess you missed me?" Dean says, exchanging a bewildered look with Sam over Castiel's shoulder.
Castiel laughs humorlessly, but it comes out an overloud sob. Dean's arms immediately tighten around him as he throws a look of panicked concern back at Sam.
"Baby what's wrong?" Dean murmurs, pressing a kiss to the top of Castiel's hair.
Castiel sucks in a deep sniff and tries to hold in the tears washing down his cheeks, but it's no use. He pulls back from Dean just far enough to dig his phone out of his pocket and presses it into Dean's hand before stepping back into Dean's arms. Dean keeps one arm around Castiel's back, holding him tight and lifts the phone up in front of his face with the other. He frowns at it.
Castiel's voice shakes as he struggles to explain.
"The calls. I… I couldn't answer them. I thought… I thought it was…"
Castiel knows what Dean will see when he opens Castiel's call history. Other than a call from Sam this morning there's only going to be numerous missed calls from the same number, lit up in red text. Dean goes still against Castiel and Castiel knows that he's connected the dots.
"Oh baby. Cas..." Dean whispers planting another kiss to Castiel's forehead. He turns back to glaring at the small back lit screen. "Did they call you everyday?" he asks, anger making the words hard. Castiel nods into his shoulder.
"For the past two weeks," Castiel elaborates.
"Shit, Cas."
Dean drops the phone into his pant pocket and then wraps both arms around Castiel, pulling him closer. Castiel nuzzles his face into the side of Dean's neck and breathes him in. He's shaking. It's been just over a year since he saw Dean last. Far too long. The familiar scent soothes away the rougher edges of Castiel's panic and soon his knees no longer shake and the nausea fades. The tremors in his hands take longer to fade, but eventually they do too.
Dean is alive. Dean is home. Everything is going to be okay. It's one thing to know this to be fact, but another entirely to truly feel it.
"Hey, uh. Hey, Cas?" Dean sounds nervous and it's a strange enough happenstance that Castiel lifts his head and takes a half step back to look at Dean properly.
"What's wrong?" Castiel asks, using the back of his forearm to scrub tears from his cheeks. He sniffs hard and hopes he doesn't look too pathetic.
Dean's face softens and some of his inexplicable nervous energy fades.
"I'm going to try something," Dean says softly. He uses the pads of his thumbs to gently wipe away the missed moisture under either of Castiel's eyes and then plants one more kiss to his forehead before turning to Benny.
"Benny. Do you have it?" Dean calls across the room.
Benny rolls his eyes mid conversation with his wife.
"I told you he wouldn't be able to wait," he says to Andrea. "Aren't you glad I had you bring it?" but he shoves his hand into his pocket and pulls out something that stays easily invisible in his large fist.
"You were right." Andrea agrees and does nothing to hide her smile; she doesn't even look disappointed about being wrong.
"Yeah, yeah. Gimme." Dean makes grabby hands at whatever it is Benny is holding.
"Good luck brother. Not that you need it," he adds with a wink to Castiel and tosses a small black something for Dean to catch. Castiel frowns after Benny as he walks off with his wife, who turns and flashes a thumbs up over her shoulder accompanied by a large grin.
Castiel turns back to Dean, a question burning his lips, but it becomes unnecessary when he sees Dean, not standing in front of him as he was before, but with one knee pressed to the shitty threadbare airport carpet and a small black box held aloft before him in shaking hands.
Castiel's jaw drops. His heart stutters in his chest and then stops entirely and his brain follows suit. This can't be happening. He vaguely hears Sam behind him blaspheming.
"Okay, so. This wasn't the plan, but you could use some cheering up so… At least I hope this cheers you up. At any rate it's a distraction, right?" Dean's voice pitches and he clears his throat before going back to looking up at Castiel with green eyes wide and earnest and full of fear and hope in equal measure.
"I, uh… I wrote a speech but it's in my bag. I'll do my best to get it right though," Dean pauses again to take a deep fortifying breath. It's the mention of the speech that finally snaps Castiel out of his state of shock.
"Oh you asshole."
Sam cackles in the background, but other than the confused and slightly hurt glance Dean shoots towards him they both ignore him.
"What?" Dean asks. His hands sag until they hit his knee and his eyebrows pinch as his lips curl into a frown. He looks like a chastised puppy.
"No," Castiel says forcefully, trying his very best not to let the wounded puppy dog look get the better of him. "No. You don't get to have a speech. I have a speech. Sam? Sam! Shut up and give it to me."
Sam huffs a bit, but shoves his hand into his jacket pocket and hands Castiel a ring box eerily similar to the one in Dean's hand, grinning and giggling to himself all the while.
"Are you serious?" Dean asks, eyes glued to the box.
"Deadly," Castiel says, face hard as he drops to one knee to match Dean.
"No no no. You're fucking it all up," Dean whines.
"I'm fucking it up?" Cas retorts. "I've been planning this for months. I'm supposed to be asking you this afternoon at your family picnic after you've eaten your weight in pie. I planned this."
"I planned too! I was going to ask tonight after the fireworks in the park!" Dean argues.
"See! See!" Cas shouts, gesturing with his free hand harshly. "You're fucking it up. If you'd stuck to the plan I would have asked first!"
Dean's mouth drops open with a slick suction. In the ensuing silence they both realize that Sam is laughing his ass off.
"Shut up, Sam!" they yell in unison.
Sam manages to control himself long enough to offer, "Why don't you just both do it at the same time."
"Fine," they agree in bitter harmony. They each crack open their ring boxes and therein lie… identical rings.
"You stole my ring!" Dean exclaims.
"I did no such thing!" Castiel retorts over Sam's renewed howls of laughter.
"You did too! Look at that!" Dean says, voice high as he waves his hand over the ring still in it's box in Castiel's hand.
"Dean, you're being ridiculous," Castiel snaps testily. "Now fucking propose or shut the hell up so I can."
Dean opens his mouth and then shuts it again as a slow smile stretches his lips.
"What?" Castiel bites out.
"I love you," Dean says.
The angry jaunt of Castiel's shoulders softens and a reluctant smile tugs the corner of his lips.
"I love you, too."
"I missed you."
"I missed you back. So much." Castiel's voice cracks.
"Will you marry me?" Dean asks, a smile already dimpling his cheeks. Of course, he already knows the answer.
"I'll have to think about it," Castiel replies with a cocky smirk.
"You shithead. C'mere."
Castiel allows himself to be pulled forward into the kiss, but keeps it short if somewhat lingering.
"As much and I want to lay you out on the floor and fuck you senseless, my knee is killing me," Castiel explains in response to Dean's pout.
"Oh thank God. Mine too," Dean says in a rush. Castiel snorts and they both climb stiffly to their feet like the old men they are.
"Your masculinity is as fragile as ever I see," Castiel taunts, rubbing at the spot where his knee ends and his prosthetic begins.
"Bite me."
Castiel's eyes rake up and down Dean's uniform clad body lecherously.
"Where and how hard?"
He's rewarded by Dean's cheeks pinkening ever so slightly.
"You two are disgusting."
"Shut up, Sam," they tell him without breaking eye contact with each other.
"Can I have my ring now?" Castiel asks, hand outstretched and waiting.
"What? Hell no! You didn't even say yes!" Dean says, stuffing the ring box into his pocket.
"You're being a child," Castiel says, moving to snatch the box out of Dean's pocket.
"Am not!" Dean says, dodging away.
"Are too," Castiel growls, swiping at the back of Dean's shirt as he tries to dodge around him and is rewarded with a fistful of fabric.
"Am not!"
Dean twists out of Castiel's grip and then takes off in a sprint down the corridor towards baggage claim.
"Are too!" Castiel shouts and gives chase, his slight limp doing nothing to slow him down.
"Welcome home, Dean! Great getting to see you again for the first time in a whole year!" Sam shouts at their backs.
"Shut up, Sam!" they chorus back.
Sam grins and shakes his head, still laughing lightly to himself. He's unbelievably happy for both his brother and Castiel, but sometimes it's best to just leave them to do their own thing. Especially since, more often than not, they end up naked and don't particularly care how long it takes for you to get your shoes on and collect your laptop and get out the door.
Sam starts to follow after them. Leisurely. Probably with multiple stops and detours. Then he catches a glimpse of a woman holding a smartphone and grinning.
"Hey. You didn't happen to catch any of that did you?" Sam asks, gesturing at her phone.
The girl looks up from her phone and shakes curly blonde hair out of her face and smirks. Damn she's pretty.
"I may have got the whole thing, but my memory might need a bit of a jog," she says slowly, a mischievous glint sparking in her hazel eyes.
Sam narrows his eyes and purses his lips in false thought, all the while fighting a grin. Two seconds in and he already likes this girl.
"Would a coffee jog it for you, maybe?" Sam asks letting the smile play his lips.
The woman tilts her head and makes a show of thinking it over.
"It could work," she says slowly. "But not from here. The coffee here sucks."
"Agreed. It's a date then?" Sam can't help the lilt at the end of the sentence turning it into a question. But the girl smiles wide and nods.
"It's a date. My name's Jess," she adds and sticks out a hand. Sam grasps it in his own and they shake.
"Sam," he offers.
Jess snorts.
"I heard actually. How many times did they yell at you? Four? Five?"
Sam scoffs.
"It was only like, three. But what they don't know, and what made it extra hilarious, was that Benny and I…" Sam pauses for a moment as he thinks up the word he wishes to use, "guided them into picking out the same rings on purpose," he confesses smugly.
Jess laughs, tinkling and light.
"And I suppose you gave them the idea to propose on the same day, too," she says.
"It's entirely plausible," Sam admits with no small amount of pride.
Jess laughs again. "Oh I think I like you."
Sunlight presses against the backs of Castiel's eyelids, pleasantly warm and washing the ether of his mind in red. Not the red that Castiel is so familiar with; the red of war and blood and anger and rebellion. A new red. The red of summer, strawberries, Kool Aid stained upper lips, and the glow of charcoal beneath slowly browning hamburger patties. A red that he didn't discover until this family found him and took him in as one of their own. A family that actually wants him, just as he is.
"Cas! Cornhole. Let's go."
Castiel grunts, but otherwise doesn't so much as twitch from where he's sprawled out on his back atop a timeworn quilt. Hopefully his clear lack of interest in the game will be enough for Dean to leave Castiel in peace. He'd love nothing more than to drift lazily about in his thoughts, just on the edge of sleep as he is. Were Castiel more awake and thinking clearly he would realize what a silly and unrealistic hope it is.
"Caaas, I need you," Dean weedles, suddenly much closer, close enough for his breath to ghost over Castiel's face. Castiel crinkles his nose and wriggles his face away from the onslaught.
"Onions," he mumbles almost unintelligibly, his tongue sticking unpleasantly to the roof of his mouth before forming the word.
"You love it," Dean declares much too loudly.
"Oh yeah?"
And then Castiel suddenly finds himself pinned to the ground, Dean's hands holding down Castiel's forearms where they're crossed behind his head and Dean's legs hooked over Castiel's calves. Castiel squirms, but he's stuck. Then Dean starts exhaling obnoxiously all over Castiel's face.
"Dean!" Castiel sputters, twisting and straining for freedom, but to no avail. "You're disgusting! Get off!"
"Never!" Dean shouts and then he's pressing sweet kisses along Castiel's cheekbones, his forehead, and around and down to his ears, across the stubble on his jaw, and finally to the corner of his mouth. Castiel surges upward then and fits their lips together properly. He releases a sigh through his nose as Dean's warmth seeps into him through the lazy kiss.
"Gross! Get a room!" Jo's voice carries from some distance away followed by several whistles and much laughter as everyone's attention is drawn to them. Dean shifts his weight without breaking their kiss and Castiel assumes that Jo is now receiving the bird, but doesn't bother opening his eyes to check.
Dean pulls back first and their lips stick before parting. Castiel opens his eyes and has to squint blindly into the harsh summer sun until Dean wordlessly shifts to the right to cast Castiel's face into shadow.
"Sorry about them," Dean says with a sheepish smile like Castiel hasn't been subjected to Dean's family for the past seven years. "They're just…"
"I love them, Dean," Castiel interrupts as he is want to do when Dean begins down one of his self doubting spirals. Dean blinks once and then again before smiling more genuinely.
"Oh. Well uh, they love you too. I mean-,"
"I know," Castiel says, tilting his head a little as he continues to watch Dean's eyes. "And they love you and you love them. Very much."
Dean looks away biting his lip.
"Yeah, well…"
"And I love you," Castiel continues, his face open and earnest, willing Dean to look and see that it's the truth. Dean does. He looks back and their gazes lock. The anxiety behind Dean's eyes eases away and his gaze softens.
"Okay," Dean says quietly.
"I proposed this morning for a reason, Dean," Castiel reminds him gently and strokes the backs of his fingers down the rough five o'clock shadow forming along Dean's jaw. Dean leans into the touch, letting his eyes fall shut for just a moment before refocusing on Castiel.
"I know. I just…"
"I know, Dean," Castiel smiles.
"You're too good for me," Dean complains.
Castiel's smile widens. "I know that, too," he says and Dean roll his eyes. "And you, me."
Dean shakes his head a fraction, but says nothing. It's progress.
"Also your breath is terrible. I'm cutting you off from the onions for the rest of the day," Castiel says knowing full well he'll let Dean do whatever he wants.
"You didn't seem to mind them much a minute ago when I was breathing the fumes down your throat," Dean mocks and then wrestles himself to his feet before offering a hand to Castiel. Castiel only hesitates a second before accepting, the old adage, I do not require assistance, springing to mind automatically before he can shove it away. It's progress.
"There's a considerable difference between kissing and breathing all over my face, Dean," Castiel points out as he allows Dean to pull him to his feet and then adjusts his shorts where they caught on his prosthetic.
"You'll learn to love my onion breath," Dean says dismissively. "We've got the rest of our lives after all."
Castiel buries the smile that begs to surface at the simple phrase. The rest of our lives.
"Don't hold your breath. Or, actually…"
Dean throws his head back and laughs and Castiel releases his hold on his smile. An instant later the familiar beginning chords of Smoke on the Water sound and the smile freezes half formed on Castiel's lips and a sharp spike of fear stabs into Castiel's belly.
"Hey, hey. Cas, I'm right here. Baby, I'm fine. They're not calling about me."
Castiel blinks and there's Dean, right in front of him with his hands holding tight to Castiel's shoulders. Castiel releases the breath that caught in his chest and digs his phone out of his pocket with shaking hands. It's that number again. The same one as always, always at the same time of day.
"I'll answer it," Dean says, more of an order than an offer as he holds his hand out for the ringing device . Castiel gladly passes it over with only the vague thought that he hopes Dean goes easy on whoever is on the other end.
"Hello," Dean barks into the speaker and Castiel winces. There's a pause on the other end of the line and then Castiel can faintly hear a very distant, "Winchester?"
"Yeah. Who's this?" Dean demands. There's a pause as the other person speaks too quietly for Castiel to make out his words, but Dean fills in the blanks.
"Michael?! What the hell do you want? Why do you keep calling?" Dean grows harsher, scowling into the distance like if he glares hard enough Michael will feel it all the way wherever his is. Castiel just stands there, stunned. Why would Michael be calling him? And so incessantly at that. The last time Castiel spoke to his older brother was when Castiel lost his leg and was forced to retire from the Air Force. Considering Michael was his Commanding Officer at the time, they didn't exactly have a choice at that. Michael didn't even come visit Castiel in the hospital. They worked out all of Castiel's paperwork via two phone calls and several emails.
"Cas, he wants to talk to you."
Dean is speaking to him now, his hand firmly covering the speaker of the phone and the expression on his face tells Castiel that he would only need to say the word and Dean will gladly tell Michael exactly where he can go and Castiel will never need speak with his brother again. It's a tempting thought.
Castiel motions for Dean to hand him the phone.
"What Michael?" Castiel asks. He sounds tired.
"Castiel, it's good to hear from you. Less good to hear you're still hanging around that Winchester riffraff. Is he screening your calls for you now?"
Castiel closes his eyes and prays to his absent God for patience. Not even a full minute and Michael is already criticizing Castiel's life and those in it.
"But that's not why I called," Michael continues.
"How disappointing. I was so looking forward to hanging up on you. Again. Why are you harassing me then?" Castiel snarks much to Dean's undisguised glee. He shoots Castiel a thumbs up. Castiel rolls his eyes fondly despite the annoyance roiling in his chest.
Through the phone Michael makes a disgruntled noise, but then finally cuts to the chase.
"I'm sorry to tell you this over the phone. I certainly didn't want to leave the information to you in an email or voicemail and you almost didn't give me an option. I've been calling on my lunch break everyday for weeks now," Michael complains. He takes a deep breath and Castiel braces himself.
"I have finally found our father. He's dead," Michael imparts, voice grave.
Castiel blinks.
"Okay," he says slowly after a drawn out beat. He was expecting… he doesn't know. Not that.
"That's it? Just okay? Our father is dead, Castiel."
There was a time, many years ago, when the news would have devastated Castiel. Their father went MIA over 20 years ago. Castiel was only a child, fresh out of kindergarten. There was never any closure. They never held a funeral. All of them (Castiel, Michael, Gabriel, and their now deceased mother) were so desperate to believe that he was still alive somewhere.
Castiel had actually originally joined the military with the express intent of gathering enough information to find him. That was before he was recruited by Anna to transfer from Army to Air Force to become a Pararescue Jumper. Even back then, he no longer felt that burning need to find his father.
And now… It's been so long. Castiel hasn't even thought of his father in years. Not since Dean showed up that day during Castiel's physical therapy, fresh off the plane from Iraq. Before that even. Since he found his place on his PJ team. Knowing what became of his father… it changes absolutely nothing in Castiel's life today.
"Do you feel nothing?" Michael demands in his ear. Castiel considers this.
"I feel… relief? Maybe? I'm not sure," Castiel answers. Is numb an emotion? There is a long pause on Michael's end. Castiel waits.
"Relief," Michael repeats, latent anger under the words. "Does family mean nothing to you?"
Castiel laughs. He can't help it. What a rich question coming from Michael of all people. The man who disowned Castiel at 19 when Castiel told him that he's gay. The man who drove off Gabriel whom they haven't heard from in over a decade now. Maybe he's dead, too. Michael, who didn't come see his youngest brother while he was laid up in the hospital after having his leg amputated. The man who hasn't tried to make contact at all with Castiel through the past eight years since then except to tell him that the father that he hardly knew has been dead for over 20 years. Of course Castiel laughs.
"Family is everything to me," Castiel explains as calmly as he can manage despite the rage welling up behind his rib cage. "You and I just have very different definitions of family."
"What are you saying?"
"I am saying that Dean is my family. His family is my family. True family isn't always the one you were born into."
"That's bullshit. We're your family. You're a Novak whether you like it or not and you always will be no matter how far you stray down your silly little path of rebellion," Michael snaps."
"No. I will be a Winchester. We haven't set a date, but I am,"
"March 9th."
Castiel moves the phone from his face and turns his attention to Dean.
"March 9th," Dean repeats, shifting nervously and wiping his palms on his jeans. "It's uh, not exactly a traditional wedding month, I know, but uh… It's my mom's birthday and I just always thought… It's be nice to make it a day to celebrate again, so…" Dean trails off with a shrug, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground while his left hand rubs at the back of his neck. "If you don't-,"
Castiel presses a hard kiss to Dean's lips and then pulls back. A tight ball of happiness warms Castiel's chest as he looks up into Dean's awestruck face, to the point that it hurts. Dean's lips are parted slightly as his wide green eyes stare into Castiel's blue ones.
"Fuck traditional," Castiel says emphatically. "It's perfect."
A slow smile curves Dean's lips and Castiel replaces the phone to his ear.
"Were you kissing him while you were on the phone with me?!" Michael's voice comes hissing through before Castiel even has the phone fully to his head.
"Enough," Castiel barks. "I will not put up with your homophobic bullshit today. I am marrying Dean Winchester on March 9th."
"You're… What?! Him? And I am not homo- homophobic." He says he last in a whisper.
"...I... beg your pardon?" Castiel says, completely nonplussed. Michael is the textbook definition of homophobe. Every non-heterosexual child's worst nightmare in living flesh. Castiel would know.
"I'm not… Homosexual couples are becoming more pronounced in society. It would be poor business sense at this point to try and pit myself against them."
Castiel waits. And waits. He stays silent for so long that Dean grows concerned and Michael calls his name. Still… there's nothing. Michael offers no apologies. No olive branch back to him and his supposed 'family'. Nothing.
"So your problem is with me specifically then," Castiel says stiffly. Michael sighs heavily.
"I just don't like having one in the family," he says flippantly. Like it's nothing. The words are a hard slap to Castiel's face, made sharper because Castiel thought that Michael couldn't hurt him anymore. He'd thought he'd grown past that.
"My problem," Michael continues, oblivious as ever, "is with Winchester."
The numbness, the shock, and the hurt recede with alarming swiftness, leaving only broiling fury in its stead.
"No. No, you don't get to have a problem with Dean. You disowned me. You don't get to be jealous now that I've finally found a family that loves and accepts me just as I am. You don't have that right!"
Castiel doesn't realize that he's yelling until Dean brushes his fingertips over Castiel's arm and Castile looks up to see every face in their area of the park turned towards him and silent. He takes a deep breath and lets it go.
"Don't call me again Michael. I will not be going to father's funeral. I wish for no further contact with you. I've moved on and wish to focus on my family now. Goodluck with your life."
Castiel removes the phone from his cheek and clicks end.
Everyone is still and quiet, such an unnatural occurrence in this family.
"Go ahead," Castiel tells them with a put upon sigh.
Jo starts off the round of applause enthusiastically. It takes no time at all for the others to join; Garth, Dorothy, Charlie, Bobby, and even Jess, a pretty blonde girl that Sam brought with him. Soon Castiel finds himself in the middle of a swarm. Ellen hugs him first, squeezing him hard with a rough whispered, "I'm so proud of you," in his ear causing tears to spring up in his eyes.
Sam is next, too long limbs holding him too tight. Then there's Ash who smells like beer and Andrea with her sunny smile and soft skin. Then Benny the hairy furnace. Jo flings herself at him, expecting to be caught, which Castiel does with a muffled umph.
"It's about damn time!" she crows in his ear over the noise of everyone else.
Then comes Meg, Anna, Kevin, and even Bobby gives him a solid thump on the back. It doesn't calm until Garth's three children run up, having no idea what's happening but wanting to be a part of it regardless. Three year old Hestia trips over five year old John's undone shoe lace, who then crashes into one year old Andy and the result is a pile up of screaming crying dirty children.
Garth and his wife Bess rush over to rectify the disaster and it's the perfect diversion to end the hugfest. Not that Castiel's untouched by the grandiose show of support (he shed tears) but he's never exactly been a hugger.
Castiel turns and finds Dean just where he left him, now wearing a sweet smile as he watches Castiel bond further with his family. Castiel wipes under his eyes one last time and sniffs a little as he returns to Dean. Dean holds out his arms for his own hug and Castiel gratefully falls into it. He's never been a hugger, but where Dean is concerned he can never get enough.
"Your dad's dead?" Dean asks quietly against Castiel's hair.
Castiel nods into Dean's shoulder.
"It's fine. I don't care. It's been so long."
Castiel feels Dean nod and squeeze him a little tighter.
"Well if you decide to care later I'm here, okay? And if you decide you do want to go to the funeral then we'll go and I'll make sure Michael stays the hell away from you, okay?"
Castiel sniffs again and nods some more.
"Thank you, Dean," he whispers.
They stand in each other's arms for a few more minutes until Castiel finally steps back and wipes his eyes once more.
"Gimme your phone," Dean says, making a grabby hand towards Castiel.
"Why?" Castiel asks, even as he hands the device over.
"Cuz I'm gonna change that damn ringtone. I'll toss out that cassette too if I have to," Dean says, frowning down at the phone rather than look at Castiel while he says such things. That ball of happiness is back in Castiel's chest. Castiel leans forward and presses a kiss to Dean's cheek.
"You wouldn't throw out your music for anything. Not even me," he teases, knowing just how much Dean values his ancient music collection.
"Yeah, Cas. I would," Dean says bending his head farther down as he scrolls through ringtone options to hide his face. Castiel smiles. While he doesn't truly believe Dean, he appreciates the sentiment.
"There. Avenged Sevenfold, Gunslinger. I think you'll like it," Dean says and hands Castiel his phone.
"Avenged Sevenfold? Isn't that a bit... new for you?" Castiel asks, tucking the phone in his pocket without listening to the song despite not knowing it.
"Oh shut up."
"Winchester! Are we doing this or what? I still need to kick your ass at bean bag toss!" Meg shouts across the grass.
"It's cornhole!" Sam and Dean bellow back from opposite ends of the shelter site, the only actual native midwesterners of the group. The brought the cornhole game with them when they moved to Virginia from Kansas, claiming it to be a traditional BBQ game despite none of the rest of them ever having heard of it much less played it before.
"Whatever. Just get your asses over here so I can kick 'em. You too Clarence. You're on my team."
"That's no fair," Dean immediately complains even as they all three follow their orders. Jess comes along with Sam, wanting to watch.
"Do you not believe you can win, Dean?" Castiel asks, all raised eyebrows and smirking lips.
"Be real, Cas," Dean shoots back, not rising to the bait for once. "You never lose."
"Well you might've given up, but I haven't," Sam interjects. "Now budge over. I'm tossing."
Despite Sam's best efforts, Castiel and Meg stomp the Winchesters. Castiel has tried to explain the strategy of the game to Dean before, but he's always preferred to just play "straight laced" and simply try to get the bag through the hole rather than trying to "sabotage" the other team like he accuses Castiel of doing. Castiel's strategies are well within the rules. Castiel just plays to win.
Jess replaces Dean and they play another round. Sam is not ready to concede defeat just yet and Dean requires more pie. It's then discovered that Jess is damn good at cornhole. Good enough to keep Castiel on his toes. Word flies throughout their little gathering and soon enough almost the entire family is gathered around the game; heckling and cheering and cheating in true Winchester fashion.
"You got this babe!" Dean calls from where he's bodily restraining Ash from knocking into Castiel and messing up his shot, pie long forgotten in the chaos.
Castiel swings his arm down and back and then back up and let's the red bag soar high through the air. The bag hits the board with a thunk. It glides up the ramp, knocking Jess's yellow bag off the side to the ground in the process, and then slips down into the hole.
The park positively erupts. Cheering and groaning and just plain screaming from all of them.
"Oh my God. Oh my God!," Sam yells, his hands in his hair while Jess just laughs.
"Holy shit!" Dean exclaims, leaping onto Castiel's back and nearly strangling him in the process. "You did it!"
"I always win, Dean," Castiel teases as soon as he can get some air, but he's beaming so hard his cheeks ache.
"Hey, good game," Jess says, appearing at Castiel's side with her hand held out and a smile splitting her face. "I really thought I had you for a second there."
"It was close," Castiel agrees and they shake hands. "I'll have to actually try when we play."
"Salt in the wound, Cas!" Sam complains while Jess laughs.
"A single point!" Ash complains rather more loudly than necessary. "He came and snagged that point on the last toss! What did I just watch? I need a drink."
Dean laughs and passes him a fresh beer from a cooler next to the shelter.
"How does it feel to still be the reigning Cornhole Champion, Cas?" Dean asks, nudging the man with his elbow and pressing a beer into his hand as well.
"It is a title that I shall hold with honor and dignity, as always," Castiel replies solemnly, popping the tab on his beer while a very tipsy Garth giggles until he trips over a trash can.
"Well in your honor, Jess and I put something together and we'd like to show everyone," Sam says with a grin and a mischievous glint in his eyes. Dean narrows his eyes and Castiel takes a sip from his beer, content to let Dean deal with whatever Winchester shenanigans are being dredged up now.
"What is it?" Dean asks, his eyes flicking about the park until they settle suspiciously on the shelter.
"We'll show you," Jess says cheerfully. "It's in the shelter."
Dean and Castiel trade glances, but follow and Sam begins to corral the rest of their clan to do likewise much to Castiel's discomfort. It feels too much like it's leading up to something involving public humiliation.
The shelter isn't anything fancy. It has a wooden shingled roof with three sides open to the park and the fourth is a sturdy plain brick wall. Although today there is a flat white sheet stretched tight over the center of the wall and duct taped so it stays up. A projector lights the sheet with a blue Windows screensaver from where it sits propped on one of several picnic tables.
"What's all this?" Dean asks, eyeing the familiar laptop hooked into the projector distrustfully. "Sam," Dean says, warning coating his tone.
"Just a sec," Sam insists, squeezing past Rufus and Bess in the now overfull shelter. "Take a seat. You'll like it. I think."
Castiel glances over at Dean, not assured in the least by the absent minded assurance. By the look on Dean's face, he isn't either, but he shrugs and they move over to an empty stretch of picnic bench sharing a table with Jo, Ellen, Bobby, and Ash.
"D'you guys know what's going on?" Dean leans over the table to ask once they're seated. Ellen shrugs and Castiel nervously sips his beer.
"Haven't the foggiest," Bobby grumbles. "Now shut yer yap or we'll miss it, whatever it is."
Castiel turns back to the screen to see they've pulled up YouTube. Are they watching cat videos? That's all Castiel uses YouTube for anyway. Sam selects his video and sets it to fullscreen and then turns to Castiel and Dean with a grin that Castiel can only describe as demonic.
"Oh my God," Dean says and buries his face in his hands, but Castiel laughs. It bubbles up right out of him before he can even think to hold it back.
"Oh you asshole," Castiel on the screen says and then everyone else is laughing right along with him as the Castiel and Dean at the airport dissolve into childish bickering. Dean is still hiding his face while Jo slaps his arm repeatedly as she laughs uproariously.
Castiel worms one of his hands into Dean's and gives it a squeeze. It's the hand with the ring on it. Dean lifts his head and gives Castiel a small smile as the Dean on the screen above them cries, "You stole my ring!" Even Dean lets out a chuckle.
The video goes until Castiel disappears around a corner while chasing after Dean and his ring and then it's over.
Ellen immediately swoops over the table and grabs them up in a teary hug, insulting them throughout the entire thing.
"Hey, uh, Jess. Have you seen how many views this thing has?" Sam's voice, nervous and uncertain, cuts through the merriment.
"Umm no? I just put it up this morning and haven't had a chance to check it since. Why? Is it a lot?" Jess replies.
Sam laughs nervously and shoots a glance at Dean who does not look amused.
"Is a hundred thousand a lot?"
"A hundred..." Jess trails off, eyes wide. "Holy shit."
Sam turns to Dean and Castiel, apology all over his features and his shoulders hunched. "I think you've gone viral."
"Son of a bitch."
AN: Review! Let me know what you thought! Personally, I am in love with PJ!Cas and SEAL!Dean so if anyone writes something with them in those roles message me and I'll read the shit out of it. Not kidding. But anyway, review! Please. :)
Also, check me out on tumblr. Still Weasleychick32