A/N: Hey, you guys didn't review the last chapter. Whats wrong? Did you not like it? If you don't like my stories please don't hesitate to leave a review or PM me, this way I can alter them to make them more suitable to your liking. As it's Christmas time, I probably will not be updating as much. Therefore, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! Happy reading, and don't forget to drop a review!

Chapter 4


"Crispy duck and pancakes?" Roman asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah!" Seth and Dean called from the sofa, glaring at each other when they realised that they were in sync. Roman just smiled at their childishness, before he called up the local Chinese place and ordered their food for delivery.

"Did you order the food?" Dean asked, when Roman re-entered the room.

"Yeah, the usual. A bag of egg rolls, wonton soup, fried rice, a bag of crab rangoon and, of course, crispy duck and pancakes." Roman recited, taking a seat in the space left between Seth and Dean.

Dean raised his fist and bumped it with Roman's. "You know it, bro."

Seth looked on at the brotherly exchange, wishing that he would someday be part of it. In that moment, was the first time he ever regretted betraying them. It was a weird feeling that washed over him, something that he couldn't quite describe, and something that he dismissed quickly. His thoughts were presently interrupted by the sound of a knock at the door. It was the food; Roman went to answer it, leaving Dean and Seth alone once more.

"I am actually sorry, you know." Dean's voice shattered the uncomfortable silence that was thickening the air around them.

"For what?" Seth asked, knowing full well what Dean meant - he just wanted to hear it come from Dean's mouth.

"For, you know, hurting you earlier outside the hotel." Dean attempted to come up with a valid excuse for attacking his former brother, yet he simply couldn't. He decided to tell Seth the truth. "It was just so hard seeing you so vulnerable and not being able to hurt or punish you for what you did to me, to us. But, I think that we were both wrong; you for stabbing me and Ro in the back, and me for hurting you for no reason whatsoever. I'm really sorry and, unless I've misread things, I think you are too."

Seth gave Dean a small smile. "You're right, I am. I never once regretted it at first, but when I saw you and Roman being all brotherly and standing up to The Authority, I just felt a pull. A pang of regret hit me in my chest, then I just knew I needed to come back to you and make up for what I did."

Before Dean could reply, Roman re-entered the room holding a few bags of goods. "Who's hungry?"

"I am!" Seth and Dean shouted. Roman set the bags down on the coffee table and started unpacking them, Dean went to get some plates and utensils.

"So, you and Dean on good terms?" Roman asked, opening the pot of sauce for the duck.

"Well, yeah I guess. We've just been talking about- umm..." Seth stammered, not sure if he should bring up the topic.

"About what you did to us?" Roman answered for him, not batting an eyelid and the mention of it.

"Uh, yeah. About that, I-I apologise for all the pain I've caused you both and if you don't want to let me back into your lives I-"

"Seth," Roman cut him off, sternly. "Do not mistake this as an invitation to come back into mine and Dean's lives. This, what we have here, is simply a meal between old friends."

Oh, well alrighty then. Seth thought. "Then I best be on my way then," Seth stood up from the sofa, pushing Roman backwards slightly. He grabbed his coat and phone before he opened the door and exited the building. Roman didn't even bother stopping him.

The next morning, Seth woke up swaddled in his duvet in his hotel room. He yawned, he hadn't had much sleep. All night, his thoughts revolved around Dean and Roman, his two big brothers, he missed them so much. He missed their matches together, their gym sessions, their pre-match huddle, their addiction to chinese and their - no. He cannot be distracted by them, they are apart of his past not his future and he doesn't need them, at least not now anyway.

Seth sat up and rubbed his eyes sleepily. God, he was so tired. However, regardless of his fatigue he had to go to the gym downtown to train and then make the four hour drive to Las Vegas (he was currently in Los Angeles) for the Smackdown tapings tonight. Well, today's going to be a long day. Slowly, he swung his legs over the bed and went to make himself some breakfast - he decided on a piece of toast spread with peanut butter and topped with a sliced banana.

After he put the bread in the toaster, gotten out the jar of peanut butter and sliced the banana he had some time on his hands. He walked over to his dresser pulled out some jogging bottoms, a shirt and a nike hoodie and got changed. When he was done, he glanced over at the clock on his nightstand; he still had some time left to kill. Seth grabbed his phone off the bed and unlocked it, only to see multiple text messages and missed calls from Dean and Roman. My god! He thought, Will they ever give me a break?

Hastily, Seth scrolled through all of the messages. The two idiots had even created a group chat, for gods sake!

Dean: Heyyyyyyy guys, whatcha doing? :)

Roman: I'm sitting next to you, douchebag! :)

Dean: Where's lil' Sethie boo? I want to hugggg him!

Roman: Woah there, another drink ?

Dean: Yes sirrrrrrrrr

What the actual fuck did he just read? My god, he was traumatised. He text back.

Seth: You two are actual idiots, please remove me from this chat immediately.

Not two minutes later he received a text back from Dean.

Dean: Baby bro, calm down. We're drunk you can obviously tell.

Seth: I am not your 'baby bro' anymore you lunatic! Now leave me alone!

Seth then left the group, just as the toaster popped.

A/N: Please don't forget to review! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!