Chapter 1: Defying Time and Space

Author's Note: It's Official… Summer is Fanfiction season for me. Blood Blockade Battlefront is one of the weirdest anime I have ever seen… I still do not comprehend the plot, but that did not stop me from enjoying it. After all, what's not to love?

Since my goal is to spread Male OCs in as many archives as I can, this shall be no different.

Also, it is very unlikely that I will pair him with someone, for there aren't many candidates. But, as always, that could change as I progress further into the anime.

So uh… yeah…

It begins!


A student's life is nothing more than a repeating series of events. Many of them seek a way to break the routine, while others have accepted the fact that this is what destiny has in store for them. Some people choose to take up a skill or hobby, while others tackle their live in a manner that is unlike what they are used to. These solutions sound simple enough, but when you're a person that tends to give up quite easily the second something doesn't go your way, your options become limited if not nonexistent.

Dominic was just that: a quitter. No matter how hard he tried his hand at something, he'd always give up halfway through. Overcoming obstacles is a foreign concept for him, and his stubbornness prevents him from actually doing something about that. Yet there he was, on his way home, silently complaining about how dull his life was. He was a college student, trying to pass and move up the academic ladder. He ran a hand over his slightly messy ginger hair and sighed. Today had felt like an eternity. Mondays always felt that way, not only due to the fact they're immediately after the laid-back weekends, but the universe apparently hates him and gave him a schedule consisting mainly of his least favorite subjects…

"You ok there Dom? You seem kinda out of it…" asked the person next to him, who happened to be his best friend, Natalie. The two of them had been friends since childhood, and could easily tell when the other was tormented. It was something anyone with a bond such as theirs could do.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Dominic faced her with a sigh and said: "I'm fine Natalie, just exhausted from today… Two consecutive Math classes tend to do that to a person." The look on her face indicated she was unconvinced, but he was glad when she decided not to pry, respecting the privacy of his thoughts. It was a silly thing to think about anyway, and he doubted anything good would come out of it. He decided to distract himself by reading the latest chapter of one of the fanfics he followed. It was, after all, a major pass time of his.

When he finally arrived at his stop, he bid his friend farewell and got off the bus. As he walked towards his doorstep, he began mentally preparing himself. As usual, the first thing he is greeted with when he comes home is his mother's disapproving looks. Apparently, the idea that her son was nothing more than 'average' irritated her. Dominic always retorts the same way and proclaims she should be grateful he wasn't a failure like most of the students he knows. They both knew exactly how this conversation would go, and yet always find it necessary to repeat it. When his mother gave up, he went up to his room, and fell on top of his bed. He just remained there, observing the Devil Survivor 2 posters he was always faced with. There were only a limited number of things that could help him to efficiently pass the time, and so he dedicated some time for them every chance he got.

After a couple of hours, a small tired yawn escaped from his mouth. That was all he needed to know that it was time to hit the hay. Changing into his Totodile themed PJs, he climbed unto his bed and got under the covers. He was about to close his eyes, but not before thinking a certain thought:

'I truly wish that something would happen… Anything at all. A little excitement is all I ask for…'

He couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Like that's gonna happen…



That was the first thing he registered as he slowly began waking up. Dominic slowly opened his eyes and let out a yawn, only to regret it moments later as water flooded his mouth. He frantically gasped for air as he got up from the surprisingly shallow body of water he was in, which was apparently a lake of sorts.

"UGH!" he gasped as he began coughing out some of the water. However, before he could begin questioning the obvious, a person approached him.

"Excuse me, are you alright?" asked a woman. Dominic slowly stopped his coughs and looked at the person in front of him. She looked somewhat worried and slightly confused. But who could blame her? It's not every day that people suddenly emerge from the bottom of a lake…

"Y-ya I'm fine…" he said, shivering slightly. The woman nodded then practically shoved a bag into his arms and left before he could even register what happened. He was about to call out to the woman, but stopped as soon as he realized she was nowhere to be seen. He then decided to worry about later, and sat down on a nearby bench, ignoring the stares he was receiving. Opening the bag, he found several items. A wallet, a cellphone, a letter, and a book. The letter had his name on it, so he instinctively read it first.

Dear Mr. Scrivens,

Your wish has been granted. What happens beyond here depends on you. Your action shall determine the path your story takes.

You should have been careful of what you wished for…


'That's it? It is not even signed… And what did they mean, 'Your wish has been granted'?' thought Dominic, quite confused by the turn of events. It took him a while, but he finally realized he has yet to determine where on earth he was. He looked up from the letter, and had to physically stifle a scream. There were flying… things all around the city. They looked like monsters out of a Resident Evil game. He then took a glance around him, and gasped at the view in front of him. Aside from the sheer and immense amount of people, the fact that some of them were not even human took him by surprise. Their appearances were quite diverse, all things considered. But what they all had in common was the fact they all looked like an experiment gone wrong in so many ways. The only thing that somewhat lessened the shock was the fact that they all seemed oddly familiar, yet Dom couldn't quite put a finger on it… He ignored the remaining contents of the bag in favor of exploration. After all, it's not like standing around was going to magically change his situation.

'One thing is for sure… I'm a long ways from home…'

Still slightly shocked by the events thus far, he slowly stood up and decided since he had no idea where he was, he'd just follow the giant crowd of people. His first priority was to find a change of clothing, as his PJs were still drenched and he practically had no shoes on. As he followed a certain red colored creature, the feeling of familiarity proceeded to nag at him. Both the monsters, if that's what they even were, and the city were something he vaguely remembers. Was it a game he recently played? Or perhaps an anime? An anime seemed more likely, as the games he was accustomed to don't have humans and monsters living side by side… So unless he saw an instance where they tried killing each other, he'd stick to the anime theory. He walked and walked, but was unable to find any indication as to where he was. People still continued to stare at him and whisper about him. Even though it was highly rude of them to do so, he supposed it was only natural. After all, despite the fact monsters existed here, he was the only one that looked like someone who just sleepwalked into a fountain…

He rummaged through the bag he was given and took out his wallet. All it had was some kind of ID card and some money, although he was unable to recognize the currency. On the bright side, he wasn't going to starve for a while, since he could survive on that amount for a few days if he spent it wisely, but he would obviously need to find a way to gain more. His cellphone seemed to be in working order, yet it was devoid of any contacts. Hell, it wasn't even his own phone, just a completely different model than his own. He let out a frustrated groan as he shoved the phone back inside the back. Just as he was about to pick up the book, he felt a strong force that caused him to lose his balance and fall to the ground. The sudden impact, added to the surprise of what actually pushed him, rendered him speechless for a while. The towering beast looked at him with irritation quite evident in his eyes. Dominic felt that he was on thin ice, and that any wrong move would cause his demise. Angrily, the creature yelled at him: "What the hell punk? Are you blind or something?" Dominic tried to apologize, but the combined shock and intimidation the creature caused him prevented him from saying anything but quiet mumbles. As the monstered leaned forward, Dom had just about enough for one day, and did the only thing he could at that point.

He blacked out…


After what seemed like an eternity, Dominic finally stirred from his fear induced slumber. He felt the snuggly, warm embrace of a blanket wrapped around him and relaxed further. He wasn't sure whether he should open his eyes or not, afraid of what he might see. He told himself that it was just a dream, and that he'd wake up and laugh about it with Natalie at school. Slowly, he opened his eyes. An enormous wave of dread and disappointment filled him as he was greeted with a plain white wall rather than his poster infested one. He stared at the ceiling for quite a bit of time, unable to handle facing anywhere else. All he could think about was how he wanted this nightmare to end. What else could it be? People don't just get transported to some twisted dimension while they're asleep.

"Ah! Thank God you're awake!"

He was pulled out of his thoughts by a female voice, and sat upright to face that person. He realized he was in some sort of diner, if the surrounding chairs and tables were any indication. "Dianne's Diner" to be exact. That and the fact the girl in front of him was dressed in a waitress uniform. Apparently, he was placed on one of the booths and had been allowed to rest in peace. She handed him a glass of water, which he gratefully accepted.

"How are you feeling?" asked the stranger, slightly worried.

Dom let out a sigh full of frustration, then gave her a reassuring look and said: "I think I'm ok, thank you…"

The girl, in turn, let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness! I didn't know what to do when I saw you unconscious outside. I'm Vivian by the way."

'Vivian huh… sounds normal enough I suppose, and yet I feel it should ring a bell…'

"Dominic. Nice to meet you" responded Dom, slowly remember his encounter with the giant. "How long was I out, Miss Vivian?"

Scoffing at the formality, Vivian said it had been no more than a couple of hours, give or take. Sighing, he gulped down the rest of the water. He was somewhat glad that his clothes weren't as wet as they were, but a change was still required. "Will you be alright?" asked Vivian, eyeing him nervously. To be perfectly honest, Dom had absolutely no idea what he was supposed to do. This was the first time he had ever been to a foreign place all by himself. He usually relied on his parents to lead the way, with him followed a few steps behind. The idea to get new clothes was just the first thing that popped into his mind. Speaking of which…

"I think so, sorry for all the trouble I've caused…" apologized Dominic, as he assumed was required in such a situation. Vivian simply told him it wasn't a problem, as she was happy to help someone in need. Deciding he had best take advantage of the situation, he asked her where he could obtain a new set of clothing at a reasonable price. He also debated whether to ask her about a suitable living arrangement, but decided not against it in the end. One step at a time was the course of action he decided to take.

"Well, you can try Estelle's Emporium. It's nothing fancy, but you should be able to find something you'll like! Just head a few blocks east and you'll find it."

He knew he'd forget what she just said, so he made a note of it on his cellphone. "Estelle's Emporium... Got it! Thank you for your help!" said Dominic, his worries slightly lessened.

"It's no problem! Should you need any more help, don't hesitate to come by!" said Vivian, a bit cheerfully.

Dominic bid her farewell, grabbed his bag, and began heading towards the entrance. However, the moment his eyes fell on certain person, he let out a gasp of surprise. Sitting on the bar was a young man, quietly sipping coffee while looking through his camera's photos. To most people, this would have been a normal scene. But the problem was, Dominic knew who this person was, and he was not supposed to be there. He would have assumed it was just a pretty decent cosplayer, but considering the events so far, the chance of that being it was slim to none. Right in front of his eyes was Leonardo Watch, the holder of The All Seeing Eyes of the gods. Immediately, everything fell into place. The reason why so many things looked so familiar. Of all the possible scenarios, only one of them seemed somewhat plausible.

'Could it really be? Have… Have I really been transported to Hellsalem's Lot?'

It took every fiber in his being not to scream in horror right then and there…


Author's Note: Well there you have it!

I heard the manga and anime are really different from each other, so to clarify: I shall be following the anime. Should I decide to buy the manga, I may include certain events from it, if circumstances allow it.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Feel Free to leave your thoughts in a review, especially about Dominic. The one thing that truly worries me is how my OCs are portrayed, so any amount of help is appreciated!

Until Next Time!