A/N: This was written for the MTV ship of the year reblogs :), it comes in 5 parts which I am going to put on tonight... But yes full warning read the tags... this is SMUT, this is full on. The title is from the song Insatiable by Darren Hayes, my dear friend recommended it for this fic and it fits AMAZINGLY... so well I hope you enjoy...

"Oliver!" Felicity shouted across the dance floor of the random club he'd been dragged to. She ran at him, his arms open ready to catch her as always. She smiled drunkenly. "I've missed you."

"It hasn't even been a whole day yet Felicity." He chuckled staring down at her as she buried her face into his chest sighing.

"Can't a woman miss her man?" She asked pulling back, one hand resting over his heart and the other placed on his chest.

"Of course but we are getting married tomorrow."

"And your point is?" She asked.

"Isn't it bad luck or something to see the bride to be before the wedding? A superstition…" He shrugged lightly as he watched her eyes shine. One of her hands trailed down his shirt, feeling his hard muscles moving under her palm.

"But what happens if I want to ravish my husband to be right now?" She asked her hand dropping to his pants rubbing him lightly through the fabric as she stepped closer to him.

"Felicity…" He growled as she brushed her chest against his, and suddenly his hand engulfed hers, stopping her.

"Hey…" She moaned with a pout on her lips. In one movement Olivers lips landed on hers as he cupped her cheeks. She moaned and his tongue swept into her mouth deepening the kiss as he caressed her so tenderly. Her hand gripped the fabric of his shirt above his heart, wrinkling the fabric of his shirt as the other went to his wrist, feeling his pulse strong and steady.

The kiss was passionate but unhurried; it made her toes curl and her body ache for more. He could taste the alcohol in her mouth as he sucked and nipped her lips. The kiss was like a promise for their future together, a promise for more and everything he could ever offer her.

Slowly he pulled away, his hands slipping to her back as he kissed down her jaw till his lips were puffing out heavy breaths onto the skin beside her ear.

"Jesus I would take you right here, right in this room, I would never be able to resist you but… You're drunk and we're in the middle of a club." She swallowed thickly, sighing trying to take a step back but his hands tightened on her pulling her closer.

"Oliver." She whined.

"But I promise you tomorrow… Well tomorrow I'll keep you awake all night." His voice was so low and husky she had to clench her thighs shut and then he tugged on her industrial piercing and she moaned loudly.

He let her go, taking a step back a smirk on his face but his eyes full of lust and love. Felicity blinked trying to refocus; she straightened up stepping closer to him. Her fingers scratched at the stubble on his jaw as she leant up placing a kiss to the mole at the corner of his mouth. Slowly she kissed his lips before biting down on his bottom lip and sucking hard.

She pulled away then as he moaned staring at her.

"Well Mr Queen I'll just have to wait till tomorrow to fuck your brains out." His mouth fell open, as she turned away from him swaying his hips walking away. "Goodnight Oliver." She called over her shoulder as she made her way to the group waiting for her by the door.

"Goodnight Felicity." He mumbled and he watched as she turned to face him, blowing him a kiss and giving him a wink. He turned with a groan back to the group, Diggle and Roy trying to suppress their laughter. "Don't." He snapped as he readjusted his now tight pants. He wasn't sure how he was going to make it till tomorrow night, but then he smiled to himself because tomorrow Felicity was going to be his wife. She was going to by his side for the rest of their lives, Mrs Queen. That thought alone made him beam and he couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.