Well hello there my loves. I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack. I'm sorry for such a long delay in updates. Life is kicking my ass 7 ways to Sunday. So please be gentle with me. Lol I'm gonna be writing a lot more, well I'm going to try. So please just be patient. Anyway, here's the next chapter.

~ Korra ~

"He-Hello? I-Is anyone out there?"

Korra was standing in the darkest part of the forrest. Or at least she thought it was a forrest. There were trees all around her. The ones closer to the ground didn't have any leaves. And they looked charred. Not much light was coming through the trees up top which made it cast a dark and eerie shadow on everything.

Creepy. . . .very, very creepy. Where the hell am i? Wheres Asami? . . . ."Asami" She whispers.

Her heart clenched at the thought of her love being away from her. Her nerves were starting to get the better of her from those overwhelming thoughts. She creates a small flame in the palm of her hand, but noticed that it was very weak, and barely gave off any light. The trembling within her limbs wasn't helping at all either.

That's weird. I feel fine. Why am I so weak?

She started walking. Not exactly sure where she was going, but she was going somewhere. Anywhere but here, thats for sure. The shadows all around her seemed to follow her every move, she bristled and growled as the tiny hairs on the back of her neck started to stand on end and sent a bone chilling sensation down her spine. She picked up her pace slightly, not wanting to look back. There's something behind her. She can feel it. Her hairs stand up again and her skin is covered with tiny goosebumps as the chilling feeling washes over her yet again but its stronger than before. Much stronger. She picks up her pace even more and begins to breathe heavily as the air seems to get thinner.

Am I going up hill?

Her thoughts fall back on the chill that seems to be growing with every passing minute, and before long, she's sprinting up the mountain (or at least she thought it was a mountain) and noticed a clearing up ahead. Once she realized what it was, she doubled her pace and with a roar, flew into the clearing with such a force that she lost her balance and tumbled a good 30 feet before rolling to a stop.

The haze that clouded her eyes for what seemed like an eternity was finally dissipating and the dizziness in her head was becoming a slow pulsing. Throbbing.

Damn that hurt! Spirits! Ugh!

"What the- . . . Oh my Raava. . . . "

Korra sat there, wide eyed, in awe and more than slightly terrified. Never before had she seen such a magnificent looking creature. It stands as tall as the highest point of the temple on Air Temple Island, it shines brightly, like a million gorgeous amethyst jewels that dance's within the sunlight. Its a phoenix, but a hawk, with sparkling emerald eyes that hold a power and strength and love beyond anything the young avatar has ever seen before, with talons like a lion and the beauty of a swan. It truly is spectacular. No, spectacular isn't a good enough word. Magnificent. . .it is absolutely and truly magnificent.

I'm in the spirit world aren't I? But. . . if i'm here. . . .then that must mean, I. . . . .oh my god!

"Am i-. . . . .Am I dead?"

There was a slight silence. Everything was still as if it was waiting for the spirit to answer.

"No my dear child, you are not dead. You are simply in a state of limbo, caught between the physical and spiritual realms. While your body is stuck in the physical world, your spirit is stuck here, for how long, we do not know at the moment. That all depends on you my child. You, my dear Korra, have been through so much, and will be faced with many revelations. And what you choose to do after these revelations, will be completely up to you. But just know, that whatever you choose, I will be right by your side."

The spirits voice came out a booming rumble that went straight to her core. Its familiar and husky, and oh so very powerful yet gentle, soothing and caring all the same. Its familiar, in more than one way. Like she's heard it a million times within her dreams. . . . .

That voice, where have I heard that voice?

Its so familiar.

I can't place -

. . Kyoshi?

No way. No. Way. !

"Kyoshi? Ky-. . .Kyoshi, is it really you? Wha- what are you talking about? What do you mean I'm in limbo? Wait. . . .what are you even doing here? I thought- My connection to you all was severed. . .How are you here?" Korra asked completely shocked and in awe, which only grew 10 fold as the creature slowly started to transform before her eyes. It shrunk, but still towered a head over Korra until before her, stood the mighty Avatar Kyoshi in all of her glory.

"Hello my child. It is absolutely lovely to see you again! Come with me, we have much to talk about. I know you have a lot of questions. They will be answered soon enough."

~ Lin ~

Police Headquarters. - Republic City

"Stevens, get the prisioners and bring them to the interrogation rooms in 5. Put Mako in room 3, and make sure that you restrain him so he can't bend. He's ruthless- . . .now, don't look at me like that Stevens, he's dangerous, you know that. We need to get to the bottom of this and fast. We don't know how many others are out there under order from Mako. Korra could still be in danger. Also, send 4 officers to the hospital to watch over the avatar. I'll keep Ms. Sato here with me, that way I know she'll be safe. Is that understood?"

"Yes chief, right away ma'am."

As soon as Stevens left her office she called Asami in. The poor girl looked so lost and tired. Her eyes didn't carry their usual sparkle and she physically looked deflated and ready to give up. Its been a little over 9 days since Korra has been in the coma. The Drs don't know what to do other than keep her as comfortable as possible. They already faced the Sato wrath when they let two male nurses tend to Korra without a third party present at the time, and they didn't want to go through that again. To say that she inflicted a deep terror into the staff would be the understatement of the century.

"Hey kid, you're gonna be staying here with me okay? You need sleep."

"But ma! I have to-. ."

"Ah ah- no, I'm not taking no for an answer. You look like you're about to collapse. And when Korra wakes up, I don't think she's gonna be to happy to find you in the hospital bed right next to her." She gave Asami a stern look that made the girl hang her head in understanding. "I cleared out and had one of the offices renovated a while ago, and its only for us to use. There's 2 beds, a bathroom with a shower and a desk for you so you can do some work, but that's not gonna happen until you rest."

"I also had Kya go to the estate and pack a couple of bags for you. Its still dangerous out there, and I'm not risking your safety. *sigh* I know you don't want to stay here, but I need to keep you safe. I'm not losing the only daughters I have."

Lin got up and motioned for Asami to do the same. After walking to the back of her office, Lin pushed a button that made her bookcase slide to one side of the wall, revealing an ornate and elegant looking door. She took out her keys and gave one to Asami.

"This is yours. There's 2 more. One for Korra and one for Kya. . .Go on. I have to go interrogate the prisoners. If you need anything, you let Stevens or Bryke know alright? And please Asami, stay here."

Asami nodded and slowly opened the door, only to stop dead in her tracks when she saw the room.

"Ma, this is beautiful. Its like a full apartment. Wow!"

"It basically is a full apartment, just slightly downsized. I renovated the entire back half of the office that wasn't being used. I needed someplace to sleep during those week long cases, so I went the slightly luxurious route. There's, two bedrooms, a full bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room and dining area. I wanted you to be as comfortable as possible through this whole ordeal. I gotta go now, so get some rest, and i'll come and check on you in a few hours."

After giving Asami a hug and kiss on the forehead, she watched and made sure she got settled for a minute before heading out of the office.

*An hour and a half later*

"Alright Mako, I've had enough of your foolishness. Tell me what I need to know, or suffer the full extent of the consequences."

'Not like I'm ever gonna go easy on you to begin with, but still'. Chief thought to herself.

"Why did you do it Mako? Why did you hurt Korra?"

Mako just sat there with the most smug smirk on his face, like he was enjoying this. And chief was at her wits end. And then for the first time in over a week, he finally spoke.

"Because chief, she deserved it."

"Why did she deserve it? What did she do to deserve being put in a coma?"

"She was born!" His voice was filled with hate and animosity.

"I don't fully understand Mako. Please go on and explain."

"She's a freak who lied to me. She kept it from me the entire time. We dated and she still didn't tell me. I can't believe I actually wanted to sleep with her. At least now it makes sense as to why she always told me no. Fuck! Fuck her! If I would have known back then I wouldn't even have. . .ugh! She's nothing but a fucking he-she freak of nature who doesn't deserve to live after all she put me through. I feel so disgusted. She has a dick for fuck sake! Its a shame my boys didn't do their job properly. She should be dead. Not just in a coma. She doesn't deserve Asami. Asami needs to be with a man. Not some freak. Once I get out, i'll win her back. And then she'll see what its like to be with a real man."

Lin was absolutely seething by the time he finished his ranting. This pompous fool had the audacity to call her little girl a he-she freak of nature and then brought Asami into this.

"I hate to break it to you Mako, but Korra is more of a man than you will ever be."

And with that she got up and left the interrogation room, completely ignoring the raging Mako that was inside. She made her way back to the squad area and told Bryke to go pick up some food for her and Asami and to go and check on Korra on his way there. After giving him their orders she walked back into her office and into the apartment, the whole way, her thoughts were on two things, her family, and putting away these bastards that hurt them. She sat down for a few minutes before going back out into her office and calling Kya. She was going to have to leave later on and didn't want to leave Asami by herself.

"Kya, its me, can you head over to the station for me? I have to go out later and don't want Asami to be by herself. . . . . .Thanks Kya."

Somewhere in the spirit world.

The two avatars walked for what felt like hours. Korra's head was spinning with thoughts and questions the entire way, and it was starting to make her dizzy. She shook her head and rubbed her temples as the beginning of a headache was starting to form. Little did she know that Kyoshi had stopped walking and was now standing still.

"Ooof! Oh- oh my gosh. I'm so sorry Kyoshi. I- I wasn't paying attention."

Kyoshi just chuckled at the flustered state of the young woman. "Its quite alright Korra. I know your head is spinning with questions. Come. Let's go inside and have some tea, and then we can talk about whatever you would like."

When Korra looked up and around at her surroundings she was in complete awe again. Never before had she been to this part of the spirit world, and it was absolutely amazing. There were waterfalls everywhere, and ponds filled with the most colorful and beautiful creatures she has ever seen. The flowers and trees were so vibrant she had to shield her eyes for a second before they re-adjusted. And the spirits. . . .wow. There were spirits everywhere. They were sparkling and beautiful. She didn't know she had tears running down her face until she felt a hand brushing them away. When she looked up, Kyoshi was there smiling down at her gently.

"Its beautiful isn't it?"

"Beautiful is an understatement." Korra said as she looked around one more time before going inside with the other avatar.

As they sat there drinking their tea in silence, Korra was trying desperately to filter her thoughts so she could figure out what to ask. Of course she had a million and one questions, but where should she begin?

"Uhm. . .so Kyoshi. . .how are you here?"

A small smile spread itself across Kyoshis lips as she pondered on how to answer that without confusing the young girl.

"Well, it started after Vaatu severed our connection. Once we lost you, we were all sent here to this spot. Me, Roku and Aang decided to stay and figure out if there was any way for us to reconnect with you instantly, and when we made that decision we were teleported to a waterfall on the other side of the spirit world. At this waterfall there is a tree. It is called the tree of destiny. During Harmonic Convergence, while you were in the tree of time, your spirit split itself in two. After you reconnected with Raava when you defeated Vaatu the other half of your spirit was never returned to you. And this is why we were sent to the tree. Your spirit was there, trying to find your destiny. You may not have known it at the time, but you were already connected to a certain someone. She was your wife in a past life. Your spirit knew this and was trying to find her. You see, Korra, when ones spirit stands before the tree of destiny, it is shown a series of paths. You get to choose what path you take. Your spirit, however, knew what path to take, but couldn't find it. That's where I came in."

She took a long sip of her tea and glanced over at the young Avatar who was sitting there pondering everything she just said. After waiting for minute to let it all sink in, she continued.

"I already knew who your spirit was looking for, and what path it wanted to take. So I helped it. I lead it towards the path of love and acceptance by the only person who was ever worthy enough to be with you from the beginning of time. Asami. She has the spirit of my wife within her. She is a fighter, and she loves with every ounce of her being. That is how I knew you two belonged together. And that is why, at the tree of destiny, your spirit was so hell bent on finding her. Once I led it down the right path it merged with Asami. Making you one."

"And this, my dear Korra, is why you have not been able to stay away. And when you did choose to leave without her, it only caused you more anguish and pain. Your spirits are connected, and have been for about 4 years. They yearn to be with eachother. The love that has been blossoming within the both of you has reached the point of bursting. So if you have any doubt in your mind about how Asami feels about you, this is me telling you to stop it. Asami loves you wholeheartedly. Yes, it may seemed rushed, really rushed. But it is not. This love has been growing at a steady pace and is only now being addressed, so of course its going to come out like a tidal wave. She is your destiny, Korra."

Korra could only sit there, she had tears in her eyes and the most goofy half smile on her face. She knew she wasn't crazy. Feeling the need to constantly be by Asami finally made sense. They were connected.

We're connected. We're one.

Wait a minute. . . . .

"Uhm, Kyoshi. . .you said your wife. But don't you have a daughter?"

Kyoshi chuckled, she knew Korra would catch that. "Yes, I did have a wife and a daughter. And she had children, and her children had children, and so on and on. You see Korra. . . .we are all alike. Us female avatars. You are not the only one born with differences."

"I- . . .I thought I was the only one. That actually makes me feel a lot better now that I know i'm not the only female Avatar that had to go through this. Okay, I have another question. . .what happened to Aang and Roku? Why aren't they here?"

There was a pause. It wasn't awkward, but it was heavy. Both Avatars took another sip of their tea, and Korra waited patiently. . . .well, as patiently as she could in that moment.

"They didn't agree with me choosing to stay. They left shortly after your spirit merged with Asami's. We had a choice, stay and live within the spirit world, or move on into the greater beyond. I chose to stay so that I could look after you and Asami. I may not be able to leave the spirit world like the other spirits, but that is fine with me. Also, Korra, that applies to you as well. You cannot leave. Not until you've seen the revelations. Until you are able to completely let go of past hurts and pains. But if one chooses to come into the spirit world, it would be as if you never left. And I have an idea, but it is going to take a lot of work. Are you up to it?"

"I'm going to need some time to have everything fully sink in, but once it does. . .I will be ready. How long have I been away from the physical world? Is Asami alright? What about Lin?" Korra's voice was full of pain.

"Korra. . . ."

"Please tell me Kyoshi."

"Alright, it has been almost 10 full days that you have been gone. Time is different right now. It is quite hard to explain. But one day here, is ten days in the physical world. That is why we must move quickly. The longer you are here. . . ." Kyoshi let her voice falter as she took another sip of tea. "Asami, is in pain, naturally. But Lin and Kya are taking wonderful care of her."

"Now, come, it is time for you to go home. We have much to do."

~ Jinora ~

The sun was finally setting. This was the 10th day that Korra has been in her coma without any signs of waking up. And Jinora wasn't happy. She felt like she needed to do something. Like she needed to help in some way. She didn't know how, or what she could do, but she knew something had to be done. The sight before her was a bit ominous and eerie. The blood-red and orange hues against the black silhouette of the city, with the rubble and ruins added more to the chilling feeling. There was a darkness coming. Not the natural darkness of the night, but a spiritual darkness inside herself. She needed to do something, and she needed to do it now.

And so she did.

With a sigh and one last pained look out into the ruined, rubble filled city, she got up from her spot on the cliff's of air temple island, and she flew. The wind carrying her across the water like a bird catching a downdraft and soaring into the multi-hued skyline. This was going to have to work. It has to work. The world needed- needs Korra. Jinora needs Korra. . .but most of all, Asami needs Korra. She has to do this not only for herself, but for her friends. Things had to be balanced again.

We need her.

We all need her.

Jinora finally made it to the spirit wilds a few minutes later. Her thoughts trying - quite unsuccessfully - to focus on what the hell she was going to do. Then, as if a lightbulb went off above her head, she had an idea.

I can do it just like how I did it back in the earth kingdom, with Kai and during Harmonic Convergence with Korra. Focus on her spiritual energy and project myself. Well, my spirit. I don't know if this is even going to work because she's going to be surrounded by spiritual energy, but its definitely worth a shot.

"Hello there airbender."

"Ahh! Wha- you- you shouldn't sneak up on people like that! Especially when they are trying to meditate!" She said with frustration in her voice.

"I'm sorry young one, I did not mean to scare you. I was simply drawn to your energy. You have a very powerful spirit."

The spirit creature was that of a flower bulb. Light blue with shimmering golden eyes. It stood no taller than 2 feet and was no wider than a foot, with a voice, that of a small child.

"My name is Ryun. May I ask what you are meditating for?"

"I'm trying to connect with the spirit of the avatar. She has been in a coma for 10 days now, and I need to help her. I know I can help get her back, I just need to try. . . ."

She let her voice trail off as the thoughts of not being able to help Korra filled her mind.

What if I can't reach her?

What if she's stuck and can't come back?

. . . . .What if she doesn't want to come back?

No! Stop it Jinora. Get your head on straight. Of course she wants to come back. She has to.

"Would you like my help young airbender? I can go into the spirit world and find her, that way you can project your spirit to a specific spot instead of trying to find a specific energy. It can be quite confusing with all of my spirit family around."

Jinora pondered this for a second.

It would be quite easier. And that way I can have more time talking to her and try to figure out how to get her home.

Yes, this could work.

"Yes Ryun, I would very much appreciate your help. I'll wait here for your return."

"As you you wish young master. I'll try and be quick about it."

And with that, Ryun was gone.

5 minutes went by. . . .

And then 15. . . .

Jinora was growing increasingly impatient. The sun had fully set and the only light was that of the glowing spirit portal a little ways, down the road in front of her. It had been almost 2 hours now and she didn't know whether the little spirit would be coming back anytime soon. She was just about to give up for the night and head back to air temple island when a familiar little flower bulb floated out of the portal.

"Young master, I have found her. She is in a spirit grove not far from the tree of destiny. Come, you must meditate into the spirit world, and from there, focus on my energy. I will teleport you to the Avatar in due time."

Without another word Jinora meditated into the spirit world.

"Hold onto my hand. I will have you there in a second."

Before Jinora could even blink, the world was flying by the spiritual pair faster than a lightening bolt. She couldn't see anything. It was just a massive wall of blur on every side.

When they finally came to a halt the young air master was paralyzed where she stood and in absolute awe.

"Welcome Jinora, I believe there is someone waiting for you on the inside."

"Avatar Kyoshi? How. . . .?"




Korra ran down the stairs and tackled Jinora into a fierce hug, nearly knocking her over and knocking the air right out of her lungs.

"I've missed you so much Korra. . .But even my spirit needs to breathe!"

"Oh, haha, sorry!" Korra chuckled as she put her down.

"What are you doing here Jinora? How did you even find us?"

"Oh. . .my apologies Avatar Kyoshi. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you." Jinora bowed respectfully.

"Likewise young one. I have seen and heard many great things about you. Thank you, for bringing Raava and Korra together again during Harmonic Convergence. Without your help, the cycle would have been permanently broken." Kyoshi returned the bow and turned to Korra.

"To answer your questions Korra, this little spirit helped me. It lead me to you. I- I needed to find you. We need you back Korra. Asami needs you back. She's not doing good. She's barely sleeping and hardly eating, and she refused to leave your side. Aunt Kya and Lin had to practically lock her at the police station for her to finally sleep. Why can't you come back?"

Korra felt an incredible pain in her chest. As if someone had grabbed a hold of her heart and was squeezing it with all of their might.

"I- I don't exactly know why I can't come back. It. . .It feels as if my spirit is stuck." Korra tuned and looked up at Kyoshi, she had the most terrified look on her face. "Kyoshi, what if I can't go back? Am I stuck here permanently?" Her voice was growing louder and went up an octave. It was filled with pain and hysteria.

"Korra, please calm down. You are not stuck here permanently unless you choose to be. Like I said before, you are going to be faced with many revelations and trials when you return. The only reason your spirit is still here, is because something inside of you is stopping you from returning. You need to look deep inside yourself, and find out what that is, or I fear that you may indeed be stuck here, for quite some time."

"Korra. . . .we really need you back. We'll help you figure out what's wrong and help you get back. I'm not leaving until then."

"No, Jinora, you need to go back. Did you tell anyone that you were coming? Time is different here. One day in here is 10 days out in the physical world. Now that I know what to do, Kyoshi will help me, and i'll be back before you know it. But I need you to go back and keep an eye on Asami. Tell her. . .tell her that I love her, and that I will see her soon."

Jinora understood. She didn't like it. But she understood. She knew Korra was right. And who knew how long she had been in the spirit world already. She knew her family would be worried. She quickly drew a deep breath and hugged Korra tightly before bowing once more to Avatar Kyoshi.

"I'll see you soon Nora! Don't forget to tell Asami what I said."

"I won't. I'll see you soon Korra. Goodbye Avatar Kyoshi. I hope to see you again soon."

And with no other words she faded out and gasped as she re-entered her body.

"Ryun, come, we have a message to deliver."

Yes. That just happened. *proceeds to hide in apocalyptic bunker from angry readers*